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( 2, 1 , 5

s 7A
Versionfor usewith SATBor congregation
Crirnond Alaw ganJessieSe1'ntour

N ,l e l o d l l i n e

The l-ord's my- shep held I'll not

lv{y soul he- dotlr re - store q

Yea. though I- 'uvalk in- death's dalk

My ta ble- thou hast fir n is h
Good - ncss and- flrer cy- ail nl\

l-he [.orci's l-uY shep herd I'il not

N{i' soul hc dotl-r storc :1

Yea. thouglr I wa lk in - death's dark

N11' ta ble thou hast 1'Lrr n is h
Ciooci- uess arrd nler c\_ all l.i]\

l'l-re I-old's l.n\ shep hcrcl I',lI llot

lo{l' sor-rl lie doth- store il

\/-.. thoLrgl'r I u'alk- in

f L q.
death's clarli
M1' tal b le thou- hast tlrr r-rislr
(iood IICSS and lTler aLl 111\'

Last .l bals intro

Pia no

I -.-
n't t- i
/ o€Y

want, he makes- me down to lie lll

gain and to waik doth make lvith

vale. yet will-- II
f-ear no ilr : fbr
ed in pres of n1v fbes; my
iii-e sl-rall sLlre - -lV
fol low me : and

\ iallt. he nrakes lre dorvr-r to lie llt _

gair-r and nle to rvalk dotlr make lvith

vale. )'et ri il1 I lcar llo iil: lirr -
cd in pres ence t)1' 1l-I)' fbes; ltl\: _

li lc shall sufe -ly tirl lon' nl e: and-

wrlirt" he nralies- l11e dtiu,n to lie tn

gain aud I I e_ tO r.ralk cioth ma k c n'it[r
t'ale. )'et r.rill- I fear no ill: fbr
ed iu pfes o1 lTlv fbes: l tl \

lifb shall SL IfC ty' 1bl low lIe: arrd


PrJ.* r.3
l of*\

pas - tLlres green he lea deti-r me the
in- the paths of right e0us NCSS. ev'n
thou- art with and-- thy rod and
head- thou dost with o il- an oint, and
in - God's house for nlore mrv

pas tures he lea deth nte tire

i r-r the paths o1' right e0us NCSS. e\"n
thrru aft rvith lltl and- thr roci and
hcacl tl-rcxr dost with oil-- alt o in t . and
irr (iod's i"ror-rsc lbr e- \ef lllorc lIV

pas tLrl'es ( ) r r r r \n
hc le a - cleth nte the
i n- tlre paths- of right eolls - l']css. c\"n
th o u - ilrt rvith- l lle ancl- thr'- r'or'l ancl
hcad-- thou dost- w ith oii_'.-_.- an - oint. and
i n- God's irouse- tbr e- \ ef _'e nl)'

fg*l.'t rb

jo{ +

qul w-a tcrs by'.
1br his own name's sake.
staff lne colTl fbrt still.
m\ 0up o llor.vs.
dwe liing place shall be.

cpi \va tcrs b),

lbr' his.- (:)\\'lt's sake
staff r-lle -- colt-) fbrt s til l.
1'I-r)' cup_ f) vef flon s.
dne llino placc shal I be.

tl 'rii -et \\'a ters l-lr'.
firr his owl-1 r-)al'l1e's s a k e .
stall' lne c Ont ftrrt s ri ll.
l I\l cLlp o flrrtvs
dnc - lling p l a ce shall be.




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