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Submitted by:

Shanza shahzad
Submitted to:
Mam. Sana
Cell biology
Roll No:
BS-Zoology 2nd semester
Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis


Cell Cycle
The cell cycle is a cycle of stages that cell pass through to allow

them to divide and produce new cells.

Phases Of Cell Cycle:

The eukaryotic cell cycle consists of four distnict phases:

1. G1 phase:
Protein synthesis and metabolic activities, and cellular content duplicated in this phase.
2. S phase:
DNA replication and each of the chromosomes are replicated by the cell.
3. G2 phase:
Cellular growth occur and cell prepares for cell division.
4. M phase:
Formation of two identical daughter cells and mitosis followed by cytokinesis. .

A type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same no. and kind of

chromosomes as the parent nucleus.

Phases of mitosis:
Mitosis consist of the following phases:

1. Prophase
Prophase is the longest phase in which nucleolus disappears, nuclear membrane
breakdown, spindle fibers appear and centrioles move apart.
2. Pro-Metaphase
Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes and chromosomes condense.
3. Metaphase
Metaphase is the shortest phase and chromosomes align at the metaphase plate.
4. Anaphase
Centeromere uncouple and spindle fibers shorten. Sister chromatids separate, move apart.
5. Telophase
Nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappears, spindle fiber disappear and chromosomes

Cytokinesis involves cytoplasmic division, at the end two separate daughter cells are produced
from parent cell and these daughter cell contains identical genetic information.

Meiosis is a process in which the no. of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the
separation of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell.

The meiotic process consist of 2 rounds of cell division

1. Meiosis 1
2. Meiosis 2
and each of it were further consist of four phase.

Meiosis 1:
Homologue pair separate during the ist round of cell division is called meiosis 1.

Phases of meiosis 1:

1. Prophase 1
Begins as chromatin coils and similar chromosomes come together in pairs bonding
with each other and exchange info at bonds called crossing over the process of
forming tetrad and crossing over is called synapsis tetrad moves towards equator and
nuclear membrane breaks down.
2. Metaphase 1
As prophase 1 ends spindle fibers form and attaches to tetrad during metaphase paired
homologous chromosomes line up across the center of the cell.
3. Anaphase 1
Paired chromosomes separate and whole chromosomes is pulled towards each pole.
4. Telophase 1
The cell continues to lengthen and spindle disappears the nuclear membrane


Cytokinesis occur at the same time as telophase, cell splits into two daughter cells.

Meiosis 2:

Sister chromatids separate after meiosis 1 or ist round of cell division is called meiosis 2.

Phases of meiosis 2:

1. Prophase 2
During prophase 2 chromosomes condense and nuclear envelope breaks down ,if needed
the centerosome move apart spindle forms between them and spindle microtubules began
to capture chromosomes the two sister chromatids of each chromosomes are captured by
microtubules from opposite spindle poles.
2. Metaphase 2
During metaphase 2 the chromosomes line up individually along the metaphase.
3. Anaphase 2
During anaphase 2 the sister chromatids separate and are pulled towards opposite poles of
the cell.
4. Telophase 2
The cell continues to lengthens ,spindle disappears and nuclear membrane re-forms.

Cytokinesis 2:

Begins as the cell membrane pinches off, forming two separate cells as in meiosis 1.


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