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Compilation of Mathematical Modeling

in EDM 133
(Problem Solving, Mathematical Investigation and Modeling)
Second Semester 2020-2021

Presented by
Abdulrahman, Rowaidah B.

Presented to
Prof. Arnold B. Asotigue

July 13, 2021

Activity1: Walk-a– thon
By measuring how far you can walk in1minute, you can make predictions about how far you
can walk in longer period so time.

1. Use a stopwatch to time yourself as you walk for1 minute. Walk comfortably without
rushing. Measure the distance you walked in feet.


2. Multiply the distance by 60 to estimate how many feet you can walk in 1 hour. Then,
convert feet to miles to find your walking rate in miles per hour. (1mile=5280feet)



3. The function y= r. x describes the distance y in miles you can in x hours, where r is
your rate in miles per hour. Rewrite this function using your rate from Problem 2.



, where, the distance in miles

number of hours

4. Use the function to make a table of ordered pairs. Then graph the ordered pairs. Draw
a line through the points to show all the ordered pairs that satisfy the function.


5. Use your graph to predict how far you could walk in an 8- hour walk- a – thon.
Explain how you determine your answer.


(8, 10.31)

The graph shown above demonstrate that in every hour passes by will predict the
time I will consume continuously to reach the distance in mile. Hence, if I walk further and
in my walk in an 8 hour i will reach 10.31 miles per hour approximately. To prove how I
can get the distance which are the miles that reach in an 8 hour walk consider the solution


6. If you were able to walk at a distance of 20 miles, how many hours did it take you to
get there? Explain how you determined your answer.


As shown on the solution of problem number one it took ft. to walk in a 1 hour.
Given: 1 mile = 5280 feet.
By using system of conversion:

Thus, in a distance of 20 miles it will take 14.54 hours to walk in total.

Activity2: Scene of the Crime
Is there a correlation between a person’s height and foot length? If so, you can use this
correlation to predict a person’s height when you know the length of his or her foot.

1. Work with a partner (task master and presenter, director and assessor). Measure the
length of your foot in centimeters.


2. Measure your height in centimeters.


3. Collect data from your classmates to complete the table.


Height (cm) Foot Length (cm) Height (cm) Foot Length (cm)

149 20 147 18

147 19 159 26

150 24 160 27

154 25 158 27

152 21 157 25

4. Graph a scatter plot of the data, and draw a trend line.


X and Y-Values
162 160
160 158
156 154
154 152
152 150
147 147
15 20 25 30 35
5. Describe the correlation illustrated by your scatter plot.


The scatter plot of the graph had shown zero correlation. And also there are no
significant relationships between humans’ height and its length of foot. This proves that if a
man is taller then it doesn’t mean that his foot size is also big. In contrast with, if a man is
small then it doesn’t mean that he has also a small size of foot. And vice versa also to the
man who has a big size of foot then it doesn’t mean that he is a taller person.
However, we cannot deny the fact that in some certain individuals that they were
born with both taller and big size of their foot. And that case it also matter sometimes the
DNA of an individual. This conveys those individuals are unique to one another.

6. A set of foot prints left at a crime scene measure 24 cm in length. Based on your scatter
plot, estimate the height of the person who left the foot prints.
Explain how you determined your answer.


Based on my collected data above, there is one person suspect who has a foot length
with 24 cm. thus this is upright evidence that he is the person who left a foot prints in the
crime scene. And my assumption allied in my scatter plot above, as my estimation to the
height of the person who left the foot prints is 150 cm as shown in the graph.

7. If the crime suspect’s height was 160cm, estimate this person’s foot length at the same
scene. Explain how you determined your answer.


If the crime suspect’s height was 160cm, the probability that this person’s foot
length is 26 – 27 cm. but since in the scatter plot graph shows that the person with height of
160cm is the person with foot length of 27 cm. This is a strong affirmation that the person
suspected in crime scene is the same person whose height was 160cm.

8. Find the equation of your trend line.



Activity 3: Real World Problem

Complete the following sentences:

The slope- intercept form is

In the real- world slope means and
The -intercept, means .

Noel is starting a catering business and is attempting to figure out whom he should be
using to transport the food to different location. He has found two trucking companies that are
willing to make sure his food arrives intact. Peter’s Pick-Up charges $0.40 per mile and charges
a flat fee of $68.Helen’s Haulers charges $0.65 per mile and charges a flat fee of $23.

 Define your variables


The two companies are both willing to work with Noel in his catering business. However,
these two have different way of charges in such that charges at per mile and $68 charges in
a flat fee. Otherwise, charges $0.65 per mile but $23 charges a flat fee.

Let per mile + $68 charges a flat fee

 Write a system of equations to model the above situation.

Let per mile


 For what distance would cost of transporting to the produce be the same for
both companies? What is that equal cost? Use mathematics to explain how you
determined your answer. Use words, symbols or both in your explanation.


Let x and y, such as: Let

Let per mile

Then the formulated equation:
Let and

[ The distance]
[Combine Like Terms]

To check:

Therefore, the distance that will cost equal to both companies will be in a 180- miles trip
with a cost of $140.

 Which Company charges a lower fee for a 160 –mile trip? Use mathematics to
justify your answer.


Using the formulated formula:

Where Helen Hauler’s Company
Where miles

While, in Peter Pick- Up Company:

Where Peter Pick-Up’s Company
Where miles

Therefore, Helen Hauler’s Company will have the lower charge fee at a 160-mile
trip. For a reason that, Helen’s Haulers Company will be charged at cost of $127.on the
other hand, Peter’s Pick-Up will be charged at cost of $132.

 Which company will move a greater distance or $200?


The company whose will move a greater distance or $200 is the peter pick –up
company. Since, in the given problem stated that Peter company offer flat fee at cost of
$68 but with $0.40 for additional per mile. Yet, its additional per mile is less than in the
company of Noel (y) such as the given that if the distance is whether it is near or far it fair
costly than y company.
Further Solution:
Where Peter Pick-Up’s Company

To Solve: where a= distance in miles

Where y = Helen Hauler’s Company
Where a= distance in miles

Thus, the one who has high chance is Peter Pick-Up Company will move a greater
distance for $200.

 Graph

Helen Haulers' Company and Peter Pick-Up Company

50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Your Turn!
Create a real- world problem on Slope- Intercept Linear System about two cellphone

There are customer namely Sachna and Jerome standing in front of two cellphone Apple companies,
who wants to buy a cellphone. Each company offers an installment payment for those government
employees that will be covered in just 8 months. The first company offers various cellphone with a fixed
price of P25, 000. But for installment, they give P2, 500 for deposit with 20% interest a month and
additional P250 for late payment until it reaches The 1 year of intervention. The second company offers
various cellphone with also a fixed price of P25, 000. For installment, they give P2, 500 for deposit with
23% interest among than additional P200 until it reaches the 9 months of intervention.

 What mathematical model represents the situation above?

 Which of the companies will dispatch early? Justify your answer

 Which of the companies will sell dominantly? Explain.

 Which of the companies will give most expensive cellphone after the

intervention? Use mathematical symbols, equations to justify your answer.

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