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A very good morning to my lovely lecturer and my fellow friends.

First and foremost, I wish to

thank to Sir Hishamuddin bin Abdul Rahman for granting me permission to speak at this
crucial time. I am beginning my speech today with both a happy and heavy heart, and you
can't even understand how much I'm going to miss all of you once we graduate from this

Firstly, one of the most difficult things that school has never taught us is to say goodbye to
your friend. In this case, I would like to use this golden opportunity that I want to say I am
going to miss each and every one of you in this campus, whether it is my friends, fellow
classmates, juniors, seniors, and all the lecturers. Moreover, they had just increased my
knowledge and helped me built my personality in general. Hence, I look forward to the
beautiful future that awaits me and all of you, as much as I am sad to leave this campus and
go further.

Furthermore, as much as we hate to study and all the project works and assignments that
our lecturers gave us, we can say with confidence that they have guided us into better
students and very soon we are able to face any challenges in life. Thus, I would like to
remind all of you that in our earlier class, Sir Hishamuddin had spoken that teacher is the
most essential person that can be a role model for everyone. In addition, he also told us that
determination is one of the most significant things that every teacher must have in order to
face many of fear factor that we need to overcome.

Consequently, as the teacher we are able taking full responsibilities on our students.
Therefore, teachers must have high value of sacrifies in themselves to make as much
accomplishment in their lives. For instance, everybody that have been succeed in their lives
had to sacrify first because it is impossible for them if just making their own way without any
circumstances that fulfilled with obstacles in all path they had been go through. In addition,
Sir Hishamuddin also said that teachers is the real fighter in the whole world because they
must show the others on their spirits for being as brave as they can to be the one of the first
person that can travel around the world like backpackers.

Subsequently, he also told us that from the travel, we can gain more precious experiences
that can lead us to be more matured in anything that we do. For example, when you travel
around the world, you can see various cultures from different countries that can able
produce creative and critical thinking skills that can solve any problems. Finally, the teachers
are also the leaders that manage to take the best action and decision in their lives to help
the others.

I would like to conclude my short farewell speech by saying that Farewell Day is the last
day you have the chance to say someone you have had in your heart for a very long time.
Let's promise that farewell day is not the last day you will see each other and let us pledge
that no matter what, we will keep in touch with each other. That’s all from me , thank you.

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