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Bariw National High School

Bariw, Camalig, Albay


I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Select your answers from the options provided.
1. Recreation is derived from the latin word ____________.
a. Recreare b. Recreate c. Recreation d. Reccrare
2. This refers to the time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping and other special
a. Existence time b. Subsistence time c. Free time d. Invested time
3. This is the hours spent for economic purposes such as going to work, chores and for students.
a. Existence time b. Subsistence time c. Free time d. Invested time
4. Refers to the remaining time after work.
a. Existence time b. Subsistence time c. Free time d. Invested time
5. Which of the following belongs to Physical Health Benefits provided by outdoor recreation?
a. It allows people to move, whether by walking, running, swimming, biking, paddling etc.
b. It helps people to rest, relax, de-stress or unwind and feel revitalized.
c. These outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer.
d. People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work.
6. “Outdoor recreation also provides social benefits”, which of the following justifies the
a. It allows people to move, whether by walking, running, swimming, biking, paddling etc.
b. It helps people to rest, relax, de-stress or unwind and feel revitalized.
c. These outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer.
d. People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work.
7. Which from the following statements proved that outdoor recreation provides economic
a. It allows people to move, whether by walking, running, swimming, biking, paddling etc.
b. It helps people to rest, relax, de-stress or unwind and feel revitalized.
c. These outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer.
d. People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work.
8. The following are the benefits of outdoor recreation except for one..
a. Physical health benefits
b. Social benefits
c. Mental benefits
d. Economic benefits
9. Is organized activities done during one’s free time for his/her own personal reasons, where an
interaction between man and an element of nature is present.
a. Sports b. Outdoor recreation c. Outing d. Shopping
10. When and why people engage in outdoor recreation activities?
a. Done during vacation or school break
b. They want to have fun
c. Done outdoors with nature
d. All of the above
11. It is peeking through life underneath water by swimming with the aid of a snorkel and mask.
a. Snorkeling b. Canoeing c. Kayaking d. Scuba diving
12. In this outdoor activity, the back should be straight without being forced.
a. Snorkeling b. Canoeing c. Kayaking d. Scuba diving
13. In this activity, the torso and legs will do most of the work. The shoulder and arms will be used
to transfer power.
a. Snorkeling b. Canoeing c. Kayaking d. Scuba diving
14. It is a diving method where a diver uses a regulator as the breathing apparatus and a tank with
compressed air which enables the diver to breathed normally underwater.
a. Snorkeling b. Canoeing c. Kayaking d. Scuba diving
15. It serves as the viewing device in appreciating the world beneath the water.
a. Splash guard b. Mask c. Classis snorkel d. Dry valve
16. It has the most basic part, the solid tube and the mouthpiece.
a. Splash guard b. Mask c. Classis snorkel d. Dry valve
17. This equipment prevents splashed water and spray from easily entering the tube.
a. Splash guard b. Mask c. Classis snorkel d. Dry valve
18. It is a special valve on top of the tube that completely stops water from entering the tube when
a wave comes or when diving underwater.
a. Splash guard b. Mask c. Classis snorkel d. Dry valve
19. These are small and inflatable, which provide more buoyancy while floating on water.
a. Snorkel vests b. Skin protection c. Swimming cap d. Mask defogger
20. This equipment helps prevent the mask from fogging up.
a. Snorkel vests b. Skin protection c. Swimming cap d. Mask defogger

II- Understand each question or statement. Select the letter of the correct answer.

21. Which of the following cannot be a good benefit we can get from hiking?
a. Good profile updates
b. Feeling of relaxation
c. Cardiovascular routine
d. Enjoying the beauty of the environment
22. Jongin is in charge of location, time and distance of the trip. It is good for knowing what?
a. Leisure activities to do
b. Planning your meals
c. Budget for the trips and things to bring
d. Check if communication is available
23. Why do we need to keep the communication lines open?
a. To keep in touch of your facebook, twitter or Instagram
b. To make good selfies
c. Have a contact person in case of emergency
d. To research some nearest toilet and foods
24. Being physically fit is required by Park Yeol as a hiking instructor because _____________
a. For proper composure
b. To be good looking
c. Displaying of body fitness
d. Long walks and carrying bags
25. What does the wilderness ethics means?
a. Shout and cheer when you reached you destination
b. Leave no trace policy
c. Carve and leave markings to know you’ve been there
d. No Id no entry policy
26. Which is not a concern before a hike?
a. Travel plan or itinerary
b. Budget
c. Equipment to bring
d. Souvenir for relatives
27. What do the essential checklist for bagpackers doesn’t imply>
a. For bragging purpose
b. For safety tips
c. For basic need in camping
d. For survival
28. Which should be done during the hike?
a. Take a picture of the site
b. Planning for meals
c. Contacting your transportation
d. Follow your group formation
29. Which of the following is an example of “Leave No Trace Policy”?
a. Pick up flowers in going home
b. Feed animals you encounter
c. Bring non biodegradable materials
d. Bring home with you all your waste
30. Which is the least thing you need to do in preparing an outdoor activity?
a. Plan the place, location and time of departure and arrival
b. Pick your partner of best buddy on the trip
c. Bring pets in your travel
d. Bring first aid and necessary kits
31. Walk for a long distance, epecially across country. What outdoor activity is being referred to?
a. Hiking b. Climbing c. Surfing d. Cycling
32. Use your legs, or your legs and hands, to go up or onto the top something. What outdoor
activity is being referred to?
a. Camping b. Climbing c. Swimming d. Cycling
33. What is one of the first signs of mild dehydration?
a. Chapped lips b. Thirst c. Increased Crankiness d. Dry Mouth
34. Which hiking area would be most appropriate for experienced members of a high school cross
country team that had done a number of hikes together?
a. A paved path on level ground, less than one mile in length
b. A poorly marked dirt trail through the woods, two miles in length
c. Clearly-marked, hilly path, four miles long
d. A rock/dirt trail along a steep mountain, path eight miles in length
35. What would be an appropriate trail to introduce to a group of second graders to when going on
a. A paved path on level ground, less than one mile in length
b. A poorly-marked dirt trail through the woods, two miles in length
c. A clearly-marked hilly path, four miles long
d. A poorly-maintained, rock/dirt trail along a steep mountain, eight miles in length

III. Analyze the given situational example. Apply your insights about outdoor recreational activity
to explain your answer.

A. 36-40. (5points) Football and soccer are activities done outdoors and on grass. Are they outdoor
recreational activities? Why or why not? Defend your answer.
B. You are going to snorkel for the first time and you were also given a budget by your parents to
buy all the necessary equipment for snorkeling. You went to the sports store and saw so many
choices of masks, snorkels and fins.
41-45 (5points) How will you choose your mask?
46-50 (5points) What features of the snorkel will you be looking for? Why?
51-55 (5points) What kind of fin will you be buying and why?

IV. 56-60. (5points) Create a mind map on the basic characteristics and parts of the kayak and

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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