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This chapter presents the presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data gathered by the researchers.

1. Profile of the Respondents in Terms of:

Table 1.1
Age Bracket Frequency Percentage
18-19 3 10
20-21 8 26
22-23 13 42
24-above 7 22
Total 31 100

Ages of the respondents is given in the table, there

are 3 respondents whose age ranges from 18-19 years old

with 10 % , 8 have ages of 20-21 years old with 26% , 13

have ages of 22-23 with 42% , and 7 respondents whose ages

24 and above with 22%.

Result shows that students who got pregnant from the

year 2007 -2010 have ages 22 and above.

Table 1.2
Age when pregnant
Age Bracket Frequency Percentage
16-17 13 42
18-19 7 23
20-21 10 32
22-23 1 3
Total 31 100

The age when pregnant is given in the table, there are

13 respondents who got pregnant at age ranges from 16-17

years old with 42 %, 7 respondents got pregnant at age

ranges of 18-19 years old with 23%, 10 respondents got

pregnant at age ranges of 20-21 years old with 32% and 1

respondent got pregnant at age of 22 with 3% .

Finding shows that majority of the respondents got

pregnant at age ranges of 16-17.

Table 1.3
Year Level when Pregnant
Year level Frequency Percentage
1st year 13 41.94
2nd year 18 58.06
3rd year 0 0
4th year 0 0
Total 31 100

There are 13 respondents who were pregnant during

their first year in college with 41.94%, 18 respondents who

were pregnant during their second year in college with


Based on the result of the study, students of NEC who

got pregnant were on their first year and second year of

the college years , this implies that during at their early

ages , when they were just new on their life as college

students enters new responsibilities.


Table 1.4
Family Monthly Income
Variables Frequency %
P 10,000-P 20,000 0 0
P 20,001- P 30,000 21 67.75
P 30,001-P 40,000 10 32.25
P 50,001- above 0 0
Total 31 100

There are 21 respondents whose family monthly income

ranges from P 20,001- P 30,000 with 67.75% and there are 10

respondents whose family monthly income ranges from 30,001-

40,000 with 32.25%

Majority of the respondents have family monthly income

that can support their family and can send their children

at school even if it is a nursing course.

Table 1.5

Variables Frequency %
Roman Catholic 25 81
Iglesia ni Cristo 4 13
Muslim 0 0
Jehova’s Witnesses 2 6
Total 31 100

The table shows that there are 25 respondents who are

catholic with the percentage of 81%, 4 respondents are

Iglesia ni Cristo with 13% and 2 of them are Jehova’s

witnesses with 6%.

Findings shows that majority of the respondents are

Roman Catholic.

Table 1.6
Marital Status
Variables Frequency %
single 19 61.29
married 12 38.71
widowed 0 0
divorced 0 0
Total 31 100

The table shows that there are 19 respondents who are

single with the percentage of 61.29% and there are 12

respondents who are married with 38.71%.

Findings shows that majority of the respondents are

single. Although they already have their child, they are

still not yet married it also shows how these respondents

involved in premarital sex.

Table 1.7
Number of Siblings
Variables Frequency %
0 5 16
1 9 29
2 12 39
3 3 10
4 and above 2 6
Total 31 100

The table shows that 5 of the respondents are the only

daughter of their parents with 16%, 9 respondents have only

1 sibling with 29%, 12 respondents have 2 siblings with


39%, 3 respondents have 3 siblings with 10% and 2

respondents have 4 and above number of siblings with 6%.

Finding shows that majority of them are having small

number of family member.

Table 1.8
Age of Parents
Age Bracket Frequency %
31-40 10 32
41-50 13 42
51-60 5 16
60 and above 3 10
Total 31 100

The table shows that there are 10 respondents have

parents age ranges of 31-40 with 32%, 13 respondents have

parents age ranges of 41-50 with 42%, 5 respondents have

parents age ranges of 51-60 with 16% and 3 respondents have

parents age ranges of 60 and above with 10%.

Finding shows that majority of the respondents have

the younger age of parents.


Table 2
Reasons on the Prevalence of Hotels

Item # Variables F % FV WM VI Rank
1 Boost of 5 23 74.19 115 4.61 Strongly 1
economy 4 5 16.13 20 agree
3 2 6.45 6
2 1 3.23 2
1 0 0
31 100% 143
4 low cost 5 20 64.52 100 4.45 Strongly 2
of land 4 6 19.35 24 Agree
that are 3 4 12.90 12
potential 2 1 3.23 2
in putting 1 0 0 0
up hotel
in the
31 100% 138
3 Encourage 5 18 58.06 90 4.29 Strongly 3
potential 4 8 25.81 32 agree
tourism 3 3 9.68 9
industry 2 1 3.23 2
in the 1 0 0 0
31 100% 133
2 Too many 5 15 48.39 75 4.19 Agree 4
travelers 4 9 29.03 36
that needs 3 5 16.13 15
lodging in 2 2 6.45 4
their stay 1 0 0 0
in the
31 100% 130
5 Prevalence 5 14 45.16 70 4.10 Agree 5
of 4 9 29.03 36
students 3 5 16.13 15
that are 2 3 9.68 6
taking up 1 0 0
HRM course
31 100% 127

The perception of the respondents regarding the

prevalence of the hotels in the province is given in the

table, rank 1 is Boost of economy with weighted mean of

4.61 and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is low cost

of land that are potential in putting up hotel industry in

the City with 4.45 in weighted mean and interpreted as

strongly agree, rank 3 is Encourage potential tourism

industry in the province with 4.29 and it means agree ,

rank 4 is too many travelers that needs lodging in their

stay in the city with 4.19 and interpreted as agree and the

last is Prevalence of students that are taking up HRM

course with 4.10 in weighted mean and it means agree.

Based on the result of the study, respondents agreed

that the reason why there are many hotels in Cabanatuan

city is because of the fact that the economy is growing,

there are lots of visitors or travelers need a temporary

place where they can have rest when they are here in the


3. The effects of prevalence of hotels in the City

Table 3.1
Item # Variables F % FV WM VI Rank
1 will create 5 23 74.19 115 4.61 Strongly 1
employment 4 5 16.13 20 agree
and job 3 2 6.45 6
opportunity 2 1 3.23 2
for others 1 0 0
31 100% 143
4 additional 5 20 64.52 100 4.45 Strongly 2
tax for the 4 6 19.35 24 Agree
government 3 4 12.90 12
2 1 3.23 2
1 0 0 0
31 100% 138
3 a safe and 5 18 58.06 90 4.29 Strongly 3
convenient 4 8 25.81 32 agree
stay in the 3 3 9.68 9
hotel 2 1 3.23 2
1 0 0 0
31 100% 133
2 Low cost of 5 15 48.39 75 4.19 Agree 4
lodging will 4 9 29.03 36
emerge 3 5 16.13 15
2 2 6.45 4
1 0 0 0
31 100% 130
5 there is an 5 14 45.16 70 4.10 Agree 5
alternative 4 9 29.03 36
lodging area 3 5 16.13 15
for them in 2 3 9.68 6
case they did 1 0 0
not want to
go home or
decided not
to go home
because of

distance of
their home

31 100% 127

The advantages of the emergence of hotels in the

province is given in the table rank 1 is will create

employment and job opportunity for others with 4.61 and

interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 additional tax for

the government with 4.45 and interpreted as strongly agree,

rank 3 is a safe and convenient stay in the hotel with

4.29 and interpreted as agree , rank 4 is Low cost of

lodging will emerge with 4.19 and interpreted as agree, and

the last is there is an alternative lodging area for them

in case they did not want to go home or decided not to go

home because of distance of their home with 4.10 and

interpreted as agree.

Result shows that the prevalence of hotels in the area

can be resulted to employment and job opportunity for

others and the traveler will be having a place to stay

which is convenient and low in price and there is an

alternative lodging area for them in case they did not want

to go home or decided not to go home because of distance of

their home.

Table 3.2
Item # Variables F % FV WM VI Rank
1 Short time 5 23 74.19 115 4.51 Strongly 1
period in the 4 5 16.13 20 agree
hotel 3 2 6.45 6
encouraged 2 1 3.23 2
others to 1 0 0
patronize the
hotel in a
small amount
of money
31 100% 140
4 it will 5 20 64.52 100 4.33 Strongly 2
encourage 4 6 19.35 24 Agree
couple or in 3 4 12.90 12
relationship 2 1 3.23 2
couple to 1 0 0 0
take hotel as
their safe
31 100% 130
3 encourage 5 18 58.06 90 4.16 Strongly 3
pre-marital 4 8 25.81 32 agree
sex 3 3 9.68 9
2 1 3.23 2
1 0 0 0
31 100% 129
2 Encourage 5 15 48.39 75 3.83 Agree 4
teenagers to 4 9 29.03 36
discover 3 5 16.13 15
what’s inside 2 2 6.45 4
the hotels 1 0 0 0
31 100% 119

5 it will 5 14 45.16 70 3.53 Agree 5

reflect that 4 9 29.03 36
the city has 3 5 16.13 15
too many 2 3 9.68 6
prostitutes 1 0 0
that needs
many hotels
to cater the
31 100% 110

Rank 1 is Short time period in the hotel encouraged others

to patronize the hotel in a small amount of money with 4.51

and it means strongly agree, rank 2 is it will encourage

couple or in relationship couple to take hotel as their

safe haven with 4.33 and interpreted as strongly agree ,

rank 3 is encourage pre-marital sex with 4.16 and

interpreted as strongly agree, rank 4 is Encourage

teenagers to discover what’s inside the hotels with 3.83

and interpreted as agree and the last is it will reflect

that the city has too many prostitutes that needs many

hotels to cater the needs with 3.53 and it means agree.

Findings shows that prevalence of hotel in the

province may result to misconception among neighboring

province , it may reflect the province as an area of having

too many prostitutes and encourages many college students

to take hotels as their safe haven or encourage pre-marital

sex among in relationship college students.


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