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1/28/2021 EC 222 - Microprocessor & Microcontroller ( MINI TEST - JAN 27, 2021) - Google Forms

Multiple choices to a question may be correct !

Microprocessors are multipurpose because

9 / 160 correct responses

They are Clock Driven 144 (90%)

They are Register Based 144 (90%)

They are Digital ICs 146 (91.3%)

✓ They are Programmable 159 (99.4%)

they can process binary input 143 (89.4%)

0 50 100 150 200

Which is not a part of Flag Register Bit in 8085

144 / 160 correct responses

Carry 13 (8.1%)

Auxillary Carry 1 (0.6%)

Zero 12 (7.5%)

✓ Overflow 157 (98.1%)

Sign 0 (0%)

Parity 0 (0%)

✓ Trap 159 (99.4%)

0 50 100 150 200 4/8
1/28/2021 EC 222 - Microprocessor & Microcontroller ( MINI TEST - JAN 27, 2021) - Google Forms

Program Counter (PC) register contains-

49 / 160 correct responses

Address of next instruction to be

executed (instruction stored in 36 (22.5%)
internal memory)

15 (9.4%)

Address of current instruction

(instruction stored in internal 15 (9.4%)

The count of program code lines 93 (58.1%)

✓ Address of next instruction to

be executed (instruction stored in 116 (72.5%
external memory)
0 25 50 75 100 125

STA 0005H in 8085 will

27 / 160 correct responses

Store 0005H in accumulator 21 (13.1%)

Store the value at memory
88 (55%)
location 0005H in accumulator
123 (7
Is wrong command since
Accumulator can hold only 8 bit 4 (2.5%)
4 (2.5%)

✓ will take 13 T states 53 (33.1%)

will take 10 T states 20 (12.5%)

0 25 50 75 100 125 5/8
1/28/2021 EC 222 - Microprocessor & Microcontroller ( MINI TEST - JAN 27, 2021) - Google Forms

MOV B,M will -

64 / 160 correct responses

✓ Copy t e co te ts o e o y
location ( whose address is in HL 101 (63.1%)
pair) to B register
40 (25%)
14 (8.8%)
CUT and paste the contents of B
register to Memory location 2 (1.3%)
( whose address is in HL pair)
1 (0.6%)
Cut the contents of M and paste
15 (9.4%)
in B
2 (1.3%)
✓ Copy M into B 80 (50%)
Copy B into M 4 (2.5%)

0 25 50 75 100 125

which of the following commands is correct

17 / 160 correct responses

MVI B,0001H 64 (40%)

LDAX DE 5 (3.1%)

LDA DE 4 (2.5%)

LDA M 107 (66.9%)

MOV B,01H 83 (51.9%)

LHLD 05H 29 (18.1%)

✓ None of the given options 18 (11.3%)

All of the given options except
3 (1.9%)
0 25 50 75 100 125 6/8
1/28/2021 EC 222 - Microprocessor & Microcontroller ( MINI TEST - JAN 27, 2021) - Google Forms

In 8085, Program Status Word (PSW) is -

6 / 160 correct responses

Accumulator + Flag Register 145 (90

Flag Register + Accumulator 27 (16.9%)

✓ Accumulator and Flag Register
139 (86.9%
combined in that order
14 (8.8%)

Flag Register only 0 (0%)

✓ can be accessed by PUSH
129 (80.6%)
15 (9.4%)

0 50 100 150

16 bit register in 8085 is -

128 / 160 correct responses

Accumulator (A) 8 (5%)

Register H 4 (2.5%)

✓ Stack Pointer (SP) 157 (98.1%)

Instruction Register 14 (8.8%)

Temporary Registers W & Z 14 (8.8%)

✓ Program Counter (PC) 158 (98.8%)

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1/28/2021 EC 222 - Microprocessor & Microcontroller ( MINI TEST - JAN 27, 2021) - Google Forms

In 8085 ALE is -
8 / 160 correct responses

An instruction in 8085
36 (22.5%)
programming lang.
108 (67.5%)
An input pin in 8085 IC 17 (10.6%)
Bidirectional pin in 8085 IC 19 (11.9%)
24 (15%)
✓ Full form is Address Latch
123 (7
27 (16.9%)
✓ Goes high in T1 state of read
40 (25%)
or write cycle
6 (3.8%)
Is active low 14 (8.8%)
✓ Is active high 51 (31.9%)
0 25 50 75 100 125

8085 will not perform as desired when -

4 / 160 correct responses

Frequency applied externally is

121 (75.6%)

✓ Frequency applied externally is

125 (78.1%)

Frequency applied externally is 2

91 (56.9%)

✓ Frequency applied externally is

151 (94.4%)
12 MHz

Frequency applied externally is 5

62 (38.8%)

0 50 100 150 200 8/8

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