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Theoretical benefits

This research is expected to give advantages for the development of the linguistics study. Besides
that, it will provide more information on sociolinguistics, particularly on code mixing.

2. Practical benefits

This research on code mixing is expected to be a functional reference for learners, especially the
students who are interested in sociolinguistics study. The writer hopes that this research could
improve students’ knowledge and comprehension of code mixing, especially related to
sociolinguistics study.

➢ CODE SWITCHING: the change of one language to another variety of language by a speaker.
For example, people use Indonesia language first, then they change into English language.
➢ CODE MIXING: Code mixing occurs when conversant use both languages together to the
➢ INSERTION: inserting a foreign lexical or a phrasal category into a matrix (a base language or
a dominant language). For example : I think, kita sebaiknya focus terhadap cara
menyelesaikan masalah di tempat kerja.
➢ Alternation: when two languages are alternated indistinctively both at grammatical and
lexical level. Similar with code switching. For example: terimakasih atas kunjungan anda, dan
please do come again. In discussion, the first part of the utterance is in Indonesian, while the
second part is in English. Both languages are separated in structure.
➢ CONGRUENT LEXICALIZATION: the speaker tends to combine two languages in term of their
grammatical structures.
“Apakah anda sudah membaca the urgent journal yang saya kirim kemarin?”It is
congruent lexicalization because the speaker is mixing English grammar with Indonesian
grammar. In English, urgent journal is adjective + noun; whereas in Indonesian, it is
translated as jurnal penting or noun + adjective.
➢ Talking about a Particular Topic. People prefer to talk about a particular topic in a certain
language. It is because they feel more comfortable and freer to express their ideas and
emotions, such as happiness, anger, etc. For example God, apa yang salah dengan
diriku?” the speaker is an Indonesian speaker who expresses his/her emotions by
using English word god at the beginning of his/her utterance, while the rest is in
Bahasa Indonesia.
➢ Quoting Somebody Else According to Hoffman (1991), “People sometimes like to
quote a famous expression or saying of some well-known figures”. So, this is why one
of the reasons of code mixing is quoting somebody else. Kalau kata Leo Murphy mah,
‘well played’.”
➢ Being Empathic about Something Sometimes, when people feel empathic about
something, they do not use their native language to express their feeling. Hoffman
(1991) says, “He/she, either intentionally or unintentionally, will switch from his
second language, to his first language.”. for example Good luck, kamu pasti bisa.”
For discussion In this example, the speaker is an Indonesian speaker who uses English
and feel more comfortable showing his/her emotion to soothe someone. The aim is to
show his/her empathy to someone else.

➢ Interjection (Inserting Sentence Fillers or Sentence Connectors) Interjection is actually the

use of exclamation mark before the code is switched. Hoffman (1991) states,
“Language switching and a language mixing among bilingual or multilingual people
can sometimes mark an interjection or sentence connector. It may happen
unintentionally or intentionally.”“Damn! Dompet ketinggalan di rumah.” In this
example, the speaker is an Indonesian speaker who uses English interjection to show
his/her anger because of leaving his/her wallet at home.
➢ Repetition Used for Clarification. To this reason, Hoffman (1991) says, “When a bilingual
wants to clarify his/her speech so that it will be understood more by the listener, he/she
can sometimes use both of the languages that he/she masters to say the same utterance
repeatedly.”A: “Aku gak bisa temenan flirty-flirty gini.”B: “Gimana maksudnya?” A:
“Aku gak bisa temenan yang genit-genit gini, lho…” In this example, the speaker is
an Indonesian speaker who uses an English term flirty-flirty-using Indonesian kata
ulang. Because the hearer seems not to understand what the speaker says, the speaker
translates it into Indonesian genit-genit with the aim to clarify what the he/she means.
➢ Intention of Clarifying the Speech Content for Interlocutor. Hoffman (1991) says that when
a bilingual person talks to another bilingual, they use a lot of code switching and code
mixing. The purpose is to make the conversation run smoothly because the hearer
understands what the speaker says.
➢ Expressing Group Identity. Code mixing and code switching can also be used to express group
identity. Hoffman (1991) states that a group of people with the same background speaks
differently from other groups. For example, a group of academic people converse differently
from other groups.
➢ To Soften or Strengthen Request of Command. People in multilingual country like Indonesia
is likely to use English to strengthen request or command because it is not their native
➢ Because of Real Lexical Need , an Indonesian-English speaker will use English when she/he
lacks the Indonesian lexicon to express what she/he means
➢ To Exclude the People When a Comment is Intended for Only Limited Audience when
bilinguals or multilinguals want to speak only to their inner groups,

➢ Technique of Collecting Data: First, the writer watches the Daniel Mananta Network’s video
and downloads them from YouTube. Next, the writer writes down the dialogue between
Daniel Mananta and Melany Ricardo and pays attention to code-mixing that occurs in the
dialogue. Going forward, he selects the utterances that contain code-mixing. Then he
categorizes the phrases and utterances into types of code-mixing, and also analyzes the
reason of the speaker to do so. Finally, he chooses and groups the data that will be
➢ Situation in data 1: in this situation Daniel Mananta greets his YouTube’s viewers
Discusiion: he inserts a lexical English element (foreign word) into the base language
(Indonesian language), namely a plural noun ‘guys’. Interestingly, when it comes to the
important point he uses bahasa indonesia to make sure that viewers to understand.
Reason : Interjection is inserting a filler word, in this case ‘guys’. It is usually followed by an
exclamation mark, then the code is switched. ‘Guys’ is a very common word to address the
viewers in YouTube world, so the speaker constantly uses this word spontaneously. Daniel
uses the word ‘guys’ to show his closeness to his viewers,
➢ Situation in data 8: in this situation She talks about how she was chosen by God. God told
her that she must share the disease she was battling with. Melaney thinks that God has
chosen her to give courage to people that get infected by Covid-19.
Discusiion: The code mixing that occurs is alternation because the two languages are
alternated indistinctively both at grammatical and lexical level. The switch from Indonesian
to English and vice versa runs smoothly, and both languages are separated in structure.
Reason : The reason of the speaker to do code mixing in her utterance is as repetition.
Repetition is used for clarification. When bilinguals want to clarify their speech, they tend to
use both languages that they master to say the same utterance repeatedly. In this case ‘you
have to share’ has the same meaning with lu harus ngomong, and ‘you’ve been chosen’ has
the same meaning with lu dipilih.
➢ Situation in data 9: in this situation Melaney talks about her friends or people who did not want
to share the truth when they got infected by Covid-19 because of many reasons. According to
her, it is fine because people have rights to share or not to share their personal lives or problem
with the public.
Discusiion: The code mixing that occurs is congruent lexicalization the speaker combines two
languages in terms of their grammatical structures. In English, ‘which’ is used as a
subordinator in an adjective clause. She adds ‘is’ because gapapa dong is translated as an
adjective ‘fine’. So, in English, her utterance will be ….,’which is fine’. In Indonesian, ‘which’
should be translated as yang, which is also used in an adjective clause. Thus, the same
utterance is Indonesian language should be translated as ….., yang (sebenarnya) gapapa
Reason : The reason of code mixing that occurs in her utterance is identified as talking about
a particular topic. In this case, Melaney Ricardo shows her emotions about being considerate
to other people’s opinion and choices in a language that she is more comfortable with,
which is English. Actually, the words ‘which is’ can be easily translated into ‘yang
(sebenarnya)’ in Bahasa Indonesia, and it is also popular and easier to use. However, many
youngsters nowadays prefer to use its English version ‘which is’, especially in their casual
conversations. usually the people in jaksel using it.

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