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Direction: Test yourself on Contemporary Principles, Strategies and Techniques of Teaching

and the Learning Process. Answers are found after the last exercise.

1.A statement of objectives, learning experience and the means of attaining results of teaching
is called
a. procedure
b. lesson plan
c. outcomes
d. strategy

Ans: b

2.Teaching aids which the teacher uses to make learning meaningful, productive and interesting
is known as:
a. device
b. technique
c. method
d. learning continuum

Ans: a

3.Teaching method which proceeds from the details of a lesson towards the generalization is
a. inductive
b. deductive
c. problem-solving
d. debate

Ans: a

4.A teaching method which proceeds from a generalization, principle or rule is:
a. inductive
b. deductive
c. project
d. process

Ans: b

5.The recent approach in teaching Social Studies is called:

a. discovery(inductive)
b. conceptual
c. process

d. formal-education

Ans: a

6.A method of teaching which aptly applies to lessons needing experiments is called:
a. problem-solving
b. laboratory
c. observation
d. demonstration

Ans: b

7.What type of lesson is presented wherein the learner meets the learning experience through
understanding, analysis and generalizations of facts presented?
a. review
b. drill
c. development
d. deductive

Ans: c

8.What lesson is presented when the teacher takes up the previous learning experiences of the
learners in a recognized pattern of presentation?
a. drill
b. development
c. review
d. discussion procedures

Ans: c

9.A lesson which aims to focalize skills to make them fixed to the point of mastery.
a. problem-type
b. drill
c. review
d. experiment

Ans: c

10.The law of exercise is aptly applied in a

a. review lesson
b. assignment
c. driil lesson
d. check-up

Ans: c

11.A type of review which presents the sum-total of all activities previously presented
a. integrated
b. cumulative
c. daily
d. drill

Ans: b

12.What recent technique of teaching calls for an acting out of a situation where the
participants aim to uncover a problem of great importance of the class?
a. panel
b. debate form
c. role-playing
d. lecture-form

Ans: c

13.What technique of in-service training for teachers involves the identification and solution o
common problems by them thru live-in sessions, conferences and speeches of consultants?
a. buzz session
b. workshop
c. seminar
d. professional meetings

Ans: c

14.The non-verbal symbols used to maximize learning are referred to as?

a. instructional devices
b. classroom techniques
c. field trips
d. educational media

Ans: b

15.Graphical materials which are eye-catching and which uses slogans and topics presented in
bold letterings and strong colors to serve as reminders of standards.
a. posters
b. film strips
c. projector
d. projects

Ans: a

16.What contemporary aid to teaching utilizes carefully- planned materials where each step of
learning requires repetition and practice until such step is thoroughly learned?
a. programmed instruction
b. keypunching
c. educational television
d. educational hardware

Ans: a

17.The stimulus-response theory of learning which involves the association between a

conditioned stimulus and a response thru the repeated presentation of the stimulus was
advocated by whom?
a. Edward Thorndike
b. Ivan Pavlov
c. Burrhus Skinner
d. Wolfgang Kohler

Ans: b

18.What plan of promoting pupils is committed to encouraging the learners to process from
grade without needless repetition
a. non-graded scheme
b. individualized
c. heterogenous grouping
d. acceleration

Ans: a

19.Differentiated assignments, tutorial and remedial work to would-be-failures are not

considered in the Individualized Instruction Scheme.
a. yes
c. maybe
d. sometimes

Ans: c

20.A part of daily lesson which serves as a carry-over for the next day of what has been
presented in life
a. review
b. drill
c. assignment or agreement
d. lesson proper

Ans: a

21.A good learning environment is one

a. free from didtractions
b. over decorated
c. disturbing noise
d. dilapidated

Ans: a

22.The proper handling of the physical condition and instructional materials in the classroom to
effect learning refers to
a. teaching method
b. classroom management
c. disciplines grouping
d. guidance oriented

Ans: b

23.What refers to the process of directing immediate personal desires, interests or wishes for
the purpose of achieving an effective action?
a. discipline
b. teaching
c. supervision
d. management

Ans: c

24.What characterizes an effective type of discipline?

a. vital, sympathetic and humane
b. formal and strict
c. inhibited
d. Which of these is not a quality of a good teachers?

Ans: c

25. Which of these is not a quality of a good teacher?

a. mastery of the subject matter
b. broad background of liberal education
c. aims to enrich himself thru teaching
d. understand the nature of learners

Ans: a

26.Which of these is a good personal qualification of a teacher?

a. resourceful, creative and intelligent
b. rich, capricious and luxurious
c. complaining, demanding and scornful
d. materialistic

Ans: a

27. Which is included among the professional ethics of school teachers?

a. professional jealousy
b. integrity
c. engaging ‘in business prejudicial to his teaching
d. gossip mongering

Ans: b

28.What teaching method helps the learners draw generalization from a discipline with the end
of applying the same to similar situations in the future?
a. discovery approach
b. process approach
c. conceptual approach
d. problem-solving approach

Ans: b

29.Which subject is in both elementary and secondary levels mostly concerned with the
members of society ?
a. Modern Math
b. Social Studies
c. Filipino
d. Values Education

Ans: b

30.Which of these are considered as two essential dimensions of science teaching ?

a. observing and inferring
b. seeing and observing
c. reading and researching
d. knowledge and performing

Ans: a

31.Which of these is not a process in science teaching ?

a. measurement
b. communication skill
c. controlling variables
d. none of these

Ans: d

32.Of the process involve in the modern approach to science instruction, which one utilizes the
most number of scientific process ?
a. prediction
b. experimentation
c. inference
d. hypothesis

Ans: b

33.A radical philosopher, he compared the human mind to the blank sheet, giving importance
to the role of experience and sense perception.
a. John Locke
b. Jean B. Rousseau
c. Emmanuel Kant
d. Froebel

Ans: a

34. He divided man’s life span into 5 stages of growth and development, where each stage has
its characteristics to be developed emphasizing need for self-expression.
a. Johann Baselow
b. Jean Rosseau
c. Emmanuel Kant
d. Froebel

Ans: b

35. The philosophy which advocates the chain of causation which the past is linked to the
present and present to the future.
a. Buddhism
b. Existentialism
c. Islam
d. Taoism

Ans: b

36. An ancient philosophy where the emphasis in educating the young is on what is accepted to
be right based on the society’s standard.
a. Realism
b. Spritualism
c. Moralism
d. Pragmatism

Ans: c

37. An American Philosopher who believe that the school should be regarded as a miniature
community where the child can learn the skills in a free atmosphere.
a. William James
b. John Dewey
c. Charles Pierce
d. Thomas More

Ans: b

38 . Activities which are based from sensory adaptation as a result of sensory stimulation.
a. Review
b. Inhibition
c. Cover-up on behavior
d. Montessori approach

Ans: d

39. Yoga, a system of body exercise for control of the mind and general well-being originates
a. Hinduism
b. Buddhism
c. Tibet
d. Confucianism

Ans: a

40. He founded the Eastern philosophy that advocates the individual’s right to speak , to think
and to behave with good intensions and not inimical to rights of others
a. Confucius
b. Gautama Buddha
c. Shinto
d. Mohammed

Ans: a

41. To accomplish many good activities in a particular class period the period, the teacher must
a. additional curricular activities
b. provide unique teaching aids
c. institute a systematically plan
d. use expensive materials

Ans: c

42. The teachers initial step to capture the attention of the student vin introducing a lesson
a. motivation
b. generalization
c. enrichment
d. reinforcement

Ans: a

43. The teacher should give __________ to enhance the learning abilities of slow-learners.
a. assignments
b. enrichment
c. reinforcement
d. activities

Ans: c

44. Is a listening skill which requires the listener to listen for a specific purpose to find out
a. cognitive
b. strategy
c. focusing
d. competence

Ans: c

45. Objects used by a teacher to make a learning process attractive and effective for students.
a. samples
b. media
c. visual aids
d. paraphernalia

Ans: b

46. A learner has a communicative_______ if he is able to use language with ease and effect.
a. competence

b. technique
c. ability
d. skill

Ans: a

47. It is the expression of a more explicit representation of language in the interaction between
the teacher and learner
a. preparation
b. proposition
c. strategy
d. proposal

Ans: b

48. Technique to use to promote participation of students in cases of big classes.

a. class discussion
b. question and answer
c. groupings
d. buzz session

Ans: d

49. The motivating force that encourages the person to attain or activity
a. energy
b. objective
c. attitude
d. interest

Ans: d

50. A combination of activities and content designed to bring about a specific goal
a. strategies
b. objective
c. attitude
d. interest

Ans: a

51. Books, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, etc. use as instructional materials.

a. software
b. library materials
c. paper materials
d. resource materials

Ans: d

52. Orderly procedure covering psychological processes of learning and management of ways
through which learning is employed by the teacher
a. style of teaching
b. teaching strategies
c. procedures
d. methods of teaching

Ans: d

53. It is the attention gained through proper stimulation and motivation as well as individual
a. formal
b. focus
c. free
d. informal

Ans: a

54. It is an applied teaching method to stimulate activity to increase understanding by the

a. device
b. plan
c. drive
d. drill

Ans: d

55. Refer to as the knowledge and skills which the learner is expected to accumulate and
develop at the end of the class.
a. individual skills
b. special talent
c. terminal behavior
d. dominant behavior

Ans: c

56. It is referred to as effective activity wherein the group members develop a common
perception based on shared feelings or emotions through interactive relationships.
a. student activity
b. group discussion
c. brain storming
d. group dynamic

Ans: d

57. It is a way of encouraging students to express themselves and enact life like situations
a. reporting
b. acting
c. role-playing
d. impersonating

Ans: c

58. One way to encourage a student who lacks interest in reading to love reading is to
a. reprimand him
b. ask the parents to buy books
c. provide reading materials
d. isolate him

Ans: c

59. When the students fail to accomplish the assignment, the teacher should________ to
provide learning interaction in the class.
a. prepare alternative activities
b. proceed with the lesson
c. send out the student
d. report the situation to the principal

Ans: a

60. If the teacher encounters a student who is reluctant to attend classes, the teacher should
_________to encourage him to class regularly.
a. report the matter to the principal
b. scold him
c. praise the student sincerely
d. report the matter to the parents

Ans: c

61. It is the most valid statement concerning the aim of a lesson.

a. announcement of the aim at the start of each period
b. aim is outgrowth of and developed from motivations
c. aim should be written at the blackboard
d. aim should be written by the student on its notebook

Ans: a

62. Repetition will facilitate learning process when?

a. done in different settings
b. kept short as possible
c. this is short intervals between repetitions
d. given in same form each time

Ans: d

63. In individualized instruction, how should the teacher begin?

a. evaluate teaching-learning outcome
b. present activities needed
c. identify the abilities of the learner
d. prepare necessary materials

Ans: c

64. Child’s mental development is clearly revealed by his?

a. ability to use language
b. ability to deal with abstract object
b. ability to deal with reality
c. ability to deal with reality
d. capacity to remember things

Ans: c

65. A type of research undertaken to know the cause and effect of a variable.
a. historical
b. development
c. experimental
d. descriptive

Ans: b

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