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Group : Personal Experience

Members : Sarah Ayu Annisa (1813042027)

Aulia Shafira (1813042013)
Sekar Melati (1813042029)
Amanda Putri Prillienia (1813042041)
Anisa Widya Pangesti (1813042035)

Lesson 27/04/21
Task 1: list all your research topics that you reported last week on the first column on the left
Complete the table with the key words, problems, purpose, and the theoretical framework, and the title of the article or book that will
be used as the reference.

Research Key words Problem statement Purpose of the Learning/teaching/languag Literature

Topic (gap statement) study e Theory (theoretical (Journal Article
framework) and Book)
Grammatical  Grammatical  Types of  To know  Language Learning Grammatical
Errors in Errors errors found in the types  Error Analysis Errors in
Descriptive the descriptive of errors Descriptive Text
Text Made by  Writing text made by found in Made by Eighth
Eighth eighth graders the Graders of
Graders of  Descriptive text students? descriptiv Olympiad and
Olympiad and  Sources of e text Bilingual
Bilingual errors made by made by Students, Imilda
Students students in eighth Fatmawati,
their graders Maulana Malik
descriptive students Ibrahim State
text Islamic
paragraph?  To know University of
the Malang, 2016.
of errors
made by
in their
e text
Students’ Vocabulary 1. Does English song To know the English Language Learning Munir. Fatur.
vocabulary Listening correlation English Language 2016. The
have effect on
analysis English Songs between students Teaching Effectiveness of
through their Habit Analysis students' vocabulary listening habit Teaching
habit in and their Vocabulary by
listening to vocabulary Using Cartoon
English songs 2. How do students' mastery. Film toward
habits in listening to
Mastery of EFL
English song give the Students
effect on their
vocabulary mastery? Pouya. 2016.
The Role of Pop
Songs on
Recall, Attitude
and Retention of
Iranian EFL
Learners: The
Case of Gender

Anna. 2016.
The role of
music and songs
in teaching
vocabulary to

Scott. 2002.
How to Teach

The error Error analysis, What is dominant To identify what Langauge Learning Error Analysis
analysis on Preposition error error on the use of are the errors Error analysis on the Use of
the use of Writing preposition found in students make Prepositions in
preposition in student writing relsted to Students’
middle preposition Writing
students' How do students use
writing skill preposition in writing (A Case Study
of the Eleventh
Grade Students
of SMA Negeri
9 Semarang in
Academic Year
of 2014/2015),
Anjayani, Drs.
Suprapto, M.
An Analysis - Students - What types of - To find out - Error analysis Students’
of Students’ - Anxiety anxiety do kinds of - Language learning Anxiety in
Anxiety in - Public Speaking students anxiety were Public Speaking,
Public experience in experienced Tambunan,
Speaking at public speaking? by the 2018.
Budi Utomo - What are the students in
Orphanage factors that public
influence speaking.
Analysis of 8th
students’ anxiety - To find out
in public the factors B Grade
speaking? caused the Students’
students’ Speaking
anxiety in Anxiety in
public SMPN 11
speaking. Yogyakarta
Academic Year
Subagiah, 2017.
Students’ Instagram - What are students To understand English Language Learning Students’
Perspective Students’ perspective perception toward the the students’ English Language Perspectives
Toward The Writing use of Instagram in perspective Teaching Toward The
Use Of writing class? toward Use Of
Instagram In Instagram in Instagram In
- Does Instagram give writing class
Writing Class Writing Class.
advantages to students
in their writing
achievement? Anggraeni.

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