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In the United States, the first suggestion to create Mother’s Day came in the 19th century, when

the writer Julia Ward Howe organized a mothers' meeting dedicated to peace in Boston. From
there, the struggle to honor mothers was taken by Anna Jarvis, in the early 20th century, in a
small town in the state of West Virginia.

With a group of friends, Anna began a movement to institute a day when all children could
celebrate with their mothers.

Some time later, mother’s day was officiated by the president Wilson as a national holiday, being
celebrated every second Sunday in may.

In 1870, writer Julia Ward Howe merged her interests in suffrage and pacifism by writing an
“Appeal to Womanhood throughout the World.” Also called the “Mother’s Day Proclamation,” the
appeal urged women to come together to support peace. Howe viewed women, who were the ones
losing husbands and sons to war, as responsible for stopping war. Although she had six children,
Howe made time to write essays and organize rallies for an annual Mother’s Day for Peace, planting
the seeds of what would eventually become Mother’s Day.

Ann Jarvis (1832—1905) inspired the movement that eventually made Mother’s Day into a national
holiday. After most of her babies died of diseases—only four of her possibly 13 children survived to
adulthood—she wanted to help other mothers. She organized Mother's Day Work Clubs in what is
now West Virginia to help provide medical care, raise money for medicines, and improve sanitary
conditions for poor mothers.After her death, Jarvis’s daughter Anna Jarvis built off of the work of
her mother by writing letters and giving speeches in support of Mother’s Day, and President
Woodrow Wilson designated Mother’s Day as a national holiday in 1914.

CELEBRATIONS AROUND THE WORLD:In Peru, apart from celebrate mothers that live with us, in
the Mother’s say is also a day to remind those who are no longer with us. Many families gather in
cemeteries to lay flowers and share meals to honor them.

Moms are serenaded by their children or mariachis who sing the requested songs. Traditionally,
children sing "Las Mañanitas" and the song "Amor de Madre".

Mother’s Day is a national holiday in Bolivia, with a strong historical significance. On May 27,
1812, a group of women sacrificed themselves by confronting the Spanish army in an attempt to
conquer the freedom of their country. They are commemorated with parades and tributes.

Colombian tradition involves food, it can be breakfast, lunch or even the special family dinner.
These meetings are usually accompanied by traditional music as well some traditional costums.

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