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Baby bath is an important

procedure which we used to
follow in the infant care. Mainly
we are providing two types of
bath to the baby. They are
sponge Bath and tub bath. The
main importance of baby bath is
to keep the baby clean. refresh
the baby's skin by luke -warm
 To clean the baby's skin and increases skin integrity.
 To increase and maintain the proper blood circulation.
 To maintain the temperature at normal level.
 To make the baby refresh, till next bath.
 To prevent the baby from skin infections.
 To improve the skin functions and fragnance.
Types of baby bath :-
A) Sponge bath :- This should be given to
the infants who are acutely sick. It is
given on the bed itself with the help of
a soft sponge cloth. This bath is very
commonly used for reducing the fever
and maintaining the normal body

B) Tub bath :- Today in hospital settings, it

is a common type of bath given to baby.
In this type of bath, the baby is submerged into the water in a
bath tub or in bath basin.

C) Lap bath :- In this bath, mothers of

babies keep them on their lap and
provide bath. This bath is commonly
used by mothers in rural areas.

D) Oil bath :- This bath involves oil which

is applied all babyᶧ s body and then it
is wiped off with cotton balls or with
the rag pieces. This bath is used to
remove the vernix caseosa, when it
fully covers the baby's body. This is
applied for premature babies to
maintain the body temperature
because oil increases the body


A sponge bath is a clenching
bath given to an infant by using sponge
or towel, sponge bath is before the
stump falls
Purposes :-
 To keep the baby skin clean.
 To refresh the baby
 To stimulate circulation
 To know the infants growth and development and to closely
observe the body for evidence of any abnormalities.
 A wish basin or other container with water. The water
should be 38 to 40 degree Celsius as measured with a bath
thermometer or it should feel slightly warm when tested
against the inside of the nurses wrist or elbow.
 A soft wash cloth or absorbent pad for sponge and drying
 Mild soap in a container
 Cotton balls
 Moister resistant bag or kidney basin in which to dispose of
used cotton balls
 A towel to place under the baby during the bath
 A bath blanket or towel to cover the infant
 Sterile water to clean the eyes of the baby
 A diaper
 Shirt or night gown
 Mild lotion or baby oil if needed for dry skin


Sl No. Step Rationale

01 Explain the procedure to The Temperature
the mother before bath. regulating mechanisms are
Ensure that the room is not completely developed
warm and free of
draughts this is
particularly important
when caring for the new
02 Remove the infant diaper To prevent infection
and wipe away any feces
on the baby perineum
with tissue paper.
03 Reassure the infant before To prevent falling
and during the bath by
holding the infant firmly
but gently
04 Undress the infant and
bundle him or her in a
supine position on a towel
05 Place all articles such as To prevent injury
safety pin out of the
infant reach
06 As certain the infants
weight and vital sings
there often measured in
conjunction with a bath
07 Clean the babyᶧ s eyes Using separate cotton balls
with sterile water only, prevents the transmission
using cotton balls use from one eye to anther
separate ball for each eye. wiping away from the
Wipe from the inner to inner canthus avoids
the outer canthus. In wiping debris in to the
some agencies the infants nasolacrimal duct
eye and scalp are cleaned
before the infant is
08 Wash and dry the baby Soap can be irritating to
face using water only. the eyes.
Soap may be used to clean
the ears.
09 Pick the baby up using the This loosens any dry scales
football 9hold position from the scalp and helps
the baby head over the to prevent cradle cap. If
wash basin and lather the cradle cap is present it
scalp with a mild soap. may be treated with baby
Massage the lather over oil or dandruff shampoo
the scalp using the soft prescribed by physician
bristled brush, the baby
comb or your finger tips
10 Rinse and dry the scalp
well place the baby supine
11 Wash, rinse and dry each Rubbing can cause
arm and hand particular irritation and moisture can
attention to the axila cause excoriation of the
avoid excessive rubbing skin
Dry thoroughly
12 Wash, rinse and dry the Covering the infant
baby's chest and prevent chilling
abdomen. Keep the baby
cover with the bath
blanket or between
washing and rinsing
13 Clean the base of the A lcohol promote drying
umbilical cord with cotton and prevents infection
ball dipped in 70% ethyl
alcohol some agencies use
other antiseptics such as
povidone iodine.
14 Wash and rinse and dry Keeping exposure to a
the baby's leg and feet. minimum maintains the
Expose only one leg and babyᶧ s warmth
foot at a time .Give special
attention to the area
between the toes.
15 Turn the baby on his or The rectal area is cleaned
her back. Clean and dry Last since it is the most
the genitalia and anterior contaminated.
perineal area from front
to back.
16 Place the Baby on his or Place the area is cleaned
back clean and dry the last, since it is the most
genitalia and anterior contaminated
perineal area from front
to back
17 To clean the posterior The baby may inhale
perineum and buttocks. particles of powder which
Grasp both of the baby's would irritated the
ankles raise the feet and respiratory tract
elevate the buttocks.
Wash and rinse the area
with the wash cloth. Dry
the area apply ointment
according to agency
policy. Do not apply
18 Check for dry, cracked or
peeling skin and apply
mild Baby oil or lotion
19 Cloth baby in a shirt or Exposing the cord site to
night gown and the diaper the air will promote
below the cord site healing
20 Until the umbilicus and This position allows more
circumcision are healed, air to circulate around the
position the baby on his cord site, facilitate
side in the crib with a drainage of mucus from
rolled towel or a diaper the mouth, and is more
behind he back for comfortable for
support. And cover the circumcised babies when
baby with a blanket, if the the umbilicus and
environmental circumcision are healed,
temperature permits. place the baby in prone
position .
21 Record any significant
observation such as
reddened areas or skin
rashes, the color and
consistency of the stool,
the state of the stump and
the state of the

It is a bath given to the
infant by immersing the infant's
baby in a tub of water.

 To keep the baby skin clean.
 To refresh the baby.
 To stimulate circulation.
Points To Remember:-
 The infant is given a tub bath after the cord stump falls and
the umbilicus is well healed.
 Assemble all supplies need within easy reach .
 A baby left unattended or out of sight for even a few
seconds can move and fall from the bath area .
 Keep supplies out of reach of the infant small articles such as
safety pins, can be hazardous to an active and curious infant.
 A tub with bath water at 38.40◦C.
 A soft wash cloth.

 Mild-non perfumed soap .

 Cotton balls, sterile water to
clean the eyes of the baby.
 Kidney tray.
 A towel to place under the
baby before and after the baths
and to dry the baby.
 A bath blanket or towel.
 A soft – bristled brush for cleaning the scalp.
 A diaper.
 A shirt or right gown.
 Mild lotion or baby oil.

Sl No Steps Rationale
01 Explain the procedure to the To prevent back strain.
mother before bath, prepare a
flat. Padded surface in the bath
area on which to dress the
infant. It should be high enough
so that you or the parent can
avoid stoping which can produce
back strain. Cover the surface
with a towel
02 Place the tub near the designing To prevent exposure and
surface. Be sure the room is chilling.
warm and free from draughts.
03 Clean the baby's eyes with To Using separate cotton
sterile water only, using cotton balls prevent the
balls, use separate balls for eachtransmission of
eye inner to the outer canthus microorganism from one
eye to other
04 Wash and the dry the baby's Soap can be irritating to
face using water only. Soap may the eyes.
be used to clean the ear.
05 Pick up and hold the baby Young infant have not
securely with the head and develop sufficient to hold
shoulder supported on the their heads up alone
forearm and the hips and
buttocks supported on the other
06 Gradually immerse the baby in
to the water, giving the infant
time to adjust to the water
07 Wetting the baby's head lather This loosens any dry scales
the scalp with a mild soap using from the scalp and helps
the soft bristled brush or the pad prevent cradle cap.
of your finger tips.

08 Soap and rinse the baby's trunk,

extremities. genitals, perineal
area, with your free hand.
09 Remove the baby from the tub It is important to avoid
by the hold. And quickly bundle chilling the infant.
the baby in a towel
10 Gently put the baby dry, giving Rubbing cause skin
special attention to the body irritation
creases and folds.
11 Apply baby oil or lotion the dry
or peeling areas
12 Cloth the baby in a shirt or a
nightgown and a diaper
13 Place the baby in a prone or Those position facilitate
sideline position in the crib the drainage of mucous
from the mouth
14 Cover and bundle the baby with This gives the baby a sense
a blanket if the environmental of security as well as
temperature permits keeping him or her warm.

Nurse Responsibilities:-
 Nurse should closely observe the baby before giving bath.
 Nurse should find a convenient time for giving bath and it
should be inform to the mother.
 Before starting the procedure the nurse should sure that all
needed equipments are ready.
 To avoid injury to the baby the nurse should remove all rings
from her finger.
 Nurse should check the temperature of the water
 After giving bath nurse should dry the baby properly.
 Proper recording and reporting.
Conclusion :-
Baby bath is an important procedure which is used to follow in
the infant care. The baby bath will provide proper cleaning of the
baby, refresh the baby and it also stimulate the proper blood

 Merenstein Gardnar. Neonatal intensive care 6 th Edition.
Mosby Elsevier publication: page no :303
 Sr. Narey, Principles of nursing. 6th Edition. N.R Publications:
Page no: 288
 Piyush gupta. Essential pediatric Nursing.2nd Edition Cbs
Publication :page no:225
 Dorthy M Marlow. Text Book of Pediatric Nursing 6 th Edition ;
Page No:264-265
 Lippincott. Manual Nursing Practice, Page No:1249

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