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Module 1, Lesson 1, Activity 2 Answer Key

Observed Behavior
1. Predicts and justifies what will happen next in stories.  ☐
2. Creates own written texts for others to read.  ☐
3. Notices when difficulties are encountered in understanding text.  ☐
4. Reads and understands simple written instructions.  ☐
5. Discusses prior knowledge of topics in expository texts.  ☐
6. Discusses how, why and what-if questions.  ☐
7. Describes new information gained from texts in own words.  ☐
8. Composes fairly readable first drafts.  ☐
9. Engages in a variety of literary activities voluntarily (e.g. choosing books and
stories to read, writing a note to a friend.)
10. Uses new vocabulary in own speech.  ☐
11. Uses "how" and "where" questions.  ☐
12. Uses more complex sentences in different situations (play and classroom).  ☐

13. Describes objects and situations according to position, size, quantity, and other
attributes.  ☐

14. Follows 2 to 3-step instructions.  ☐

15. Uses more accurate language of time to indicate past, present and future events.  ☐
16. Is challenged by balancing activities.  ☐

17. Shows stable grasp of writing instruments.  ☐

18. Can understand different emotions.  ☐
19. Tends to be know-it-all.  ☐
20. Makes friends through play.  ☐


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