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¬ Natural numbers : While counting things we need help of numbers 1,2,3, ......
these numbers are called natural numbers.
N = {1,2,3,4,..........}
¬ The next number of any natural number is called its successor and the number
just before a number is called predecessor.
Ex. : Successor of 9 is 10 and the predecessor of 9 is 8.
¬ In natural numbers 1 has no predecessor.
¬ Whole numbers : The natural numbers along with the zero form the collection
of whole numbers.
Whole numbers (W) = {0,1,2,3,......}
è Smallest whole number is 0
è All natural numbers are whole numbers but all whole numbers are not natural
è Every whole number has a successor. Every whole number except zero has
a predecessor.
è Whole numbers are closed under addition and multiplication.
è Division by zero is not define.
a y 0 not defined.
¬ Integers :
The collection of Negative numbers and whole numbers together we get a bigger
collection of numbers called Integers.
Integers (z) = {.......,-3,-2,1,0,1,2,3,.......}
è Zero is an integer neither positive nor negative.
¬ The product of two negative integers is a positive integer.
Ex : -3 x - 6=18
¬ The product of two positive integers is a positive integer.
¬ The product of one positive integer and one negative integer is negative
¬ The number of negative integers being multiplied is even then the product is
a positive integer.
¬ The number of negative integers being multiplied is odd then the product is a
negative integer.
¬ If we divide a negative integer by a negative integer, we get positive number
as the Quotient.
:: 1 ::
Ex : (-15) y (-3) = 5
¬ For any integer a, a y 0 is not defined but 0 y a=0 for a z 0.
¬ For any integer a y 1 = a; a y -1 = -a; a y a = 1.
¬ Closure Property :
If a,b  p then a b  p then p are closed under operation
Ex.: If 1,3  N then 1+3=4  N
Natural numbers are closed under additon.
ii) If 2,5  W then 2-5=-3  W
Therefore whole numbers are not closed under subtraction.
[ read as - dot circle]
¬ Commutative Property :
If a,b  p then a b=b a then p are commutative under operation
Ex. : i) -3, -2  z then (-3)+(-2) = (-2)+(-3)
Therefore integers are commutative under addition.
ii) 5,10  z then 5 y 10 = 2

10 y 5 2
5 y 10 z 10 y 5
Therefore integers are not commutative under division.
¬ Associative Property :
If a,b,c  p then (a b) c=a (b c) then p are satisfied associative property under
Ex. : Let 2,3,4  N
Now (2+3)+4 = 5+4 = 9
2+(3+4) = 2+7 = 9
Therefore natural numbers satisfies associative property under addition.
¬ Identity Property :
If a,b  p then a b = a then p are satisfied identity propety under operation
Ex. : a+0 = a
Therefore 0 is additive identity
au 1 = a
1 is the multiplicative identity

:: 2 ::
Note : Natural numbers have no additive identity.
¬ Inverse Property :
If a,b  p then a b = e inverse then p satisfied inverse propety under operation

Ex. : a+(-a) = 0
? -a is the additive identity of a
a u a =1

is the multiplicative inverse of a.

Note : 1. Natural numbers and whole numbers have no additive inverse.

2. N and W does not satisfies inverse property with respect to addition.
3. Only rational numbers except zero satisfied multiplication inverse
Distributive of Multiplication over Addition
If a,b,c  p and a u (b+c) = a u b+a u c
Properties of whole numbers

Property Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division

a r a r
a r a r
a r a r
a - a -
Inverse r r -

Properties of Integers

Property Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division

Closure a a a r
Commutative a r a r
Associative a r a r
Identity a - a -
Inverse a - r -

:: 3 ::
Fractions : A fraction is a number representing a part of a whole.
Ex. : 12
is a fraction we read is as five-twelths. Here 5 is
called the numerator and 12 is called the denominator.
Proper fraction : A fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator is
called a proper fraction.
 5 6 21
Ex. : , , ,
5 7 13 109
........... are proper fractions.

Improper fraction : A fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to its

denominator is called an improper fraction.
16 25 36
Ex. : , ,
9 8 36
....... etc are improper fractions.

Mixed fraction : A number which can be expressed as the sum of a whole number
and a proper fraction is called a mixed fraction.
2 4 3
Ex. : 1 ,3 ,7 ......
3 7 11

Decimal fraction : A fraction whose denominator is 10,100,1000 etc is called

a decimal fraction.
3 7 24
Ex. : , ,
10 100 1000

Vulgar fraction : A fraction whose denominator is an integer other than

10,100,1000 etc is called a vulgar fraction (or) common
fraction (or) simple fraction.
3 5 6
Ex. : , ,
4 7 13
........ etc.

Like fraction : Fractions having the same denominators are called like
4 3 7 10
Ex. : , , , , ......
11 11 11 11
etc. are like fractions.

Unlike fractions : Fractions having the different denominators are called

unlike fractions.
3 3 11 19
Ex. : , , , ,
5 7 12 40
....... etc. are unlike fractions.

Unit fractions : Fractions with 1 as numerator are known as unit fractions.

1 1 1 1
Ex. : , , , ,......
2 3 7 23
etc. are unit fractions.

Equivalent fractions : Two (or) more fractions representing the same part of a
whole are called equivalent fractions.
:: 4 ::
2 4 6
Ex. : , , , .........
3 6 9

Product of Numerators
¬ Multiplication of Fractions =
Product of denominato rs
¬ The product of two proper fractions is less than each of the fractions that they are
2 5 10
Ex. : u
3 7 21

10 2 10 5
21 3
21 7

¬ A reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by inverting the numerator and denominator

3 5
Ex. : Reciprocal of 5
is 3

Reciprocal of 2 is 2

¬ While dividing a whole number with a fraction we multiply the whole number with
the reciprocal of that fraction.
7 3 15
Ex. : 5y
7 7

¬ While dividing one fraction by another fraction we multiply the first fraction with
the reciprocal of the second.
3 5 3 7 21
Ex. : y
4 7
4 5 20

¬ Fraction in lowest terms : A fraction is in its lowest terms if its numerator and
denominator have no common factor other than 1.
¬ If a fraction is in its lowest form H.C.F. of its Numerator and denominator is 1.
Decimals : Decimals can be considered as fractions whose denominators are
10,100,1000 etc. ...... The numbers expressed in decimal forms are
called decimals.
Ex. : 17.235, 0.149, 125.005 etc.
each decimal has two parts. : (i) whole number part (ii) decimal part
Multiplication of a decimal number by 10,100,1000 etc. .....
If we multiplied a decimal number by 10,100,1000 ....... then the decimal point in
the products shifts to the right by as many zeroes as in 10,100,1000 etc. ...
Ex. : 2.35 u 10 = 23.5
12.356 u 100 = 1235.6

:: 5 ::
Division of a decimal number by 10,100,1000 etc.
If we divide a decimal number by 10,100,1000 ..... then the decimal point in the
product shifts to the left by as many zeroes as in 10,100,1000 etc.....
Ex. : 132.7 y 10 = 13.27
17.36 y 100 = 0.1736
Rational numbers :
Rational numbers are a bigger collection of numbers which includes all integers, positive
fractional numbers and all negative fractional numbers.
The numbers in the form of q
, where p and q are integers and q z 0 are called as Rational

­p ½
numbers. Q = ® / q z 0¾
¯ q ¿

¬ a(b+c) = ab+ac this property is called the distributive law of multiplication over
¬ a(b-c) = ab-ac this property is called the distributive law of multiplication over
Properties of Rational Numbers

Property Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division

Closure a a a a(Except 0)
Commutative a r a r
Associative a r a r
Identity a - a(Except 0) -
Inverse a - a -

¬ Rational Numbers except zero satisfies inverse property under multiplication.

¬ If a,b are any two rational numbers then 2
is a rational number between them.

¬ There are infinite rational numbers between any two rational numbers (Density
¬ Decimal representation of Rational numbers
Rational numbers can be represent as
(i) terminating decimals
(ii) non terminating but reccuring (or) repeating decimals

:: 6 ::
Terminating Decimals :
The number of digits in decimal part are finite those are terminating decimals.
1 3 13
Ex. : 2
0.5 ;
0.375 ;

If the denominators of simplest rational numbers has no prime divisors other than 2 and 5
they are expressed as terminating decimals.
Non terminating recurring decimals :
If we observe that the division never ends, no matter how long it is carried on and a digit
or a set of digits repeat continuously such decimals are called non termi nating
recurring decimals.
Ex. : 3
0.3333....... 0.3

1.666 ....... 1.6

1.222....... 1.2

¬ The set of digits which repeats in non-terminating reccurring decimal is called

period. Number of digits in a period is called periodicity.
Ex. : 0.1275

Period = 75
Periodicity = 2

:: 7 ::

¬ Square of a number and square numbers.

The square of a number is that number raised to the power 2.
? a2 aua
That is the square of a number is obtained by multiplying itself. If a u a = b then
b is the square of a.
¬ Perfect Square : A natural number n is called a perfect square if there exists a
natural number m such that n=m2.
Ex. : 36=62; 49=72
¬ Square Root : The square root of a number a is that number which when
multiplied by it self gives a as the product.
? b u b = a (or) b2 = a
Therefore b is the square root of a.
Ex. : 5 u 5 = 25 then 5 is the square root of 25.
¬ Properties of square numbers :
è 1) Perfect squares does not end with the digits 2,3,7 or 8.
Ex. : 152, 7693, 14357 are not perfect squares.
è 2) The number of zeroes at the end of a perfect square is always even.
Ex. : 15000, 2700000 are never perfect squares.
è 3) Squares of even numbers are always even and squares of odd
numbers are always odd.
Ex. : 122 = 144 even number
172 = 289 odd number.
è 4) Units digit of the number Units digit of the square of the number
0 - 0
1 or 9 - 1
2 or 8 - 4
3 or 7 - 9
4 or 6 - 4
5 - 5

¬ If a number containes n digit then its square containes 2n or 2n-1 digits.

Ex. : A 10 digit number contains 19 or 20 digits in its square.
¬ For every natural number n, n  1 2  n2 2n  1
The difference of squares of two consecutive numbers is sum of the numbers.
:: 8 ::
Ex. : 112  102 11  10 21
Ex. : 347  346
2 2
347  346 693
¬ There are 2n non perfect square numbers between two consecutive square
numbers n2 and n  1 2
Ex. : Non-perfect square numbers between 202 and 212 are 2(20) = 40.
¬ The square of a natural number n is equal to the sum of first n odd natural
Ex. : 52 1 3  5  7  9 25

? 1  3  5  .........  2n  1 n 2
¬ Pythagorean Triplets :
A triplet (a,b,c) of three natural numbers is called a phythagorean triplet if a 2  b2 c2
Ex. : (3,4,5), (5,12,13), (8,15,17), (7,24,25) are pythagorean triplets.
Note : For any natural number n greater than 1, 2n,n 2
is a pythagorean
 1, n2  1
¬ The sum of two consecutive triangular numbers is a square number.
triangular number are 1,3,6,10,15,21, ....... etc.
¬ If 1 is added to the product of two consecutive odd natural numbers it is equal to
the square of the only even natural number between them.
Ex. : 1u 3  1 22

5 u 7  1 62

2n  1 u 2n  1  1 2n 2
¬ If 1 is added to the product of two consecutive even natural numbers it is equal to
the square of the only odd natural number between them
2 u 4  1 32

6 u 8  1 72

2n u 2n  2  1 2n  1 2
n2  n  1 2  n 2  n n
2 2
 n 1 2

Ex. : 52  62  30 2 312

7 2  82  56 2 57 2
Cube: The cube of a number is raised to the power 3.
' a3 a u a u a
Perfect Cube : A natural number is said to be a perfect cube if it is the cube
of some natural number.
¬ 13  23  33  ..........  n3 1  2  3  .......n 2

:: 9 ::
Cube root : A number m is the cube root of a number n if n m3

? n m3 then 3
n m
¬ From 1 to 100 there are 4 perfect cubes, and between 1 and 500 there are 7
perfect cubes, between 500 and 1000 there are only 2 perfect
Playing with numbers

Place value of a number and Expanded form of numbers.

¬ 645 = 600 + 40 + 5 = 6 u 100 + 4 u 10 + 5 u 1
¬ In 7894 place value of 7 is 7000 and face value of 7 is 7.
¬ ab = 10 a + b
¬ abc = 100 a + 10 b + c
¬ In abcde place value of c is 100 c.
Factors and multiple of numbers
A number which is exactly divisible by numbers are called factors of that number.
Factors of 36 are 1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18 and 36.
¬ Every factor is less than or equal to the given number.
¬ Every number is a factor of itself and 1 is factor of all numbers.
¬ Greatest factor of a non-zero number is the number itself.
¬ If a natural number other than 1 has no factors except 1 and itself then they
are called prime numbers.
Ex. : 2,3,5,7,11,13, ..... etc.
¬ Composite number :
A number which has factors besides other than 1 and itself is called a composite
è 1 is neither prime nor composite
è 2 is the only even prime number
¬ Number of factors
If a number can be written as product of primes N = 2a u 3b u5c u...........
Number of factors of N = a  1 b  1 c  1 ..........
Ex. : Find the number of factors of 36
36 22 u 32
Number of factors = 2  1 2  1 3 u 3 9
Divisibility Rules :
Divisibility by 2 : If the unit’s digit of the number is 0 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 (even num
ber) then it is divisible by 2 otherwise it is not divisible by 2.

:: 10 ::
Ex. : 23468
digit in unit’s place is 8 so it is divisible by 2.
¬ If we take three digit number abc it can be written as
abc = 100a + 10b + c
2 50a  5b
= C
Multiple of 2
If abc is divisible by 2 then c = 0 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8.
Divisibility by 3 : The sum of all digits in a number is divisible by 3 then the num-
ber is divisible by 3.
Ex. : 378
Sum of all digits = 3+7+8 = 18 (Multiple of 3)
? 378 is divisible by 3
è If we take three digit number abc,
abc = 100a + 10 b + c = 99a + 9 b + a + b + c
3 33a  3b
= Multiple of 3  a  b  c
If abc is divisible by 3 then a+b+c is divisible by 3.
Ex. : If 24c is divisible by 3 then least value of c =
sum of digits = 2+4+c = 6+c
possible values of c are 0 or 3 or 6 or 9
least value of c = 0
¬ Product of three consecutive numbers is divisible by 3
Divisibility by 4 : In a given number if the number formed by last two digits is divis
ible by 4 or last two digits are ‘0’ then the number is divisible by 4.
Ex. : 378416
Last two digits 16 divisible by 4 therefore 378416 is divisible by 4.
¬ If abcd is a 4 digits number
abcd = 1000 a + 100 b + 10 c + d
4 250a  25b
= multiple of 4  10c  d
The given number is divisible by 4 only if 10c + d is divisible
by 4
Ex. : 1. Find the least value of a 94689a6 is divisible by 4.
Sol. Last two digits in given number = a6
multiples of 4 which having 6 in units place are
16,36,56,76,96 least value of a is 1.
2. If 378 A 3460 is divisible by 4 then least value of A = 0
and greatest value of A = 9
Divisibility by 5 : If the units digit of a number is 0 or 5 then it is divisible by 5.
Ex. : 1. 347895
:: 11 ::
The digit in units place is 5 there fore it is divisible by 5
2. If 45678 A is divisible by 5 least value of A is 0
3. The least number must be added to 346786 is
divisible by 5 is 4.
4. If 4B is divisible by 5 then the remainder is 1, then
possible values of B are 1 or 6.
5. If 76c is divisible by 5 then the remainder is 2 then
maximum value of c is 7.
Divisibility by 6 : If a number is divisible by 2 and 3 then it is divisible by 6.
Ex. : 1. 378642
digit in units place is 2 so it is divisible by 2.
sum of all the digits=3+7+8+6+4+2=30 is divisible by 3
? 378642 is divisible by 6.
2. If a three digit number ABC is divisible by 6 the least
value of A+B+C is 3.
Divisibility by 7 : ¬ ABC is a three digit number
ABC = 100 A + 10 B + C
= 7 (14 A + B) + 2A + 3B + C
If ABC is divisible by 7 only when 2A + 3B + C is divisible by 7.
Ex. : 1. 343
2A+3B+C = 2 u 3+3 u 4+3 = 6+12+3 = 21 (divisible by7)
Therefore 343 is divisible by 7.
2. Find the least value of C is 99c is divisible by 7.
Sol. Comparing 99c with ABC
A=9, B=9, C=c
Now 2A+3B+C = 2(9)+3(9)+c = 18+27+c
= 45 + c
Nearest multiple of 7 to 45 is 49
? 45 + c = 49
c = 4.
Divisibility by 8 : In a given number if the number formed by last three digits are
divisible by 8 or last 3 digits are ‘0’s then that number is divisible
by 8.
Ex. : 1. 3786436
Last three digits are 436
? 436 is not divisible by 8
therefore 3786436 is not divisible by 8.
Note :If ABCD is a four digit number then 4B+2C+D is divisible
:: 12 ::
by 8 threfore ABCD is divisible by 8.
Ex. : 1. 7752
4B+2C+D=4(7)+2(5)+2= 28+10+2 = 40 (divisible by
? 7752 is divisible by 8
2. If 36874A is divisible by 8 then A value
4B+2C+D = 4(7)+2(4)+A = 28+8+A = 36 + A
Nearest multiple of 8 to 36 is 40
? 36+A = 40
A = 40-36 = 4
Divisibility by 9 : The sum of the digits of a number is multiple of 9 then the num-
ber is divisible by 9.
Ex. : 1. 8378649
Sum of the digits = 8+3+7+8+6+4+9=45 (multiple of 9)
Therefore 8378649 is divisible by 9.
2. If 34A is divisible by 9 then maximum value of A is
3+4+A = 7+A = 9
Divisibility by 10 : If the unit digit of a number is ‘0’ then it is divisible by 10.
Divisibility by 11 : If the difference between the sum of digits in odd places
and sum of digits in even places of a number is multiple of
11 or equal to zero then the number is divisible by 11.
Ex. : 61809
Sum of the digits at odd places = 6+8+9 = 23
Sum of the digits at even places = 1+0 = 1
Their difference = 22 (multiple of 11)
? 61809 is divisible by 11.
¬ The palindrome numbers are always divisible by 11.
¬ If we write a three digit number even number of times is divis
ible by 11.
Ex. : 789789 divisible 11
348348348348 is divisible by 11.
¬ a 2n  1 n  N number is always divisible by 9 and 11.
Ex. : 102n-1 = 1010-1 (n=5)
= 10000000000 - 1
= 9999999999 (It is divisible by 9 and 11)
¬ an+bn is divisible by a+b when ever n is a odd number.
:: 13 ::
¬ an-bn is divisible by a-b for all values of n.
¬ a2n+1+b2n+1 is always divisible by (a+b)
¬ If a number a is divisible by another number b then it is
divisible by each of the factors of that number b.
Ex. : Suppose 24 is divisible by 12 then 24 is also divisible by
the factors of 12 are 1,2,3,4,6,12.
¬ If a,b are divisible by c then their sum a+b and difference a-
b are divisible by c.
¬ Any two digit number three times to make a 6-digit number it
is divisible by 3.
Ex. : 474747 is divisible by 3.
¬ any three digit number write it two times to make a 6-digit
number is divisible by 7,11 and 13 also.
è abcabc = abc (1001)
= abc u 7 u 11 u 13
n n  1
¬ Sum of first n natural numbers
n n  1
1+2+3+........+n = 2
¬ Sum of first n even natural numbers = n n  1
¬ Sum of first n odd even natural numbers n2.
¬ 1+3+5+7+9 = 52 = 25
1+3+5+7+.......+99 = 502 = 2500
¬ 2+4+6+8+10 = 5(6) = 30
2+4+6+........ +100 = 50 (51) = 2550
¬ The sum of Integers from 1 to 100 which are divisible by 5.
5+10+15+.........+100 = 5 [1+2+3+......+20]
5 ª¬ 20 20  1 º¼
= 5 u 10 u 21 1050
¬ Find the sum of integers which are divisible by 5 from 50 to
¬ 50+55+60+65+70+75+80+85
= [5+10+15+ ....... +85]- [5+10+......+45]
= 5 [1+2+3+ ......+17] - 5 [1+2+.....9]
§5u17u18· § 5 u 9 u 10 ·
= ¨
© 2 ¹
¸ - ¨
© 2 ¹
¸ = 5 u 9 (17-5)
= 5 u 9 u 12
= 540

:: 14 ::
Worked Examples

3 9
1. The sum of two rational numbers is 5
. If one of the number is 20
find the other.
Sol. It is given that
3 9
sum of the numbers = 5
, one of the numbers = 20
suppose the other rational number is x
§ 9· 3
? x  ¨¨© 20 ¸¸¹ 5

x  3  ¨¨  9 ¸¸
§ ·

5 © 20 ¹
9 12  9 3
x 3 
5 20 20 20
3 5
2. By what number should we multiply so that the product may be .
14 12
3 ux 5
Sol. 14 12
x 5 u 14  35
12 3 18
3. Find the greatest 5-digit perfect square.
Sol. Let us first work out the process of finding the square root by the division
3 99999 316
61 99
626 3899
Required number = 99999 - 143 = 99856
4. What is the smallest number by which 1600 is to be divided so that the quotient
is a perfect cube.
Sol. Resolving 1600 into prime factors, we get
1600 = 2 u 2 u 2 u 2 u 2 u 2 u 5 u 5
The smallest number which is to be divided = 5 u 5=25

:: 15 ::
3 7
5. Find the reciprocal of u
8 13
3 7
u  3 u  7 21
Sol. We have = 8u13
8 13 104
 3  7 104
Reciprocal of 8 u 13 21
6. Is 5 7 terminating decimal or not ?
2 u5
Sol. In a fraction in its lowest form if denominator is not having any prime
numbers except 2 and 5 then it is terminating decimal.
? 25 u 57 is terminating decimal.
7. In a class there are 60 students one third of them are girls. How many boys are
there in the class.
1 1
Sol. No. of girls =of students = u 60 20
3 3
No. of boys = 60 - 20 = 40
8. Convert (i) 5.2 (ii) 6.28 (iii) 0.375 as rational numbers.
52  5 47
Sol. (i) 5.2 =
9 9
628  6 622
(ii) 6.28 = 99 99
375  3 372
(iii) 0.375 = 990 990
§ 1 ·§ 1 ·§ 1 · § 1·
9. Simplify ¨¨1 2 ¸¸¨¨1 3 ¸¸¨¨1 4 ¸¸ ....... ¨¨1 n ¸¸
© ¹© ¹© ¹ © ¹

1 1 ¸¸¨¨1 1 ¸¸¨¨1 1 ¸¸ ........ ¨¨1 1 ¸¸

§ ·§ ·§ · § ·
Sol. ¨
¨ 2 ¹© 3 ¹© 4 ¹ n
© © ¹

1 2 3 n 1 1
= 2 . 3 . 4 ...... n n
10. Find no. of digits in 424.2524
Sol. 424.2524 4.25 24 100 24 102 ¸¸
© ¹

There are 49 digits in given number

11. If 576 24 then find 5.76  0.0576
Sol. 5.76  0.0576 2.4  0.24 2.64

:: 16 ::
12. Find the last digit of 31997
Sol. 31 3
32 9
33 27
34 81
35 243
Power of 3 has recurring degree 4.
31997 34 u 499 1
Last digit of 31997 is 3.
1 5 3 1
13. Simplify 2 2  3 7 u 13  2 y 4 is

Sol. 2 1 35u 3  1 y4 =
5  26 u 3  1 u 1
2 7 13 2 2 7 13 2 4
5  6 1
2 7 8
140  48  7 188  7 181 3 13
56 56 56 56

x 1
14. If x 2 then find the value of 1 1
1 1

x 1
1 1 1 1
Sol. 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 3

1 1

2 4
13 5
2 4 4
4 5 9
15. Find H.C.F. of 5 , 6 ,10

H.C.F. of numerators
Sol. H.C.F. of fractions =
L.C.M. of denominato rs
H.C.F. of 4,5,9 1
= L.C.M. of 5,6,10 30

:: 17 ::
16. If a b  c 119, b c  a 128, c a  b 135 then find abc
given a b  c 119, b c  a 128, c a  b 135
a b  c  b c  a  c a  b 119  128  135
ab  ac  bc  ba  ca  bc 382
2ab  2bc  2ca 382
2 ab  bc  ca 382
ab  bc  ca 191
Now ab ab  bc  ca  c a  b 191  135 56
bc ab  bc  ca  a b  c 191  119 72
ca ab  bc  ca  b c  a 191  128 63 56 u 72 u 63
7 u8u 9u8u 9u 7

abc 7 u 8 u 9 504
2 2 2

' abc 504

1 1 1 1
17. 1.2  2.3  3.4  ....  n n  1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sol: 1      ........  
2 2 3 3 4 n n 1
1 n 11 n
n 1 n 1 n 1
18. If x2 y and y 3 z; z  4 3 then find x value
z4 3Ÿ z  4 9
z 13
y 3 z Ÿ y  3 13
y  3 169
y 172
x2 y Ÿ x  2 172
x  2 29584
x 29586
19. Find the greatest prime number that divide 552  553  554  555

552  553  554  555 552 1  5  52  53

:: 18 ::
552 1  5  25  125
552 156
552 2 2 u 3 u 13
The greatest prime number that divids given number is 13.
20. In a division problem the divisier is 8 times the quotient and 17 times the re-
mainder. If the remainder is 16 find the dividend.
Remaineder = 16
Devisior = 17 x 16 =272
Quotient 34
Devident = Diviser x Quotient + Remainder
= 272 x 34 + 16
= 9264

1. Which of the following is not correct ? [ ]
a) a y a = 1 b) 0 y a = 0 c) a y 0 = 0 d) a y -1 = -a
2. Which of the following represents Inverse property ? [ ]
a) a+b = b+a b) a+0 = a c) a+(-a) = 0 d) a(b+c) = ab+ac
3. Choose the correct one.
p) a+b = b+a i) Distributive property
q) (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) ii) Identity property
r) a(b+c) = ab+ac iii) Commutative
s) a+0 = a iv) Associative
a) p-iv, q-iii, r-i, s-ii b) p-iii, q-iv, r-i, s-ii
c) p-iii, q-i, r-iv, s-ii d) p-iv, q-i, r-iii, s-ii
4. Which of the following set does not contain additive identity ? [ ]
a) N b) W c) Z d) Q
5. Which of the following numbers satisfy closure property under division ?[ ]
a) N b) W c) Z d) Q
6. If a,b are two rational numbers then rational number between them is ..... [
a b
a) b) a+b c) 2a+b d) (a+b) (a-b)
:: 19 ::
7. A certain freezing process requires that room temperature be lowered from
50 oc at the rate of 3oc every hour. What will be
the room temperature 3 day after t h e
process begins ? [ ]
a) 14 co
b) -4 c o
c) -22 c
d) -12 c o

8. In a class test containing 8 questions , 5 marks are awarded for every correct
answer and (-2) mark is for every incorrect answer and 0 for questions not
attempted. If Ravi attempts all the questions and of them 3 are wrong. How many
marks did he get ? [ ]
a) 25 b) 5 c) 19 d) 17
9. An elevator descends into a mine shaft at the rate of 5 meters per minute. If the
descent starts from 50m above the ground level how long will it take to reach
-255m ? [ ]
a) 51 b) 53 c) 55 d) 61
10. If a = (-1 u (-1) u (-1) ........ 100 times, and b = (-1) u (-1) u (-1) u ....... 99 times. Then
a+b = ....... [ ]
a) -1 b) -2 c) 0 d) 1
11. By what number 9 5 be multiplied to get 42. [ ]
30 7 1 3
a) 7 b) 30 c) 4 7 d) 4 7
3 3
12. A bucket containes 24 litres of water. How many litre jugs can be filled from
4 4
the bucket to get it emptied? [ ]
a) 35 b) 33 c) 37 d) 29
5 2
13. The product of two numbers is 20 7 . If one of the numbers 6 then the other is
5 7 3 3
a) 3 b) 3 c) 3 d) 2
28 28 28 28
14. Which of the following statement is incorrect ? [ ]
a) All Natural numbers are Rational numbers
b) All Integers are whole numbers
c) All whole numbers are Rational numbers
d) All whole numbers are not natural numbers
15. A car runs 16km using 1 litre of petrol. How much distance will it cover using 2 4
litres of petrol ? [ ]
a) 55km b) 45 km c) 48 km d) 44 km
16. By selling oranges at the rate of Rs. 5 4 per orange, a fruit seller gets Rs. 630.
How many dozens of oranges does he sell ? [ ]
a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 8
17. A set of whole numbers satisfy proper under multiplication ....... [ ]
:: 20 ::
a) Closed b) Commutative c) Associative d) All the above
18. The value of -1+2-3+4-5+6 ......... -2017+2018 is equal to ........ [ ]
a) 4036 b) 1009 c) -1008 d) 0
19. Which of the following is true ? [ ]
a) 130 y 0=0 b) 150 y 1=50 c) 0 u 130=0 d) 150 u 1=151
20. A fan rotates on its shaft around 5 times in a second. How many times does the
fan rotate in a day if there was no electricity for 2 hours ? [ ]
a) 396000 b) 39600 c) 395000 d) 398000
21. The area of a Rectangle whose length is 5.7 cm and breadth is 3.5 cm ? [ ]
a) 19.25 cm 2
b) 19.95 cm 2
c) 18.95 cm 2
d) 17.95 cm 2

22. A car covers a distance of 89.1/km in 2.2 hours. What is the average distance
covered by the car in 1 hour ? [ ]
a) 38.5 b) 27.5 c) 40.5 d) 44.5
23. When 0.48 is written in the simplest form of its terms, the sum of it numerator
and denominator is ....... [ ]
a) 148 b) 74 c) 37 d) 147
3 x
24. If 7 then x = ........ [ ]
a) 15 b) 21 c) -15 d) -21
5 5
25. What should be added to 8 So as to get 9 ? [ ]
85 72  82 12
a) 72 b) 75 c) 75 d) 85
2 3
26. Find (x+y) y (x-y) if x 3 , y 2 [ ]
12 17 12 13
a) 5 b) 5 c) 5 d) 5
27. The sum of two numbers is . If one of the number is -5. Then the other is ......
20 11 14 16
a) b) c) d) [ ]
3 3 3 3
§3 2· 1
28. What should be subtracted from ¨¨ 4  3 ¸¸ to get ? [ ]
© ¹ 6
1 1 1 1
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
13 12  31 1
29. Divide the sum of 5 and 7 by the product of 7 and 2 [ ]
2 7 12  20
a) 5 b) 5 c) 5 d) 3
30. 0.20.23 ........ [ ]
:: 21 ::
a) 0.43 b) 0.45 c) 0.43 d) 0.45
31. Which of the following are terminating ? [ ]
5 17 54 37
a) 3 b) 6 c) 99 d) 5
3 2
32. Find the perimeter of the rectangle whose length and breadth are 8 5 and 8 3 ?
6 4 8 8
a) 3215 b) 3015 c) 3415 d) 3615 [ ]
33. If we write 0.454545 ...... in q form then p+q = ........ [ ]
a) 15 b) 16 c) 13 d) 17
34. The smallest of the fractions 2/3, 4/7, 8/11 and 9 is ....... [ ]
2 4 8 5
a) 3 b) 7 c) 11 d) 9
35. If x 23 22 23 22 ....... (40 terms) and y 11 10 11 10 ............. 20terms
then y-x = ......... [ ]
a) 40 b) 10 c) 20 d) 30
36. If x 1 2018, y 1 2018 and x+y = z then x+y+z = ....... [ ]
a) 0 b) 2 c) 4 d) 3
37. Water level increased at a dam 4ft per day and decresed 3ft perday then after 10
days water level in dam is when 3ft water is already there ....... [ ]
a) 10 ft b) 13 ft c) 6ft d) 14ft
1 3 5 7 9
38. 2  4  6  8 10 ........ [ ]
463 462 463 463
a) 110 b) 119 c) 120 d) 119
x y ª 4 y x º
39. If 2 3 then « 5  y  x » equals ....... [ ]
¬ ¼
3 4 6
a) 5 b) 5 c) 1 d) 5
40. Guru read 5 of a book. He finds that there are still 80 pages left to read. Total
number of pages in book are ....... [ ]
a) 100 b) 200 c) 400 d) 300
3 2
41. By what number should 4 be multiplied in order to produce 3 ...... [ ]
3 2 4 8
a) 2 b) 3 c) 9 d) 9
42. The property involved in (2 u x) + (2 u 6) = 2 u (x+6) ....... [ ]
a) Associative property b) Commutative property
c) Distributive property d) Identity property
43. The property involved in  2 u 3u 4  2u3 u4 ........ [ ]
:: 22 ::
a) Multiplicative associative in whole numbers
b) Commutative under multiplication in Integers
c) Associative under multiplication in Rational numbers
d) Associative under multiplication in natural numbers
44. The period of 0.54 4.7 is ....... [ ]
a) 32 b) 61 d) 47 d) 27
2 1
45. If 5 of a number exceeds 7 of the same number by 36 then the number is ......
a) 156 b) 140 c) 132 d) 144 [ ]
46. Which of the following is non-terminating decimal ? [ ]
1 4 3.66 5
a) 4 b) 7 c) d) 32
2 1
47. Choose the rational number does not lie between rational numbers and
1 3 5 7 5 5
a) b) c) d)
4 10 10 20
48. The numbers ........ and ....... are having their own reciprocals. [ ]
a) 0,1 b) 5,1 c) -1,1 d) 0,-1
1 1
49. A man spends of his salary on the rent of his house, of the remaining on
4 3
food and Rs. 3000 on the education of his children. If his salary is Rs. 24,000
find the sum of money still left with him.
[ ]
a) 900 b) 3000 c) 9000 d) 90000
5 3 7
50. Arrane the fractions in descending order : , , ....... [ ]
12 8 16
7 3 5 5 7 3 7 5 3 3 5 7
a) , , b) , , c) , , d) , ,
16 8 12 12 16 8 16 12 8 8 12 16
3 3
51. The highest score in an inning was of the total and the next highest was of
11 11
the remaining. If the scores differed by 63. Find the total score ? [ ]
a) 836 b) 850 c) 847 d) 900
52. The reciprocal of y3 will be ....... [ ]
4 1 9 4
a) 4 b) c) d)
4 4 9
53. If a+b = 7, b+c = 10, c+a = 11 then a value = ... [ ]
a) 7 b) 4 c) 3 d) 5
§¨ 325 326 327 328 ·¸
54. Which one of the following will divide completely ? [ ]
© ¹
a) 11 b) 16 c) 25 d) 30
55. If the unit digit in 549u56u28 u684 be 8, then what digit will be there in place
of * [ ]
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
:: 23 ::
56. The difference between the local value of face value of 6 in the numeral 586723
is ...... [ ]
a) 723 b) 6717 c) 5994 d) None of these
57. The periodicity of is ....... [ ]
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
58. If x 0.7 and y 0.23 then rational number bewteen (x+y) and (x-y) is .... [ ]
4 5 53 12
a) b) c) d)
11 11 55 11
1 1
59. The cost of 2 metres of cloth is Rs. 75 find the cost of cloth per meter ?[ ]
3 4
a) 35.25 b) 41.75 c) 32.25 d) 37.75
60. A real number 5 3 2 will have ....... [ ]
2 u5 u3 u7
a) Terminating decimal b) Non-terminating decimal
c) Non-terminating and non-repeating decimal
d) Terminating repeating decimal
61. Which of the following is not a perfect square ? [ ]
a) 6400 b) 8400 c) 90000 d) 10000
62. Number of non perfect squares numbers between 2017 2 and 20182 are [ ]
a) 2018 b) 2017 c) 4035 d) 4034
63. 1296 36 then 0.001296 ........ [ ]
a) 0.36 b) 0.036 c) 0.0036 d) 3.60
64. Number of perfect cubes from 1 to 1000 ........ [ ]
a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10
65. Which of the following is not a pythagorean triplet ? [ ]
a) (6,8,10) b) (12,16,20) c) (6,4,10) d) (16,30,34)
66. No. of Integers between 20182 and 20202 ........ [ ]
a) 8034 b) 8074 c) 8075 d) 8077
67. For what values of n, n +96 is a perfect square ?
[ ]
a) 23,10,5,2 b) 25,12,4,3 c) 28,14,6,7 d) None
68. mn 8 then possible least value of m+n is ...... [ ]
a) 16 b) 20 c) 25 d) 30
69. The least four digit perfect square is ...... [ ]
a) 1024 b) 9801 c) 1056 d) 1225
70. Which is greater among the following ? [ ]
§ § 2 ·2 ·
b) ¨¨ ¨ 2 ¸ ¸¸
a) 22 c) 2222 d) 2222
2 © © ¹ ¹
:: 24 ::
71. The smallest number by which 3645 must be multiplied to get a perfect square
a) 5 b) 3 c) 7 d) 11 [ ]
72. The product of two numbers is 1296. If one number is 16 times the other then
the sum of two numbers is ....... [ ]
a) 144 b) 153 c) 162 d) 81
73. The least number must be subtracted from 4000 to make it perfect square[ ]
a) 39 b) 43 c) 34 d) 31
74. The smallest prime number dividing the sum 311513 is ....... [ ]
a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7
75. The smallest number should be multiplied to 7803 so that product becomes
a perfect cube ....... [ ]
a) 11 b) 13 c) 17 d) 23
76. Ravi made a cuboid of plasticine of dimensions 12cm, 8cm and 3cm. How
many minimum number of such cuboids will be
needed to form a cube ....... [ ]
a) 288 b) 144 c) 256 d) 128
77. Which of the following two digit number which is square number and also a cubic
number ? [ ]
a) 16 b) 27 c) 64 d) 81
78. The least number must be added to 6412 to make it a perfect square ..... [
a) 147 b) 149 c) 163 d) 167
79. What is the smallest number by which 1600 is to be divided so that the quotient
is a perfect cube ? [ ]
a) 5 b) 4 c) 25 d) 2
80. 2 18  32 [ ]
a) 40 2 b) 30 2 c) 20 2 d) 10 2
81. Find the greatest number of six digits which is a perfect square ? [ ]
a) 998011 b) 988001 c) 998001 d) 988801
82. If 5 x 12 x 13 x then x = ........ [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
83. Area of a circular field is 6.16m then its circumfarence ........
[ ]
a) 7.6 b) 5.6 c) 6.6 d) 8.8
84. 41 21 19 9 = ....... [ ]
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
:: 25 ::
0.027 0.09
85. 3 y 1 [ ]
0.008 0.04
a) 0 b) 1 c) 1.4 d) 2.1
86. 19.36  0.1936  0.001936 is ....... [ ]
a) 488.4 b) 48.84 c) 4.884 d) 0.4884
87. Between which two consecutive whole numbers 1000 lies ...... [ ]
a) 29 and 39 b) 30 and 31 c) 31 and 32 d) 32 and 33
88. Find the greatest 4-digit number which is a perfect square ? [ ]
a) 9901 b) 9801 c) 9081 d) 9999
89. Which of the following containes digit 3 in its unit place ? [ ]
a) 1233 b) 1983 c) 2063 d) 1573
90. The length and breadth of a rectangular field are in the ratio 4:3 its area is 6.75
hectares then its perimeter is in sq. meters ....... [ ]
a) 1050 b) 1450 c) 525 d) 725
91. If a number 34A is divided by 2 and 5 leaves remainders 0 and 1 then A value
a) 0 b) 2 c) 1 d) 5 [ ]
92. If 2A8 is divisible by 2 then number of possible values of A are ...... [ ]
a) 9 b) 99 c) Infinity d) 10
93. No.of factors of 32 ........ [ ]
a) 5 b) 6 c) 36 d) 16
94. If 345A7 is divisible by 3 then A value ........ [ ]
a) 2 b) 5 c) 8 d) All the above
95. Which of the following is not divisible by 11 ? [ ]
a) 12344321 b) 234554320 c) 12345678 d) 87655678
96. Sum of all the even numbers from 1 to 120 is ........ [ ]
a) 3660 b) 7260 c) 3600 d) 240
97. If 5A1 - 23A = 325 then A value ........ [ ]
a) 2 b) 3 c) 6 d) 1
98. Y+Y+Y = MY then M,Y values are ........ [ ]
a) 1,5 b) 5,1 c) 5,5 d) 1,1
99. 10  1 is divisible by which of the following ........
2 n [ ]
a) 9 b) 11 c) 3 d) All the above
100. 111  211  311  411 is divisible by ....... [ ]
a) 2 b) 4 c) 5 d) 7
101. 8A5 + 94A = 1A33 then A value ...... [

:: 26 ::
a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9
102. AB u 2 = BO2 then A,B values are ...... [ ]
a) 5,1 b) 1,5 c) 1,1 d) 5,5
103. Condition for 10  1 is divisible by 11 is ......
n [ ]
a) n is any natural number b) n is any even number
c) n is any odd number d) n is a multiple of 11
104. Which of the following is exactly divisible by 7,11 and 13 ? [ ]
a) 123321 b) 121312 c) 123123 d) 132123
105. Which of the following is factor of 311131113111 ? [ ]
a) 8 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2
106. No.of factors of 72007 ........ [ ]
a) 2006 b) 2007 c) 2008 d) 2009
107. If x2  x  11 is a prime number then x value ....... [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) All the above
108. a=4b+26, b is a positive integer then which of the following exactly divides a ?
a) 2 b) 5 c) 4 d) 6 [ ]
109. If a,b,c,d are consecutive multiples of 5 then (a-c) (d-b) = ....... [ ]
a) 100 b) -100 c) 25 d) -25
110. 12007  22007  32007  .......  2006 2007 is divisible by the following ...... [ ]
a) 2007 b) 2006 c) 2005 d) 2008

:: 27 ::

1. C 23. C 45. B 67. D 89. D

2. C 24. C 46. B 68. A 90. A
3. B 25. A 47. C 69. A 91. C
4. A 26. D 48. C 70. D 92. D
5. D 27. B 49. C 71. A 93. B
6. A 28. C 50. C 72. B 94. D
7. B 29. A 51. C 73. D 95. C
8. C 30. B 52. A 74. A 96. A
9. D 31. D 53. B 75. C 97. C
10. C 32. C 54. D 76. A 98. A
11. A 33. B 55. B 77. C 99. D
12. B 34. D 56. C 78. B 100. C
13. C 35. D 57. C 79. C 101. C
14. B 36. C 58. C 80. A 102. A
15. D 37. B 59. C 81. C 103. B
16. A 38. C 60. A 82. D 104. C
17. D 39. C 61. B 83. D 105. B
18. B 40. B 62. D 84. B 106. C
19. C 41. D 63. B 85. A 107. D
20. A 42. C 64. D 86. C 108. A
21. B 43. C 65. C 87. C 109. B
22. C 44. A 66. C 88. B 110. A

:: 28 ::
1. If a+b = 2018 then the value of  1 a   1 b ...... [ ]
a) 2 b) -2 c) 2 or -2 d) 0
2. Find the least value of K for which 2005+K is the sum of first n odd natural
numbers ....... [ ]
a) 20 b) 25 c) 15 d) 45
3. The sum of two digit number and the number formed by reversing the digits is a
perfect square. How many such two digit numbers are there ....... [ ]
a) 6 b) 8 c) 7 d) 10
4. How many perfect cubes are there in the sequence 11 ,22 ,33 ,44 ,........ 20182018 [ ]
a) 714 b) 762 c) 568 d) 680
5. The number 255  1 is divisible by ....... [ ]
a) 2 b) 5 c) 11 d) 13
6. Number of digits in 820.2525 ....... [ ]
a) 52 b) 54 c) 62 d) 55
7. What is the 2018th digit in the sequence 12345678910111213 ...... ? [ ]
a) 7 b) 0 c) 8 d) 9
8. If we add 329 to the three digit number 2 u 4 we get 573 divisible by 3. The
greatest possible value of x ...... [ ]
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 7
9. The sum of two numbers is 52 and their L.C.M. is 168 then the numbers are .....
a) 20,32 b) 24,26 c) 12,40 d) 24,28
1 1 1 1 1
10.     .........  [ ]
3 u 5 5 u 7 7 u 9 9 u 11 2017 u 2018
1 1 2017 1
a) b) c) d)
4 3 2019 2
ª 1º ª 1º ª 1º ª 1 º
11. «1  2 » «1  2 » «1  2 » ....... «1  [ ]
¬ 2 ¼ ¬ 3¼ ¬ 4 ¼ ¬ 2018 »¼

2018 2019 1 2017

a) b) c) d)
4036 4036 2 2018
12. Find x  y if x and y are positive integers such that xy  x  y 71 and
2 2

x2 y  xy 2 880 ...... [ ]
a) 136 b) 146 c) 176 d) 156
13. If a(b+c) = 152, b(c+a) = 162, c(a+b) = 170 then abc = ........ [ ]
a) 620 b) 712 c) 720 d) 634
:: 29 ::
14. The last digit of the sum 20022005  20032006  20072007 is ....... [ ]
a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) 4
15. The unit digit of 1  9  92  93  .....  92018 is ....... [ ]
a) 1 b) 9 c) 0 d) 8
16. The sum of all the digits of the result of subtraction 10  99 ........
99 [ ]
a) 865 b) 845 c) 874 d) 883
17. Which one of the following will divide 461  462  463  464 completely ? [ ]
a) 3 b) 10 c) 11 d) 13
1 1 1 1 1 1
18.      .........  ........ [ ]
2 6 12 20 30 n n  1
1 1 2 n  1 n
a) b) c) d)
n n 1 n n 1
1 1 1 1
19.    ........  ......... [ ]
1.2 2.3 3.4 2018.2019
2017 2018 2018 2
a) b) c) d)
2018 2017 2019 2019
§ 1 ·§ 1 ·§ 1 ·§ 1 · § 1 ·
20. The simplified value of ¨1  ¸¨1  ¸¨1  ¸¨1  ¸......¨1  ¸ [ ]
© 3 ¹© 4 ¹© 5 ¹© 6 ¹ © 100 ¹
2 1 1 1
a) b) c) d)
99 25 50 100
21. If ab+a+b = 524, bc+b+c = 146, cd+c+d = 104 then a-b = ....... [ ]
a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10
22. If a  6b 14, b  8c  23 0, c2  4a  8 0 then ab+bc+ca = ......
2 2 [ ]
a) 26 b) 32 c) 16 d) 25
23. 30,72 and x are three positive integers such that product of any two of them of
divisible by third then least value of x = ....... [ ]
a) 60 b) 48 c) 96 d) 84
24. On dividing a certain number by 357, the remainder is 39 on dividing the same
number by 17 what will be the remainder ? [
a) 0 b) 3 c) 5 d) 11
25. In a division problem the divisor is ten times the quotient and five times the
remainder. If the remainder is 46, the dividend is ..... [ ]
a) 4236 b) 4306 c) 4336 d) 5336
26. 1  2  3  4  .........  10 = ........
3 3 3 3 3 [ ]
a) 55 2
b) 55 3
c) 5555 d) 5505

:: 30 ::
27. Which of the following is a perfect square and cube ? [ ]
a) 2018 2 b) 2018 3 c) 2018 6 d) 2018 8
§ 20192  1 · § 20192  1 ·
28. ¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸ ...... [ ]
© 2 ¹ © 2 ¹
a) 2018 b) 4036 c) 2019 2 d) 4038 2
29. 1 13; 3  5 23; 7911 33; 13  15  17  19 43 then 103 is equal to ...... [ ]
a) 89+91+93 + ...... + 107 b) 91+93+ ....... + 109
c) 91+92+93+ ....... + 100 d) 95+97+99+ ...... +103
30. Which of the following is not a perfect square ? [ ]
a) 80371225 b) 80389156 c) 80407089 d) 80425023
31. a3  a  1 3  a  2 3  a  3 3 100 then a3 = ....... [ ]
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
32. x3 y and y4 z, z 5 2 then x value ........ [ ]
a) 6129 b) 6565 c) 7103 d) 7228
33. 211  28  2n is a perfect square then least value of n ........ [ ]
a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 d) 14
34. 12  22  32  42  52  62  .......  20172  20182 ....... [ ]
a) -1009 u 2009 b) 1008 u 2018 c) -1009 u 2018 d) -1008 u 2018
35. The digit in unit place of 5  1 52  1 53  1 ......... 52018  1 ....... [ ]
a) 1 b) 6 c) 5 d) 4
59.29  5.29
36. ........ [ ]
59.29  5.29
a) 0.54 b) 0.45 c) 0.56 d) 0.65
37. The area of a square field is 101 sq.m. Find the length of one side of the
11 9 19 1
a) 9 b) 9 c) 9 d) 10 [ ]
20 20 20 20
38. Three numbers are to one another 2:3:4 the sum of their cubes is 33957. Find
the biggest number ........ [ ]
a) 24 b) 48 c) 28 d) 64
39. 3 0.125  3 0.729 n u 0.7 then n = ........ [ ]
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
:: 31 ::
40. If x2  y 2 47 and xy then the value of 3 x  y 2  x  y 2 is ....... [ ]
a) 170 b) 270 c) 226 d) 86


21. A 31. D
1. C 11. B
22. A 32. D
2. A 12. B
23. A 33. A
3. B 13. C
24. C 34. C
4. D 14. D
25. D 35. B
5. C 15. A
26. A 36. A
6. B 16. C
27. C 37. D
7. B 17. B
28. C 38. C
8. C 18. D
29. B 39. C
9. D 19. C
30. D 40. C
10. D 20. C

:: 32 ::
¬ Algebra is one of the most important branche of mathematics. In Algebra we
start working with letters of alphabet as well as numbers and signs of operation.
In Algebra we use lower case letters to represent numbers or quantities are called
“Literals” or “Variables”
¬ The process of computing various problems using variables is called “Algebra”.
The term Algebra is formed from the Arabic term “Al-Jabar”
¬ Father of Algebra “Diophantus”
¬ Constants (numbers) variables and operation symbols are combined to form
mathematical expressions.
¬ Constant : A number having a fixed numerical value is called a constant.
Ex. : 8, -9, 1, , 2.6 etc.
¬ Variable : A number which can take various numerical values is known as
Ex. a, b, c, x2, y, z, 4l etc.
¬ Term : A term is a constant or variable and also it can be a product of
constant and variables. A term can be either positive or negative.
Ex. : 4, -3xy, ab2c etc.
¬ Expression : An expression consists of one of more terms separated by
‘+’ or ‘-’.
Ex. : 2x, 3a-5, 6x2-7xy+1 etc.
¬ Algebraic Expression : The combination of constants and variables con-
nected by ‘+’ or ‘-’ or ‘ u ’ or ‘ y ’ signs is known as
an Algebraic expressions.
Ex. : 2 x  3 y , ax 2  bx  c etc.
¬ Coefficients : Coefficients are two types.
a) Numerical coefficients
b) Literal (variable) coefficients
a) Numerical Coefficients : In a term, the number factor of a product is the
numerical coefficient of the remaining factors.
Ex. : In 64l 3 , the numerical coefficient of l 3 is 64.
(* When the numerical coefficient is not given, it is
always understood as 1)
:: 33 ::
b) Literal Coefficients (Variable coefficient) :
The letter factor variable of a product is the “Literal Coefficient”.
Ex. : In 9a 2b, the literal coefficient is a2b
In 2x . The literal coefficient is x .
¬ Like terms (Similar temrs) : The terms having the same variable coeffi
cients are called ‘Like terms”.
Ex. : 1. 3x, x,17 x are like terms
2 5 2
2. 8a b, a b,11a b are like terms

¬ Unlike terms (Disimilar temrs) : The terms having different variable coeffi
cients are called “Unlike terms”
Ex. : x2 y ,6xy ,8xy3 are unlike terms.
¬ Types of Algebraic Expressions:
a) Monomial : An expression containing only one term is called a “Monomial”
Ex. : 2 x , 3a 2b, 3lmn etc.
b) Binomial : An expression containing two terms is called a “Binomial”
Ex. : x  2 y , 2m2n  7 , ax  b
c) Trinomial : An expression containing three terms is called a “Trinomial”
Ex. : x  y  z , ax 2  bx  c , 3x2  7 x  6 etc.
¬ Adding terms : Two or more Algebraic terms can be added if they are
similar terms.
Ex. : 1. Add 2 x and 4 x (? 2 x means x + x
Sol. 2 x +4 x = 6 x 4x means x + x + x + x
total 6 x )
¬ Subtracting terms : Two or more algebraic terms can be subtracted if they are
similar terms.
Ex. : 1. Subtract 3 x from 5 x
Sol. 5 x -3 x = 2 x
¬ Multiplying terms : When multiplying Algebraic terms it has to be performed
as per the Index law of multiplication.
Ex. : 1. Multiply 2 x and 3 x
Sol. 2x u 3x 2 u 3 u x u x 6x2
2. Multiply x  2 and 2 x  3
Sol. x  2 2x  3
= x 2 x  3  2 2 x  3
= 2 x 2  3x  4 x  6
= 2 x2  7 x  6
:: 34 ::
¬ Dividing Terms : Two Algebraic terms can be divided by one with other and
it necessary index law of division can be appli-
6 x2 6.x.x
Ex. : 1. 3x
2x 2.x
Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder
 8xy  4 y
2. i.e. p x g x .q x  r
6x 3
¬ Polynomial : An expression containing one or more monomials is called
General form of polynomial is
a  bx  cx2  dx3  ......a ,b,c,d are rational numbers and atleast
one term is non zero.
¬ Degree of Polynomial : The greatest of the degrees of the various terms is
called the Degree of the Polynomial.
The general form of the 1st degree polynomial is
ax  b , a z 0 .
The general form of the 2nd degree polynomial is
ax 2  bx  c a z 0 .
The general form of the nth degree polynomial is
a0 xn  a1xn1  a2 xn2  ........  an1x  an. a z 0
¬ Zero Polynomial : If all the terms of the polynomial is zero then it is called
“Zero Polynomial”
¬ Zero of the Polynomial : The number for which the value of the polynomial is
zero is called “Zero of the polynomial”
¬ Types of Polynomials :
a) Linear Polynomial : A polynomial of degree ‘one’ is called a linear
Ex. : 2 x  3,  6 y  4 and 15a  2 are polynomials
of degree one and hence they can be called as
“Linear Polynomials”
b) Quadratic Polynomial : A polynomial of degree ‘two’ is called “Quadratic
Ex. : 1. 5x2  7 x  1 the degree is “2”
2. ax 2  bx  c the degree is “2”
c) Cubic Polynomial : A polynomial of degree ‘three’ is called “Cubic
:: 35 ::
Ex. : 2 x3  5x2  6x  2 the degree is “3”
d) Biquadratic Polynomial : A polynomial of degree ‘four’ is called “Biqua-
dratic Polynomial”
Ex. : 8x4  7 x3  5x  3 the degree is “4”
e) Constant Polynomial : A polynomial having no term which is a constant
is called “Constant Polynomial”
The degree of Constant Polynomialis “0”
Ex. : 2,7,
degree is ‘0’
¬ Numerical sentences : A numerical sentences is formed by two numerical
expressions combined with =, >, <. =,  , ! etc.
Ex. : 5  4 9, 3  1  4
¬ Numerical statement : A numerical sentence is said to a statement, if
sentence is either true or false.
Ex. : 4  3 7 Ÿ True
8  2 11 Ÿ False
¬ Mathematical sentence : A mathematical sentence is formed by an Algebraic
expression and a numerical expression (or) two
algebraic expressions combined with on of the
following relations =, z , >, <, Œ , Œ
Ex. : 2 x  5 17 , 2 x2  3x ! 10
¬ Open sentence : The sentence whose truth value cannot be determined is
called an open sentence.
Ex. : x2 t 0 is always true.
¬ Equation : An open sentence with equality sign is called an Equation.
Ex. : 2 x  4 12 here 2 x  4 is called L.H.S. 10 is called
¬ Identity : An Identity is an equation which is true for all the values of
Ex. : 1. 2 a  b 2a  2b
2. a  b 2 a2  2ab  b2
¬ Identities also called special products :
1. a  b 2 a2  2ab  b2
2. a  b 2 a 2  2ab  b2
3. a 2  b2 a  b a  b
:: 36 ::
4. a 2  b2 a  b 2  2ab or a  b 2  2ab

8. a  b  c 2 a2  b2  c2  2ab  2bc  2ca

13. a  b 3 a3  3a2b  3ab2  b3 or a3  3ab a  b  b3
14. a3  b3 a  b  3ab a  b or a  b  3a 2b  3ab2
3 3

15. a  b 3 a3  3a2b  3ab2  b3 or a3  3ab a  b  b3

16. a3  b3 a  b  3ab a  b or a  b  3a 2b  3ab2
3 3

17. a3  b3 a  b a2  ab  b2
20. a3  b3 a  b a2  ab  b2
a3  b3
22. ab
a 2  ab  b2
§ 1· 1
* If ¨ x  ¸ x2  2 
© x¹ x2
§ 1· 1
* If ¨ x  ¸ x2  2 
© x¹ x2
1 1
* If x  a then x 2  a2  2
x x2

1 1
* If x  a then x2  a2  2
x x2
a 1 1 § a 1 ·§ 1 · § a 1 1 ·
* If x  ¨ x a ¸¨ x  ¸  ¨ x  a 1 ¸
xa 1 © x ¹© x¹ © x ¹
1 1 1
* If xy  yz  zx xyz then   1
x y z
* If a  b  c 0 or a b c then a3  b3  c3 3abc

* a  b  c a2  b2  c2  ab  bc  ca a3  b3  c3  3abc
* If a  b  c 0 then a3  b3  c3 3abc
* a2  b2  c2  ab  bc  ca
a  b 2  b  c 2  c  a 2 @
* x  a x  b x  a  b x  ab

* ax  b cx  d acx 2  ad  bc x  bd

:: 37 ::
* x  a x  b x  c
x3  a  b  c x2  ab  bc  ca x  abc
¬ Equality : A true mathematical statement containing the sign is
“is equal to” is called an “Equality”
Ex. : 9  4 13, 10  15 25
¬ Roots of the equation : A number which satisfies an equation is called
“Solution” or “roots of the equation”
Ex. : x  4 9 Ÿ x 9  4 5
If x 5, x  4 9 is true
? ‘5’ is the root of x  4 9
¬ Linear Equation : An equation in which the highest index of the variable
present is one is called a “Linear Equation”
Ex. : x  y 4, a  4 23
¬ Simple Equation : A linear equation in one variable is called “Simple
Ex. : x  1 4, a2 7
¬ Transposition : Changing a term from one side of an equation to the
other side is called Transposition.
Ex. :  o ,  o , u o y, y o u
¬ Inequation : An open sentence which consists of one of the
symbols >, <, t , d , is called inequations.
Ex. : i) 5x  4 ! 12 ii) 3 p  6  32
¬ Continued Inequation: Two inequations of the same type (both consisting of
“> or t “ or both consisting of < or d ) can be com-
bined into a continued inequation.
Ex. : i) If a<b and b<c, we can write a<b<c
ii) If a t b and b>c, we can write a t b>c
¬ Linear Equations : An inequation in which the highest degree of the
variable present is one is called a “Linear inequation”
Ex. i) 5x  3 d 10  3x
ii) 2 x  10 t x  5
¬ Equations which are used frequently to solve problems are called “Formulae”
Ex. : A = d1d2 is used to find Area of Rhombus.
¬ ‘The area of a rectangle is the product of its length and breadth” statement
symbolic form is A = ‘lb’ where A is Area, l is length, b is breadth.
¬ In a m u n network, we find “mn” squares and m  1 n  1 points.
n n  1
¬ If a polygon consists ‘n’ sides then the number of diagonals are : “ n”
:: 38 ::
¬ The number of squares contained in a K u K network are 12  22  32  ...... K 2
n n  1
¬ Triangular numbers : 1,3,6,10,15........
n n  1 n2 n
¬ 1  2  3  4.....  n
¦ 2  2+

n n  1 2n  1 n3 n2 n
¬ 12
 4 2
 .......  n 2
¦ n 2
6 3 2 6
ª n n  1 º n 2 n  1
2 2
n 4 n3 n 2
¦ n
¬ 1  2  3  4  ......  n  
3 3 3 3 3
« »
¬ 2 ¼ 4 4 2 4
¬ In a n ‘ a ’ is called ‘base’ and ‘n’ is called an ‘exponent’
Ex. : 64 2 u 2 u 2 u 2 u 2 u 2 26 (2 is base ; 6 is Index)
¬ The first power of a number is the number itself i.e. x1 x
¬ The second power is called “Square” and the third power is called “Cube”
Ex. : Square of 5 is 52 Cube of 5 is 53
¬ ‘1’ raised to any integral power gives ‘1’
Ex. : 17102011 1
¬ i) When ‘-1’ is raised to an odd positive integral power, it gives ‘-1’.
Ex. :  1 20100711 1
ii) When ‘-1’ is raised to an even positive integral power, it gives ‘1’
Ex. :  1 980 1

Laws of Exponents :
i) am u an am n
ii) a m n
iii) ab m ambm
§a· am
iv) ¨ ¸
©b¹ bm
v) n
a mn , (if m>n)
am 1
nm , (if m<n)
an a
1 , (if m=n)
1 1
vi) a
, an
a n an

:: 39 ::
vii) ao 1, where ‘a’ is a non zero real number (Note : We will not let 0o=1,
nn 0n
because 0 can lead to division by 0. i.e. 0 = 0
o o
thus 0o is not defined.)
¬ ab a. b
a a
b b
¬ a b a b ab
¬ a b
a  2 ab  b
¬ a b
a  2 ab  b
¬ a  b a  b a2  b

¬ If the bases are equal then powers must be equal.

Ex. : If 2n 26 then n 6
¬ If the powers are equal then the bases must be equal.
Ex. : If 710 m10 then m = 7

a called the n root of a.

1 th
¬ an n

¬ n
an an
a1 a
called nth root of am.
¬ n
am a n

¬ n
a .n b n
a a
¬ n
b b
¬ mn
a n m
a mn
¬ an m a

¬ Scientific Notation : In a Scientific Notation as a product of two factors one

factor is a number between 1 and 10. The second
factor is a power of 10.
a) For the first factor move the decimal point to the left
as many places as it takes to get a number between 1
and 10.
b) Next, use the number of places moved as the power
of 10 for the second factor.
Ex. : The distance between the earth and the sun is
149,600,000,000 mts. write in scientific notation.
Sol. : The given number can be defined by scientific
:: 40 ::
notation as 1.496 u 1011 mts.
¬ The standard form is to think of the decimal point moving to the right. The power
of 10 tells you how many places to move it.
Ex. : 1.496 u 1011 149 ,600 ,000,000 (11 places)
¬ The product of monomial and multinomial, multiply each term of the multinomial
by the monomial.
Ex. : x2  6x  5 u  7 x
= x2  7 x  6x  7 x  5  7 x
=  7 x3  42 x2  35x
¬ Every monomial which is a perfect square, has two square roots of these the
positive square root is called the “Principal Square root”.
¬ Method of Factorization of quadratic expressions :
a) Multiply the coefficient of x2 by the constant term.
b) Resolve this product into two factors such that their sum is the coefficient of x
c) Rewrite the x term as the sum of two terms with these coefficients.
d) Group them into two parts each containing two terms and factorize.
Ex. : Factorize x 2  5 x  6
Sol. : x2  5x  6 Here coefficient of x2 is 1 and constanct term 6
so 1u 6 6
The factors of 6 = 1u 6 or  1 u 6
= 2 u 3 or 2 u3 it can be chosen
= x 2  5x  6
= x2  2 x  3x  6
= x x  2  3 x  2
= x  2 x  3


1. Solve 5x  8 3x  22
Sol. 5x  8 3x  22
Ÿ 5x  3x 22  8
Ÿ 2x 30
x 15
2. Simplify  2 x2   x2  4 x
:: 41 ::
Sol.  2x2   x2  4x
Ÿ 2 x2  x2  4 x
Ÿ  x2  4 x
Ÿ  x2  4 x
3. Find the value of 1  x92 1  x141 when x 1
Sol. If x 1 then 1  x92 1  x141

= 1   1 92 1   1 141
= 1  1 1   1
= 1  1 1  1
= 2u 2
4. If a,b,c are three real numbers, a  7b  8c 4 and
8a  4b  c 7 then the value of a2  b2  c2 ..........
Sol. i) a  7b  8c 4
a  8c 4  7b (sq.on bothsides)
Ÿ a2  16ac  64c2 16  56b  49b2 o (1)
ii) 8a  4b  c 7
8a  c 7  4b (sq.on bothsides)
64a2  c2  16ac 49  16b2  56b o (2)
adding (1) and (2)
a2  16ac  64c2 16  56b  49b2
64a2  16ac  c2 49  56b  16b2
Ÿ 65a2  65c2 65  65b2
Ÿ 65 a2  c2 65 1  b2
Ÿ a 2  c 2 1  b2
? a 2  b2  c 2 1
5. If P = 32018  32018 and Q = 32018  32018 then P 2  Q2 ..........
Sol. P = 32018  32018 is the form of
P= 3 
If 32018 = a let
1 1
P = a Ÿ p a 2 2
2 2

1a a1
Similarly Q = a  Ÿ Q a  2  2
2 2

a a
?P  Q 4
2 2

:: 42 ::
6. If 8x 2 24 x3 then x = ...........
Sol. 8x 2 24 x3

Ÿ 23
x 2
24 x3
Ÿ 23x6 24 x 3
Base are equal so exponents are equal
3x  6 4 x  3
4 x  3x 6  3
?x 9
7. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 9. If 27 is subtracted from the
number, the digits interchange their places. Find the numbers.
Sol. Let the digit in the unit place be x
the digit in the tens place is 9  x (' sum is 9)
the number = 10 9  x  x 90  10 x  x 90  9 x
The number formed by interchanging the digits = 10 x  9  x 9 x  9
According to data here 9x  9 90  9 x  27
Ÿ 9 x  9 x 90  9  27
18x 54
x 3
? Unit digit = 3
Tens digit = 9-3 = 6
? The number = 63
8. Sixteen years hence a man’s age will be 9 times his age 16 years ago. Find his
age 5 years hence.
Sol. Let present age = x years
According to data
Ÿ x  16 9 x  16
Ÿ x  16 9 x  144
Ÿ 9 x  x 16  144
Ÿ 8x 160
x 20
Age 5 years hence will be x5
20  5
25 years

:: 43 ::
38 11111

9. The value of
33333 4 is ....
38 11111 34.34. 11111
4 4 4
§ 3.3.11111 ·
Sol. ¨ ¸ 34
33333 4 = 33333 4 = © 33333 ¹

10. If 3n 27 then 3n 2 is ......

Sol. 3n 27
3n 27 § mn a · m
n 2 ¨¨' a ¸
an ¸¹
3 3
3 9
3x x x
11.Solve  x 6
2 3 6
3x x x
Sol.  x 6
2 3 6
3x x x
Ÿ  x 6
2 3 6
9x  2 x  6 x  x
Ÿ 11x  7 x 36
Ÿ 4x 36
x 9
12. The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 164. Find the numbers.
Sol. Let the two consecutive odd numbers be x and x  2
Their sum is x  x  2 164
Ÿ 2x  2 164
Ÿ 2x 164  2
Ÿ 2 x 162
x 81
The numbers are x 81
x  2 81  2 83
The numbers 81 and 83
1 1
If x  2 2 then x  2 .........
2 2
x x
Sol. x  2 2 Ÿ x  1 2 x
2 4 2

Ÿ x4  2x2  1 0
Ÿ x 2  2. x 2  1  12

Ÿ x2  1
:: 44 ::
Ÿ x2  1 0
Ÿ x2  1
x r1
1 1 1
If x 1 then x  2
1 2 
11 0 1
x 1 1 2
1 1 1
If x 1 then x  2  1  1  1 1 0
2 2

x  1 2
1 1
? x2  2 2 then x2  2 0
x x
14. The number of diagonal of a regular polygon having 20 sides .......
Sol. The number of diagonal of a regular polygon having
ª n n  1 º
‘n’ sides «¬ 2  n»¼
ª 20 20  1 º
20 sides = «¬  20»
2 ¼
= 10 u 19  20
= 190  20
= 170
15. If a and b are two positive integers such that ab 125 then a  b a b4 = ......
Sol. ab 125 53 Ÿ a 5
b 3
ab4 53 4
a  b 5  3 2 84 24 16
16. 5 5 u 53 y 5 2 5a 2 then the value of ‘a’ .......
Sol. 5 5 u 53 y 5 2 5a 2
1 53 § 1 ·
Ÿ 51.52 u 3 5a  2 ¨' n an ¸
52 © a ¹
3 3
Ÿ 52 u 5 u 52 5a  2

3  3 3
Ÿ 52 2 5a 2
3 3
Ÿ 3 a2
2 2
3 63
Ÿ a2
Ÿ a2
?a  2 6
a 62
a 4
:: 45 ::
2018 2
 2024 2018 2  4036  3 2019
17. The value of = ......
2015 2017 2020 2021

2018 2
 9  2015 20182  2.2018  12  4 2019
ª¬ 2018  3 2018  3  2015º¼ ª 2018  1  22 º 2019

= ¬ ¼
2021.2015  2015 2019  2 2019  2 .2019
2015 2021  1 2021.2017.2019
= 2019
18. If the product of two numbers is 21 and their difference is 4 then the ratio
of the sum of their cubes of the difference of their cubes is .......
Sol. Let the two numbers be x and y
The product of x and y = xy 21
Their difference = x y 4o (1)
= x  y 2 x  y 2  4 xy
= 4 2  4 21
= 16  84
= 100
?x  y 100
x y 10 o (2)
From (1) and (2)
x  y 10
x y 4
2 x 14
x 7
? The numbers are 7 and 3
the sum of the cubes = 73  33 343  27 370
The difference of the cubes = 73  33 343  27 316
Their ratio = 370 : 316
= 185 : 158 :: 46 ::
19. If a x b,by 3
c and c z a then find xyz
Sol: a x b by 3
b c
1/2 1/3
ax by
1 1
a b 2x b c 3y

Given cz a
cz a 2
§ 1 1
§ 21x · ¨ § 31x · 2 x ¸
2 1

cz ¨b ¸ ¨¨c ¸ ¸ c 12 xy
© ¹ ¨© ¹ ¸
© ¹
z Ÿ 12 xyz 1
12 xy
20. If x 5  2 6 then find x 
Sol: x 5 2 6
1 1 52 6 52 6 52 6
u 52 6
52 6 52 6 25  24
x 5  2 6

x 5  2 6  5  2 6 10
21. If a 3  3a 2  3a  2 0 then find a  1  a  1  a  1
2018 2019 2020

Sol: a 3  3a 2  3a  2 0
a 3  3a 2  3a  1  1 0
a  1
1 0

a  1
1 Ÿ a  1 1

a  1  a  1  a  1 1  1  1
2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

= 1  1  1
2 1 1

:: 47 ::
3 3 3
§x· § y· §z·
22. If x a b  c , y b c  a and z c a  b then find ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸
©a¹ ©b¹ ©c¹
x y z
Sol: bc ca a b
a b c
3 3 3
§x· § y· §z·
b  c  c  a  a  b
3 3 3
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ( a  b  c 0 then
©a¹ ©b¹ ©c¹
3 a  b b  c c  a a 3  b3  c 3 3abc )
z x y 3xyz
3. . .
c a b abc
23. If x then find c  d  a  b .......

154 16 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
69 69 69 5 1
4 4
Sol: 16 16 16

a 2, b 4, c 3, c 5
c  d  a  b 3  5  2  4 86 2
24. If x 2  xy 20 and y 2  xy 30 then find xy
Sol: x 2  xy  y 2  xy 20  30
x 2  2 xy  y 2 50

x  y

No x 2
 xy y 2  xy 20 u 30
x x  y y x  y 600

xy x  y
xy 50 60
xy xy 12

:: 48 ::
1. The degree of the polynomial 3x7  5x6  2x5  10 x2 is ....... [ ]
A) 8 B) 7 C) 6 D) 3
§ 1·
2. 2 x  2¨ x  ¸ = ........ [ ]
© 2¹
A) x B) 2 x C) 2 D) 1
3. If the sum of predecessor and the successor of a number is 116 then the number
is ....... [ ]
A) 58 B) 59 C) 57 D) 60
4. If A = S and A = 324 cm then the value of S = ........
2 2
[ ]
A) 162 B) 324 2 C) 18 D) 16
5. Which of the following is a solution of 2 x  5 ! 4x  3? [ ]
A) 0 B) 1 C) -1 D) -2
6. If 3 4m  5  4 3  2m 13 then m = ...... [ ]
1 1
A) B) 2 C) D) 1
2 x x
7. If x 2 and y 4 then x y u y y ....... [ ]
A) 2 B) 4 C) 2 23 D) 2 32
8. The value of  1 0   1 1   1 2  .....   1 100 ...... [ ]
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 4
9. 2 = .......
3 4 [ ]
A) 243 B) 234 C) 24 3 D) 27
10. If a  b  c 0 then the value of x a .xb .xc = ...... [ ]
A) 0 B) 1 C) -1 D) x3
11. If 3x 6561 then 3x 3 = ....... [ ]
A) 81 B) 243 C) 729 D) 27
12. If 50  60 u 20  70 ....... [ ]
A) 0 B) 11 C) 15 D) 1
13. a  1 a 2  2a  1 = ....... [ ]
A) a  1 2 B) a  1 3 C) a2  1 D) 1
1 1
14. If y  4 then y 2  2 ....... [ ]
2y 4y
A) 15 B) 16 C) 18 D) 10
15. The zero of the 2x  3 is ....... [ ]
A) -2 B) -3 C)  3 2 D)  2 3
:: 49 ::
16. If 496 u 492 x2  4 x ! 0 then x = ........ [ ]
A) 495 B) 494 C) 493 D) 496
17. 46 u 46  54 u 54  2 u 46 u 54 ....... [ ]
A) 9996 B) 10004 C) 9800 D) 10000
18. The perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 8a  3b and breadth [ ]
is 5a  6b ........ ]
A) 26a-18b B) 24a + 18b C) 26a + 18b D) 22a - 16b
x y z
19. If x 6, y 12, z=-3 then   ....... [ ]
2 4 3
A) 2 B) 3 C) 6 D) 7
20. If a y  x .b z  y .c z  x .d x y  z , if a,b,c,d are the first four powers of 3 and x, y, z are the first
3 natural numbers, then the monomial = ........ [ ]
A) 330 B) 333 C) 332 D) 334
21. If A = s s  a s  b s  c where a = 85, b = 40, c = 75 and s = a  b  c then
A = ......... [ ]
A) 1475 B) 1516 C) 1500 D) 1600
22. If x 2, y 1.15, z 0.01 then the value of xy x  y is ........ 2 2
[ ]
A) 0.10276 B) 0.1058 C) 12.24175 D) 0.12572
23. The degree of 3x2 y5 z 4 is ....... [ ]
A) 2 B) 11 C) 4 D) 5
24. 256 0.16 u 256 0.09 = ........ [ ]
A) 256 B) 64 C) 16 D) 4
> @
25. 1  22  33  44  .....  100100 0 = ....... [ ]
A) 0 B) 1 C) 100 D) 100100
3 2
°­§  4 · °½
26. The value of ®¨ ¸ ¾ is ....... [ ]
°̄© 3 ¹ °¿
1024 729
A) 3 4 B)  3 4 C) D)
243 4096
27. 1  x 1  x 2 x
then value of ‘x’ ...... [ ]

4 16
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 25
88 11111

88888 4 = ........ [ ]
A) 2796 B) 4396 C) 4096 D) 1824
29. a x  y 1.a y  z 1.a z  x 1 = ........ [ ]
A) a3 B) a4 C) a D) a 2

30. The value of >13  23  33  43 @ 2 = ........

[ ]

:: 50 ::
1 1
A) 4000 B) C) 100 D)
4000 1000
31. If 8x 2 24 x3 then x = ........ [ ]
A) 5 B) 9 C) 7 D) 6
32. If m 3 and n 2 then 2m3  3n2  5m2n = ....... [ ]
A) -24 B) 26 C) 24 D) -26
33. If x y y x then ¨ y ¸ = ........ [ ]
© ¹
x x y y yx
A) x y B) x y C) x x D) x x
34. Express 0.0084 in scientific notation ........ [ ]
A) 84 u 104 B) 8.4 u 103 C) 0.84 u 102 D) 840 u 101
35. The value of ‘a’ of expression 3x 2  4 x  a 18 , when x 1 = ....... [ ]
A) 17 B) 18 C) 19 D) 20
c a b
§ x a · § xb · § x c ·
36. ¨¨ b ¸¸ u ¨¨ c ¸¸ u ¨¨ a ¸¸ = ....... [ ]
©x ¹ ©x ¹ ©x ¹
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3
x y z 2

37. If x 6, y 12, z 3 then the value of   ......... [ ]

z 4 3
A) 2 B) 3 C) 6 D) 9
38. If p  q  r 124, p  q 26 and q  r 7 then one of the following order of p,q ,r
is ....... [ ]
A) 35,61,28 B) 61,28,35 C) 28,35,61 D) 61,35,28
39. If 7  ^3x  4 x  5  3` 0 then the value of x = ....... [ ]
A) -3 B) -4 C) -6 D) -5
40. Divide ‘ x ’ by ‘4’ and then add 13, if the result is 33. then x = ....... [ ]
A) 20 B) 46 C) 80 D) 113
41. Equation form of the product of the square of p and 3 more than 4 times p is ....
A) p2 u 4 p  3 B) p2 u 3 p  4 C) p2 u 4 p  3 D) p2 u 3 p  4 [ ]
42. If 6 and p  4 8 then the value of m  p ........ [ ]
A) 43 B) 41 C) 42 D) 44
43. If c F  32 then making F as subject we get ...... [ ]
5 9 9 9
A) F c  32 B) F c  32 C) F c r 32 D) F c  32
9 5 5 5
44. The sum of 4 consecutive integers is 70. Then greatest among them is ..[ ]
A) 19 B) 23 C) 17 D) 16

:: 51 ::
45. How many pieces 3 cm long can be cut from a long type. Which is 1m 75 cm
A) 49 B) 50 C) 51 D) 52
46. If a  b 2 then a  2b  4 in terms of b = .......
2 [ ]
A) b2  6b  4 B) b2  4b C) b2  6b D) b2  6b  4
1 1
1 §1· 1 §1·
47. If A =  ¨ ¸ and B =  ¨ ¸ then A + B = ....... [ ]
4 ©5¹ 5 © 4¹
197 189 191 193
A) B) C) D)
20 20 20 20
48. How many zeroes are present in the cube of the number 25000 ...... [ ]
A) 27 B) 9 C) 6 D) 25
49. The equation 2 x  1 5 is identical to ....... [ ]
A) 3x  1 5 B) x 4 C) 6 x  3 15 D) 4 x  2 16
1 1
50. If x  6 then x2  ....... [ ]
x x2
A) 34 B) 36 C) 32 D) 38
51. Degree of constant term = ........ [ ]
A) 1 B) 2 C) 0 D) Not defined
52. A = x  x  1, B = x2  x  1 then A + B = ........
[ ]
A) 2x2  1 B) 2 x2  2 C) 2 x2  2 x  2 D) 2 x2  2 x  1
53. Additive inverse of x  2 is ....... [ ]
A) 2 x B)  x  2 C) x  2 D)  x  2
54. P = 3x  4 y  8z , Q =  10 y  7 x  11z and R = 19 z  6 y  4 x then P-Q+R = [ ]
A) 13x  20 y  16 z B) x  y  z C) 0 D) 2 x  4 y  3 z
55. If x 5 and y x  7 then x2  y 2 = ...... [ ]
A) 13 B) 17 C) 26 D) 65
56. How much is a 4  4a 2b2  b4 more than a4  8a 2b2  b4 ........ [ ]
A) 12ab2 B) 12a 2b2 C) 2 a 4  2 b 4 D) 12ab2
1 1
57. If ab 1 then 1
 = ....... [ ]
1 a 1  b1
A) 0 B) a  b C) 1 D) a  b
58. If a  b  c 22 and ab  bc  ca 54 then a 2  b2  c2 = ....... [ ]
A) 376 B) 75 C) 377 D) 375
59. If a  b 11 and ab 30 then the value of a  b = ........ [ ]
A) -1 B) 2 C) 330 D) 19

:: 52 ::
bx a 2 x 2  2a 2 y 2  b 2 y 2  ay a 2 x 2  2b x x 2  b 2 y 2
60. The expression is equal to ...[ ]
ax  by

A) a x  y B) bx  ay C) ax  by D) b x  y
61. If C = then x = ........ [ ]
bc  a ca ca 1 c
A) B) C) D)
c 1 c b cb a  bc
x a xb x c
62. If   3 then x = ........ [ ]
bc ca ab
1 1
A) abc B) C) a  b  c D)
abc abc
63. The value of ‘m’ for which 5 125 is ........
m [ ]
A) 3 B) 6 C) 2 D) 4
64. The degree of the expression p3q3  p2q  p4 is ........ [ ]
A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 3
65. The perimeter of a square is 6 x  2 then the side = ........ [ ]
3 1 1
A) x  B) 3x  1 C) x  1 D) 24 x  8
2 2 2
66. Which one of the following is not a factor of x2 1 ........ [ ]
A) x  1 B) x  1 C) 2 D) x 2  1
67. Solve 14  y is ........ [ ]
A) -14 B) 16 C) -16 D) 5
ª§ 2 ·2 º
68. The value of «¨  ¸ » ........ [ ]
«¬© 3 ¹ »¼
1 1 7 9
A) 5 B) 5 C) 4 D)
6 16 16 16
69. If one factor of 6x2  x  15 is 2 x  3 then the other factor is ....... [ ]
A) 3x  5 B) 3x  5 C) 5x  3 D) 2 x  3
70. If x2  6x  9 x  3 x  a then a = ....... [ ]
A) -3 B) 3 C) 2 D) -2
71. The value of 0.9 2  0.1 2  2 0.09 = ....... [ ]
A) .1 B) .9 C) 2 D) 1
72. If 13x 169 then x = ........ [ ]
A) 2 B) 13 C) 3 D) 1
73. If 13  23  33  43 x2 then x = ....... [ ]
A) 5 B) 7 C) 10 D) 15

:: 53 ::
74. The sixth triangular number is ....... [ ]
A) 6 B) 10 C) 21 D) 28
75. If x  y 8 and xy 15 then x2  y 2 ......... [ ]
A) 32 B) 34 C) 36 D) 38
6.4 u 6.4  3.6 u 3.6
76. The value of = ....... [ ]
6 .4  3 .6
A) 10 B) 2.8 C) 12 D) 4.6
77. If A = 5m  11n  15 p , B = 12m  13n  19 p , C = 7m  6n  21p then the value of
A+B-C is ....... [ ]
A) 24m  8n  25 p B) 10m  4n  17 p C) 17m  2n  4 p D) 12m  5n  4 p
78. The factors of x  2 y  xy  4 are ........
[ ]
A) x  2 and x  2  y B) x  2 and x  2  y
C) x  y and x  2 y  1 D) x  y and x  2 y  2
79. 2 x  3 y 2 - 2 x  3 y 2 = ........ [ ]
A) 6 xy B) 12 xy C) 18 xy D) 24xy
80. If n is a positive integer then n n  1 n  2 is ........ [ ]
A) Even only when ‘n’ is even B) Even only when ‘n’ is odd
C) Odd whenever ‘n’ is odd D) Divisible by 4 whenever ‘n’ is even

1. The simplest form of a is ....... [ ]
1 a
A) a if a z 0 B) 1 C) a if a z 1 D) None
2. a x cq b then c y a z d then ........ [ ]
x q
A) xy qz B) C) x  y q  z D) x  y qz
y z
1 1
3. n m
 = ....... [ ]
1 a 1  amn
A) 0 B) C) 1 D) a m  n
1 1 1
4. ba c a
 a b c b
 = ........ [ ]
1 x  x 1 x  x 1  x  x a c
b c

A) 0 B) 1 C) xa bc D) xa bc
1 1 1
5. If lmn 1 then 1
 = ........ [ ]
1 l  m 1 m  n 1  n  l 1
A) lmn B) l  m  n C) 1 D) 0

:: 54 ::
6. The length of a room is 9.0085 u 102 cm. Which number is equivalent to this
length ....... [ ]
A) 0.90085 cm B) 0.090085 cm C) 900.85 cm D) 9008.5 cm
810  410
7. ........ [ ]
642  49 u 16
A) 8 B) 16 C) 36 D) 256
8. If a x b , b y 3 c and c z a then xyz = ....... [ ]
1 1 1 1
A) B) C) D)
2 3 6 12
9. The number to be multiplied by  7 to get 10 as the proudct .......
1 1
[ ]
7  10 7 1 0
A) B) C) D) 7
10 7 10
10. If 4x  4x1 24 then the value of 2x will be ....... [ ]
A) 5 B) 4 C) 3 D) 2
5 5
3 u 10 u 125
11. ....... [ ]
57 u 65
A) 52 B) 53 C) 54 D) 55
a  b  c a  b  c a  b  c a  b b  c c  a
12. If 1 then ....... [ ]
c b a abc
A) 0 B) 1 C) 8 D) 12
13. If 72n1 y 49 73 then n = ....... [ ]
A) 1 B) 2 C) 7 D) 3
§ m2  n 2 · 2 x2  a 2  x2  a 2
14. If x a¨¨ ¸¸ then ....... [ ]
© 2mn ¹ x2  a 2  x2  a2
A) mn B) m  n C) m  n D)
x y n
§ 1· § 1·
¨ a  ¸ .¨ a  ¸
© b¹ © b¹
15. § x
1· § 1·
....... [ ]
¨ b  ¸ .¨ b  ¸
© a¹ © a¹ xy x y x y
§a· §a· §a·
A) ab xy B) ¨ ¸ C) ¨ ¸ D) ¨ ¸
©b¹ ©b¹ ©b¹
16. xm n . xn p . x p m = ........
m  n n  p p  m
[ ]
A) 0 B) 1 C) p  m D) mnp
17. m
512 n 64 then n
........ [ ]
2 3 9 3
A) B) C) D)
3 2 2 4
18. mn xn 0.2 then x3 = .......
[ ]
A) 0.04 B) 0.08 C) 0.008 D) 0.0016
:: 55 ::
7 9
36 2  36 2
19. 5 ....... [ ]
A) 1260 B) 1296 C) -1260 D) -1296
20. If a 3  b3  c 3 0 and a  b  c K abc then K = ....... [ ]
1 1 1 3

A) 3 B) 9 C) 27 D) 81
2 2 2
21. If a  b  c 0 then x abc .x bac .x cab ........ [ ]
A) 2 B) x3 C) x abc D) xa2b2c2
22. If x 2 2  7 then x  ........ [ ]
A) 4 2 B) 2 3 C) 7 D) 1
23. If a x  x2  1 then x = ....... [ ]
1§ 1· 1§ 1· § 1· § 1·
A) ¨ a  ¸ B) ¨ a  ¸ C) 2¨ a  ¸ D) 2¨ a  ¸
2© a¹ 2© a¹ © a¹ © a¹
1 1
24. If x 7  4 3 and xy 1 then 2  2 ...... [ ]
x y 1
A) 64 B) 134 C) 194 D)
1 1
25. If x  a then the value of x3  3 ....... [ ]
x x
A) a 3 B) 3a C) a3  3a D) a3  3a
a  b 2  b  c 2  a  c 2
b  c c  a a  b c  a a  b b  c ...... [ ]
A) 3abc B) 3 a  b b  c c  a C) 0 D) 1
1 1 1
27. If a  b  c 0 then 2 2  2  2 2 2 ....... [ ]
b c a c  a b a b c
2 2 2

A) abc B) C) 0 D) 1
x  y y  z z  x
28. If x  y  z 0 then ....... [ ]
A) -1 B) 1 C) 0 D) 3xyz
x z
29. If x  y 2 z then  ....... [ ]
xz yz
A) 1  x B) yz C) 1 D) xyz
1 1
30. If x  1 and y  1 1 then z  ........ [ ]
y z x
A) xyz B) 0 C) D) 1

:: 56 ::
a  b  c 2
31. If a b c then ........ [ ]
a 2  b2  c 2
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
32. a  b  c a  b  b  c c  a
2 2 2
@ ...... [ ]
A) a3  b3  c3  3abc B) a3  b3  c3  3abc
C) a3  b3  c3  3abc a  b  c D) 3abc
33. If a  b  c 9 and a2  b2  c2 29 then the value of a3  b3  c3  3abc .... [ ]
A) 9 B) 3 C) 27 D) 81
3 3 3
§ x· § y· §z·
34. If x a b  c , y b c  a and z c a  b then ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸ = ...... [ ]
©a¹ ©b¹ ©c¹
3xyz xyz
A) B) C) 1 D) 3xyzabc
abc abc
35. If a 1 then the value of 15a3  3a3  1  4a4  a3  3  a3  1 ....... [ ]
A) 11 B) 1 C) 10 D) 17
83 u 83 u 83  27 u 27 u 27
83 u 83  83 u 27  27 u 27 ........ [ ]
A) 166 B) 110 C) 56 D) 54

1. If x2  1 2x then x7  x5  x4  x9  x8 ....... [ ]
A) 0 B) 4 C) 5 D) 8
2. If 2  2  2  ........  2x7
x x 1 x  2
255 then x = ....... [ ]
A) 0 B) 2 C) -1 D) 1
154 1
69 1
3. 1 then c  d  a  b = ....... [ ]
A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 2
2 2 2
x y z
4. If x  y  z 0 then   ........ [ ]
yz zx xy
A) 3 B) 3 3 C) 3 D) 0
5. 2n  2n1 4 then nn ........ [ ]
A) 1 B) C) 2 D) 27
3.63 2  2.37 2
6. ....... [ ]
3.63  2.37
A) 6 B) 1.36 C) 2.26 D) 1.26
:: 57 ::
x .y
7. 6  5 3
........ [ ]
5 5 5
A) x24 y B) x8 y 3 B) x8 .y 3 D) x8 .y 3
8 12 5x
§7· §7· §7·
8. If ¨ ¸ u ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ then x = ........ [ ]
©5¹ ©5¹ ©5¹
A) 5 B) -5 C) 4 D) -4
9. a ,b ,c are three positive real numbers a b  c 44, b c  a 50, c a  b 54 then abc ......
A) 210 B) 120 C) 126 D) 156 [ ]
10. If x 5 then x  2 2x  1 2x  1 3x  4 = ....... [ ]
A) 0 B) 124 C) 168 D) 184
11. a,b,c are three real numbers a  7b  8c 4 and 8a  4b  c 7 then a2  b2  c2 .....
A) 4 B) 1 C) 5 D) 11 [ ]
12. a,b,c are real numbers a  b  c 7, a 2  b2  c2 35, a3  b3  c3 151 then the
value of abc = ........ [ ]
A) -15 B) 8 C) 9 D) 115
13. If a  1 2  b  2 2  c  3 2  d  4 2 0 then abcd 1 ....... [ ]
A) 0 B) 1 C) 25 D) 24
14. If a  b 21 and a  b 29 then ab ........
2 2 2 2 [ ]
A) 10 B) 0 C) 25 D) 16
15. If a,b,c are three prime numbers, a.b.c. = 17 (a+b+c) then the values of a,b,c are
A) 19,07,2 B) 17,09,2 C) 13,19,17 D) 2,17,19 [ ]
16. If a3  3a 2  3a  2 0 then a  1 2018  a  1 2019  a  1 2020 ....... [ ]
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) -1
17. a,b,c are real number such that a  4b2  16c2 48 and
ab  4bc  2ca 24 then
a  2b  4c ....... [ ]
A) 144 B) 12 C) 121 D) 11
4 6

18. ...... [ ]
6 2

A) 20 B) 32 C) 1 D) 8
19. The sum of three numbers is 150. The second number is thrice the first and the
third is 10 less than twice the second then the second number ....... [ ]
A) 16 B) 36 C) 86 D) 48
20. The sum of two numbers is 7. If one number is subtracted from the other the
result is 5 then the number are ....... [ ]
A) 6,3 B) 6,1 C) 1,7 D) 8,1
21. If x  xy 20 and y  xy 30 then xy .......
2 2
[ ]
A) 8 B) 10 C) 12 D) 14
22. If 3x  y 12 then y ...... [ ]
A) 212 B) 122 C) 312 D) 16
:: 58 ::
23. If x  3 y and y  4 z and z  5 2 then x = ...... [ ]
A) 6129 B) 6565 C) 7103 D) 7228
x y z
24. If then each fraction will be ....... [ ]
yz zx x y
1 1 1
A) B) -1 C) or -1 D) or 1
2 2 2
25. If a  b 123, b  c 37 , c  a 40 then a  b  c ....... [ ]
A) 30 B) 20 C) 10 D) 18
26. If x x x x
then x = ........ [ ]
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 1
2n 2  2n1
27. The value of ....... [ ]
4 u 2n1
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
28. x  1 is factor of x  1 if b is .......
a ab [ ]
A) Odd number B) Even number C) Negative number D) Radical
29.  2.56 u 4.2 ....... [ ]
A) 0 B) 1 C) 10.752 D) -10.752
30. The algebraic expression of double the sum of one third of “a” and ‘m’ is [ ]
1 §1 · 2 §1 ·
A) 2a  m B) 2  ¨ a  m ¸ C) a  m D) 2¨ a  m ¸
3 ©3 ¹ 3 ©3 ¹
31. If one-third of one-fourth of one seventh of a number is 20. Then the number ....
A) 420 B) 240 C) 1680 D) 560 [ ]
1 1 1
§ a11 ·143 § a13 ·91 § a7 ·77
32. The value of ¨¨ 13 ¸¸ u ¨¨ 7 ¸¸ u ¨¨ 11 ¸¸ ....... [ ]
©a ¹ © a ¹ ©a ¹
A) a B) C) 1 D) -1
33. The value of 2 52  2 32 ....... [ ]
A) 2 2 B) 3 2 C) 5 2 D) 3
34. 12 y >2 6  7  4 @u 2 ........ [ ]
A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8
35. 12 y 2 6  7  4 u 2 ........ [ ]
A) 2 B) 4 C) 36 D) 18
36. If 2 3  2 x  5 x  1 12 then x = ....... [ ]
A) -3 B) -2 C) -1 D) 1
37. If 5x 1000 then the value of 5x2 is ....... [ ]
A) 10 B) 20 C) 80 D) 40
38. 1  3  5  7  9  11  13  15  17  19  21  23  25 ...... [ ]
A) 132 B) 142 C) 112 D) 12 2
:: 59 ::
1. B 16. B 31. B 46. C 61. A 76. A
2. D 17. D 32. A 47. B 62. C 77. B
3. A 18. A 33. B 48. B 63. A 78. A
4. C 19. D 34. B 49. C 64. C 79. D
5. D 20. B 35. C 50. A 65. A 80. D
6. A 21. C 36. B 51. C 66. C
7. D 22. C 37. D 52. B 67. C
8. B 23. B 38. D 53. D 68. A
9. C 24. D 39. C 54. C 69. A
10. B 25. B 40. C 55. A 70. A
11. B 26. D 41. A 56. B 71. D
12. D 27. C 42. C 57. C 72. A
13. B 28. C 43. D 58. A 73. C
14. A 29. A 44. A 59. A 74. C
15. C 30. D 45. A 60. B 75. B
1. A 10. A 19. C 28. A
2. A 11. D 20. C 29. C
3. C 12. C 21. B 30. D
4. B 13. B 22. A 31. C
5. C 14. D 23. A 32. B
6. B 15. C 24. C 33. C
7. B 16. B 25. D 34. A
8. D 17. B 26. C 35. A
9. A 18. C 27. C 36. B
1. C 11. B 21. C 31. C
2. A 12. A 22. A 32. C
3. D 13. C 23. D 33. A
4. C 14. A 24. C 34. B
5. D 15. D 25. C 35. C
6. A 16. B 26. C 36. C
7. B 17. B 27. A 37. D
8. D 18. C 28. A 38. A
9. B 19. D 29. B
10. D 20. B 30. D
:: 60 ::
* Ratio: The comparision of two similar quantities by division is called ratio.
The ratio of a and b is written as a : b (or) a/b. where a is called first term or
antecedent and b is
called second term or consequent
* Proportion: The equality of two ratios is called proportion. if a : b = c : d
then a,b,c and d are said to be
in proportion it is also written as a : b : : c : d
* Note :- If a : b = c : d then ad = bc
i.e, product of the extermnes = product of the means,
i) mean proportional : the mean proportion of ‘a’ and ‘b’ is ab
ii) third proportional : If a:b = b : c then c is called the third proportional of a
and b
iii) Fourth proportional : If a : b = c : d then d is called the fourth propor-
tional and also d = bc/a
* Unitary method :- The method in which we first find the value of one unit
and then the value of the required
number of units is known as unitary method.
* Direct proportion: When one quantity increases ( decreases) leads increase
(decrease) in other quantity,
the quantities are said to be direct proportion.
We say that “a” is direclty proportional to “b” if a = kb for some constant K
and we write a D b
* Indirect Proportion :- If some increase ( decrease) is one quantity leads
decrease ( Increase) in other
quantity the quantities are said to be indirect proporiton
We say that a is inversly proportional to b if ab=k for some constant K and
we write a D
* Percentage:- The word percent means per hundred or out of any hundred.
The symbol for percentage is %
Percentage are used in daily life situations like profit and loss, discount and
simple interest etc
x % is written in fraction as x/100.
a/b is written is percentage as a/b x 100
:: 61 ::
(i) If the present population of a town is ‘p’ it increases R% for every year
§ R ·
i) the population after ‘n’ years = P ¨ 1  ¸
© 100 ¹

ii) the population ‘n’ years back = §¨1  R ·¸
©100 ¹

(ii) The present value of an article is ‘P’ it decreases R % of every year then
§ · R
i) The value of the article after ‘n’ years = P ¨1  ¸
100 © ¹

ii) The value of the article before ‘n’ years = §¨1  R ·¸
100 © ¹

§ R ·
iii) If ‘A’ is R% greater than ‘B’ then B is less than A by ¨ 100  R u100 ¸
© ¹

§ R ·
If A is R% less than ‘B’ then ‘A’ is ¨ 100  R u100 ¸ % grater than ‘B’
© ¹
Profit = selling price - cost price = SP- CP
loss = CP - SP
the profit or loss is always calcualted on cost price
% of profit = Profit x 100/ C.P % of loss = loss x 100 / C.P

100 100
C .P u S .P (or) C .P u S .P
100  P% 100  l %
100  P % u C.P 100  l % u C.P
S .P (or) S .P
100 100

:: 62 ::
1. In a mixture of 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 5 : 6. If the ratio is to be
2 : 3 then the quantity of water to be further added is ............. [ ]
a) 10 l b) 27 l c) 18 l d) 12 l
Ans: Quantity of milk = 5/11 x 132 = 60l
water = 132 - 60 = 72l
milk : water = 2 : 3
60 : x = 2 : 3 Ÿ x = 60 x 3 /2 = 90l
Total water = 90l
Quantity of water to be added = 90 - 72 = 18l
Note : The ratio of the incomes of two persons a : b . and the ratio of their
earnings c : d their savings is
Rs. ‘x’ then their incomes are

xa d  c x d  c
i) income of 1st person = Total income = u ab
ad  bc ad  bc

xb d  c
ii) income of 2nd person =
ad  bc
2. The ratio of the incomes of Komali and Asha is 4 :3 and the ratio of their
expenditure is 3 : 2 their savings is Rs. 600. Find their total income [ ]

a) Rs. 4200 b) Rs. 5600 c) Rs. 8400 d) Rs. 7000

Ans: a : b = 4 : 3 c:d =3:2 x = 600
2-3 1
Total income = 600 x 4(2) - 3(3) x 4  3 600 x 1 x 7 Rs 4200

Note : If a numbers ‘k’ is subtracted from the ratio a : b and is equal to the ratio
c : d then the number are :
a(d-c) b(d-c)
ku ;k u
ad-bc ad-bc
3. Ratio of two numbers 12 : 13 if 20 is subtracted from them the ratio is equal to
2 : 3 then the no’ s are ........... [ ]
a) 22,24 b) 24, 26 c) 16,18 d) 14, 20
Ans a = 12 b = 13 c =2 d =3 x = 20

:: 63 ::
12 3  2 12 x 1
no ’s = 20 x 20 x 24
12 3  13 2 10
20(13)(3-2) 13x 1
20 x 26
12(3) - 13(2) 10

The numbers are = 24,26

Note : Which number is substracted from a, b, c ,d to be proportional?

ad  bc
Ans : Required No = (a  d )  (b  c)

4. Which least number is substrated from 24, 31, 58,79 to be proportional[ ]

a) 5 b) 7 c) 2 d) 3
Ans : a = 24 b= 31 c = 58 d= 79

Required no =

5. In a camp there is a meal for 2100 soldiers for 50 days. Some soldies are left
on leave. The remaining soldiers have taken meals for 75 days. Find the no.of
soldiers left? [ ]
Ans : A = 2100 B = 72 C= 50

A( B  C ) 2100 75  50
No.of soldiers is on leave = 75
B 75
6. If 3A = 5 B = 6C. find A : B : C
1 1 1
Ans : A : B : C = : : 10 : 6 : 5
3 5 6
7. If the cost price of 15 watches is equal to the selling price of 20 watches. then
the loss percent is .. .[ ]
a) 25% b) 20% c) 22 1/2 0 d) 18%
Ans: C.P of 15 watches = S.P of 20 watches
C .P 20
cp > sp 20 -15 = 5
S .P 15

:: 64 ::
% of loss = u 100 25%
8. A person sold two articles at Rs. 19,800 each. If he earns 10% profit on 1st
and 10% loss on second. Find the cost price of two articles. [ ]
a) Rs. 39,500 b) Rs. 38,000 c) Rs. 40,000 d) Rs. 41,000
Ans: % of loss = (10/10)= 1% Total SP= 19,800 x 2 = 39,600
SP 100  1 99
100  99
100 : x 99 : 39,600
100 x39, 600
Total S .P Rs.40, 000

9. The labled price of a saree is Rs.2000. Discount 20%. If the customer asked
10% more discount. Find the total discount on the marked price. [ ]
a) 25% b) 30% c) 24% d) 28%

Ans :

Discount = Rs. 2000 - Rs. 1440 = Rs. 560

% of discount = u 100 28%
10. Successive discount of 20% , 30% and 50% amount to a single discount of
........... [ ]
a) 80 % b) 72% c) 94% d) 78%

100  20 100  30 100  50

Ans : u u u 100
100 100 100

80 70 50
u u u 100 28%
100 100 100
Discount 100  28 72%
11. A certain money amoutns to Rs. 3840 in 2 years and amount to Rs. 4800 in 5
years on simple interest, then the principle is ............... [ ]
a) Rs. 3200 b) Rs. 2800 c) Rs. 2900 d) Rs. 3600

:: 65 ::
Ans : T1 = 2 years T2 = 5 years

B A 4800  3840 960

S.I for 2 years = T2 u 2u 2u 640
T2  T1 52 3
Principal = 3840 - 640 = Rs. 3200
12. The simple interest on a certian money in 2 years at 5% is Rs.50 find its
difference between C.I and S.I is same time period [ ]
a) Rs. 1.05P b) Rs. 1.25P c) Rs. 1.5P d) Rs. 1.65P
Sol : R= 5% T = 2 years I = 50 P=?
P = 50 x 100/ 5 x 2
Rs. 500
§ 5 · 105 105
C .I 500 u ¨1  ¸ 500 u u 551.25
© 100 ¹ 100 100
Difference = C.I - S.I = 551.25 - 550 = Rs. 1.25
13. Certain money 9 times is 2 years. Then the interest = ............ [ ]
a) 190% b) 100 % c) 150% d) 200%
Ans : r = [ 9 1/2 -1] x 100 = (3-1) 100 = 200%
14. If Rs. 64 amounts to Rs.83.20 is 2 years at the same rate of interest find the
amount of Rs.86 in 4 years? [ ]
a) Rs 137.60 b) Rs. 136.50 c) Rs. 138.50 d) Rs 128.60

100 u 83.20  64 100 u19.20 1920

Sol : r 15%
64 u 2 64 u 2 64 u 2

86 u 15 u 4
Interest = 51.60
Amount = 86 + 51.60 = Rs. 137.60
15. The compound interest on a certain money for 2 yrs is Rs. 578.40 and in 3
years is Rs. 614.55 Find the rate of interest [ ]
a) 8 1/4 % b) 12 1/2 % c) 6 1/4 % d) 8 1/2 %
Sol : On Rs. 578.40 Interest on 1st year = 614.15-578.40 = Rs. 36.15

100 I 100 u 36.15 1

R 6 %
PT 578.40 u 1 4

:: 66 ::
Note : 1) On simple interest certain money double on ‘x’ years. 3 times on “2x” years
and 4 times on “3x” years.
2) On compond interest certain money doubles on ‘x’ years, 4 times on ‘2x’
years and 8 times on ‘3x’
1. Simplest form of 36 : 81 is ............ [ ]
a) 7 : 9 b) 4 : 9 c) 9 : 4 d) 3 : 7
2. Simplest form of 4 1/5 : 2 1/3 is ........ [ ]
a) 2 : 3 b) 3 : 2 c) 9 : 5 d) 5 : 9
3. 84 Toffies distributed between Ravi and Latha in the ratio 5 : 7. No. of Tof-
fee Ravi got [ ]
a) 49 b) 7 c) 40 d) 35
4. If a : b = 3 : 4 b: c = 16 : 27 then a : c = ........ [ ]
a) 4 : 9 b) 9 : 4 c) 3 : 4 d) 4 : 7
5. If a : b= 3 :5 and b : c = 6 : 7 then a : b : c = ........ [ ]
a) 9 : 10 : 15 b) 18 : 30 : 35 c) 30 : 18 : 35 d) 18 : 35 : 30
6. The length and breadth of a rectangle 45cm, 27cm respectively. then the ratio
of length and breadth is ......... [ ]
a) 3 : 5 b) 5 : 3 c) 40 : 20 d) 5 : 4
7. 2 : 5 = 6 : ........ [ ]
a) 15 b) 10 c) 12 d) 5
8. The ratio of two angles is 3 : 1 and larger angle is 630, then the smaller angle
is .......... [ ]
a) 420 b) 400 c) 210 d) 230
9. The cost of Dozzen bananas is Rs. 60. Find the cost of 9 bananas [ ]
a) Rs. 15 b) Rs. 45 c) Rs. 40 d) Rs. 60
10. The compound ratio of 7 : 5 and 8 : x is 84 : 60. then the value of x is ..........
a) 10 b) 9 c) 8 d) none [ ]
11. A bag contains 25P, 10P and 5P coins in the ratio 5 : 9 : 4 amounting to Rs.
30. Find the number of 5P coins? [ ]
a) 50 b) 100 c) 19 d) 20
12. The fourth proportional of 5,8, 15 is ............ [ ]
a) 18 b) 24 c) 19 d) 20

:: 67 ::
13. The mean proportional of 234 and 104 is ....... [ ]
a) 12 b) 39 c) 54 d) None
14. If 12 is the anticedent of a ratio which is equvalent to 3 : 4 find the concedent
a) 9 b) 16 c) 20 d) 24 [ ]
15. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a schol is 8 : 5. If the number of
girls is 160 then the total number of students is ................ [ ]
a) 160 b) 200 c) 256 d) 416
16. The third proportional of 0.36 and 0.48 is ............ [ ]
a) 0.64 b) 0.1728 c) 0.42 d) 0.94
17. 15% of Rs.34 is ................ [ ]
a) Rs. 3.40 b) Rs. 3.75 c) Rs. 4.50 d) Rs. 5.10
18. 45% of 750 - 25% of 480 is .......... [ ]
a) 216 b) 217.50 c) 236.50 d) 245
19. What percent of a day is 3 hours? [ ]

1 2 2 1
a) 12 % b) 16 % c)18 % d) 22 %
2 3 3 2
20. 270 students appeared at an examinations. 252 members were passed. Then
find the pass percentage ? [ ]

1 1 1
a) 80% b) 83 % c) 90 % d) 93 %
2 3 3
21. In an examination 35% of the students passed and 455 failed. How many
students appeared for the examination? [ ]
a) 490 b) 700 c) 845 d) 1300
22. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples.
Originally he had : [ ]
a) 588 apples b) 600 apples c) 672 apples d) 700 apples
23. If a radio is purchased by Ramu for Rs.490 and sold for Rs. 465.50. Find the
loss percent [ ]
a) 5% b) 6% c) 10% d) 2 %
24. A vander bought bananas at 6 for Rs.10 and sold them at 4 for Rs.6. Find his
gain or loss percent? [ ]
a) 10% profit b) 10% loss c) 5% profit d) 5% loss

:: 68 ::
25. The cost of a pair of shoes is Rs. 450 and sale tax is 6%. How much amount
should be paid to shopkeeper? [ ]
a) Rs. 27 b) Rs. 500 c) Rs. 477 d) Rs. 600
26. The marked price of a book is Rs.150. If 15% discount is given how much
amount should be paid to the shopkeeper? [ ]
a) Rs. 127.50 b) Rs. 127 c) Rs. 130 d) Rs. 135
27. Sam purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs.375 per dozen. He sold
each one of them at the rate of Rs. 33. What was his profit percentage ?
a) 3. 5 b) 4.5 c) 5.6 d) 6.5[ ]
28. Madhu purchased a house at Rs.3,20,000 and sold it for Rs.2,80,000 due to
some reasons. Find his loss percentage? [ ]
a) 12.5% b) 18.65% c) 17% d) 20%
29. A bag marked at Rs.80 is sold for Rs.68. the rate of discount is [ ]
a) 12% b) 15% c) 17 11/17% d) 20%
30. The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 if 5 : 6 is the new ratio when 8 is added to
each of them. Find the numbers [ ]
a) 12.16 b) 14,16 c) 16,18 d) 12,18
31. A sum of Rs. 12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years at the rate of simple
interest. What is the rate of interest? [ ]
a) 3% b) 4% c) 5% d) 6%
32. The rate at which a sum becomes four times of itself in 15 years at S.I will be
...... [ ]
a) 15% b) 17 1/2 % c) 20% d) 25%
33. A sum of money at simple interest amount to Rs.815 in 3 years and to Rs.854
in 4 years, the sum is ............... [ ]
a) Rs. 650 b) Rs. 690 c) Rs. 698 d) Rs. 700
34. What will be the compound interest on a sum of Rs. 25,000. after 3 years at
the rate of 12% [ ]
a) Rs. 9000.30 b) Rs. 9720 c) Rs.10123.20 d) Rs. 10483.20
35. What will be the difference between simple and compound interest at the rate
of 10% per annum on a sum of Rs. 1000 after 4 years? [ ]
a) Rs. 31 b) Rs. 32.10 c) Rs. 40.40 d) Rs. 64.10
36. On a scale map. 0.6 cm represents 6.6 km. If the distance between the points
on the map is 80.5 cm. The actual distance between these points is .[ ]
a) 9 km b) 72.5 km c) 190.75 km d) 885.5 km

:: 69 ::
37. A flag staff 17.5 in height casts a shadow of length 40.25m. the height of the
building, which costs a shadow of length 28.75m under similar conditons will
be ........... [ ]
a) 10m b) 12.5 m c) 17.5 m d) 21.25 m
38. The sale price of an article including the saletax is Rs. 616. The rate of sale tax
is 10%. If the shopkeeper has made a profit of 12% then the cost price of the
article is .......... [ ]
a) Rs. 500 b) Rs.515 c) Rs. 550 d) Rs. 600
39. 10% loss on selling price is what percent loss on the cost price? [ ]

1 2
a) 9 % b) 9 % c) 10% d) 11%
11 11
40. A shopkeeper sold an article eoffering a discount of 5% and earned a profit of
23.5% what would have been the percentage of profit earned if no discount
was offered? [ ]
a) 24.5 b) 28.5 c) 30 d) 40
1,. If x : y = 3 : 4 then ( 4x+5y) = (5x-2y) = ............ [ ]
a) 30 : 8 b) 32 : 7 c) 7 : 32 d) 4 : 5

x y
2. If then x +5 = y+8 is .............. [ ]
5 8
a) 3 : 5 b) 13 : 8 c) 8 : 5 d) 5 : 8
3. Two numbers are in the ratio 1 : 2 if 7 is added to both, their ratio changes to
3:5 the greatest number is ........... [ ]
a) 24 b) 26 c) 28 d) 32
4. Three numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 and the sum of their squares is 1250.
the sum the of numbers is [ ]
a) 30 b) 50 c) 60 d) 90
5. The ratio of two numebrs is 3 : 4 their LCM is 180. then find the 1st number
a) 60 b) 45 c) 20 d) 15 [ ]
6. The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to the seocnd is 2 : 3
and that of the second to the third is 5 : 8 then the second number is ........
a) 20 b) 30 c) 48 d) 58 [ ]

:: 70 ::
7. The age of Kiran and Ravi are in the ratio 3 : 1 fifteen years hence, the ratio will
be 2 :1 their present ages are .......... [ ]
a) 30 years, 10 years b) 45 years, 15 years
c) 21 years, 7 years d) 60 years, 20 years
8. The ratio of the income of A and B is 5 : 4 and the ratio of their expenditures is
3 : 2 . If at the end of the year, each saves Rs. 1600 then the income of A is
............. [ ]
a) Rs. 3400 b) Rs. 3600 c) Rs. 4000 d) Rs. 4400
9. A sum of Rs.53 is divided among A,B, C in such away that A gets Rs.7 more
than what B gets and B gets Rs.8 more than what C gets the ratio of their
shares is ............. [ ]
a) 16 : 9 : 18 b) 25 : 18 : 10 c) 18 : 25 : 10 d) 15 : 8 : 30
10. 0.4 th part of a number is equal to 0.06th part of the another number. Then their
ratio is ..... [ ]
a) 2 : 3 b) 3 : 4 c) 3 : 20 d) 20 : 3
11. What percentage is equal to 3% in 5% ? [ ]
a) 15% b) 30% c) 50% d) 60%
12. Subtracting 40% of a number from the number we get the result as 30. the
number is ...... [ ]
a) 28 b) 50 c) 52 d) 70
13. In an election a candidate who gets 84% of the votes is elected by a majority of
476 votes. Waht is the total number of votes polled? [ ]
a) 672 b) 700 c) 749 d) 848
14. A’s salary is 50% more than B’s. How much percent is B’s. salary less than
A’s? [ ]

1 1 1
a) 33% b) 33 % c) 33 % d) 33 %
4 3 2
15. A student multiplied a numebr by 3/5 insterad of 5/3. Waht is the percentage
error is calcualtion? [ ]
a) 34% b) 44% c) 54% d) 64%
16. Salary of a person Rs.42000. He spends 30% on hosue rent, 25% on personal
expenditure and 20% for donation, then find his savings? [ ]
a) Rs. 8500 b) Rs. 9500 c) Rs. 10.500 d) Rs. 10,000

:: 71 ::
17. The population of a town decreases in two concecutive years 5% and 10%
find what percent of population decrease after 2 years? [ ]
a) 15% b) 14% c) 14.5 % d) 15.5%
18. By selling an artilce for Rs. 100 a man gain Rs.15 then his gain % is .[ ]

2 11 1
a) 15% b) 12 % c) 17 % d) 17 %
3 17 4
19. A man buys a cycle for Rs. 1400 and sells it at a loss of 15%. Waht is the
selling price of the cycle [ ]
a) Rs. 1090 b) Rs. 1160 c) Rs. 1190 d) Rs. 1202
20. If the cost price is 96% of the selling price then what is the profit percent?
a) 5 % b) 4.17% c) 4% d) 4.5% [ ]
21. The C.P of 21 articles is equal to S.P of 18 articles. Find the gain or loss
percent? [ ]
a) 16 2/3 % loss b) 16% loss c) 16 2/3 % gain d) 16% gain
22. A man bought a horse and a carriage for Rs.3000. He sold the horse at a gain
of 20% and the carriage at a loss of 10% there by gaining 2% on the whole.
Find the cost of the horse? [ ]
a) Rs. 1000 b) Rs. 1200 c) Rs. 1400 d) Rs. 1500
23. If the cost of 12 pens is equal to the selling price of 8 pens the gain percent is

1 2
a) 25% b) 33 % c) 50% d) 66 % [ ]
3 3
24. When a plot is sold for Rs. 18,700 the owner loses 15% . At what price must
the plot be sold in order to gain 15% ? [ ]
a) Rs. 21,000 b) Rs. 22,500 c) Rs. 25.300 d) Rs. 25,800
25. If 5% more is gained by selling an article for Rs. 350 than by selling it for Rs.
340. The cost of the article is ........... [ ]
a) Rs. 50 b) Rs. 160 c) Rs. 200 d) Rs. 225
26. The difference between the C.P and S.P of an article is Rs. 240. If the profit is
20% the selling price is ........... [ ]
a) Rs. 1240 b) Rs. 1400 c) Rs. 1600 d) Rs. 1200
27. A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20% B sells it to C at a profit of 25% if C
Pays Rs.225 for it the C.P of the bicycle for A is ............... [ ]
a) Rs. 110 b) Rs.120 c) Rs. 125 d) Rs. 150

:: 72 ::
28. The price of a T.V marked at Rs.12,000. If successive discout of 15%, 10%
and 5% be allowed. Then at what price does a customer buy it ? [ ]
a) Rs. 8400 b) Rs. 872 c) Rs. 8856 d) Rs. 9000
29. A sum of money doubles itself at compound interest in 5 years. In how many
years will become eight times? [ ]
a) 8 Years b) 10 Years c) 15 Years d) 20 Years
30. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on an amount
of Rs.15000 for 2 years is Rs.96. What is the rate of interest per annum
a) 8 b) 10 c) 12 d) none[ ]
31. A garrison of 500 men had provisions for 27 days. After 3 days a reinforce-
ment of 300 men arrived. For how many more days will be remaining food last
now? [ ]
a) 15 b) 16 c) 17 1/2 % d) 18
32. A person invested in all Rs. 2600 at 4% , 6% , and 8% per annum S.I. At the
end of the year he got the same interest in all the 3 cases, the money invested at
4% is ............. [ ]
a) Rs. 200 b) Rs. 600 c) Rs. 800 d) Rs. 1200
Previous Year Questions 2015
1. If sum of 3 numbers is 98 the ratio of the first to the second is 2/3 and the
ratio of the second to the third is 5/8. Waht is the second number?[ ]
a) 25 b) 28 c) 30 d) 32
1. If 3 : 5 = 4 : 5 : x then x -5 = ? [ ]
a) 7 . 5 b) 5 c) 4.5 d) 2.5
2. 8% of 400 - 4% of 800 + 1 % of 500 = ......... [ ]
a) 10 b) 20 c) 4 d) 5
3. The length and breadth of a rectangle are increased by 25% and 33 1/3 %
respectively the area will increase by ............. [ ]
a) 33 1/3 % b) 25 % c) 58 1/3 % d) 66 2/3 %
1. I f a number is increased by 33 1/3 % and the resultant is decrased by 25%
then its values ....... [ ]
a) remaining same b) increased by 10%
c) decreased by 10% d) increased by 8 1/3 %

:: 73 ::
2. The marked price of a machine is 18,000 if it is sold at 20% discount there is
a loss of 4% then its cost in Rs. is ............... [ ]
a) 15000 b) 16000 c) 14000 d) 13000
3. If 3a= 4b and 5b=6c then a : b : c is ............. [ ]
a) 5 : 6 : 8 b) 6 : 5 : 8 c) 6 : 8 : 5 d) 8 : 6 : 5
4. A person riding a bicycle raches a certain distance in 5hrs with a speed of 16
kmph if he has to cover the same distance in 4 hours then the percentage of
speed he has to incerase is ........ [ ]
a) 10% b) 15% c) 25% d) 20%

1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. b
7. a 8. c 9. b 10. c 11. c 12. b
13. d 14.b 15. d 16. a 17. d 18. b
19. a 20. d 21. b 22. d 23. a 24. b
25. c 26. a 27. d 28. a 29. b 30. a
31. d 32. c 33. c 34. c 35. d 36. d
37. b 38. a 39. a 40. c.
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. b
7. b 8. c 9. b 10. d 11. d 12. b
13. b 14. c 15. d 16. c 17. c 18.c
19. c 20. b 21. c 22. b 23. c 24. c
25. c 26. d 27. d 28. b 29. c 30. a
31. a 32. d

:: 74 ::
* Geometry means measurement of earth
* Father of geometry Euclid
* The book written by Euclid on geometry “The elements”
* Three basic concepts of geometry are point, line and plane.
* A point has no dimensions such as length, breadth and thickness. It has
position only
* Generally points are represented by capital letters A,B,C ............
* The set of points extending infinitely on either side is called “a line”
* Line has only length. It has no breadth.
* A line has no end points.
* Lines are two types 1) Straight lines 2) Curved lines
* Line AB is represented as AB or BA

* Lines are representd by small letters also ( AB or l)

* The points lying on the same line are called collinear points

* A, B, C, D are collinear points

* The set of points between two points including those two points which has a
fixed length is called “ a line segment”
* Line segments is part of a line
* Line segment has 2 end points
* The number of unit lines legments in a line segment is called “length of the
line segment”
* Length of line segment is measured in cm.
* If the length of two linesegments is same then they are called “congruent line
* The length of line segment AB is represented as AB
* If AB, CD are two line segments and AB=CD then AB # CD
* The set of points extending infinitely in all directions is called “plane”

* Plane is a flat surface having length and breadth
* Plane is represented by small letters.
* The points lying on the same plane are called “coplanar points”
* The lines belong to same plane are called “coplanar lines”.
* If A,B,C are collinear and B lies between A and C then AB + BC=AC

* The set of points extending infinitely in one direction is called “a ray”

* Ray is part of a line

* OA # AO
* The rays which extend opposite to each other from a point are called “oppo-
site rays} or “vertical rays”.
OA and OB are opposite rays

* A ray has one end point

* The end point of a ray is called initial point.
* The figures which are end at their starting point while they are drawing are
called closed figures. Otherwise they are open figures.
* Closed figures are closed in all sides.
Ex : Triangles, Qudrilaterals etc
* Open figures are opened at one side.

Example : etc

Properties of straight lines

1. A line has infinite points
2. Infinite number of lines can be drawn through one point
3. Only one line can be drawn through two distinct poitns
4. Two lines have only one point belong to both lines. means two lines are inter-
secting at one point.

5. Two lines do not have more than one common point
* If a point M is located on a line segment AB such that AM=MB then
M is called midpoint of AB
* The mid point of a line segment divides it into two congruent line segments
Types of lines:
1. Intersecting lines : - If two lines have a common point then they are called
intersecting lines. The common point is l
called point of intersection. P

If l ,m are intersecting lines then l ˆ m = {P}

2. Parallel lines : - If two lines have no common point then they are called “paral-
lel lines” l

Parallel lines do not intersect

Paralell lines are represented by the symbol // (Parallel to)
If l,m are parallel lines they are reprsented by l // m
The perpendicular distance between two parallel lines is same at every where.
3. Perpendicular lines:- If the angle between two lines is 90o then they are called
perpendicualr lines.
The symbol for perpendicularity is A (Perpendicular to) l
If l , m are perpendicular to each other then.
they are represented by l A m
4. Concurrent lines:- If three or more lines have a common point then
they are called “concurrent lines”. The common point o l
is called “point of concurrence”

5. Transversal :- The line which intersects

two or more lines at distinct points is called p
“transversal”. In the adjacent figure p is trans- l

* The lines parallel to the same line are parallel to each l
other m||l and n||l then m||n. m
* The lines perpendicular to the same line are also n

parallel to each other.

If m A l and n A l then m||n. m
* The angle between two parallel lines is O0 n
* The union of two rays having same common intial l

point is called an angle.

* The initial point of an angle is called B
vertex and the rays of an angle are called
arms. Here vertex=o,arms of angle O A
= OA and OB .
* The symbol for an angle is ‘ (angle).
* In the given figure above, the angle is represented by ‘ AOB or ‘ BOA.
* The unit to measure an angle is degree.
* The right angle is divided in to 90 equal parts and each part is called one
* The angles are measured by using protractor.
* The angle divides the plane in which it lies into 3 parts.
1)Interior of the angle 2)Exterior of the angle 3)On the angle.
* If the measure of an angle is 00 then it is called “zero angle”
* If the measure of an angle is more than 00 and lessthan 900 then it is called an
“acute angle”
* If the measure of an angle is 900 then it is called “right angle”
* If the measure of an an angle is more than 900 and less than 1800 then it is
called an “obtuse angle”
* If the measure of an angle is 1800 then it is called as “straight angle”
* If the measure of an angle is more than 1800 and lessthan 3600 then it is
called as “reflex angle”
* If the measure of an angle is 3600 then it is called “complete angle”
* If sum of two angles is 1800 then they are called as “supplementary angles”
* If sum of two angles is 900 then they are called “complementary angles”
* The angles having common vertex and common arm
are called “adjacent angles” ‘ AOB C B
and ‘ BOC are adjacent angles. A
O is common vertex and OB is common arm.

* In the pair of adjacent angles if non com- B
mon arms are opposite rays then those
angles are called “linear pair”
C o A
* If sum of adjacent angles is 1800 then they are
called “linear pair”
* If two lines are intersect the angles opposite to
point of intersection are called “vertically op-
posite angles”
* If two lines intersects each other 4 angles are D l
formed. Among those 4 angles each pair of O B
angles which do not have common arm are called
vertically opposite angles. ‘ AOD, ‘ BOC and m
‘ AOC, ‘ BOD are vertically opposite angles.
* If the measure of two angles is same then they
are called congruent angles.
* The line which divides an angle into two B
congruent angles is called angular bisector. Here C
OC is bisector of ‘ AOB.
Ÿ ‘ AOC= ‘ BOC.
* If a transversal intersects two lines 8 angles are formed at the two intersecting
points among them
i) Interior angles : - ‘ 3, ‘ 4, ‘ 5, ‘ 6
2) Exterior angles : - ‘ 1, ‘ 2, ‘ 7, ‘ 8
3) Pairs of Corresponding angles : p
( ‘ 1, ‘ 5) ,( ‘ 4, ‘ 8) ( ‘ 2, ‘ 6) ( ‘ 3, ‘ 7) 2 1
3 4 l
4) Pairs of Alternate interior angles : -
( ‘ 3, ‘ 5),( ‘ 4, ‘ 6) 6 5 m
7 8
5) Pairs of Alternate Exterior angles :
( ‘ 1, ‘ 7) ; ( ‘ 2, ‘ 8)
6) Pairs of vertically opposite angles : -
( ‘ 1, ‘ 3) ; ( ‘ 2, ‘ 4); ( ‘ 5, ‘ 7) ;( ‘ 6, ‘ 8)
7) Co-interior angles : ( ‘ 3, ‘ 6) ; ( ‘ 4, ‘ 5)
8) Co- exterior angels : - ( ‘ 1, ‘ 8);( ‘ 2, ‘ 7)
9) Linear pairs :-( ‘ 1, ‘ 2) ; ( ‘ 1, ‘ 4);,( ‘ 2, ‘ 3); ( ‘ 3, ‘ 4);
( ‘ 5, ‘ 6); ( ‘ 5, ‘ 8) ; ( ‘ 6, ‘ 7) ; ( ‘ 7, ‘ 8)
* If a transversal intersects two lines then the sum of angles formed at every
intersecting point is 360.
‘ 1+ ‘ 2+ ‘ 3+ ‘ 4=360 and ‘ 5+ ‘ 6+ ‘ 7+ ‘ 8=360 .
0 0

* Sum of exterior angles is 3600 ‘ 1+ ‘ 2+ ‘ 7+ ‘ 8=3600

* Sum of interior angles is 3600 ‘ 3+ ‘ 4+ ‘ 5+ ‘ 6=3600.
* If a transversal intersects two parallel lines then
1) Each pair of corresponding angles are equal
‘ 1= ‘ 5 , ‘ 4= ‘ 8, ‘ 2= ‘ 6, ‘ 3= ‘ 7
2 1
2) Each pair of alternate interior angles are equal l
3 4
‘ 3= ‘ 5, ‘ 4= ‘ 6 6 5
3) Each pair of alternate exterior angles are equal 8 7 m
‘ 1= ‘ 7, ‘ 2= ‘ 8
4) Each pair of vertically opposite angles are equal
‘ 1= ‘ 3, ‘ 2= ‘ 4, ‘ 5= ‘ 7, ‘ 6= ‘ 8
5) Sum of Co-interior angles is 1800
‘ 4+ ‘ 5=180 , ‘ 3+ ‘ 6=180
0 0

6) Sum of Co-exterior angles is 1800

‘ 1+ ‘ 8=180 , ‘ 2+ ‘ 7=180
0 0

n( n  1)
* The no of lines can be drawn through `n` non-collinear points is (n z 1)
n(n  3) 2
* The number of diagonals drawn to a polygon of n sides is
2 n( n  1)
* The number of linesegments can be drawm through n collinear points is
* If a transversal intersects two parallel lines then “F” shaped angles represents
corresponding angles “Z” shaped angles represents alternate interior angles
and “C” shaped angles represents co-interior angles.

1. Find the measure of following angles?
1) 1/6 of right angle ii) 1 1/2 of right angle
iii) 2/5 of straight angle
Sol : Right angles =900 straight angle = 1800
i) 1/6 x 90 = 150 ii) 1 1/2 x 90 = 3/2 x 90 = 3 x 45= 1350
iii) 2/5 x 180 = 2 x 36 = 720

2. If x and x+30 are two complementary angles then find x ?

Sol : x + x + 30 = 900 Ÿ 2x + 30 = 900
Ÿ 2x= 90 -30 = 600 Ÿ x = 60/2 = 300

3. One angle is 300 less than its supplementary angle. find those angles.
Sol : One angle = x (say). Its supplement x-30
x + x - 30 = 1800 Ÿ 2x =180+ 30
Ÿ 2x = 210
Ÿ x = 210/2 = 1050
one angle =1050
Its supplementary angle = 105 -30 = 750

4. Find the angle which is 2/5 of its supplementary angle?

Sol :- One angle = x (ray) . Its supplement = 2/5 x
5x  2 x
? x + 2/5 x = 180 Ÿ = 1800 Ÿ 7x = 180 x 5
7x = 900 Ÿ x = (900/7)0
Its supplmentary angle = 2x/5 = 2/5 x 900/7 = (360/7)0


5. In the adjacent figure AB,CD,EF intersect at O COE 450 and ‘ AOF = 900
then find ‘ BOD?
Let ‘ BOD = x
‘ FOD = ‘ COE =45 0
(vertically opposite angles)
‘ AOF = 90

C 450 X D
But AOB is a straight line o
? x + 45 + 90 = 180
Ÿ x = 180 -135 = 450 E

? ‘ BOD = 45

6. In the adjacent figure AB||CD . ‘ CDM= 1500
‘ BMD = 64 and ‘ ABM = x then find x ?

Solve : - Draw EF||AB||CD through M A B
Let ‘ EMB = y then ‘ EMD = 64 - y y
' EF||CD and HD transversal. 64 -y
150 + 64 -y = 1800 ( Co - interior angles) D
-y = 180 - 150 -64 = -340 Ÿ y 340
' AB||EF,BM transversal, x  y 180 ('co-interior angles)

Ÿ x  34 1800 Ÿ x 180  34 1460

7. In the adjacent figure l // m . Find x ? l

l // m , 140 = 90 + x ( Alternate interior angles)
x = 140 - 90 = 500 1400 m

8. In the given figure, l // k then find a+b ?

Solve : Draw m // l // k through O
a = x ( Alternative interior angles) l
x m
b = y ( Alternative interior angles)
O 450 y
? a+b=x+y b
but x + y = 450
? a + b = 45

9. In the adjacent figure AB || CD Find the values of p and q ?
Solve : ‘ EGB = ‘ AGF = 650 ( Vertically opposite angles)
‘ GHD = ‘ AGH = 65 ( Alternate inteior angles)

Ÿ 40 + q = 65 Ÿ q = 64-40 = 250
Draw a line XY. parallel to AB and CD through O
‘ XOG = ‘ BGO= 45 ( Alternative interior angles)

‘ XOH = ‘ OHD = 25 ( Alternative interior angles)


p = 45 + 25 = 700 E
A 650
G p
x k
4 0
C H q
10. In the adjacent figure AB || CD, CD || EF and
y : z = 3 : 7 then find values of x, y, z and p ?
Solve AB // EF . y : z = 3 : 7 B
x + y = 1800 ( Co- interior angles ) - (1) x
P + z = 1800 ( Co - interior angles) C y
But y = p ( vertically opposite angles )
? y + z = 180 - (2)
0 E F
? x + y = y + z Ÿx = z
y : z = 3 : 7, ? y = 3/10 x 1800 , z = 7/10 x 180
= 540 = 1260
? x z 1260 , p y 540
11. From the adjacent figure find x + y
solve 35 + z + y = 1800 ( angles on straight line)
But z = 1050 ( Vertically opposite angles)
? y = 180 - 35 - 105 = 180 - 140 = 40

But x = y ( correspodning angles) z

x 350
? x = 40 0

x + y = 40 + 40 = 800
1. Which of the following is not a polygon [ ]

a) b) c) d)

2. The no. of angles formed in the adjacent figure [ ]

a) 2 b) 5
c) 4 d) more than 5
3. The shortest distance between any two points is called ................ [ ]
a) Line segment b) Angle c) Curve d) Chord
4. Which represents a ray in the adjacent figure? [ ]
a) OA b) OB A B
c) BA d) AB
5. The number of diagonals of a octagon is ........ [ ]
a) 5 b) 17 c) 8 d) 20
6. The complement of 250 is ............. [ ]
a) 65 0
b) 155 0
c) 25 0
d) 75 0

7. Complementary angles are always .......... [ ]
a) Right angles b) Acute angles c) Obtuse angles d) Can’t say
8. The supplementary angle of 20 is .............
[ ]
a) 700 b) 1600 c) 200 d) 1800
9. In the adjacent figure ‘ AOC and ‘ BOC are called .............. [ ]
a) straight angle C
b) vertically opposite angle
1400 400
c) Linear pair B
d) None of these
10. The line which intersects two or more lines at distinct points
is called ............ [ ]
a) Intersecting lines b) Parallel lines
c) Reflecting lines d) Transversal
11. In the adjacent figure the value of x is ............ [ ]
a) 14 0
b) 180 0
c) 3600 d) 360 4x x
12. In the adjacent figure PQ is ............. [ ]
a) Line b) Straight line c) Linesegment d) None of these
13. If two supplementary angles are equal than thier measures are ....[ ]
a) 90 ,90
0 0
b) 45 ,45
0 0
c) 180 ,180
0 0
d) 135 , 1350

14. The angle between the hands of a clock at 4.30 O’ clock is ...... [ ]
a) 45 0
b) 90 0
c) 180 0
d) 600

15. If the ratio of two supplementary angles is 7 : 11 then their valeus are ...[ ]
a) 700, 1200 b) 600, 1200 c) 700, 1100 d) 500 , 1300
16. The value of ‘ BOD , if ‘ AOC = 400 C B
in the figure .......... [ ] O
a) 140 0
b) 50 0
c) 160 0
d) 400
17. Which is false among the following
from the given figure 1
4 3
a) ‘ 1= ‘ 2 b) ‘ 1 + ‘ 3 = 180 0
c) ‘ 1= ‘ 4 d) ‘ 3 = ‘ 4
18. The supplment of an acute angle is ............... [ ]
a) obtuse angle b) Right angle
c) Acute angle d) 1800

19. In the adjacent figure ‘ 1= 1350 then the values of p
1 2 l
‘ 2 , ‘ 3, ‘ 4 respectively are ............ 4 3
a) 1350 , 450 , 1350 b) 450 , 1350 , 450 5 6 m
c) 450 , 450 , 1350 d) All the above 8 7

20. The value of x from the adjacent t

figure is ................. x l

a) 350
b) 1800
c) 1450 d) None of these q p

21. From the adjacent figure x + y + z = .............. 1050 y

a) 2550 b) 2500 750
c) 3550 d) 3600 z

22. In the adjacent figure l // m.

The perpendicualr distance AD l

between them is 3cm, then BC = .............. 3cm

a) Can’t say b) less than 3cm C D

c) more than 3cm d) 3cm

23. In the adjacent figure the lines l, m, n are called .............. O
a) Intersecting linesb) Concurrent lines
c) a and b d) None of these n

24. In the adjacent figure l // m then the

value of x is ..............
a) 600 b) 800 2x+10
c) 1100 d) 300

25. The supplementary angle of 90 - x is ........... [ ]

a) 90 - x b) 90 + x c) 90 d) x - 90

26. The value of x in the given figure is .............. 1500 [ ]

a) 600
b) 50 0
c) 300 d) 800
27. ‘ a : ‘ b = 7 : 5 , ‘ a + ‘ b= 180 then ‘ a - ‘ b = ............. [
a) 300 b) 750 c) 650 d) 900

28. The arms of ‘ AOB are .......... [ ]
a) AB, BA b) AO, BO c) OA, OB d) All the above
29. The end of points of line segment , ray and line respectively ..... [ ]
a) 0,1,2 b) 1,2,0 c) 2,1,0 d) 0,2,1
30. If l A n and m A n then which of the following is true ........... [ ]
a) l // m b) l A m c) l A m A n d) l // m // n
31. The line segment of a polygon is called ............. [ ]
a) line segment b) side c) diagonal d) b and c
32. The part of a line which has two end points is called .............. [ ]
a) Line b) Line segment c) Ray d) Angle
33. The geometrical figure which has no dimensions is .............. [ ]
a) Line b) Plane c) Linesegment d) Point
34. A line segment contains ......... [ ]
a) Definite length and no end points b) Indefinite length and no end points
c) Definite length and end points d) None of these
35. If one pair of adjacent angels are supplementary then they form .......[ ]
a) Corresponding angles b) Vertically opposite angles
c) Linear pair d) Ray
36. In the adjacent figure the corresponding 1 2 l
angles are .............[ ] 3
5 6 m
a) ‘ 1, ‘ 5 b) ‘ 2, ‘ 6 8 7
c) ‘ 3, ‘ 7 d) all the above
37. If the difference between two complementary angles is 120 then their mea-
sures are .. [ ]
a) 51 , 49
0 0
b) 51 , 39
0 0
c) 60 , 30
0 0
d) 50 , 40
0 0

38. In the adjacent figure l // m. 'p' is p

transversal then x = .......... [ ] 60
a) 60o b) 300 x m
c) 120 0
d) 130 0

39. The supplementary angles among the following are .......... [ ]

a) 50 , 40
0 0
b) 150 , 30
0 0
c) 110 , 90
0 0
d) 40 , 50
0 0

40. In the adjacent figure. ‘ POR = 500 then ‘ ROQ = .......... [ ]

a) 130 0
b) 50 0 P S
c) 400 d) 900

1. In the given figure, AB || CD .
Then values of x, y, z are .............. C D
a) 200 , 600 , 1200 b) 600 , 300 , 1500
80 y z
c) 500 , 600 , 1100 d) All the above A Q R

2. In the adjacent figure P Q , R S are two plane

mirrors arranged oppoiste to each other.
Incident ray AB strikes PQ PQ at B and
JJJG x y w1 z D
the reflected ray CD strikes RS at C. R
Then what can you say about AB and CD ? S
a) AB A CD b) AB = CD
c) AB || CD d) AB + CD = AC
3. In the given figure AB || CD , y C
z D
then x + y + z = .............
a) 2150 b) 700 x x
c) 1450 d) 950
4. In the adjacent figure AS || BT . ‘ 4= ‘ 5 .
SB bisects ‘ AST then value of ‘ 1 is = ..........
A 6 5
a) 300 b) 400
c) 500 d) 600 R 1 2 3 4
5. In the adjacent fiture ABC is a triangle.
‘ B = 50 , ‘ C= 70 . If AB, AC are
0 0
produced their exterior angular bisetors
intersect at O. then Z = ........ B 500 700 C
a) 550 b) 600 x x y
c) 650 d) 1300 z

6. In the adjacent figure the value of x is ..........

a) 300 b) 200 30
c) 100 d) 500 C D
7. If an angle is 450 less than twice its supplement,
then the biggest angle is .....
a) 750 b) 1000
c) 1200 d) 1050

8. In the adjacent figure ‘ EBF = .............. E
a) 700 b) 1050 A B
c) 1500 d) 600
G 450 C
9. In the adjacent figure ‘ BCD = .............
a) 1500 b) 1000 A D
c) 700
d) 1300
10. In the given figure ‘ EBF = ..........
a) 930 b) 1400 1400
c) 470 d) 1070 B
F 470 D
11. From the adjacent figure the value of x + y is ..... C D
a) 1250 b) 550 z y
c) 1800 d) 650
A x x
125 B

12. In the adjacent figure the value of x, y, z are ........ A B

a) 350, 1150, 650 b) 400, 500, 600 15 x
30 z
c) 150, 250 , 750 d) 550 , 850 , 250 C y F

13. In the adjacent figure l // m, then find the sum p q

of all angles represents by alphabets l y
a) 360 b) 340 120 100 x
0 0

c) 300 0
d) 4000 t

14. If the 7 times of complement of an angle is eqaul to 10 less than the 3 times
of its supplement then the measure of that angle is ............
a) 900 b) 1800 c) 350 d) 250

15. If AOB is a straight line find ‘ COD ............
a) 320 b) 450 -19
3x+7 2x
A x B
c) 1920 d) 1030

16. In the adjacent figure AB // PQ .
75 0

then values of x and y are ....... A 200 B

a) x = 500 , y = 700 b) x = 750 , y = 850 25 yx
c) x = 700 , y = 500 d) x = 850 , y = 750 P Q

17. In the adjacent figure if x + y = w + z C

then ‘ AOB = .......... x B
a)1800 b) 3600 y
A o w
c) 2700 d) 950 Z D

18. In the given figure AB // CD. EF A CD G F

and ‘ GED = 1260
a) 1260 b) 1800
c) 540 d) 360 C D

19. In the adjacent figure the lines having arrows x

are parallel. then find values of x and y?
a) 500, 690 b) 600 , 590 60
c) 610 , 790 d) 670 , 500

20. From the adjacent figure find the unknown angles .........
a) 600, 180 b) 780 120 x
c) 60 , 60
0 0
d) 60 , 120
0 0


21. From the adjacent figure the sum of x and y is ....

x a
a) 630, 110 b) 110, 630
65 3y+5
c) A and B d) 740 F

22. From the adjacent figure AB // CD . then the

values of x and y respectively are ..... A 50 B
a) 500, 1270 b) 500, 770 C 127
x D
c) 770, 500 d) 1270 , 500 Q R
23. In the adjacent figure AB // CD then P
the values of a, b, c are ............. C 3a D
a) 200 , 600, 1200 b) 300 , 700, 1300 A 8 bc B
c) 600, 900 , 1800 d) None of these Q R

24. In the adjacent figure AB // CD and B D
BC // DE then find the value of P,Q is ......... 3P 105 q
a) P = 510 , q = 350 b) P = 1050 , q = 350 24 0
c) P = 350 , q = 510 d) P =350 , q = 1050
30 A D
25. In the adjacent figure AD // BC 8y
then the values of ‘ B and ‘ C are .......
a) 800 , 300 b) 400 , 100 2x x-y C
c) 400 , 700 d) 300 , 100
26. The value of ‘ PDQ in the Q
34 F
adjacent figure is ........ D
a) 340 b) 680 78
c) 1120 d) 780 A E B

27. In the adjacent figure AB // CD // EF

and y : z = 2 : 3 . then the value of x is ........... A x B
a) 1080 b) 1800 C y D
c) 72 0
d) 36 0 z

28. In the given figure AB // CD . x = 4/3 y

and y = 3/8 z then x + y + z = ......... B
x y
a) 1800 b) 1080 z
c) 3600 d) none of these A D

29. In the adjacent figure a : b = 2 : 3

then the value of C is ...... M
a) 540 b) 1260 X b o
c) 360 d) 900 N

30. In the adjacent figure PQ // RS // TU. AB

is transversal and y : z = 3 : 7 then x = ....
a) 1000 b) 3700 x
c) 1800 d) 1260 R S

31. In the adjacent figure AB || DE . find ‘ DCE ? 35
a) 920 b) 530
c) 350 d) 880 D E

32. In the given figure PQ A PS and P Q

PQ || SR then the value of x - y is ........ 28
y 650
a) 370 b) 530
c) 160 d) -160

33. The adjacent figure AD || BE and AC A a D

AC || DE . Find the values of a and b ? 60

b 55
a) a = 550 , b=650 b) a = 650 , b=550 B c E
c) b= 650 , a = 750 d) All the above
34. In the figure QT || PR , ‘ TQR =40 and0
30 T
‘ SPR = 30 , the value of x is ....

a) 400 b) 900
c) 500 d) 700 Q 40 M R

35. In the adjacent figure AB || DE . D

then ‘ BCD = ........... A B 1200 E
a) 400 b) 600
c) 800 d) 500 C

36. In the adjacent figure AB || CD and C

10 0

PF || QE . Then the difference between A B

700 E
the sum of x and y
and difference between x and y is ............... Q
a) 700 b) 100 R
c) 600 d) 200

37. In the adjacent figure AD divides ‘ BAC R

in the ratio 1 : 3 and AD = DB. Find x ? A 1080

a) 900 b) Right angle
c) a and b d) 180 x

38. In the given figure PQRST is a regular pentagon.

PL intersects RS at L which is bisector of ‘ TPQ
and the bisector of ‘ SRQ intersects PL T R
at M . then ‘ RML = .......
a) 360 b) 1440
c) 1080 d) 720

39. In the adjacent figure, AB || DE , DE || FG, CD || EF ,

‘ 2=55 and ‘ 4=60 . Find the values
0 0
of ‘ 1 and ‘ 3 1 G
4 D
a) ‘ 1=60 , ‘ 3=120
0 0 E 3
b) ‘ 1=120 , ‘ 3=60
0 0 A B 2
c) ‘ 1 + ‘ 3 = 1800 C
d) All the above

40. In the adjacent figure AB || CD then the value of x is ...........

a) 700 b) 1050
c) 1300 d) 500
1050 x


1 C 21 A
2 D 22 D
3 A 23 B
4 C 24 D
5 D 25 B
6 A 26 C
7 B 27 A
8 D 28 C
9 C 29 C
10 D 30 A
11 A 31 B
12 C 32 B
13 A 33 D
14 A 34 C
15 C 35 C
16 D 36 D
17 C 37 B
18 A 38 C
19 B 39 B
20 C 40 A

1 A 21 D
2 C 22 B
3 C 23 A
4 D 24 C
5 B 25 A
6 D 26 B
7 D 27 C
8 D 28 A
9 B 29 B
10 A 30 D
11 C 31 A
12 A 32 D
13 B 33 B
14 D 34 C
15 B 35 A
16 C 36 D
17 A 37 C
18 A 38 A
19 B 39 B
20 C 40 C

* A simple closed figure formed by three line segment is called a Triangle
* The line segmenets are called sides
* Three non collineer points are formed a Triangle
* A Triangle has 3 vertices, 3 sides and 3 angles.
* A Trangledivides a plane inits 3 parts.
i) Interior of the Triangle
ii) Boundary of the Triangle
iii) Exterior of the Triangle
* The boundary and Interior of the triangle together is called "Triangular region"

Euclid :
* He is a famous Greek Philosopher and mathematician.
* He has introduced geometry in a logical order in the book "The Elements"
* His geometry known as Euclidion geometry.

Parts of Triangle
i) Three sides AB or c.
BC or a.
AC or b. B C

ii) Three vertices A, B, C

iii) Three angles A or BAC or CAB

B or ABC or CBA

C or ACB or BCA

* A triangle have 'Six elements' i.e. 3 sides and 3 angles.

Classification of Triangles :
* Based on the sides Triangles are 3 types.
* A Triangle having all 3 sides are equal length is called an Equilateral Triangle.

* A Triangle having any two sides are equal length is called Isosceles Triangle.
* If all the 3 sides of a Triangle are different length (or) Any two sides ae not
equal lengh is called a Scalene Triangle.



Equilateral Triangle Isosceles Triangle Scalene Triangle

* Based on the angles trainges are 3 types

* A triangle whose all angles are acute is called as acute angled triangle.
* A trianlge whose one angle is obtuse is called an Obtuse angled triangle.
* A triangle whose one angle is right angle is called a right angled triangle.


Acute Obtuse Right

* There is only one abtuse angle is possible in a Triangle.

* There is only one Right angle is possible in a Triangle.
* In Equilateral Traingles the angles are 600, 600, 600 i.e. 1:1:1 Ratio.
* In Right angle Triangle the side which is opposite to Right angle is called
hypotenuse. In Right angle Triangle hypotenuse is the largest side.
* In right Isosceles Triangle the angles are 450, 900, 450 i.e. 1:2:1 Ratio.
* In a Right Isosceles Triangle the hypotenuse is 2 times to its side.
* In a Right angle triangle the sums of other two angles is a right angle (or)
other two angles are complementary angles.
* In isosceles Triangle base angles are equal.
* The sum of any two sides of a Triangle is grater than the third side.

* The difference of any two sides of a triangle is less than the thrid side.
* The perpendicular drown from a vertex to the opppsoite side of a triangle
is called a Altitude.
* In acute angled triangle the altitude in interior of the triangle.
* In obtuse angled triangle the altitude in exterior of the triangle.
* In right angled triangle the altitude is coincide with the side.
* An atitude can be drawn from each vertex.
* The line segmenet which is joning mid point of a side to the oppsoite
vertex is called median.
* The median lies in interior for evry triangle.
* The intersection of Median is called centroid (G)
* The centroid divides each median in 2:1 ratio
* The intersection of altitudes of a triangle is called ortho-centre (O)
* The sum of three angles of a Tirangle is 1800 (or) Two right angles.
* The Three angles of a Triangle formed a straight angle.
* An exterior angle of triangle is equal to the sum of its interior opposite
* The sum of Exterior angles of a Triangle is equal to 3600 (or) 4 right angles
(or) a complete angle.
* To construct a Triangle we need three independent measures.
* To construct a equilateral traingle we need one measure i.e. side.
* To construct a Right angled Isoscles triangle we need one equal side.
* It is not possible to construct a triangle when three angles are given.
* Any two figures are having same shape they are called 'Similar' figures.
* The symbol is used to similar is '~'
* Similar Figures : Two line segmenets, two circles, two squares, two
equilateral triangles.
* Any two figures are having same shape and same size are called congrent
* The symbol is used to congouence is ' # ' ie. '~' similar ; '=' Equal ..
* If two line segments are said to be congruent they must have equal length.
* If two circles are siad to be congruent they must have equal radius.
* If two sequences are aid to be congruent they must have equal side.

Congruency Properties :
(1) Side - side - side congruency (S.S.S.) If three sides of a triangle are uqal to
conrresponding three sides of another triagnle then the two triangles are
(2) Side - Angle - Side Congruency (S.A.S.) If two sides and the angle between
them is equal to the corresponding two sides and the angle between them,
then the two triangles are congruent.
(3) Angle - Side - Angle Congruency : (A.S.A) If two angles and the included
side of Triangle are equal to the two corresponding angles and included
side of another triangle then the two triangles are congruent.
(4) Right angle - Hypotense - Side Congruency (R.H.S) If the Hypotenuse
and one side a right angled triangle are equal to the corresponding hypotense
and side of the other right angled triangle then the two triangles are

* In two congratuent triangles corresponding parts are equal.

* CPCT - Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles.
* Angles opposite to equal sides of an Isoscles Traingles are equal.
* The sides oposite to equal angles are equal.
* In any triangle the side opposite to larger angle is longer
* In congruent triangles there is a one- one correspondence between the vertices.
* In a Triangle the angles are 1:1:1 Ratio. Then opposite sides are also 1:1:1
* If the angles of triangle in 1:2:3 ratio then the opposite sides are in 1: 3 :2
* If the angles of a Triangle is 1:1:2 Raio then the opposite sides are in 1:1: 2

* The altitude of an equilateral triangle is times to its side.
* The intersection of perpendicular bisectors of sides of a Triangle is called
* For acute angled triangle circum centre lies in its interior.
* For obtuse angled Triangle circumcentre lies in its exterior.

* In Right angle triangle circum centre lies on hypotenuse and its mid point of
* In Right angle triangle the radius of the circumcirle is half of the hypotense.
* The circle which is passing through the veritices of the triangle is called circum
* For Scalene, Isosceles, equilateral Triangle the circum centre lies in its interior.
* The intersection of Angular bisetors of a Triangle is called Incentre.
* For any Triangle Incentre lies in its Interior.
* In equilateral triangle circum centre (S) In centre (I), Ortho centre (O), Centroid
(G) are coincide.
* In Isosceles Triangle S, I, O, G are lies on the same line. They are called collinear
points. The line is called ‘Euler’ line.
* The circle which is passing through the sides of triangle is called incircle.
* In Right angle triangle square of hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the square of
other two dies
* In similar Triangles
i) Corresponding sides are in proportion.
ii) Corresponding angle are equal.
* In a triangle the line joining the mid points of any two sides is parallel to the
third side and half in the third side.
1. Find x and y from the adjacent figure
Sol : From the diagram AB = AC ==> ‘ ABC = ‘ ACB = x0
‘ ACB and ‘ ACD are formed a linear pair
? ‘ ACB + ‘ ACD = 1800
x + y = 1800 ................ (1)
from the diagram ‘ BAC = 800 [Opposite vertical angles]
? ‘ ACD = ‘ BAC + ‘ ABC 800
[Exterior angle is equal to the sum of opposite interior angles] A
y = 800 + x
y-x = 800 ................. (2)
from (1) + (2)
x+y=1800; x+130= 1800; x=180-130 x y
x=500 y=1300 B C I
2. One of the exterior angle of a triangle is 1250 and the interior opposite angles are
in the ratio 2:3. Find the angles of the triangle ?
Sol : Exterior Angle = 1250
The Ratio of Interior angles = 2:3
Let the two interior angles = 2 x & 3 x
? 2 x  3 x 1250
5 x 125 2 x =2x25=500
x = 250 3 x =3x25=750
? The angle of the triangle are 500, 750, 550

3. Two poles of heights 9m and 14m stand upright on a plane ground. If the distance
between their feet is 12 m. Find the distance between their Tops ?
Sol : From the adjacent figure C
' AEC is a Rt. angled triangle
AE = 12; CE = 5; AC = ? 5
from Pythogoras Theorem
12 E14
AC 2
2 2

9 9
AC 2 122  52
AC 2 144  25
B 12 D
AC 2 169
AC 169 13m

? the distance beteween their Tops is = 13m

4. In ' ABC, AB = 5 cm and BC = 4 cm find the range of values that CA can take?
Sol : We know AB + BC > CA and AB - BC < CA
==> CA < 9 cm and CA > 1 cm
? CA value lies between 1 cm and 9 cm

5. Can 6, 8, 11 be lengths of the sides of a right triangle ?
Sol : 112 = 121
Sum of the squares of other two sides = 62  82 36  64 100
Since 121 z 100 ,
So 6, 8, 11 cannot be the lenghts of the sides of a right triangle.

6. Find ‘ A+ ‘ B+ ‘ C+ ‘ D+ ‘ E+ ‘ F from the adjascent figure


D E Sol : In ' ABC , ‘ A+ ‘ B+ ‘ C=1808

In ' DEF, ‘ D+ ‘ E+ ‘ F=1808
? ‘ A+ ‘ B+ ‘ C+ ‘ D+ ‘ E+ ‘ F=180+180=3600

7. From the adjascent figure find x and y .

Sol : ‘ ABC+ ‘ CBX = 1800 (Linear pair) y
70+y=180 0
y = 180 - 70 = 1100
In a triangle exterior angle is equal to
sum of its pposite interior angles
‘ BCY = ‘ CAB + ‘ ABC 400
y 700
x = 40+y = 40+110 = 1500. A B x

8. If D, E are points on sides AB, AC of ' ABC such that DE//BC.

If ‘ B=300 and ‘ A=400 find x, y, z
Sol : In ' ABC we have
‘ A=40 and ‘ B=30
0 0
‘ A+ ‘ B+ ‘ C= 180

? ‘ C=110
D x z
y=110 E
Given DE//BC
z=y=1100 (Corresponding Angles)
300 y
x=300 (Corresponding Angles) B C

1. If in ' ABC, ‘ A = 500, ‘ B=700, ‘ C=600 then the ascending order of the
sides is [ ]
a. AB<BC<AC b. BC<AB<AC c. AC<AB<VC d. None
2. If In a ' ABC, ‘ A=600 and AB=AC then ' ABC is [ ]
a. an isosceles triangle b. a right angled triangle
c. an isosceles right angled triangle d. an equilateral triangle
3. Two angles of a triangle are 400 and 630 the third angle must be [ ]
a. 670 b. 570 c. 870 d. 770
4. In which of the following cases a right agle traiangle cannot be formed [ ]
a. 12 cm, 5 cm, 13 cm b. 8 cm, 6 cm, 10 cm
c. 24 cm, 7 cm, 25 cm d. None of these
5. In a ' ABC If AB2 = BC2 + AC2 then the right angle is at [ ]
a. A b. B c. C d. None
6. If three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2:3:10 then the largest angle [ ]
a. 240 b .1200 c. 360 d. 720
7. In the figure shows an isosless triangle,
the value of x  y is [ ]
a.620 b. 700
2x 700
c. 750 d. 830
8. Find the value of x given that ADC is a straight line B [ ]
a. 250 b. 300 800
A x
c. 350 d. 400 D C

9. If AB 2 x  20 cm, BC cm and AC 3z  20 cm where
x 20cm, y 100cm, z 40cm then 'ABC [ ]
a. an isosceles b. an equilateral c. a scalane d. none
10. In the figure ‘ BAD=3 ‘ DBA then ‘ ABC = ____ A [ ]
a. 760 b. 190
c. 420 d. 580 1040 D


11. From the adjascent figure ‘ AED is equal to [ ]
300 E
a. 750 b. 1150
c. 1050 d. 1000
450 400

12. In a triangle ABC, the angles are ‘A 2 x  100 , ‘B x  100 , ‘C x then

which of the following is a right angle [ ]
a. ‘ A b. ‘ B c. ‘ C d. None of these
13. In triangle ABC and triangle XYZ, AB=YZ, BC=ZX, AC=XY then which of
the following is true [ ]
a. ‘ A= ‘ Z b. ‘ A= ‘ X c. ‘ B= ‘ X d. ‘ C= ‘ X
14. Find the relation between x and y in the adjascent figure expressed
with x as subject [ ]
a. y=180+2x b. 2x=180+y
1 1 y
c. x 180  y d. x >180  y @ x
2 2
15. If two sides of an isosceles triangle are 3 cm and 8 cm thent he length of the
thrid side is [ ]
a. 3 cm b. 8 cm c. 3 cm or 8 cm d. None of these
16. If in a ' ABC, ‘ A=90 and AB=AC then ' ABC is
[ ]
a. an Isosceles triangle b. a right angled triangle
c. an Isosceles right angled triangle c. an equilaterial triangle
17. If ‘A x  50 , ‘B 2 x 0 and
‘ACD 4 x  35

a. 450 b. 500
4x-35 2x
c. 400 d. 350 D C B
18. In a ' ABC, If 2‘A = 3‘B = 6‘C then the measure of the smallest angle is
a. 900 b. 600 c. 400 d. 300
19. In a ' ABC If ‘ A+ ‘ B=1500 and ‘ B+ ‘ C=700 then ‘ B [ ]
a. 350 b. 450 c. 550 d. 250
20. The lengths of two sides of a triangle are 6 cm and 9 cm then the possible
length of the third side is [ ]
a. 3 cm b. 15 cm c. 17 cm d. 10 cm

21. If the sides of a triangle are 4, 4, 4 2 then the triangle is [ ]
a. Isosceles triangle b. Right angled triangle.
c. Right angled Isosceles tirangle d. Equilateral triangle
22. One equal side of a Isosceles right angled triangle is 2 then its
perimeter [ ]

a. 2 1  2 b. 4  2 c. 4  2 2 d. 2  2

23. In ' ABC the angle bisector of ‘ B and ‘ C meet at O. If ‘ A=600 then find
‘ BOC A [ ]
a. 600 b. 1200 O
c. 1000 d. 800 B C
24. In the adjacent figure
‘ A=72 , ‘ B=50 , ‘ DCE= [ ]
0 0

a. 720 b. 500
E c. 580 d. 480
25. From the adjacent figure value of x is [ ]
a. 20 b. 30 3x
1200 5x
c. 40 d. 25

26. If the exterior angle of a triagnle are 2 x  10 , 3x  5 and

0 0

2 x  40 then x [ ]

a. 45 b. 35 c. 25 d. 55
27. Which of the following is the set of measure of the sides of a triangle[ ]
a. 8, 4, 20 b. 9, 17, 25 c. 11, 16, 28 d. None of these
28. The point always lie in the interir of a triangle are [ ]
a. Orthocentre and Incentre b. Incentre and Circum centre
c. Centroid and Orthocentre d. Centroid and Incentre
29. If ‘ BAD = ‘ CAD, ‘ ADB = ‘ ADC then ' ADB # ' ADC according
to .................. condition A [ ]
a. SAS b. ASA
c. RHS d. SSS

30. A triangle has [ ]
a. Exactly two acute angles b. exactly one acute angle
c. at least two acute angles d. exactly two obtuse angles
31. In a ' ABC if ‘ A= ‘ B+ ‘ C such that ‘ A=3x then x = [ ]
a. 300 b. 600 c. 900 d. 450
32. In a ' ABC, which of the statement correct [ ]
33. Which of the following is equidistant from the vertices of the triangle [ ]
a. Incaentre b. Orthocentre c. Centroid d. Circumcentre
34. In ' ABC, AB=AC and AD perpendicular to BC. The property b which '
ADB is congruent to ' ADC is [ ]
a. SAS b. SSS c. RHS d. AAA
35. If the sides of a triangle are doubled then its area [ ]
a. remains the same b. becomes doubled
c. becomes three times d. becomes four times

36. In the given figure find ‘ Z [ ]
y x
a. 400 b. 1100
c. 450 d. 900 1100 x 250

137. Number of independent measurements required to constuct a triangle [ ]

a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 1
38. In ' ABC if AB = AC and ‘ A=500 then [ ]
a. 600 b. 650 c. 700 d. 750
39. If ' ABC # ' PQR and ‘B x  150 , ‘Q 700 , ‘C 5 y  100 and ‘R 350 by
ASA congruence condition then the value of x and y is [ ]
a. 600, 50 b. 550, 50 c. 500, 50 d. 450, 150
40. If three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1:2:3 then their opposite sides are
in the ratio [ ]
a. 1:2:3 b. 1:1:2 c. 1: 3 :2 d.1: 2 : 3
41. The three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1:2:1 then the greatest angle is
a. 450 b. 900 c. 600 d. 1200

42. In ' ABC is an isoscales right angled at C such that AC=5cm then AB=
a. 2.5 cm b. 5 2 cm c. 10 cm d. 5 cm
§ 1·
If the measures of the angles of a triangle are 2 x  5 , ¨ 3 x  ¸ and
© 2¹
§ x·
¨ 30  ¸ then x is [ ]
© 2¹

311 309 310 301

a. b. c. d.
9 11 9 9

44. From the adjascent figure x = A [ ]

a. 1300 b. 800 450 x
c. 95 0
d. 85 0


45. In a right angled triangle if an angle measures 350 then the measure of other
angle is [ ]
a. 650 b. 550 c. 450 d. 300


1 B 21 C
2 D 22 A
3 D 23 B
4 D 24 C
5 C 25 B
6 B 26 A
7 C 27 D
8 A 28 D
9 A 29 B
10 D 30 C
11 C 31 A
12 A 32 C
13 D 33 D
14 C 34 C
15 B 35 D
16 C 36 C
17 C 37 A
18 D 38 B
19 B 39 B
20 D 40 C
41 B
42 B
43 A
44 A
45 B

It is a simple, closed figure formed by 4 line segments
o It has 4 sides, 4 angles and 4 vertices
o The sum of interior angles in a quadrialateral is 3600
Diagonal: D C
The line joining the opposite vertices in a quadrilateral
Sides : AB , BC , CD, AD
Angles : ‘ A, ‘ B, ‘ C, ‘ D
Vertices : A, B, C,D
Diagonals : AC and BD
Adjacent sides:- D C
The sides which have common vertex
a) AB , BC b) BC , CD c) CD, AD and AB, AD A
Opposite sides :
The sides whcih does n’t have common vertex
Ex : AB, CD and BC, AD
o The angles which has not common sides are Q
Opposite angles: U V
‘ A, ‘ C and ‘ B , ‘ D . The angles which has not
common side
o The angles whcih has common side becomes adjacent D C
i) ‘ A, ‘ B ii) ‘ B, ‘ C
iii) ‘ C, ‘ D iv) ‘ A, ‘ D B
Convex Quadrilateral:
If the line joining of any two points in a quadrilateral is
with in it. Then it becomes convex quadrilateral O

Concave Quadrilateral : A B
If the line joining any points in quadrilateral may not in
region. Then it become concave quadrilateral

:: 107 ::
Types of Quadrilaterals
I. Trapezium:
If one pair of opposite sides are parallel ( AB // CD) in a
quadrilateral. Then it becomes trapezium
o In trapezium adjacent angles are complimentary i.e ‘ A + ‘ D = 1800
, ‘ B + ‘ C=1800
o In quadrilaterals arrow mark indicates they are parallel lines
II. Parallelogram :-
If two pair of opposite sides are parallel ( AB// CD,BC// AD)
in a quadrialteral then it becomes Parallelogram
In figure AB // CD , BC // AD. So ABCD is a Parallelogram
Properties :-
i) Opposite sides are equal AB=CD , BC=AD
ii) Opposite angles are equal ‘ A = ‘ C and ‘ B= ‘ D
iii) Adjacent angles are supplementary i.e ‘ A + ‘ B= 1800 C
and ‘ B+ ‘ C =180 0

iv) Diagoanls are bisecting OA = OC, OB=OD

III. Kite :
A kite is a convex quadrilateral with two pairs of equal sides and one line of
symmetry. The diagonals of a kite are at right angles.The longest diagonal
bisects the shortest diagonal. D C
in figure AB= AC and BD=DC O

IV. Rhombus
If all sides of a quadrilateral are equal then it becomes Rhombus
o Rhombus is a parallelogram in whcih adjacent sides are equal
o (i) AB= BC = CD=AD all sides are equal
o (ii) Opposite angles are equal ‘ A = ‘ C , ‘ B = ‘ DD
o (iii) ‘ A + ‘ B= 1800 and ‘ C + ‘ D= 1800 adjacent angles are supple-
o (iv) Diagonals are perpendicularly bisect each other

:: 108 ::
V. Rectangle:
It is a parallelogram in whcih one angle become right angle
(i) Opposite sides are equal AB= CD , BC= AD D D

(ii) Each angle become right angle ‘ A = ‘ B= ‘ C= ‘ D=900

(iii) Diagonals are equal and bisect each other
AC = BD and OA=OC , OB=OD
VI. Square :-
A rectangle with equal adjecent sides is called a sqare and each of angle is 900
(i) All sides and angles are equal AB=BC=CD=AD, ‘ A = ‘ B= ‘ C= ‘ D
(ii) Diagonals are equal and perpendicularly bisect D D
AC =AD and OA =OC , OB=OD
1. The ratio of angles in a quadrilateral is 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 then find each angle
Sol : Ratio of angles of a quadrialteral = 3 : 4 : 5 : 6
Term of ratio = ‘x’ then
Angles = 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x
we know sum of 4 angles in a quadrilateral is 3600
i.e 3x + 4x +5x+6x = 3600 1st angle = 3x = 3 x 20 = 600
18x = 3600 2nd angle = 4x = 4x 20 = 800
x = 3600/ 18 3rd angle = 5x = 5 x 20 = 1000
x= 20 4th angle = 6x = 6 x 20 = 1200

2. If two angles in a quadrilateral are 800 , 1200 then find other two angles if
they are equal
Sol : Given two angles are 800 and 1200 other two angles are x, x
Sum of 4 angles in a quadrilateral = 3600
80 + 120 + x + x = 3600 D C
80 0 x
200 + 2x = 3600
2x = 160 1200 x
x = 160/2 = 800 A B
? The other two equal angles are 80 and 80
0 0

:: 109 ::
3. If one angle of a parallelogram is 700 then find other angles
Sol : We know opposite angels in a parallelogram are equal .
so ‘ A = ‘ C & ‘ B= ‘ D
adjacent angles are complimentary , so
‘ A + ‘ D = 180

70 + ‘ D = 180 ? ‘ A = ‘ C = 70
‘ D = 180 - 70 & ‘ B = ‘ D = 110 0
‘ D = 110

4. In paralleogram HELP, O is intersecting point of diagonals OE = 4cm, HL is 5

more than PE than find OH
Sol : In Parallelogram HELP, OE = 4 cm P
If PE = x then HL= x +5
we know angles in a parallelogram are bisecing, so
OE = OP = 4cm & PE=OP + OE = 4 + 4 = 8 cm
We know HL = PE + 5 = 8 + 5 = 13 cm
OH is half of HL so OH = HL/2 = 13/2 = 6.5 cm
5. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB // CD , ‘ A= 500 , ‘ B=700 then find ‘ C
and ‘ D
Sol : In a trapezium sum of adjacent angles is 1800
So ‘ A + ‘ D = 1800
50 + ‘ D = 180 In quadrilateral sum of 4 angles = 3600
‘ D = 180 - 50 50 + 70 + ‘ C + 130=3600 D C
‘ D = 130 250 + ‘ C = 360
0 0

‘ C = 360 - 250
500 700
‘ C = 110
6. The ratio of adjacent angles in a parallelogram is 3 : 2. Then find angles
Sol : Ratio of adjacent angles = 3 : 2
If term of ratio ‘x’ angles are 3x, 2x 3x 2x

we know adjacent angles are supplementary

2x 3x
‘ A + ‘ B = 180 B
2x + 3x = 180 ‘ A = ‘ C = 2x = 2 x 36 = 72

5x = 180 ‘ B = ‘ D = 3x = 3 x 36 = 108

x = 180/5 = 360

:: 110 ::
7. If 4 angles of quadrilateral are x0 , (x+10)0 , (x+20)9 , (x+30)0 then find angles
Sol : Given angles are x0 , (x+10)0 , (x+20)9 , (x+30)0
sum of angles = 3600
x + x + 10 + x + 20 + x + 30 = 3600
4x +60 = 360 1st angle = x = 750
4x = 360 - 60 2nd angle = x +10 = 75 + 10 = 850
4x = 300 3rd angle = x + 20 = 75 + 20 = 950
x= 750 4th angle = x + 30 = 75 + 30 = 1050
8. In rectangle ABCD, AO= 3x+1, BO=2x+4 then find x
Sol : Given AO = 3x+1, BO = 2x+4
We know Diagonals in a rectangle are equal
1/2 AC = 1/2 BD ( Multiply with 1./2 ) D D
or OA = BO
3x + 1 = 2x + 4
3x - 2x = 4-1
1. How can diagonals intersect in a Quadrilateral if it is a convex quadrilateral
a) Internally b) Externally c) a and b d) None of these
2. If 3 angles in a quadrilateral are 550 , 650 and 1050 then 4th angle is [ ]
a) 550 b) 650 c) 1050 d) 1350
3. If 4 angles in a quadrilateral are equal then they are [ ]
a) 600 b) 750 c) 900 d) 1100
4. The ratio of angles in a quadrilateral is 2 : 3 : 4 : 6 then angels are [ ]
a) 600, 800, 1000, 1200 b) 480, 720, 960, 1440
c) 620, 840, 960, 1200 d) 540, 810, 1080, 1620
5. If x0, (x-10)0, (x+30)0,2x0 are angles of a quadrilateral then they are[ ]
a) 600 b) 670 c) 680 d) 690
6. A square is a [ ]
a) Parallelogram b) Trapezium c) Rectangle d) All

:: 111 ::
7. X0 and (2x+30)0 are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram then they are
a) 600 , 1200 b) 450 , 1350 c) 500 , 1300 d) 550 , 1250
8. Diagonals AC, BD intersect at ‘O’ in a parallelgoram . If AO=5cm then AC
= .......... [ ]
a) 5 cm b) 10 cm c) 7.5 cm d) not found
9. In trapezium AB// DC , ‘ D = 800 then ‘ A = .............. [ ]
a) 800 b) 400 c) 1200 d) 1000
10. If ‘ A = 500 in parallelogram ABCD than ‘ B, ‘ C, ‘ D are [ ]
a) 1300, 500, 1300 b) 500, 1300, 1300
c) 1300, 1300, 500 d) 1300, 500, 500
11. ABCD is a rhombus in which ‘ B = 400 then ‘ C = ......... [ ]
a) 400 b) 1400 c) 800 d) 900
12. In trapezium ABCD , AB // DC , ‘ A = ‘ B= 300 then ‘ C, ‘ D are
a) 1500, 1500 b) 1500, 300 c) 300, 1500 d) 300, 300
13. The ratio of adjacent angles in a parallelogram is 3 : 2, the angles are[ ]
a) 1350, 900 b) 600, 400 c) 1080 , 720 d) 1000 , 800
14. The adjacent sides in a parallelogram are 14cm, 12cm then perimeter is [ ]
a) 26 cm b) 84 cm c) 168 cm d) 52 cm
15. Sum of angles in a trapezium is [ ]
a) 3600 b) 2700 c) 1800 d) 7200
16. The perimeter of a rhombus if the side is 5 cm [ ]
a) 25 cm b) 10 cm c) 20 cm d) 30 cm
17. Which of the following is not a property of rhombus [ ]
a) Opposite sides are parallel b) Opposite sides are equal
c) Diagonals are equal d) Diagonals are bisecting
18. If diagonals of ABCD, AC and BD are bisect at ‘O’ and
OC = 2.5 cm , OB =1.6 cm then BD = [ ]
a) 5 cm b) 3.2 cm B O

c) 1.6 cm d) 4.1 cm A
19. If diagonals of ABCD intersect at ‘O’ the ‘ AOB = ......... [ ]
a) 450 b) 600 c) 900 d) 600

:: 112 ::
20. If one angle of a parallelogram is 1000 than adjacent angle is [ ]
a) 1000 b) 900 c) 800 d) 600
21. AC is the diagonals of ABCD then ‘ BAC = ...... [ ]
a) 900 b) 450 c) 600 d) 800
22. If all angles of a quadrilateral are equal than each one is [ ]
a) 1800 b) 900 c) 1200 d) 3600
24. Match the following
i) [ ] a) Square

ii) [ ] b) Parallelogram

iii) [ ] c) Trapezium

iv) [ ] d) Rectangle

a) a, c, d, b b) c, b, a, d c) a, c, b,d d) c, a, b,d
24. If ABCD is a parallelogram then x, y are D C [ ]
a) 200 , 600 b) 400, 600 y
800 600
c) 300 , 700 d) None of the above
25. Match the following
i) If perimeter of a square is 80cm its side is [ ] a) 72
ii) Diagonals of a rectangle are ........... [ ] b) Equal
iii) No.of angles in a Quadrilateral [ ] c) 20
iv) Perimeter of a square is ...... [ ] d)
a) a, c, d,b b) c, a, b,d c) a, d, b,c d) c, d, a,b

26. Match the following

i) Each angle of a rectangle is ..... [ ] a) Equal
ii) Opposite angles of a parallelogram is ..... [ ] b) 3600
iii) Sum of angles in a quadrilateral [ ] c) 900
iv) Perimeter of a square [ ] d) 4a
a) a, c, d,b b) c, a,,b,d d) a, d, b,c d) c, d, a,b

:: 113 ::
27. Match the correct combinations
i) AB BC CD AD [ ] a) Rectangle
ii) AB // CD [ ] b) Rhombus
iii) AB CD, BC AD & AC BD [ ] c) Trapezium

iv) AB BC , CD AD & AC BD [ ] d) Square

a) a, c, d,b b) c, a, b,d c) a, d, b,c d) c, d, a, b
28. If ‘ A + ‘ C = 2000 in a quadrilateral then ‘ B + ‘ D = ........... [ ]
a) 2000 b) 1600 c) 1800 d) 3600
29. If ABCD is a parallelogram then ‘ A + ‘ D = ......... [ ]
a) 900 b) 1800 c) 3600 d) 2700
30. Sum of exterior angels in a quadrilateral in right angles is [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
31. The quadrilateral with diagonals equal and bisect perpendicularly is [ ]
a) Parallelogram b) Rhombus
c) Square d) Rectangle
32. In ABCD quadrilateral ‘ D = 1200 and ‘ A = ‘ B = ‘ c then ‘ A = ..
a) 800 b) 1000 c) 500 d) 400
33. If two angles of a quadrilateral are 750 and 750, 3rd angle is 1000 then 4th angle is
a) 1000 b) 750 c) 1100 d) 1059
34. In rhombus ABCD, ‘ CBA = 400 then angles are [ ]
a) 400 , 400 ,1400 b) 1400 ,1400 , 400 c) 1400 , 400 ,1400 d) 1400 , 400 , 400
35. The adjacent angles of a rectangle are x0, (2x+30)0 then x is [ ]
a) 1300 b) 500 c) 400 d) 1000
36. In BASE rectangle OB=5x+1 , OE = 2x +4 find x [ ]
a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2
37. If two adjacent sides are equal then it is [ ]
a) Rectangle b) Trapezium c) Rhombus d) Kite
38. In a parallelogram if one angle 900 , the adjacent sides are equal then it is a
a) Rectangle b) Rhombus c) Trapezium d) Square
39. In trapezium ABCD, AB // DC, ‘ D= x , ‘ A = ........ [ ]
a) 180 - x b) 180 + x c) 90 - x d) 90 + 2x

:: 114 ::
40. In a parallelogram the diagonal divides it into .............. triangles [ ]
a) Corresoponding b) Congruent c) Similar d) Equilateral
41. In Parallelogram ABCD, the diagonals interest at ‘O’ AD = 5cm, then AC =
........ cm [ ]
a) 12 cm b) 5 cm c) 6 cm d) 10 cm
42. In rhombus, the diagonals intersect at ‘O’ then ‘ AOB = ......... [ ]
a) 700 b) 1000 c) 900 d) 1800
43. If ABCD is a parallelogram ‘ A - ‘ C = .......... [ ]
a) 900 b) 00 c) 1800 d) 360 0

44. In rectangle AC = 10cm then BD = ............ cm [ ]

a) 10 cm b) 5 cm c) 20 cm d) 8 cm
45. If AC is a diagonal of square ABCD, ‘ BAC = ............ [ ]
a) 900 b) 450 c) 1800 d) 300

1. If two angles are right angles in a quadrilateral the other two angles are in 1 : 2
ratio. What are them [ ]
a) 500, 1000 b) 600, 1200 c) 450, 900 d) 550,, 1100
2. If two angles of a quadrilateral are supplementary the other two are in 4 : 5
ratio then they are? [ ]
a) 900, 1500 b)700, 1500 c)1100, 1500 d)1200, 1500
3. What is the value of ‘x’ in figure [ ]
a) 200 b) 300 c) 150 d) 400
4. If one angle of a parallelogram is 900 , then other angles are [ ]
a) 900, 900 ,900 b) 700, 1200 ,800 c) 800,800 ,1100 d)900, 900 ,1800
5. What are angles of ‘ C, ‘ D in parallelogram [ ]
a) 1200 , 600 b) 1200 , 1200 c) 600 , 1200 d) 600 , 600
6. If PQRS is a parallelogram x is .................. [ ]
a) 400 b) 300 c) 200 d) 150
7. If ‘ A = 500 in a parallelgoram ABCD, them ‘ ADC is [ ]
a) 1000 b) 1200 c) 1250 d) 1300
8. In parallelogram ABCD, ‘ ADC [ ]
a) 550 b) 1100 c) 700 d) 1000

:: 115 ::
9. Waht is x + y in parallelogram PQRS [ ]
a) 1060 b) 530 c) 740 d) 1800
10. In rectangle PQRS , PR + QS = ............. [ ]
a) 13 cm b) 17 cm c) 12 cm d) 26 cm
11. In parallelogram MNOP, x + y = ............ [ ]
a) 1400 b) 1050 c) 1000 d) 1200
12. Sum of lengths of diagonals in PQRS rhombus [ ]
a) 110 cm b) 62 cm c) 60 cm d) 100 cm
13. What is perimeter of a rhombus [ ]
a) 14 cm b) 16 cm c) 20 cm d) 25 cm
14. Ratio of angles in Quadrilateral 3 : 5 : 9 : 13 then they are [ ]
a) 1560 b) 1000 c) 1200 d) 1100
15. One angle in quadrilateral is 1000 , other angles are in 1 : 5 : 7 ratio then angles
a) 100, 20, 140 b) 100, 100, 100 [ ]
c) 140, 100,20 d) 20, 100,140
16. In figure AD = CD, AB = BC then ‘ A , ‘ C are [ ]
a) 600 , 600 b) 1300 , 1300 c) 600 , 1300 d) 1000, 1600
17. In rhombus ABCD, ‘ B + ‘ C = .............. [ ]
a) 900 b) 1500 c) 1200 d) 1800
18. In rectangle ABCD, ‘ BAC = 570 , ‘ DBC = ........... [ ]
a) 330 b) 400 c) 570 d) 1100
19. The perimeter of Parallelogram is 128m then x = .... [ ]
a) 100 m b) 16 m c) 8 m d) 12 m
20. In Parallelogram ABCD, ‘ B + ‘ D = .......... [ ]
a) 1800 b) 1200 c) 3000 d) 2000
21. What are x, y in parallelogram ABCD [ ]
a) 6, 7 b) 5, 7 c) 7,8 d) 6,5
22. Perimeter of Parallelogram is 14.6 cm, long length is 4.8 cm then what is small
side [ ]
a) 2.3 cm b) 2.5 cm c) 3.3 cm d) 3.5 cm
23. In which of the followng diagonals bisec t perpendicularly [ ]
a) Square b) Kite c) Trapezium d) Quadrilateral

:: 116 ::
24. Which of the following has all equal angels [ ]
a) Rectangle b) Kite c) Trapezium d) Rhombus
25. In which of the following diagonals bisect perpendicularly [ ]
a) Parallelogram b) Kite c) Trapezium d) Rectangle
26. Which of the following satisfies given conditions [ ]
o All sides are equal
o All angels are right angles
o Oppoiste sides are parallel
a) Paralleogram b) Trapezium c) Square d) Rhombus
27. Quadrilateral with two pair of adjacent sides are equal [ ]
a) P b) Q c) R d) P

28. Which of the following has 1 pair of parallel sides [ ]

a) b) c) d)

29. “ (i) All sides equal (ii) All angles right angles
(iii) Opposite sides are parallel “ which of the following satisfies [ ]
a) b) c) d)

30. Which of the following is rule for trapezium [ ]

a) One pair of opposite sides are parallel
b) Diagonals bisect each other
c) Diagonals bisect perpendicularly
d) Diagonals are equal
31. Which of the following is rule of parallelogram [ ]
a) Opposite side are parallel
b) Diagonals bisect perpendicularly
c) Diagonals are perpendicular
d) All angles are equal
32. No. of maximum obtuse angles in a quadrilateral [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

:: 117 ::
33. The adjacent sides of parallelogram is (5x-5)0 , (10x +35)0 then ratio is [ ]
a) 1 : 3 b) 2 : 3 c) 1 : 4 d) 1 ; 2
34. Sum of adjacent angles in a parallelogram is [ ]
a) 1200 b) 1800 c) 3600 d) 900
35. The ratio of adjacent angles of parallelogram is 2 :3 then they are [ ]
a) 720, 1080 b) 360, 540 c) 800, 1200 d) 960 , 1440
36. In the figure ABCD, BDCE have same base
DC and they are parallelograms with B
BC A BD then ‘ BEC = ......... 300 [ ]
a) 600 b) 300
c) 1500 d) 1200 D C
37. If adjacent sides of a parallelgoram are equal them it is [ ]
a) Rectangle b) Trapezium c) Rhombus d) Quadrilateral
38. Which of the followng internal angles of Quadrilateral [ ]
a) 1 400 , 200 ,1600 b) 2700 ,1500 ,300 , 200
c) 400 , 700 ,900 , 600 d) 1100 , 400 , 300 ,1800
39. In Trapezium ABCD, ‘ D = ......... D C [ ]
a) 550 b) 1150
550 550
c) 1750 d) 1250 A B
40. Three acture angle of quadrilateral are 80 , then 4th angle is
[ ]
a) 1500 b) 1200 c) 1050 d) 1400
41. The adjacent angles of parallelogram are in 1 :5 ratio then they are [ ]
a) 300, 1500 , 300, 1500 b) 850, 950 , 850, 950
c) 450, 1350 , 450, 1350 d) 300 ,1800 , 300 , 1800
42. In a parallelogram QR = 6 cm, PQ = 4cm, ‘ PQR = 900 then it is [ ]
a) Square b) Rectangle c) Rhombus d) Trapezium
43. The angels in Quadrilateral are in ratio 1 : 3 : 7: 9 then it is ........ [ ]
a) Parallelogram b) Rhombus c) Trapezium d) None of these
44. If diagonals bisect the angels of a quadrilateral then it is [ ]
a) Kite b) Parallelogram c) Rhombus d) Rectangle
45. In trapezium PQRS, ‘ P = 1300 , ‘ Q = 1100 then ‘ R = .......... [ ]
a) 700 b) 500 c) 650 d) 550

:: 118 ::
46. Number of independent measurements required for construct a Quadrilateral
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 5 [ ]
47. Number of measurement required to draw rectangle is [ ]
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
48. What is the value of y-x is BEST rhombus [ ]
x S
a) 400 b) 500 y

c) 20 0
d) 10 0
49. Which of the following may be polygon [ ]
a) b) c) d)

50. The diagonal of PQRS intersects at ‘o’ then ‘ POQ= [ ]

a) right angle b) straight angle
c) reflex angle d) complete angle
51. To construct a quadrilateral we need 3 sides and ......... angles [ ]
a) one b) two c) three d) all
52. How many sides to be equal when a parallelogram becomes rhombus [ ]
a) one b) two c) three d) four
53. If diagonals of a quadrilateral bisects each other then it is [ ]
a) parallelogram b)square c) rhombus d) trapezium
54. A rectangle with adjacent sides are equal then [ ]
a) parallelogram b) rhombus c) trapezium d) square
55. The diagonals of a rectangle become [ ]
a) bisects each other b) bisects perpendicularly
c) equal bisects d) equal, bisects perpendicularly
56. If one diagonal of a qudrilateral become bisect then it is a [ ]
a) trapezium b) rhombus c) kite d) square
57. If the interior and exterior angles of a polygon become equal then it is a
a) triangle b) quadrilateral c) pentagon d) hexagon
58. What is condition to a 4 sided figure become a quadrilateral [ ]
a) simple figure b) closed figure c) 1&2 d) none of these
59. If 4 sides of a quadrilateral become equal then it is a [ ]
a) trapezium b) rectangle c) square d) rhombus

:: 119 ::
1. If ‘O’ be the point in a quadrilateral ABCD we have [ ]
a) OB+OD=OC+OA b) OB 2  OA2 OC 2  OD 2
c) OB.OD=OC.OA d) OB 2  OD 2 OC 2  OA2
2. If AB//CD in quadrilateral ABCD what is AC 2  BD 2 [ ]
a) BC 2  AD 2  2. AB.CD b) AB 2  CD 2  2. AD.BC
c) AB 2  CD 2  2. AB.CD d) BC 2  AD 2  2.BC. AD
3. In a trapezium P, Q are sides of non-parallel then the distance between
midpoint of non-parallel sides is [ ]
2PQ PQ 1
a) PQ b) P  Q C) d) ( P  Q)
2 2
4. In parallelogram ABCD, AB//CD and AB=2CD. Diagonals intersects at ‘o’
then ratio of areas of 'AOB , 'COD [ ]
a) 1:2 b) 2:1 c) 4:1 d) 1:4
5. In parallelogram ABCD, AD=a, DC=2a, DE:EC=1:2, F G
in a rectangle CEFG, FE=3AE then what is ratio be-
tween parallelogram and rectangle areas[ ] A H
a) 1 : 1 b) 1 : 2
a2 E C
c) :1 d) 2 : 1
6. In rectangle ABCD, E, F are mid points of BC and AD. G is point on EF then
' GAB = ........ [ ]
a) 1/6 ( rect ABCD) b) 1/4 ( Rect. ABCD)
c) 1/3 (Rect.ABCD) d) 1/2 (REct. ABCD)
7. P is the point it is Equidistance from 4 sides of rhombus ABCD.
Then P = ........ [ ]
a) 4 b) 2 c) 1 d) 0
8. If a rhombus and a square has same base then ratio of their areas [ ]
a) 1/4 b) 1/2 c) 1 d) More than 1
9. In a quadrilateral ABCD ; BA and DC’s are D
y a
produced then which of following is true [ ] o
a) 2x0+y0= a0 + b0 b) x0+ 1/2 y0 = a + b/2 x
c) x +y = a +b
0 0 0 0
d) x +a = y + b
0 0 0 0
:: 120 ::
10. In quadrilateral ABCD angle bisectors of ‘ C and ‘ D are intersecting at E.
Then which of the following is correct. D C 2 1
i) ‘A  ‘B ‘CED ii) ‘A  ‘B 2‘CED
iii) ‘A  ‘B 3‘CED iv) None of these
11. In the adjacent figure PQRS is square , ‘ ABC=900, AQ=BR=SC
then which of the following are correct [ ] C S R
1) QB RC 2) AB BC
3) ‘BAC 450 4) AC PS B
a) 1 and 4 b) 1,2 and 3
c) 2, 3 and 4 d) All P A Q

12. In ABCD quadrilateral Dx interset BC at ‘ COD = 1059 , ‘ OXC = x0

then x is 105 [0 ]
a) 400 b) 600 x
c) 800 d) 850
13. The angualar bisectos of ‘ A , ‘ B of a parallelogram ABCd intersect at P
‘ APB [ ]
a) 900 b) 600 c) 1200 d)None of these
14. In a square ABCD, P is point on BC, Q is point on AB. AP=DQ and AP
intersect DQ at R then ‘ DRP = ......... [ ]
a) 600 b) 1200 c) 900 d) Not found
15. Which of the following is in a rhombus ABCD [ ]
a) AC2+BD2= 4 AB2 b) AC2+ BD2= AB2
c) AC2+ BD2 = 2 AB2 d) 2 (AC2+BD2) = 3 AB2
16. In trapezium ABCD, BC//AD, AO=3x-1, OC=5x-3, BO=2x+1, OD=6x-5 then
x = ...... [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
17. In parallellogram ABCD, EF are centroids of ‘ ABD, ‘ BCD then EF =
a) AE b) BE c) CE d) DE

18. In Rhombus ABCD. AB2+ BC2+ CD2+ AD2 = ............ [ ]

a) AD2+ BC2 b) AO2+ OC2 c) AC2+BD2 d) AO + OB
2 2

:: 121 ::
1 A 1 A 41 D 1 D
2 D 2 C 42 B 2 A
3 C 3 C 43 A 3 C
4 B 4 D 44 C 4 C
5 C 5 B 45 A 5 B
6 D 6 D 46 B 6 C
7 C 7 D 47 C 7 B
8 B 8 D 48 A 8 C
9 D 9 B 49 B 9 C
10 A 10 A 50 D 10 B
11 B 11 C 51 A 11 D
12 A 12 A 52 D 12 B
13 C 13 B 53 B 13 A
14 D 14 D 54 C 14 C
15 A 15 B 55 A 15 A
16 C 16 C 56 D 16 B
17 C 17 A 57 C 17 D
18 B 18 A 58 A 18 C
19 C 19 B 59 B
20 C 20 C
21 B 21 D
22 B 22 B
23 D 23 A
24 B 24 C
25 A 25 A
26 B 26 B
27 C 27 C
28 B 28 A
29 B 29 B
30 D 30 D
31 C 31 A
32 A 32 D
33 C 33 B
34 C 34 C
35 B 35 A
36 A 36 D
37 C 37 C
38 D 38 A
39 A 39 B
40 B 40 C
41 D
42 C
43 B
44 A
45 B

:: 122 ::
* The set of points equidistant from a fixed point in a
plane is called circle.
* The fixed point in the circle is called centre (o) and o r
the fixed distance is called radius (r) of the circle.
* A circle divides the plane in which it lies in to 3 sets
of points.
1)Interior of the circle 2) Exterior of the circle
3) On the circle chord
* The distance between the centre and any point on the +
circle is called radius (r) of the circle. m eter
* The line passing through any two points on the circle seca
is called secant of the circle.
* The line segment joining any two points on the circle
is called chord.
* The chord passing through the centre of circle iscalled diameter(d).
* The part of a circle between any two points is called arc.
* Diameter is the longest chord of the circle.
* Infinite diameters can be drawn to a circle.
* In the circle infinite number of radii can be drawn.
* The diameter of a circle is twice (2times) its radius.
* The radius of a circle is half of its diameter. Semi
* d = 2r (or) r = d/2
^ Half part of a circle is called semicircle. Circle
* The diameter divides a circle into two semi circle
* The chord which does not pass through the centre
Minor Arc
of circle divides the circle into two segments of circle
* The Bigger part is called major segment and the smaller Segment
part is called Major
Major Arc Segment
Minor segment..
* The are bounded by major segment is called major
arc and the arc of minor segment is called minor arc
* Two or more circles which have same centres and
different radii are called concentric circles R

concentric circles

* The region bounded by arc of a circle and the two radii
joining the end points of the arc to the centre of circle is
called sector 123456789
r r
* Sum of central angles of the sectors at the centre of a 123456789
A123456789 B
circle is 3600 123456789
* The angle at the centre of semi circle is 1800
* The angle in the semi circle is 900 A B

* If the radii of two circles are equal then they are called congruent circles
* Equal chords subtend equal angles at the centre of circle A 1 B
C 1 C
* If two chords subtend equal angles at the centre of circle
then they are equal
In the adjacent figure , If AB=CD then ‘ a = ‘ b and if
‘ a = ‘ b then AB= CD
* The perpendicular drawn from the centre to the chord of
circle bisects the chord . If OD A AB then AD=BD A B
* If a line drawn from centre of the circle to the chord
bisects it then its is perpendicualr to the chord.
If AD=BD then OD A AB
A circle can be drawn through given 3 non-collinear points
in a plane
* A circle can’t be drawn through 3 collinear points. A B
* The chords which are equidistant from the centre of circle o
are equal. If OE = OF then AB=CD. C D
* If two chords of a circle are equal then they are equidis-
tant from the centre of circle
If AB=CD then OE= OF
* If two arcs of a circle are equal then their corresponding
chords are also equal.
* If two chords of a circle are equal, then their correspond-
ing arcs are also equal. x
q q then AB = CD and If AB=CD then A B
q q

* The angles in the same segment of cirlce are equal . If A
‘ A and ‘ B are angle in the same. Segment of circle.
? ‘A = ‘B

* The angle formed in major segment is acute angle and the A

angle formed in minor segment is obtuse angle. ‘ A is
acute angle formed in major segment BAD

* The angle subtended by an arc of a circle at its centre is

twice the angle subtended by the same arc at any point on
the remaining circle. C
? ‘ AOB = 2 ‘ ACB Ÿ ‘ ACB = 1/2 ‘ AOB O
Solved problems
1. Find the length of chord which is at a distance of 5cm from centre of cricle
of radius 13cm
Sol: Draw , OD A AB OA = 13 cm, OD =5 cm
OD bisects AB . Let AD = BD= X
In ' AOD , AO2 = AD2 + OD2 ( ? Pythogaras theorem) 0
132 = x2 + 52 Ÿ x2 = 132 - 52 = 169-25 = 144 13
x = 144 = 12 A xD x B
AB = AD + BD = 12 + 12 = 24 cm
Length of the chord = 24cm
2. In the adjacent figure O is centre of the cirlce. Its radius is 5 cm.

OP A AB AB, OQ A CD and AB || CD
If CD = 8cm and AB = 6 cm then find PQ ?
Solve: OP A AB and OQ A CD
? P, Q are the mid points of AB and CD
AP = 6/2 = 3cm , ‘ Q = 8/2 = 4cm
In ' APO and ' COQ , AO = CO=5 ( radius) C Q D
AO2 = AP2 + PO2 CO2 = CQ2 + QO2
52 = 32 + PO2 52 = 42 + QO2
PO2 = 25 - 9 QO2 = 25 - 16
= 16 =9
PO = 16 = 4cm QO = 9 = 3 cm
? PQ = 4 + 3 = 7cm

3. An equilateral triangle is inscribed in a circle. The side of the triangle is 9cm.
Find its area?
Solve : Draw medium AB. It will be altitude and perpendicular
bisecotr of AB
AG : GD = 2 : 1 BD = CD = 9/2 = 4.5 cm
In ' ABD , AB = AD + BD2
2 2

AD2 = AB2 - BD2 = 92 - (9/2)2 = 81 - 81/4 = 324-81/4 = 243/4

243 9 3
AD = cm A
4 2

2 9 3
x 3 3cm G
3 3 2
? Radius of the circle = 3 3cm D
Area of the circle S r2 u 3 3 u 27 84.8cm 2
7 7

4. In the adjacent figure ‘O’ is the centre of circle, AB is a chord which is not a
diameter. find ‘ ADB .......
Sol : ‘ BPC + 1100- = 1800 D C
( straight angle) P
‘ BPC = 180 -110 = 70

in ' BPC , ‘ BCP + 25 + 70 = 1800 1100 250

( angle sum property of triangle) A B
‘ BCP = 180 - 95 = 850

But ‘ ACB = ‘ ADB

( angles in the same segment of circle)
? ‘ ADB = 85 ( ? ‘ ACB = ‘ BCP)

5. In the given figure O is centre of circle. AC and BD are two chords which inter
sect perpendicularly
at E. If ‘ OAB = 250 then find ‘ EBC D
Sol : OA = OB ( Radii of circle)
‘ OAB = ‘ OBA = 25 (? OA = OB)

‘ OAB + ‘ OBA + ‘ AOB = 180

( angle sum property of D)

‘ AOB = 180 - (25+25) = 180 - 50 = 130

In ' EBC , ‘ EBC + 65 + 90 = 1800 ( angle sum property)

‘ EBC = 180 - (90 + 65) = 180 - 155 = 25

6. From the adjacent figure find the values of
i) ‘ BOC ii) ‘ AOC
OA = OB = OC ( Radii of circles) O
‘ OCB = ‘ OBC = 55 ( ' OC = OB)
‘ BOC + ‘ OCB + ‘ OBC = 180 A
( angle sum property of D)
‘ BOC = 180 - (55+55) = 180 - 110 = 70

‘ OAB = ‘ OBA = 20 (OA = OB)


‘ AOB + ‘ OAB + ‘ OBA = 180 ( angle sum property)


‘ AOB = 180 - (20+20) = 180 - 40 = 140


‘ AOC = ‘ AOB - ‘ BOC = 140 - 70 = 70


7. In a circle of centre O, AB and CD are two equal chords which are intersect
at E. M, N are the mid points of AB and CD respectively then what is
Sol : M,N are mid points of AB , CD
? OM A AB and ON A CD
OM = ON (Equal chords are equidistant from the centre)
In ' OHE , ONE , OM = ON
‘ OME = ‘ ONE = 90

OE = OE ( common side) A
ACC to RHS congruency rule ' OME # ' ONE
m E n
OM = ON , ME = NE and ‘ ONE = 900
Opposite sides are equal and one angle is right angle
? OMEN is a rectangle

8. In the circle with centre ‘O’ AB , CD are two diameters. Find the value of
Sol : The arc AD subtends an angle of 500 at B
‘ AOD is the angle subtended by same arc at the centre
? ‘ AOD = 2 ‘ ABD = 2 x 50 = 100
0 500
But ‘ AOD + ‘ AOC = 1800 ( linear pair)
? ‘ AOC = 180 - 100 = 80


9. The radii of the circles of centres A and B are 5cm and 3cm
respectively. They intersect at P and Q.
If PQ = 4 cm then length of AB is ..... P
Sol : AB is perpendicular bisector of PQ .
join AB, BP c
AP = 5m , BP=3cm (radii) , PQ = 4 cm
PC = CQ = 4/2 = 2 cm
In ' PAC , PA2 = PC2 + AC2
Ÿ 52 = 22 + AC2 Ÿ AC2 = 25 -4 = 21 Ÿ AC = 21
In ' PBC , PB2 = PC2 + BC2 Ÿ 32 = 22 + BC2
Ÿ BC2 = 9-4 =5 Ÿ BC = 5

AB =
21  5 cm

10. In the circle of centre A. ABCD is a square.

If BD = 4cm find radius of the circle? D C
Sol : ABCD is a square

AC , BD are its diagonals A B

BD = 4 cm ? AC = 4 cm ( AC = BD)
But AC is radius of circle
? Radius = 4cm
1. Which determines the congruency of two circles ........... [ ]
a) Their radii b) Their chords c) Their arcs d) All the above
2. AB is a chord of a circle with center O. OM is line drawn from O to the mid
point of AB then .... [ ]
a) AM = BM b) OM A AB c) A and B d) None of these
3. In the adjacent figure O is the centre of circle. OM=3cm, AB=8cm then
radius of the circle is .... [ ]
a) 4 cm b) 5 cm
c) 3 cm d) 7 cm

4. In a circle of centre O. OM and ON are the perpendiculars drawn to the
chords PQ and RS respectively. If OM= ON and PQ=6cm then length of
RS is ...............
a) 6 cm b) 3 cm c) 9 cm d) 4.5 cm
5. From the adjacent figure the value of
x and y are .................... 30
a) x = y= 750 b) x = 750 , y = 750
x y
c) x + y = 1500 d) all the above
6. If the chords AC and AD are equidistant from the centre of the circle then
a) AC = AD b) AC z AD
c) AC = 2 AD d) AD = 2 AC
7. The region bounded by an arc and the two radii joining the end points of the
arc is called ...... [ ]
a) Circle b) Sector c) Arc d) Chord
8. Which of the following is true? [ ]
a) The angle in the major segment is acute
b) The angle in the minor segment is acute
c) The angle in the major segment is obtuse
d) The angle in the semicircle is straight angle
9. In a circle if the distance between centre to the chord AB is more than the
distance between centre to chord CD then ............. [ ]
a) AB = CD b) AB > CD c) AB< CD d) CD < AB
10. In the adjacent figure radius of circle is 2 cm ;
If OM=1cm then AB = ..... cm O
a) 3 b) 2 3 B
c) 2 d) 3
11. In the circle of centre O, AB is chord.

CD is diameter and CD A AB then BP = ..... D

a) CP b) AP O
c) OC d) OD A

12. In the adjacent figure O is centre of the circle. D

AB, AB, BC are two chords. BD is its diameter. A C

If BD bisects ‘ ABC then AB = ............
a) BC b) BD
c) BO + DO d) 2 BC B

13. In a circle of centre O, AB and CD are parallel D


chords. AC is diameter then AB = .........

a) CD b) OA
c) AC d) OC A Q B

14. The circles with centres A and B intersect at

P and Q. If AB and PQ intersect at M then ‘ PMA = P

a) 600 b) 1800 A N B

c) 450 d) 900
15. The numebr of circles can be drawn through one point in a plane is ............
[ ]
a) 1 b) Can’t draw c) Infinite d) O
16. If a chord subtends a right angle at any point on the remaining circle then its is
.........[ ]
a) Circle b) Semi circle c) Major segment d) Minor segment
17. The relation between the angle subtended by an arc at the centre of circle and
the angle subtended by the same arc at any point on the remaining circle is
............ [ ]
a) Equal b) 2 times c) 3 times d) 4 times

18. In the adjacent figure, ‘ ACB = ...... O

a) 550 b) 1100 1100
c) 2200 d) 700 A B

19. In the adjacnet figure ‘O’ is centre of circle and
‘ ACB = 60 then ‘ ADB = ......

a) 300 b) 1200
c) 900 d) 600 A B

20. A triangle is inscribed in a semi circle. If the smallest angle of that triangle is 400 ,
The remaining angles are ....... [ ]
a) 1000 , 400 b) 600 , 800 c) 900 , 500 d) 1200 , 200

1. In a circle q
AYB 180 and the length of q
AXB = 44cm
then the length of AB is ..... cm [ ]
a) 14 b) 28 c) 21 d) 7
2. The angles in the same segment of cirlce are 2x + 10 and x + 45. Find x [ ]
a) 55/2 b) 35/2 c) 35 d) 55
3. In the adjacent figure ‘ ABC = 450 ,
‘ AOC = .............. 450

a) 900 b) 1350 O
c) 800 d) 550
4. In the adjacent figure O is centre of circle. 1200
If ‘ ACB = 1200 , then value of x is ........ O
a) 1200 b) 600 x

c) 2400 d) 300 B
5. In the adjacent figure ‘O’ is centre of circle.
If ‘ AOB = 900 and ‘ BOC = 1100 then
‘ ABC = O
a) 1600 b) 800 C A
c) 1800 d) 450 B
6. In the circle of centre O, AC is diameter.
If ‘ AOB = 1300 then ‘ BDC = .......
a) 500 b) 550 O

c) 650 d) 250 D A

7. In the adjacent figure ‘O’ is centre of
circle and OC = BC then ‘ BOC = .....
a) 1200 b) 2400 O

c) 1800 d) 600

8. The diameter of a circle is AOB. C is a point on the circle then ......[ ]
a) AB2 + BC2 = AC2 b) AB2+AC2= BC2
c) AC2+BC2= AB2 d) All the above
9. In the adjacent figure AB and CD are the C
lines passing through the centre O.
The value of ‘ ABC is ............. A B
O 400
a) 600 b) 300
c) 800 d) 500 D
10. A line intersects two concentric circles of
centre O at A, B,C and D. then ........... O
a) AC = BD b) A + B = C+ D B
c) BC = AD d) AB = CD A E
11. In the adjacent figure O is thecentre of the circle.
‘ AEB=x, ‘ AFB=Y, ‘ AOB=z then the C
relation between x,y and z is............... 3 4
a) x+y=z b) x-y=z O 2
1 z
c)x=y+z d) x+y=2z

12. Reshma,salma and manideep stand on a circular ringof radius 5m in a park.

They are playing with ball. Reshma throw ball to salma and in the the same way
salma to manideep. The distance between Reshma and Salma as well as Salma
and Manideep is 6 cm. Find the distance between Reshma and Manideep?
a) 6m b) 5m c) 9.6 m d) 6. 9 m
13. There is a circular park of radius 20m in a colony. Three friends Ram, Rabert
and Rahim sat on its circumference at equal distances by playing phone game.
There are talking by using toy phone made of match box and thread. Find the
length of the thread between every two persons [ ]
a) 20 3 m b) 10 3 m c) 40 3 m d) 20 m
14. A,B,C are points on the circle of centre O.
‘ BOC = 30 , ‘ BOA= 60 and D is a point on the
0 0

remaining circle of q
ABC then ‘ ADC = ........ 600 300

a) 900 b) 600 O
c) 450
d) 30 0

15. In the adjacent figure length of the chord AB is
equal to the radius of circle. The angle subtend by
the arc in major segment and minor segment re- A O
spectively are ......... [ ] C
a) 1500 , 300 b) 300 , 1500 B
c) 60 , 30
0 0
d) 30 , 60
0 0

16. In the adjacent figure ‘ PQR = 100 , P,Q,R are 3
0 100 0

points on the circle with centre O. then ‘ OPR =
a) 100 b) 200
c) 1000 d) 400

17. In the given figure, ‘ ABC = 690 and ‘ ACB = A D

310 then ‘ BDC = ... [ ]
a) 690 b) 319
c) 1000 d) 800 690 310

18. O is the centre of the circle. The length of the

chords AB= AC = 6cm. Radius of circle is
5 cm then BC = ............. D
a) 9.6 cm b) 4.8 cm C B

c) 19.2 cm d) 8 cm A

19. In the adjacent figure OE A CD, OF A AB, AB || CD

AB= 48 cm and CD=20cm . If radius of the C
circle is 26cm then length of EF is .......... A F
a) 6 cm b) 8 cm O
c) 14 cm d) 16 cm

20. A regular pentagon is inscribed in a circle with centre O.

Then value of x is ........ [ ] E
a) 360
b) 54 0
c) 720 d) 1080 C

21. In a circle 7 equal chords are given then x = .......
( O is centre of circle)
0 0
4 6 O
a) 128 b) 180
7 7 B x E

0 0 C D
1 4
c) 128 d) 360
7 7

22. In the given circle AB is diameter. OP || BQ . B

O 400
‘ ABQ = 40 then x = ................

a) 600 b) 700 A x
c) 800 d) None P

23. In the figure O is centre of circle.

If ‘ AOC = 1300 then ‘ ABC = .......... o
a) 500 b) 650 A C
c) 1150 d) 1300 B

24. In the given figure AOB is diameter of the circle. D


AB || CD and ‘ BAD = 300 then ‘ CAD = ...[ ] 300 B

a) 300 b) 600
c) 450 d) 500

25. AB is a chord of a cirlce with centre O. OD A AB .

OD = 6cm and AC = 3K then value of K is .
a) 3 b) 4 A
c) 5 d) 6




3D Shapes : The shapes which have length, breadth and height (depth) are called
3- dimensional or solid


Ex : Match box, ball, wood, disc,

cap etc

2D Shapes : The shapes which have only

length and breadth are called 2-Dimensional
or linear shapes

Ex : - Triangle, Quadrilateral, Rectangle


Cuboid :- A cuboid is a three - dimensional shape

whose faces are all rectangles.

Ex : - Match box, brick, Trung box, etc

o Cuboid has 6 faces, 12 Edges and 8 Vertices

Cube : A cube is a three - dimensional shape with all its faces

square and all its edges eaual in length.

Prism : A prism is a solid shape whose cros sections parallel

to an end are all identical.

Right Prism: A right prism is a prism whose sides are at right angles to its ends.

o Name of the prism based on its base shape

Cylinder A cylinder is a 3-D shape whose cross sections are all circles of the same

Ex : Piece of pipe, candle, Tube light etc

Cone : A cone is a 3-D shape with a circular base tapering to a point (vertex)

Ex : Carrot, heap of rice, baffoom cap, ice reap cup etc

o It has base radius (r) , height (h) and slant height (l)

Sphere A sphere is a perfectly round shape. Set of points in a space which are all
the same distance from a fixed point.

Ex : Ball, Lime fruit, Laddus, Marbles etc

Pyramid:- If base is a polygon, top is a vertex and lateral surfaces become

triangle them it is a pyramid. Name become based on base shape

Net diagrams of 3-D shapes :

o The representation of 3-D shapes in the form of 2-D shapes is called Net

3- D shape Net diagram





Dice dice is a cube in which each face has unique number from 1 to 6

o Sum of numbers in opposite sides is 7 in dice

Isometric shapes :-The represenation of 3-D shapes using Isometric

paper is caleld Isometric shapes


1. Number of edges in given figure [ ]

a) 12 b) 8 c) 6 d) 4

2. Which of the following figure has 6 faces [ ]

a) b) c) d)

3. Which of the following is divided into 2 parts using dotted lines [ ]

a) b) c) d)

4. Number of triangle in the following A A [ ]

a) 3 b) 5 P R
c) 6 d) 7 T
5. Which of the following figures from rectangle by joining edges [ ]

a) b) c) d)

6. Which of the following is different [ ]

a) b) c) d)

7. Which of the following apperas like from front view,

from top view [ ]

a) b) c) d)

8. Which shape we get by rotate right triangle along height [ ]

a) Sphere b) Cyllender c) Cone d) Cuboid

9. Sum of length of edges in adjacent cube is [ ]

a) 24 cm b) 30 cm c) 32 cm d) 36 cm

10. Which of the following statement is true [ ]

a) cone has 2 vertex b) cube has 8 vertices

c) Cyllender has 1 vertex d) cuboid has 10 faces

11. Top view, Front view of a solid is given what is that shape [ ]

a) Cyllender b) Cone

c) Prism d) Pyramid

12. Which of the following is net diagrams of [ ]

a) b) c) d)

13. Which of the following has 3 rectangles, 2 triangles [ ]

a) b) c) d)

14. Which of the following cube has 4cm edge [ ]

a) b) c) d)

15. In figure what is sum of digits in opposite side of 4 + 3 in two dices [ ]

a) 3 b) 5
c) 12 d) 7
16. Which number is in dice opposite side of 5 [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 6
17. What is the vertical cross - section of a dice [ ]
a) Triangle b) Rectangle
c) Square d) Cube
18. The shadow of 3-D object is given what is that [ ]
a) Brick b) Ball c) Pipe d) Cone

19. The shadow of 3-D object is given what is that [ ]

a) b) c) me d)

20. It is the face of an object what is that [ ]

a) Dice b) Match box c) Pyramid d) Ball

21. The front view, side view and top view has given what is that shape [ ]

a) b) c) d) Home

22. Front view of the picture is [ ]

a) b) c) d)

23. The 3D object with only one flat surface [ ]

a) b) c) d)

24. The 3D object with two flat surface [ ]

a) b) c) d)

25. How many flat surfaces are there in the given figure [ ]

a) 4 b) 3

c) 5 d) 2

26. Number of vertices in given figure [ ]

a) 8 b) 6 c) 12 d) 10

27. Which of cross -s ection of dotted line in given figure [ ]

a) b) c) d)

28. How many tetrahedrans in given figure [ ]

a) 16 b) 9

c) 18 d) 12

29. Waht is 3-D object showing below figure [ ]

a) cube b) cuboid

c) cone d) sphere Side Top Front

view View view


1. The name of the given shape [ ]

a) Rectangle b) Square

c) Quadrilateral d) Parllellogram

2. Which of the following is difference between cube and cuboid [ ]

a) No difference between cube and cuboid

b) Length , breadth and height are equal in cube but not in cuboid

c) Length, breadth and height difference in cube but not in cuboid

d) A or C

3. Which of the following has more vertices [ ]

a) Cone b) Cyllender c) Cuboid d) Pyramid

4. When joining cubes of 3cm x 3cm x 2 cm side by side what we get in

following [ ]

a) 6 x 6 x 6 b) 12 x 12 x 12 c) 9 x 6 x 3 d) 9 x 3 x 3

5. Which of the follwoing is not a net diagram of cube [ ]

a) b) c) d)

6. What is the cross -section of brick at vertices of 5cm, 5cm, 10cm measurements
[ ]
a) cuboid b) Cyllender c) Cube d) Triangle

7. Number of corners in the following figure [ ]

a) 6 b) 10
c) 14 d) 13

8. Which of the following is correct [ ]
a) Triangle has 3 sides, 4 vertices b) Cyllender has 3 faces
c) All sides equal in a rectangle d) Cuboid has 4 faces, 12 edges

9. Which shape can be formed when Rakesh arrange 1 rupee coins one by one
a) circle b) cyllender c) cube d) cone [ ]
10. Which of the following is not correct [ ]
a) cuboid has 3 pair of opposite faces b) cube has 6 faces
c) all sides equal in square d) cuboid is a 3-D shape
11. Match the following [ ]

i) a)

ii) b)

iii) c)

iv) d)

a) i-d, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d b) i-d, ii-a, iii-b, iv-c

c) i-c, ii-b, iii-a, iv-d d) i-d, ii-a, iii-c, iv-b
12. If 3-D shape has 6 faces, 12 edges then number of vetices are [ ]
a) 8 b) 10 c)12 d) 18
13. What is the relation between vertices (v) , Edes (E) and Faces (F)[ ]
a) F + V-E=2 b) F+V=E-2 c) F-V=E-2 d) F-V+E=2

14. What is the name of left side picture [ ]

a) Cyllender b) Cone c) Sphere d) Cuboid

15. If two cubes having 2cm x 2 cm x 2 cm lengths to be arranged side by side
then what is resultant length of cuboid [ ]
a) 2 cm b) 3 cm c) 4 cm d) 6 cm
16. Which of the following become cuboid [ ]
a) 2- Dimensional b) 3-Dimensional c) a and b d) None of these
17. Which of the following is 3-Dimensional [ ]
a) Rectangle b) Circle c) Cuboid d) Square

18. Number of faces in a sphere [ ]

a) 1 b) 6 c) 2 d) 3
19. Number of vertices in a cone [ ]
a) 1 b) 6 c) 2 d) 3
20. Number of surfaces in a triangular prism is [ ]
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 3
21. Number of surfaces in square pyramid is [ ]
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 3
22. Sum of digits of side opposie to the side 2 + 1 in two dices is [ ]
a) 3 b) 7 c) 11 d) 6
23. If two dices shows 6 + 2 them what is sum of digits in opposite side [ ]
a) 3 b) 7 c) 11 d) 6
24. If we cut an apple vertically then what shape we got [ ]
a) Rectangle b) Square c) Circle d) Triangle
25. Verticle Cross - section of cylinder [ ]
a) Rectangle b) Square c) Circle d) Triangle
26. Which of following shows adjacent net diagram [ ]
a) Pyramid b) Cone
c) cube d) cuboid

26. The net diagram shows the following [ ]

a) Pyramid b) Cone c) cube d) cuboid

27. What is the name of adjacent figure [ ]

a) cyllender b) cone c) sphere d) cuboid

28. What is 3-D shape the adjacent figure shows [ ]
a) cyllender b) cone
c) sphere d) cuboid
29. Two dice place such that 5 + 6 showing them what is the sum of opposite side
a) 3 b0 7
c) 11 d) 6 [ ]
30. What is cross - section of dice [ ]
a) Rectangle b) Square c) Circle d) traingle
31. Match

i) a) cuboid

ii) b) cyllender

iii) c) cube

iv) d) sphere

v) e) pyramid

vi) f) cone

a) i-d, ii-a, iii-c, iv-b, v-e, vi-f b) i-b, ii-a, iii-f, iv-c, v-e, vi-f
c) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c, v-f, vi-e d) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d, v-e, vi-f


1 B 1 C
2 B 2 B
3 D 3 C
4 B 4 D
5 C 5 D
6 A 6 D
7 C 7 C
8 C 8 B
9 A 9 B
10 B 10 B
11 A 11 B
12 B 12 A
13 C 13 A
14 C 14 A
15 D 15 C
16 B 16 B
17 C 17 C
18 A 18 A
19 A 19 A
20 C 20 A
21 A 21 B
22 D 22 C
23 A 23 D
24 B 24 C
25 C 25 A
26 A 26 C
27 C 27 A
28 C 28 A
29 B 29 B
30 A
31 B
32 C

o Mensuration is a branch of Mathematics, which deals Lengths, Areas and Vol-
umes of geometrical figures
o In this chapter we measure, length, perimeters and areas of two dimentional
figures and surface areas, volumes of three dimentional figures.
o 2 - D figures
Figures having two measurements like length and breadth and without
any thickness
Ex : Triangle, Square, Rectangle
o 3- D figures
Figures with three measurements like length, breadth and height (or) thick-
Ex : Cuboid, cube, sphere .....

1.Perimeters and Area of 2-D figures

I. Perimeter of a closed figure : -
Def : Sum of lengths of all the boundaries of a closed figures is called its
Ex : The three sides of a traingle are its boundaries
? Perimeter of triangle is equal to sum of its three sides.
1. Triangle :
Perimeter (P) = sum of lengths of three sides
2. Rectangle : Perimeter p 2 l  b o l length

o b breadth
3. Square : Perimeter (P) = s + s + s +s
= 4s o s = side
4. Quadrilateral : -
Perimeter (P) = Sum of lengths of 4 sides
5. Pentagon :
Perimeter (P) = Sum of lengths of 5 sides
6. Polygon with ‘n’ sides :
Perimeter (P) = sum of lengths of n sides

:: 146 ::
7. Regular polygon :-
Perimeter (P) = No. of sides x length of side
8. Circle :-
Perimeter (P) = 2 S r o r = Radius
(or) P = S d o S = 22/7 or 3.14
9. Semi circle : J

Perimeter P = S r + 2r r
7 J
10. Arc :-
Length of Arc AB , l = u 2S r A B
3600 l
o x 0 is the angle subtended by the arc at centre of the circle

11. Sector r
Perimeter of Sector , P = l + 2r
II. Area of 2- D figures - l

Def : Space occupied by a closed figures is its area

Ex : Area of a triangle is space occupied by that triangle in the page
1. Triangle:
1 B
Area A = bxh %
o b = base K
$ E &
o h =corresponding height
2. Right angled triangle : %

1 K
Area A aub a,b are legs of the Triangle.
2 $ E &

3. Equilateral triangle :- B

h2 a a
3 2
Area A = a (or) A h= height
4 3 a C
o a = length of side

:: 147 ::
4. Right angled isosceles triangle :-
1 a2 A
Area A = xaxa= a= length of equal sides
2 2
(or) A d= length of diagonal
4 B a C
5. Isosceles triangle : -
b B
Area A = 4a 2  b 2
a a
o a = length of equal sides
A b C
o b = length of non equal side
6. Scalene triangle :
(Heron’s formula)
Area A s s  a ( s  b)( s  c)
c b
o S = Half the perimeter of triangle
2 B a C

Note: 1.Each median devides the triangle into two equal areas.
2.Areas of 6 triangles formed by three medians of triangle are equal.
7.Quadriletarl :-
Area (A) = d (h1 + h2)
2 K
o d = length of diagonal
o h1 , h2 are perpendiculars drawn from remaining vertices to the diagonal
8. Trepezium :-

Area (A) =
h (a+b) D
o a , b are lengths of parallel sides
o h is perpendicular distance between the parallel sides
9. Parallelogram:-
Area (A) = bh K
b = base E
h = height
:: 148 ::
10. Rhombus
Area (A) = x d1 d2
d1 , d2 are lengths of two diagonals
Note: This formula hold for any quadrilateral whose diagnols perpendicular to each other.
Ex :- Kite, Square etc.,
11. Rectangle :- A 
Area (A) = l x b
o l = length A
o b = breadth
12. Square:-
Area (A) = s x s = s2 x= length of the side S S
d 2S
d2 S
(or) A d= length of diagonal
13. Regular Polygon :

3 2
Area (A) = n6 u a
o a = length of side
o 6 = number of sides

Outer Rectangle
14. Rectangular path
Inner Rectangle
Area ( A) = Area of outer
Rectangle - Area of inner Rectangle

15. Circle
Area ( A) = S r2
Sd2 r
(or) A o r = radius
d = diameter
16. Semi circle:-
1 Sd2
Area ( A) = x S r 2 (or) A = r
2 8

:: 149 ::
17. Annulus (Circular path) :-
Area ( A) = Area of outer circle - Area of inner circle
= S ( R2 - r2) o R = outer radius O
= S ( R + r ) ( R - r) o r = inner radius

17. Sector :-
x x r
Area, A = x S r2
(or) A o x 0 = Angle subtended by the arc at centre
o r = radius
o l = length of the arc
Note : - 1. Lengths and Perimeters always measure in units ( mm ; cm ; m ; km, ....)
2. Areas always measure in square untis ( mm2 ,cm2, m2 , km2, .....)

:: 150 ::
1. A rectangle lawn is 130 m x 120 m. It has two roads each 2m. Wide running in
the middle of it. One
Parallel to the breadth and the other to the length. Find the total cost of planting
grass on both the roads
at the rate of Rs.150 per square meter.
a) Rs. 74,000 b) Rs. 74,400
c) Rs. 76,400 d) Rs. 67,400
Sol : Length , l = 130 m ; breadth b = 120 m 2m
length of 1 road = 130 m

Road 2

breadth = 2m

? Area = l x b 2m 12
= 130 x 2 = 260 m2

Road 1
Length of 2nd road = 120 m
breadth = 2 m
o 130 m o
? Area = 120 x 2 = 240 m2
Common area of two roads = 2 x 2 = 4 m2
Total Area of two roads = 260 m2 + 240 m2 - 4 m2
= 496 m2
Cost per square meter of grass = Rs. 150
? Total cost = 496 x 150
= Rs. 74,000
2. The diagram shows a rectangle ABCD. Where AB : AD = 1 : 2 . Point E is on
AC such taht DE is perpendicular
to AC. What is the ratio of the areas of the triangle DCE to the rectangle ABCD
a) 1 : 4 2 b) 1 : 6 c) 1 : 8 d) 1 : 10
Sol : AB : AD = 1 : 2
Let AB = x and AD = 2x
in ' ACD , AC2 = AD2 + CD2
= (2x)2 + x2 E
= 5x2 x
? AC = 5 x
Let AE = K then CE = 5 x - k
A 2x D
:: 151 ::
In ' ADE , ' CDE
DE2 = x2 - k2 and DE2 = (2x)2 - ( 5 x - k)2

Ÿ DE = x2  k 2

? x - k = (2x) - ( 5 x - k)
2 2 2 2

Ÿ x2 - k2 = 4x2 - 5x2 - k2 + 2 5 kx

Ÿ 2 5 xk = x2 - k2 - 4x2 + 5x2 + k2

2 x2 x
2 5.x 5

Ar 'DCE u k u x2  k 2
? 2
Ar - ABCD 2x u x

1 x x
u u x2 
= 2 5 5

1 x 2x
u u
= 2 5 5

1 x2
2x 5 B

? Ratio 1:10 C
3. If the given figure AOBCA represents a D
quadrant of a circle of radius 3.5 cm with
centre O. Calculate the area 2 cm

of the shaded portion.

a) 6.125 cm2 b) 6.215 cm2 O A
c) 7.125 cm2 d)7.215 cm2
sol;- Area of the shaded portion = Area of quadrant- Area of ' OAD
1 1
= Sr2  . bh
4 2
:: 152 ::
1 22 1
= u u 3.5 u 3.5  . u 3.5 u 2
4 7 2
= 9.625-3.5
= 6.125 cm2
4 . In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram in which AB CD and BD A CD
such that BD=6.8cm.then the
area of parallelogram is............ D C
a)17 cm 2
b) 25 cm 2
c) 34 cm 2
d) 68 cm2

sol;- Since BD is diagonal , 6.8cm

area of parallelogram
A 5 cm B
= 2x bh =5x6.8=34 cm2

5. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || CD and AB=2CD.

Its diagonals intersects each other at O. Then the ratio of
the areas of triagles AOB and COD is.........
a)1:2 b) 2:1 c) 4:1 d) 1:4
sol:- Let CD=x then AB=2x

u AB u OP
Ar.( 'AOB ) 2 D x C
Ar.( 'COD) 1 u CD u OQ Q
2x u OP
= x u OQ

= OQ
2 u 2OQ
= OQ


? Ratio = 4:1

:: 153 ::
6 . ' ABC and ' BDE are two equilateral triangles such that D is the midpoint of
BC . Then Ar ('BDE ) : Ar ('ABC ) ?
a) 1:2 b) 1:4 c) 3 :2 d) 3:4
sol:- ' ABC, ' BDE are equilateral triangles
Let BC=x then BD= (? D is the midpoint io BC )
3 §x· 3
Ar ('BDE ) : Ar ( 'ABC ) u¨ ¸ : u x2
4 ©2¹ 4
2 B D C
= : x2 x

= :1
7. The vertex A of ' ABC is joined to a point D on BC.If E is the midpoint of
AD , then Ar ('BEC ) =.......
1 1 1
a) Ar ( 'ABC ) b) Ar ( 'ABC ) c) Ar ( 'ABC )
2 3 4

d) Ar ('ABC )
6 A
sol:- In ' ABD, BE is the median
? Ar ('BDE ) = u Ar ('ABC )
In ' ACD, CE is the median
? Ar ( 'CED ) = u Ar ('ACD )
2 B D C

1 1
? Ar ('BDE ) + Ar ( 'CED ) = u Ar ('ADB ) + u Ar ('ACD )
2 2

Ÿ Ar ('BEC ) = u Ar ('ABC )
8 . ' ABC is such that AB=3 cm, BC=2 cm and AC=2.5 cm ' DEF is similar to
' ABC. If EF=4 cm then the perimeter of ' DEF is ..............
a) 5 cm b) 7.5 cm c) 15cm d) 18 cm
:: 154 ::
sol:- ' ABC ~ ' DEF

3 2 2.5

3 1
Ÿ Ÿ DE= 6 cm and
DE 2

1 2.5
Ÿ Ÿ DF=5 cm,
2 DF

? Perimeter of ' DEF= 6cm+4cm+5cm

=15 cm.
9 . In two triangles , the ratio of the areas is 4:3 and ratio of their heights is 3:4 . Find
the ratio of their bases
a) 16:9 b) 9:16 c) 9:12 d) 16:12
1 1
sol:- Ratio of areas = b1h1 : b2 h2 4:3
2 2

Ÿ 3x u b1 : 4 x u b2 4:3

3 x u b1 4
4 x u b2 3

b1 16
b2 9
? Ratio of bases = 16:9
10 . In ' ABC , it is given that Dis the midpoint of BC;E is the midpoint of BD and O
is the midpoint of AE. Then
Ar( ' BOE)=...........
1 1 1 1
a) Ar ( ' ABC) b) Ar ( ' ABC) c) Ar ( ' ABC) d) Ar ( ' ABC)
3 4 6 8
sol:- Ar ('ABD) u Ar ( 'ABC )
Ar ('BAE ) u Ar ( 'ABD )
1 1
u u Ar ( 'ABC )
2 2 O
u Ar ('ABC )
:: 155 ::
1 1 ª1 º
Ar ('BOE ) u Ar ('BAE ) « u Ar ( ' ABC ) »
2 2 ¬4 ¼

= u Ar ('ABC )
11. The triangle is formed by joining the mid points of
the sides AB AB, BC and CA of ' ABC and the area of

' PQR is 6 cm then the area of ' ABC is .......


a) 36 cm2 b) 12 cm2
c) 18 cm2 d) 24 cm2
sol : Ar. ( ' ABC) = 4 x Ar ( ' PQR)
= 4 x 6 cm2
= 24 cm2
12. ABC is a triangle in which ‘ A = 900 , AN A BC, AC =12 cm and AB=5cm.
Find the ratio of the areas of ' ANC and ' ANB C
a) 125 : 44 b) 25 : 144
c) 144 : 25 d) 12 : 5 N 12cm
Sol : ' NBA ~ ' ABC and
' NAC ~ ' ABC (A.A.similarity)
? ' NBA ~ ' NAC B 5cm A

Since the Ratio of Areas of similar triangle is equal to ratio of squares of the
corresponding sides

Ar ( ' ANC ) : Ar ( ' ANB) = AC 2 : AB 2 12cm : 5cm

2 2

= 144 : 25
13. Area of ' ABC = 30 cm2 . D and E are the mid points of BC and AB respec-
tively. Find Ar ( ' BDE)
a) 10 cm2 b) 7.5 cm2 A
c) 15 cm2 d) None of these
Sol : ' BED ~ ' BAC ( ? S // A // S// similarity)

Ar 'BDE 12 1
Ar 'ABC 22 4 B D C

:: 156 ::
Ar 'BDE 1
30cm 2 4
Ÿ Ar 'BDE u 30cm 2

= 7.5 cm2
14. What is the maximum area of triangle that can be enclosed in a triangle of perim-
eter 24 cm
a) 32 cm2 b) 16 3 cm2 c) 16 2 cm2 d) 27 cm2
it is a an equilateral triangle
perimeter , 3a = 24 cm
Ÿ a = 8 cm

? Area x8x8
= 16 3 cm 2

15. If G be centroid of ' ABC and the area of ' GBD is 6 cm2 . Where D is the
mid point of side BC. then the area of ' ABC is
a) 18 cm2 b) 12 cm2
c) 24 cm2 d) 36 cm2 F E
Sol : Ar ( ' ABC) = 6 x Ar ( ' GDB)
= 6 x 6 cm2
= 36 cm2
16. If G is the centroid and AD , BE and CF are three medians of ' ABC with area
72 cm2 , then the area of
' BDG is .................
a) 12 cm2 b) 16 cm2 c) 24 cm2 d) 8 cm2

Sol : Ar 'ABC 6 x Ar 'BDG A

? Ar 'BDG x Ar 'ABC F E
6 G
= x72cm 2
= 12 cm 2 B D C

:: 157 ::
17. The three medians AD , BE and CF of ' ABC intersect at point G. If the area of
' ABC is 60 cm then the

area of the quadrilateral BDGF is ..........

a) 10 cm2 b) 15 cm2 c) 20 cm2 d) 30 cm2

Sol : Ar ,BDGF Ar 'BDG  Ar 'BGF A

1 1
= x Ar'AB + x Ar'ABC
6 6 F E
1 G
= 2 x x Ar 'AB
= x 60 cm 2 B
3 D C
= 20 cm 2

18. In ' ABC , O is the centroid and AD, BE, CF are three medians and the area of
' AOE = 15 cm then

area of quadrilateral BDOF is ............

a) 20 cm2 b) 30 cm2 c) 40 cm2 d) 25 cm2
Sol : Ar 'AOE 15cm 2
= 15cm  15cm
2 2

= 30 cm 2
19 . A straight line parallel to the base BC of the triangle ABC intersects AB and
AC at the points B and E
respectively . If the area of the ' ACD is 36cm 2 then the area of 'ACD
a) 18 cm2 b) 36 cm2 c) 18 cm d) 36 cm
Sol : DE // BC
' DEB and ' DEC are the triangle with same base and betwen same parallel
? Ar 'DEB Ar 'DEC  (1)
Given , Ar 'ABE = 36 cm 2
Ÿ Ar 'ADE +Ar 'DEB = 36 cm 2
Ÿ Ar 'ADE  Ar 'DEC 36 cm 2 ? from(1) B D C
Ÿ Ar 'ACD 36 cm 2

:: 158 ::
20. ABC is an equilateral triangle P and Q are points of AB and AC respectivley
such that PQ // BC
If PQ = 5cm , then the area of ' APQ is ................

25 2 25 2 25 3 2
a) cm b) cm c) cm d) 25 3 cm2
4 3 4
Sol : In Equilateral ' ABC
‘ A = ‘ B = ‘ C = 60

PQ // BC and AB , AC are transversal

? ‘ P = ‘ B = 60 , ‘ Q = ‘ C = 600 ( ? Corresponding angles)

? ' APQ is equilateral triangle

3 2
? Ar 'APQ a
4 P Q
x52 5cm
25 3 2 B C
= cm

21. The Area of an equilateral traingle is 4 3 cm2. Its is perimeter is .

a) 12 cm b) 6 cm c) 8 cm
d) 3 3 cm
Sol : Area of Equilateral triangle = 4 3 cm2

3 2
Ÿ a 4 3 cm 2

Ÿ a2 4 3x

?a 4cm
? Perimeter 3x4 12 cm
22. The ratio of length of each equal side and the non equal side of an isoscels tri-
angle is 3 : 4. If the area of the
triangle is 18 5 sq.units, the non eqaual side is
a) 16 units b) 5 10 units c) 8 2 units d) 12 untis

:: 159 ::
Sol : Let the sides of triangle be 3x, 3x, 4x

Area of ' s s  a s  b s  c
3x  3 x  4 x 10 x
s 5x
2 2
' 5 x 5 x  3x )(5 x  3x 5 x  4 x 18 5
Ÿ 5 x u 2 x u 2 x u x 18 5
Ÿ 20 x 4 18 5
Ÿ 2 5x2 18 5
18 5
Ÿ x2 9
2 5
?x 3

length of 3rd side = 4 x 3 = 12 m

23. The ratio of sides of a triangle is 3 : 4 : 5. If area of the traignle is 72 sq.units,
then the length of the smallest side is .
a) 4 3 units b) 5 3 units c) 6 3 units d) 3 3 units
Sol : Let the sides = 3x , 4x, 5x

3x  4 x  5 x 12 x
' 6x
2 2
' s s  a s  b s  c 72cm 2
Ÿ 6 x 6 x  3 x 6 x  4 x 6 x  5 x 72
Ÿ 6 x x 3x x 2 x x x 72
Ÿ 6x 2
Ÿ x 2 12
?x 12 2 3 units
? length of smallest side 3x 3 u 2 3 =6 3 units

24. The Area of an isoscles triangle is 4 sq.units . If the length of non equal side is
2 untis. the length of each
equal side is ....
a) 4 units b) 2 3 units c) 17 units d) 3 2 units
Sol : Let the equal sides = x

:: 160 ::
Area of isoscles ' 4a 2  b 2

Ÿ 4 x 2  22 4
Ÿ u 4x2  4 4
Ÿ 4x2  4 8
Ÿ 2 x2 1 8
Ÿ x 12
? x  1 16

Ÿ x2 17
Ÿx 17

? Lengths of Equal sides = 17 units

25. Two triangles ABC and DEF are similar to each other in which AB=10Cm,
DE=8Cm then the ratio of the areas of triangles ABC and DEF is ...............
a) 4 : 5 b) 25 : 16 c) 64 ; 125 d) 4 : 7
Solve : Ratio of Areas of similar traignles to equal to ratio of squares of its
corresponding sides

? Ar 'ABC : Ar 'DEF AB 2 : DE 2
=102 : 82
= 100 : 64
= 25 : 16

1. How many different rectangles can you make with a 24cm long string with
integral sides? [ ]
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 10
2. How many tiles with dimensions 12cm and 5cm will be needed to fit a re-
gion whose length and breadth are 144cm and 100 cm respectively [ ]
a) 240 b) 250 c) 270 d) 300
3. In the figure ABCD, Find the area of the shaded region
a) 125 cm2 b) 150 cm2 8cm
E 20cm
c) 160 cm 2
d) 175 cm 2

A 10cm B

:: 161 ::
4. The ratio of the diameters of two circles is 3 : 4. Find the ratio of their cir-
cumferences [ ]
a) 3 : 4 b) 3 : 2 c) 9 : 16 d) 3 : 2
5. How many times will a wheel of radius 35cm be rotate to travel 660 cm?
a) 3 b) 5 c) 2 d) 1
6. The minute hand of a circular clock is 15cm. How far distance does tip of the
minute hand move in 1 hour? [ ]
a) 92.40 cm b) 94.20 cm c) 95cm d) 95.20 cm
7. The length of a rectangular park is 700m and its breadth is 300m. The cross
roads, each of width 10m, cut the centre of a rectangular park and are parallel
to its sides. Find the area of the park excluding the area of the cross roads
a) 200100 m2 b) 2010 m2 c) 30001 m2 d) 20001 m2
8. The ratio of length of parallel sides of a trapezium is 4 : 1 . The distance
between them is 10cm. If the area of the trapezium is 500 cm2. Find the lengths
of the parallel sides [ ]
a) 50 cm b) 80 cm c) 70 cm d) 100 cm
9. The adjacent figures consists of four small semi-circles of equal radii and two
big semi-circles of equal radii (each 42cm). Find the area of the shaded region
a) 5544 cm2 b) 4455 cm2 c) 4444 cm2 d) 5555 cm2

10. Find the area of shaded region of the figure given below
B 7 cm
a) 144.75 cm 2
b) 144.50 cm 2
6 cm
c) 144.375 cm2 d) 145.375 cm2 R
11. A horse is placed for grazing inside a rectangular field 70m by 52m,
and its tethered to one corner by a rope C B

21m long. How much area can it graze?

123 52cm
a) 345.5 m2 b) 344.5 m2 [ ] 123
c) 346. 5cm2 d) 346.5m2 O
123 A

12. The given figure is made up of a 1cm squares.

Find the perimeter of the figure [ ]
a) 10 cm b) 12 cm
c) 14 cm d) 16 cm
13. Perimeter of a square is 36 cm. then its area is ......... [ ]
a) 36 cm2 b) 49 cm2 c) 64 cm2 d) 81 cm2
:: 162 ::
14. Perimeter of a rectangle is 70cm and length is 20cm then area is ......[ ]
a) 15 cm2 b) 220 cm2 c) 300 cm2 d) 400 cm2
15. Find the area of the following figure [ ]
a) 488 cm2 b) 498 cm2
c) 588 cm2 d) 688 cm2 7cm
16. What is the Perimeter of the shaded figure? 7cm

a) 17 cm b) 10 cm [ ]
c) 40 cm d) 18 cm 1cm
17. ABCD is a square of Perimeter 40cm. Then area of ' BCE is 3/4 that of the
square what is the length of CE ? A B [ ]
a) 10 cm b) 15 cm
c) 25 cm d) 13 5 cm
18. A rectangle and a square are equal in area. The side of the square is 24m. Find
the width of the rectangle if it is 36m long [ ]

a) 16 cm b) 18 cm c) 24 cm d) 20 cm
19. Find the area of the shaded portion of the figure [ ]12345678901234
a) 894 m 2
b) 994 m 2 12345678901234
c) 984 m2 d) 498 m2

20. The perimeter of the figure is [ ] 2cm

12cm 5cm 3cm
a) 56 cm b) 58 cm 2cm

c) 62 cm d) 66 cm 7cm

21. What is the total Area of the 2 identical squares shown? [ ]

a) 32 cm 2
b) 64cm 2 8cm

c) 128 cm2 d) 135 cm2

22. Find the area of the shaded part in the given figure 12m [ ]
a) 20 m2 b) 116 m2 10m

c) 40 m2 d) 160 m2 20m
23. The figure has a perimeter at 125cm. Find the missing number ‘ x ’
in the box. [ ]
10cm 10cm
a) 55cm b) 70cm 20cm
8cm 8cm
c) 80cm d) 195cm
x :: 163 ::
24. Find the area of the shaded portion in the figure 8cm123456
a) 12cm2 b) 20cm2 [ ] 123456 6cm
c) 36cm 2 d) 48cm 2 8cm
25. Find the area of a hexagon whose permeter is 24cm [ ]
a) 5 3cm 2 b) 2 3cm 2 c) 3 3cm 2 d) 4 3cm 2
1. Find the Area of a the shaed portion 1cm
in the following figure [ ]
a) 4 cm2 b) 6 cm2
c) 8 cm2 d) 10 cm2
2. BEST is a square . Given the RUN is a right angled R
isosceles triangle of area 81cm . find the area of BEST
a) 81cm2 b) 40.5 cm2 [ ]
c) 162cm2 d) 27cm2 T

3. The figure is made up of two identical rectangles.

Find the area of the shaded part [ ] 2cm 7cm
123456 4cm
a) 12 cm2 b) 10 cm2 123456

c) 8 cm2 d) 16 cm2 3cm

4. The figure shows a circle in a square.

Find the total area of the unshaeded part
a) 420 cm2 b) 392 cm2 [ ]
c) 86 cm2 d) 94 cm2 14cm 14cm

5. The base of a parallelogram is thrice its height. If the area of the parallelo-
gram is 108 m2. Find the base and height respectively [ ]

a) 18 cm,6 cm b) 4 cm, 12 cm

c) 12 cm, 4 cm d) 6cm, 18 cm

6. Find the area of the shaded region 123456789012345678901

D [ ]
a) 995 m2 b) 1015 m2 15MT
15m 30m
c) 1125 m2 d) 1250 m2 123456789012345678901
A 45m B
:: 164 ::
7. Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD. B
Here AC = 22cm. BM =3cm, DN=3cm,
and BM A AC , DN A AC [ ] M C
a) 55cm 2
b) 66 cm2

c) 39 cm2 d) 89 cm2 D
8. How many times 132 cm logn wire can be wrapped around a circle with
diameter 7cm? [ ]
a) 6 b) 10 c) 15 d) 8
9. A wire is in the shape of a rectangle of length 40cm and breadth 22cm. If the
same wire is rebent into the shape of a square. What will be the measure of
ech side?: [ ]
a) 30 cm b) 31 cm c) 32 cm d) 33 cm

10. In the figure, AB = 20cm , BC=21cm ,AD=10cm and 123456789
DE=10.5cm. ‘ABC and ‘ADE are right angles. Find 123456789
the area of the shaded region as shown in the figure.
a)175.7 cm2 b)157.7 cm2 [ ] 123456789
A 123456789B
c)157.5 cm2 d)185.7 cm2
11. A running truck is a circular ring of outer diameter 168 m. The truck is 7 m
wide Find the circumference of the inner ring. [ ]
a)844 m b)484 m c)488 m d)485 m
12. The figure is made up of 1 big semi circle and 2 iden- 12345678901234567890123456789
tical smaller semi circles as shown in the figure. Tak- 12345678901234567890123456789
22 12345678901234567890123456789
ing S , find the perimeter of the shaded figure. 12345678901234567890123456789
7 12345678901234567890123456789
[ ] 12345678901234567890123456789
a)132 cm2 b)122 cm2 12345678901234567890123456789
c)142 cm2 d)152 cm2 12345678901234567890123456789

13. Acow is tied to a pole ,fixed to the midopoint of a square field of dimensions
40mX40m , by 14m long rope . Find the area that the cow can graze. [ ]
a)137.5m2 b)136.75m2 c)173.5m2 d)134.75m2
14. Find the area of the given shape ? [ ]
a)252cm2 b)352cm2
14cm 7cm
C)252.5cm2 d)352.5cm2

:: 165 ::
15. A circular path of width 2 m. Runs around a circular field whose circumfer-
ence is 88 m. Find the area of the circular path [ ]
a)187.88cm2 b)188.57cm2 c)188.97cm2 d)188.44cm2
16. Find the area of the parallelogram ABCD whose base BC is 27 cm and altitude
AE is 8 cm . If the length of altitude AE to the base CD is 12 cm . Then find
CD. [ ]
a)18 cm b)9cm
c) 3cm d) 6cm F
17. In the given parallelogram PQRS , ST is an alti-
tude to the base PQ , the area of PQRS is 120 cm2.
If PQ=15 cm and PT=6 cm then find SP [ ]
a)15 cm b)8 cm P T Q
c) 12 cm d) 10 cm
18. The perimeter of a rectangle is 168 m . If the lenght is 46 cm ,find its area
[ ]
a) 1746 m2 b) 1890 m2 c)1680 m2 d)1748 m2
19. Ravi wants to grow two crops in his rectangle D Q C
field . He divides this field in to two equal parts
as shown. Find the area of one of equal parts. F
a) 10 cm2 b) 20cm2 [ ] 3cm 2cm
c) 30cm2 d) 40cm2 A B

20. If the area of an equilateral triangle is 144 3 cm2 then find its height [ ]
a) 24 cm b) 44 3 c)12 3 d) 8 3
21. If the perimeter of a triangle is 5y+2x and two sides of that triangle are 2y+3x
and x-y then find third side ? [ ]
a) 5y-6x b) 5y+6x c) 4y-2x d)5y-2x
22. Lenght of diagonal of a right angled isoceles triangle is 9 2 cm . Find the area
of triangle [ ]
a) cannot neasure b) cm2 c) 81cm 2 d) 80cm 2
23. If the area of a rectangular park is 3392 m2 and its width is 53 m . Then find the
perimeter of the park [ ]
a) 220 m b) 234 m c) 243 m d) 216 cm
:: 166 ::
24. Diameter of a circular wheel of a cart is 44 cm. If it moves 7260 cm distance
then find the no of revolutions done by the wheel. [ ]
a) 156 b) 651 c) 165 d) 615
25. If a wire is bent in to a circle of radius 20 cm. then find its length [ ]
a) 157.14 cm b) 157.41 cm c) 175.14 cm d) 175.41 cm
1. Find the area of shaded region in the figure
a) 35 sq.units b) 70 sq.units
c) 34 sq.units d) 36 sq.units
2. Find the area of shaed portion in the figure
a) 435 cm2 b) 1200 cm2
c) 358 cm2 d) 400 cm2
3. Ratio of Areas of ' MNO and parallelogram
MNOP is l : m then find the value of m ?

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

4. Find the unit digit of area of shaded part of given

figure, it radius of larger circle is 21 cm

a) 0 b) 5

c) 7 d) 9

5. The figure is formed by two circles. Find the total

area of the shaded part? ( S =3.14) [ ]

a) 64.424cm2 b) 58.64 cm2

c) 40.336 cm2 d) 44.745 cm2

6. What is the shaded area of the rectangle [ ]

a) 20 cm2 b) 16 cm2

c) 14 cm2 d) 12 cm2

:: 167 ::
7. A swimming pool of 25m by 10m has a concrete boarder. Find the perimeter
of the out side of the concrete boarders. If it is 5m wide at both sdies and 5m at
top and bottom [ ]
a) 80 M b) 90 M c) 95 M d) 100 M
8. If perimeter of a right angle triangle is 60cm and its diagonal is 26cm then
find its area [ ]
a) 170 cm2 b) 240 cm2 c) 390 cm2 d) 780 cm2
9. Smitha wrapped a cord around a circular pipe of radius 4cm and cut off the
legnth required of the cord. Then she wrapped it around a square box of side
4cm. Then find the remaining length of cord? [ ]
a) 10.5 cm b) 9.12 cm c) 9.15 cm d) 10.5 cm
10. Find the area of shaded region [ ]
a) 100 cm2 b) 110 cm2
c) 125 cm2 d) 150 cm2
11. A circle of radius 2cm is cut out from a square piece of an aluminium sheet of
side 6cm. What is the area of the left over aluminium sheet? ( S =3.14)
[ ]
a) 23.33 cm2 b) 22.44 cm2 c) 24.44 cm2 d) 24.33 cm2
12. The minute hand ofa circular clock is 15cm long. How far does the tip of the
minutes hand move in 1 hour ?( S =3.14) [ ]
a) 92.34 cm b) 94.20 cm c) 92.25 cm d) 94.33 cm
13. From a circular card sheet of radius 14 cm two circles of radius 3.5 cm and a
rectangle of length 3cm and breadth 1cm are removed. Find the area of the
remaining sheet [ ]
a) 534.50 cm2 b) 534.51 cm2
c) 535. 50 cm2 d) 535. 51 cm2
14. A circular flower garden has an area of 314 m2. A sprinkler at the centre of the
garden can cover an area with in the a radius of 12m. How much area should
left over other than the garden under the coverage of sprinkler [ ]
a) 148.14 m2 b) 138.50 m2 c) 138.14 m2 d) 148. 50 m2
15. Two circles of radii 2 cm with centres A and B meet at point C. A third circle of
radius 2 cm with centre C intersecting the first two circles at D and E then find
Area of quadrilateral ABDE. [ ]
a) 2 2 cm2 b) 3 3 cm 2
c) 3 2 cm2 d) 2 3 cm 2

:: 168 ::

1) Volume : - Space occupied by a three dimentional figure is called volume

Note : Volume always measures in cubic untis
( M. M3 : CM3 , M3 , KM3 .......)
1) Cuboid
o Lateral surface Area = 2h (l+b)
o Total surface Area = 2 (lb+ bh+ hl)
o Volume v = lbh d h

o Diagonal , d = l 2  b2  h2
o l = length
o b = breadth
o h= height
o d = diagonal
2) Cube
o Lateral surface Area = 4a2
o Total surface Area = 6a2
o Volume . V = a3
o Diagonal , d = 3 a
o a= side of the cube a
o d= diagonal a

3) Cylinder
o Lateral / curved surface Area = 2 S r h
o Total surface Area = 2 S r ( h+r)
o Volume , V = S r2 h o r = Radius
o h = height

:: 169 ::
4) Cone
o Curved surface Area = S r l
o Total surface Area = S r ( l + r)
o Volume , V = 1/3 S r2 h

o slant height , l = h2  r 2
o r = radius
o h = height
o l = slant height
5) Sphere :-
o Lateral surface Area = 4 S r2
o Total surface Area = 4 S r2
o Volume = 4/3 S r3
o r = radius

6) Hemi Sphere :-
o Lateral surface Area = 2 S r2
o Total surface Area = 3 S r2
o Volume = 2/3 S r3 o r = radius

7) Prism :-
o Lateral surface Area = Perimeter of base x height
o Total surface Area = Lateral surface Area + 2 x Base area
o Volume = Area of base x height

8) Pyramid
o Lateral surface Area
= 1/2 (Circumference of base ) x slant height
o Total surface Area l
= Lateral surface area + Area of base
o Volume
= 1/3 x Area of base x height
:: 170 ::
Solved problems
1. Find the total surface area of a cuboid whose length is 15cm, breadth is
12cm and height is 10cm.
a) 100 cm2 b) 900 cm2 c) 800 cm2 d) 700 cm2
Sol : Total surface Area of a cuboid = 2 ( lh +bh+hl)
= 2 (15 x 12 + 12 x 10 + 10x 15)
= 2 (450)
= 900 cm2
2. Two cubes of side 6 cm joined as shown in figure. Find the total surface
area of cuboid formed.
a) 260 cm2 b) 280 cm2
c) 360 cm2 d) 380 cm2
Sol : Total surface Area = 2 ( lb+bh+hl)
= 2 (12 x 6 + 6 x 6 + 6 x 12)
= 2 (180)
= 360 cm2 6 6

3. Prameela painted a box of 1m x 2m x 1.5m measurements. Find the area of

face except upper and bottom faces.
a) 6m2 b) 9 m2 c) 12 m2
d) 15 m2
Sol : Area of remaining faces = Lateral surface Area
= 2h (l +b)
= 2 x 1.5 ( 1+2)
= 3 x 3 = 9 m2
4. A water tank is in the shape of cuboid with length 1.4m, breadth 1m and
depth 0.7m, then find the volume of the tank in liters.
a) 1000 lt b) 980 lt c) 900 lt d) 1080 lt
Sol : Volume of the tank= lbh
= 1.4 x 1 x 0.7
= 0.98 m3
= 0.98 x 1000 lt
= 980 liters

:: 171 ::
5. Dimentions of a box are 1.8 m x 90 cm x 60 cm. Dimensions of a soap are
6cm x 4.5 cm x 40 mm. If no space was left in the box after arrange the
soaps. Then find the number of soaps arranged in the box.
a) 7000 b) 9000 c) 8000 d) 6000
Volume of box
Sol : Total soaps arranged = Volume of each soap

1.8m x90cm x60cm

6cm x 4.5cm x40mm

180cm x90cm x60cm

6cm x 4.5cm x4cm

180 x90 x60

6 x 4.5 x4

= 9000
6. If the length of a cuboid is double to its breadth and height is twice of its
length then find the volume of the cuboid. (length = x )
a) x3 cube units b) x2 cube untis
c) 8 x3 cubic units d) 4x3 cubic units
Sol : l = x , b = x/2 , h = 2x
Volume = lbh
= xx x 2x
= x3 cubic units
7. 60 lt of water was pumping into a reservoier per minute. If the volume of
the reservoier is 108 m3 then find the time taken to fill the reservoier ?
a) 25 hr b) 28 hr c) 30 hr
d) 33 hr
Sol : Volume of resorvoier = 108 m3
= 108 x 1000 lt
time taken to fill 60 lt of water = 1 min
108 x1000
Total time taken = hr
60 x 60
= 30 hr

:: 172 ::
8. How many bricks required to construct a wall with dimensions 8m x 22.5
cm x 6m. If the dimension of each brick is 25 cm x 11.25 cm x 6 cm
a) 3200 b) 4400 c) 5600 d) 6400
Volume of wall
Sol: No. of bricks required = Volume of brick

= 6400
9. If the measurement of a rectangular paper are 11cm x 4 cm. If it moulded as
a cylinder with out overlapping its edges with height 4cm. Find the volume
of cylinder
a) 37.5 cm3 b) 39.5 cm2 c) 38.5 cm2 d) 35.7 cm3
Sol : If the paper moulded as a cylinder then length of paper = Perimeter of
? 11 = 2 S r
Ÿ 2u u r 11

11 7 7
Ÿr x cm
2 22 4
Given height h = 4cm
? Volume of cylinder = S r h

22 7 7
u u u4
7 4 4

= 38.5 cm3
10. Base diameter of a conical vessal is 10m. and its slant height is 13m. If water
is pumping into the vessel at the rate of 1.74 m3 per minute.Then find in how
many hours the vessel will be filled
a) 2 hr b) 3 hr c) 4 hr
d) 5 hr
Sol: r 5m
l = 13 m
l2 = h2 + r2
:: 173 ::
Ÿ h2 l2  r2

Ÿh l2  r2

132  52
169  25

= 12 m
Volume of the vessel = Srh

1 22
= x x 5 x 5 x12
3 7

= 314. 285 m3
Time taken to fill 1.74 m3 = 1 minute
Total time taken = hr
1.74 x 60
= 3 hr ( Nearly)

11. A hemi sphere of inner radius 15cm is with liquid. This liquid filled into cylin-
drical vessals of dimater 5cm and height 6 cm. How many vessals are re-
quired to fill the total liquid.
a) 50 b) 60 c) 70 d) 80
Sol : Volume of liquid in hemisphere = volume of cylindrical vessels
Let Number of vessals = n

? S r13 n x S r22 h
2 5 5
Ÿ x15x15x15 nx x x6
3 2 2
2 2 2 1
Ÿn x15x15x15x x x
3 3 5 6

= 60
? No. of vessals required = 60
12. How many spheres of diameter 4cm. Can be made from a lead cube of side
a) 2540 b) 2541 c) 2545 d) 4525

:: 174 ::
Volume of cube
Sol : No.of sphere Volume of sphere

4 22
x x2x2x2
3 7
44x44x44 3 7
x x
2x2x2 4 22

= 2541
1. Find the length of the longest pole that can be placed in a room 30m long,
24m broad and 18m height? [ ]
a) 30 2 b) 40 2 c) 45 2 d) 49 2
2. A brick measure 20cm x 10 cm x 7.5 cm. How many bricks will be required
for a wall 20m x 2m x 0.75 m? [ ]
a) 25000 b) 20000 c) 15000 d) 10000
3. If the heights of two cones are in the ratio 1 : 4 and their diameters are in
the ratio 4 :5 .What is the ratio of their volumes? [ ]

a) 4 : 25 b) 25 : 4 c) 29 : 27 d) 28 : 25
4. Two spheres each of 10m diameter are melted down and recast into a cone
at height equal to the radius of its base. find the height of the cone? [ ]
a) 20m b) 30m c) 10m d) 15m
5. The circumference of the base of a cylidner is 6 S cm. The height of the cylidner
is equal to the diameter of the base. How many liters of water can it hold?
[ ]
a) 54 S CC b) 36 S CC c) 0.054 S CC d) 0.54 S CC
6. 12 spheres of the same size are made by melting a solid cylinder of 16cm
diameter and 2cm height The diameter of each sphere is ? [ ]
a) 2cm b) 4cm c) 3cm d) 3 cm
7. If the ratio of radius of two spheres is 4 : 7 the ratio of their volume is
a) 4 : 7 b) 64 : 343 c) 49 : 16 d) 16 : 49 [ ]

:: 175 ::
8. The slant height of a right circular cone is 13m and its height is 5m. Find
area of the curved surface [ ]
a) 490. 28m2 b) 288.28 m2 c) 450 m2 d) 200 m2
9. Three cubes of volume 1 cm3 , 216 cm3 and 512 cm3 are melted to form a new
cube. Find the diagonal of the new cube? [ ]
a) 15.6 cm b) 16.6 cm c) 17.6 cm d) 18.6 cm
10. A Prism has as the base a right angled triangle whose sides adjacent to right
angle are 10cm and 12cm long. The height of the prism is 20cm. The density
of the mateiral of the prism is 6 gm/cubic cm. The weight of the prism is
.......... [ ]
a) 6.4 kg b) 7.2 kg c) 3.4 kg d) 4.8 kg

1. The radius of a sphere is 2r, then its volume will be [ ]
a) 4/3 S r3 b) 4 S r3 c) 8 S r3 /3 d) 32/3 S r3
2. The total surface area of a cube is 96 cm2. The volume of cube is [ ]
a) 8 cm3 b) 512 cm3 c) 64 cm3 d) 27 cm3
3. A cone is 84 cm height and the radius of its base is 2.1 cm. It is melted and
recost into a sphere. The radius of sphere is [ ]
a) 4.2 cm b) 2.1 cm c) 2.4 cm d) 1.6 cm
4. In a cylinder , radius is doubled and height is halved, Curved surface area will
be [ ]
a) halved b) doubled c) same d) four times
5. The total surface area of a cone whose raidus is r/2 and slant height 2l is
a) 2 S r (l+r) b) S r ( l + r/h) c) S r ( l+r) d) 2 S rl [ ]
6. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio 2 : 3 and their heights are in the ratio
at 5 : 3. The ratio of their volumes is ...... [ ]
a) 10 : 17 b) 20 : 27 c) 17 : 27 d) 20 : 37
7. The lateral surface area of a cube is 256m3. The volume of cube is
a) 512 m3 b) 64 m3 c) 216m3 d) 256 m3 [ ]

:: 176 ::
8. The numebr of planks of dimensions (4 m x 50 cm x 20 cm) that can be stored
in apit which is 16m long. 12m wide and 4m deep is ...... [ ]
a) 1900 b) 1920 c) 1800 d) 1840
9. The length of the longest pole that can be inserted in a room of dimensions
10m x 10m x 5m is [ ]
a) 15m b) 16m c) 10m d) 12m
10. The radius of a hemispherical balloon increases from 6cm to 12cm as air be-
ing pumped into the ratio of the surface areas of the balloon in the two cases
is ..... [ ]
a) 1 : 4 b) 1 : 3 c) 2 : 3 d) 2 : 1

1. If a cube of side 5cm is cut out into a possible no.of small cubes of side 1cm.
Then the ratio of surface area large cube to the surface area of all small cubes
is . [ ]
a) 1 : 6 b) 1 : 5 c) 1 : 25 d) 1 : 125
2. The sum of three dimensions and surface area of a cuboid box are 12cm and
96 cm2 respectively. Find the largest stick can be kept in that box [ ]
a) 5 2 cm b) 5 cm c) 6 cm d) 2 5 cm
3. The sum of length, breadth and height of a cuboid is 25cm and the length of its
diagonal is 15cm. Then the T.S.A of cuboid is ............. [ ]
a) 500 cm2 b) 700 cm2 c) 800 cm2 d) 400 cm2
4. A cylindrical vessel of base diameter 14 decameters is fiiled with 2310 lit of
water. If 1 lit of water occupies 1000 c.c of space. What is the height of the
vessel [ ]
a) 15 decameter b) 16 decameters c) 17 decameters d) 18 decameters
5. The diameter of a cylindrical tank is 24.5m and its depth is 32m then how
much metric tons of water can be filled in that tank? ( weight of 1 cubic
meter of water = 1000 kg) [ ]
a) 15091 b) 15092 c) 15093 d) 15094
6. Find the weight of an iron cylinder having outer radius of 13cm and inner
radius of 10cm and the weight of 1c.c of iron is 5 gms [ ]
a) 8.016 kg b) 5.016 kg c) 6.016 kg d) 7.016 kg
:: 177 ::
7. From a cone of height 30cm, a small cone is cut from it parallel to its base. The
volume of small cone is 1/27 th of volume of large cone. Then at what height
the small cone is seperated from the base? [ ]
a) 6 cm b) 8 cm c) 10 cm d) 20 cm
8. Water flows at the rate of 5m/sec from a cylinderical pipe of raidus 7cm. How
much time will be taken to fill an empty tank of dimensions
3m x 5m x 1.54 m [ ]
a) 6 min b) 5 min c) 10 min d) 9 min
9. A cylindrical vessel of base radius 24m is partically filled. If a sphrical marble
of raidus 6cm is dropped in it What is then raise in level of water[ ]
a) 1.5cm b) 2cm c) 3 cm d) 4.2 cm
10. The speed of flow of water in a river of 10m depth and 100m wide is 4.5 km/
hr. Waht is the amount of water flowing to the sea from the river in 1 second
(hint: v=ast, a is cross section area, s is speed, t is time and v is volume of
water) [ ]
a) 1200 m3 b) 1250 m3 c) 1300 m3 d) 1350 m3

:: 178 ::
1 B 1 C 1 C
2 A 2 B 2 A
3 C 3 C 3 B
4 A 4 B 4 D
5 A 5 A 5 D
6 B 6 C 6 D
7 A 7 B 7 D
8 B 8 A 8 A
9 A 9 B 9 B
10 C 10 C 10 B
11 D 11 B 11 B
12 B 12 A 12 B
13 D 13 C 13 D
14 B 14 A 14 D
15 C 15 B 15 B
16 D 16 A
17 B 17 B
18 A 18 D
19 C 19 B
20 D 20 C
21 C 21 C
22 C 22 B
23 A 23 B
24 A 24 C
25 D 25 A




1 A 1 D 1 B
2 B 2 C 2 A
3 A 3 B 3 D
4 C 4 C 4 A
5 A 5 B 5 B
6 B 6 B 6 B
7 B 7 A 7 D
8 A 8 B 8 B
9 A 9 A 9 B
10 B 10 A 10 B

:: 179 ::
* Father of ‘statistics’ - Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
[17-02-1890 to 29-07-1962]
British Statistician
* Father of Indian statistics - P.C. Mahalanobis
* Origin of the word statistics - Statistica [Latin, Italian]
Statistik [German]
Statistiques [French]
* The word statistics is used in two different senses i.e., in singular as well as
in plural. In singular, statistics refers to the subject as a whole ; in plural, it
refers the data (numerical facts).
* Statistics - A branch of mathematics, which is useful in the collection,
classification and interpretation of data.
* The word data means information (given facts).
* Data - The set of information in the form of numerical figures is known as
* Types of statistical data - 1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
* Primary data - When an investigator collects the data himself with a
definite plan in mind, it is called “Primary data”.
* Secondary data - The data which is collected by one investigator and used
by another investigator for his study is called “Secondary
* Ungrouped (Raw) data - The data which is presented in its original form
(i.e.,without any classification or analysis) is called
“ungrouped (Raw) data”.
* If the raw data is arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude, it
is called an “array”.
* Range - The difference between maximum and minimum values
of given data is called “Range” of given data.
Range = Maximum value - Minimum value
* Grouped data - The data which is classified as classes (groups) is called
“Grouped data”. Every group is called “class - interval”.
* Frequency - The no.of times an observation occurs in a data or the
no.of observations in a class is called “the frequency” of
the observation or the class.
* Frequency - The tabular arrangement of data showing the frequency
distribution of each item is called “Frequency distribution”.

:: 180 ::
* For grouped data there are two types of frequency distributions.
They are, 1. Inclusive form (Discontinuous form)
2. Exclusive form (Continuous form)
* Inclusive form (Discontinuous form) - A frequency distribution, in which upper
limit of each class is included is called
“Inclusive form of frequnecy distribution”.
Classes of this distribution are called “In-
clusive classes”.
Ex : 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, ..............
* Exclusive form (Continuous form) - A frequency distribution, in which upper
limit of each class is excluded is called
“Exclusive form of frequnecy distribu-
Classes of this distribution are called “Ex-
clusive classes.”
Ex : 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, ..............
* No.of Classes = Class  int erval ( size)
* Class limits - The lowest and highest values of a class, which are included
in the class are called “lower and upper limits” of that class.
Ex : In the class 35-44, lower limit = 35 and upper limit = 44.
* Class boundary / Actual class limits / True class limits -
The class boundary is called as the average of upper and lower limits of
two successive classes.
Upper boundary of first class or lower boundary of second class
upper limit of first class  lower limit of second class
* Class mark or mid-value - It is the average of class limits or boundaries.
lower limit (boundary) + Upper limit (boundary)
Mid value or Class mark =
* Class - interval or size or length - The difference between the lower limits
(boundaries) or upper limits (boundaries)
or mid-values of any two successive
classes is called “Class-interval or size
or length”. It is denoted by ‘h’.
Class interval (size) = Lower limit of second class - lower limit of first class
= Upper limit of second class - upper limit of first class
= Lower boundary of second class - lower boundary of first class
= Upper boundary of second class - upper boundary of first class
= Mid- value of second class - mid value of first class

:: 181 ::
* If x is the mid-value of a class, lower limit (boundary) A and upper limit
(boundary) u , then x
Ÿ l 2x  u
Ÿ u 2x  l
* If x the mid value of a class and ‘h’ be the class-interval, then lower bound-
h h
ary, l x and upper boundary, u x
2 2
* Diagramatic representation of data - 1. Bar graphs, 2. Pictograms, 3. Pie
charts, 4. Histograms, 5. Frequency
Polygon, 6. Frequency curves 7. Cu-
mulative frequency curves (Ogive
* Measure of central tendency - The value around which the observa-
tions tend to cluster and which typifies
their magnitude i.e., it is that single
value which may be taken as the most
suitable representation of the data is
called “Measure of Central tendency”.
* The measure of central tendencies which are commonly used are,
1. Mean 2. Median 3. Mode
* Measures of Central tendencies of an ungrouped data :
I. Mean : The average value of the observations of a data is called its mean.
sum of observations
Arithmetic mean, x no. of observations
1. If x1, x2 ,............xn are n observations, then
x1  x2  x3  .........  xn ¦ xi
Arithmetic mean (A.M), x
n n
2. If f1, f 2 ,............ f n be the frequencies of the observations x1, x2 ,............xn
respectively, then
f1x1  f 2 x2  ............ f n xn ¦ fx
Arithmetic mean (A.M), x f1  f 2  ..........  f n ¦f
¦ fx
i.e., A.M , x , here N = sum of frequencies.
3. If w1, w2 ,............wn be the weights of the observations x1, x2 ,............xn , respec-
tively, then
w1x1  w2 x2  ...........  wn xn ¦ wx
Weighted Arithmetic mean, x w1  w2  ..............  wn ¦w

:: 182 ::
4. If A is the assumed mean of the observations x1, x2 ,..........xn then Arithmetic
¦ ( xi  A)
mean (A.M), x A  [Deviation method]
Note : If x is the mean of the observations x1, x2 ,..........xn and k be any non-
zero constant, then
i) mean of x1  k , x2  k ,..........., xn  k is x  k
ii) mean of x1  k , x2  k ,..........., xn  k is x  k
iii) mean of kx1, kx2 ,.............kxn is k x
x1 x2 x x
iv) mean of , ,................ n is .
k k k k
II. Medain : The middle most value of a data which is arranged in ascending or
descending order is called “Median” of the data.
If there are n observations in a data, then
th th
§n· §n ·
¨ ¸ observation  ¨  1¸ observation
i) Median (M) = © ¹
2 ©2 ¹ (if n is even)
§ n 1·
ii) Median (M) = ¨ ¸ observation (if n is odd).
© 2 ¹
III. Mode : The most repeated observation of a data is called “Mode”.
i) For a data, there may be mode or no mode.
ii) If there is mode for a given data, it may be one or more than one
iii) The data having only one mode is called uni-modal data.
iv) The data having two modes is called bi-modal data.
v) The data having three modes is called tri-modal data.
vi) The data having three or more than three modes is called multi-modal
Emperical Relation: Mode = 3 x median - 2 x mean [only for unimodal data]
n 1
Note : i) The mean of first ‘n’ natural numbers is
ii) The mean of first ‘n’ even natural numbers is n+1.
iii) The mean of first ‘n’ odd natural numbers is ‘n’.
n 1
iv)The median of first ‘n’ natural numbers .
v) The median of first ‘n’ even natural numbers is n  1 .
vi)The median of first ‘n’ odd natural numbers is ‘n’
vii) The mode of first ‘n’ natural numbers - no mode.
viii) If all the observations are equally repeated, then the data has no

:: 183 ::
* Measures of central tendency of a grouped data :
I. Mean :
¦ f i xi
1. In direct method, mean, x ¦ fi , Here fi = frequency of the class
xi = mid - value
¦ fi = sum of frequencies
2. In deviation method, mean, x a  ¦ f , Here a assumed mean
i i
fi = frequency of class

di deviation from ’a ’ xi  a
xi = mid - value
¦ fi = sum of frequencies

3. In short method or Step deviation method,

mean, x a  ¦ f u h here
i i
a assumed mean
fi = frequency of class
ui = deviation from a

xi  a
xi = mid - value
h = class interval (length)
¦ fi = sum of frequencies

¦ fu
i i sum of all fiui values
II. Median : n
Median, M A 2 u h , here A = lower boundary of median class
n = sum of frequencies
cf = cumulative frequnecy of the previous
class to median class
f frequency of median class
h = class interval (length)
III. Mode :
f f
Mode, Z A  2 f  f  f u h , here A = lower boundary of modal class
1 0
1 0 2

f1 frequency of modal class

:: 184 ::
frequency of previous class to
modal class
f 2 frequency of next class to the
modal class
h class-interval (length)
Note : i) The measure of central tendency which consider all the observa-
tions is mean.
ii) If the difference between minimum and maximum values of a data
is considerably more, then the measure of central tendency to be
taken is median. It does not depend on least and highest values.
iii) For a data, mean is unique. It represents entire data.
iv) To find mean, we will use class marks (mid-values) .
v) To find median, we use cumulative frequencies.
* While drawing frequency polygon or curve, we will take mid-values of the
classes on X-axis and corresponding frequencies on Y-axis.
* While constructing a histogram, we will take class-intervals on X-axis and
corresponding frequencies on Y-axis.
* While drawing lessthan cumulative frequency curve, we will take upper bound-
aries on X-axis and corresponding lessthan cumulative frequencies on Y-
* While drawing greaterthan cumulative frequency curve, we will take lower
boundaries on X-axis and corresponding greaterthan cumulative frequen-
cies on Y-axis.
* If ( x, y ) be the intersecting point of lessthan and greaterthan cumulative
frequency curves then, the no.of observations in that data is n = 2y and the
median of the data, M = x .
n 1
* Mean of first ‘n’ natural numbers =
(n  1)(2n  1)
* Mean of squares of first ‘n’ natural numbers =
n( n  1)
* Mean of cubes of first ‘n’ natural numbers =

Solved Examples
1. If the mean of 9, 11, 13, p, 18, 19 is p then the value of p is _____
Sol. Given observations = 9, 11, 13, p, 18, 19
No.of observations = 6
9  11  13  p  18  19
? mean = p =

:: 185 ::
6p = p + 70
6p - p = 70
5p = 70
p= = 14
II method : 6 p  p 9  11  13  18  19
5 p 70
p 14

2. Mean of 12 , 22 ,32 ,.............112 is ___________

(11  1)(2 u11  1) 12 u 23
Sol. Mean of 12 , 22 ,32 ,.............112 = 46
6 6
3. Mean of 13 , 23 ,33 ,.............83 is ____________
8 u (8  1) 2 2
8 u 81
Sol. 162
4 4
4. Mean of 8 observations is 10 and mean of 12 observations is 15. Then
mean of all observations is _______
Sol. 5
8 u10  12 u15 80  180 260
13 3
8  12 20 
5. In a grouped frequency distribution, if n = 70, cf = 25, f = 24, h = 20
and A = 40 then median is _______
n 70
 cf  25 10 u 5
Sol. Median = A  2 uh 40  2 u 20 40  40  8.33 48.33
f 24 6
x x x 2x
6. If the median of the observations , , , , x ( x ! 0) is 5, then the value of
3 2 4 9
x is ________
x x x 2x
Sol. Given, observations = , , , , x( x ! 0)
3 2 4 9
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
= , , , ,
6 4 8 9 2
3 4 2 1 5
2 x
? Median = = 5 Ÿ x 3 u 5 15
6 3
1 1
7. The mean of x and is 5 then the mean of x 2 and 2 is ______
x x

:: 186 ::
1 x 
Sol. Mean of x and = 2x 5Ÿ x 
2u5 10
x 1
1 x2  2
? Mean of x 2 and 2 = x
x 2
= § x  1 ·  2u xu 1
¨ ¸ 100  2
© x¹ x 98
2 2 2
8. In four integers, the mean of first two smallest integers is 102, mean of first
three smallest integers is 103 and the mean of all four integers is 104 then
the largest number ______
Sol. Mean of first two smallest integers = 102.
Sum of first two smallest integers = 2 x 102 = 204.
Mean of first three smallest integers = 103.
Sum of first three smallest integers = 3 x 103 = 309.
Mean of all four integers = 104.
Sum of four integers = 4 x 104 = 416.
? Largest number = 416 - 309 = 107.
9. The mean of 17, 4, 8, 6, 15 is m. Median of 8, 14, 10, 5, 7, 5, 20, 19, n is
m-1. Then the value of m+n is _________

Sol. Mean of 17, 4, 8, 6, 15 = 17  4  8  6  15 = m

?m 10
Except n, (ascending) order of 8,14,10,5,7,5,20,19 = 5,5,7,8,10,14,19, 20
and median = m - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
So, n = 9.
? m  n 10  9 19 .
10. Among 100 numbers, 20 numbers are 4’s, 40 numbers are 5’s, 30
numbers are 6’s and remaining are 10’s then their mean and median are
Sol. Total numbers n = 100 (even)
no.of 4’s = 20
no.of 5’s = 40
no.of 6’s = 30

:: 187 ::
no.of 10’s = 10
4 u 20  5 u 40  6 u 30  10 u10 80  200  180  100 560
? Mean = 5.6
100 100 100
th th
§n· §n ·
¨ ¸ obs.  ¨  1¸ obs. 50th obs.  51st obs. 55
Median = © 2 ¹ ©2 ¹ 5.
2 2 2
11. The mean weight of three students is 40 kg. One of the student weighs 46
kg and the other two students have the same weight, then the weight of each
student is _______ kg.
Sol. Mean weight of three students = 40 kg
Total weight of three students = 3 x 40 = 120 kg.
Weight of one student = 46 kg
Weight of remaining two students = 120 - 46 = 74 kg
? Weight of two students is same, weight of each student = 37 kg.
3 u 40  46 74
Second method : Weight of each student = = 37 kg.
2 2
12. There are four distinct numbers. The mean of first two numbers is 4, the
mean of first three is 9 and the mean of all four numbers is 15. If one of them
is 2, other numbers ________
Sol. Let the four distinct numbers = a, b, c, d
Mean of first two numbers = 4Ÿ ab 2 u 4 8 .........(1)
Mean of first 3 numbers = 9 Ÿ abc 3 u 9 27
?c 27  8 19
Mean of 4 numbers = 15 Ÿ a  b  c  d 4 u15 60
?d 60  27 33
' One of them, i.e., a = 2, then from (1), b = 8 - 2 = 6.
? Other three numbers = 6, 19, 33.
13. Mean of 40 observations is 160. If one observation 125 is registered
instead of 165, then the corrected mean _______
Sol. Mean of 40 observations = 160
Sum of 40 observations = 40 x 160 = 6400
' One observation 125 is registered instead of 165,
Corrected sum = 6400 + 165 - 125 = 6440

:: 188 ::
Corrected mean = 161
14. Mean of 100 observations is 30. If 32 and 12 are wrongly registered in-
stead of 23 and 11 respectively, then the corrected mean _______
100 u 30  32  12  23  11 2990
Sol. Corrected mean = 29.9
100 100
n n
15. If ¦ ( xi  12) 10 and ¦ ( xi  3) 62 then n and 8
x are _______
i 1 i 1
n n
Sol. ¦ ( xi  12) 10 Ÿ ¦ xi  12n 10 ........(1)
i 1 i 1

n n
¦ ( xi  3) 62 Ÿ ¦ xi  3n 62 .........(2)
i 1 i 1

By doing (2) - (1), we get 3n  12n 62  10 Ÿ 9 n 72 Ÿ n 8

n n
From (1), ¦ xi  12 u 8 10 Ÿ ¦ xi 10  96 86 .
i 1 i 1

¦ xi 86
?x i 1 10.75
n 8
? n 8, x 10.75

16. If the median of 8 observations is 15. If every observation is multiplied by

2, then the median of resultant data.
Sol. Median of resultant data = 2 x 15 = 30.
17. If the mean of the following data is 1.46, then f1 and f 2 are ________

x : 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total
f : 46 f1 f2 25 10 5 200

Sol. ¦ fi = 46 + f1 + f2 + 25 + 10 + 5 = 200 Ÿ f1 + f2 = 200 - 86 = 114 .......(1)

¦ fi xi = 0 + f1 + 2 f2 + 75 + 40 + 25 = f1 + 2 f2 + 140.

f1  2 f2 140
' x 1.46 Ÿ 1.46 Ÿ f1  2 f2 292 140 152 ............. (2)

By doing (2) - (1),

f2 152 114 38
:: 189 ::
From (1) f1 114  38 76
Level - 1
1. Father of ‘Statistics’ is
A) Pascal B) Leibnitz C) Sir Ronald A. Fisher D) Sylvister
2. Father of “Indian Statistics” is
A) AmarthSen B) Swami Nadhan C) P.C. Mahalanobis D) Kautilya
3. The range of 5, 11, 3, 31, 19, 29, 45, 37 is
A) 40 B) 41 C) 42 D) 43
4. The range of first 100 natural numbers is
A) 100 B) 99 C) 98 D) 101
5. In a data of ten observations, the maximum value is 30 and the minimum
value is 12. Then the value which may be the mean of the given data is
A) 10 B) 29 C) 31 D) 42
6. The mean of first 10 natural numbers is
A) 5 B) 6 C) 5.5 D) 4.5
7. The mean of first 5 prime numbers is
A) 5 B) 5.2 C) 5.4 D) 5.6
8. The mode of 25, 26, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 27, 33, 27, 29 is
A) 25 B) 26 C) 27 D) 28
9. The mode of 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 is
A) 1 B) 1, 2 C) 1, 2, 3, 4 D) no mode
10. The median of 14, 36, 25, 28, 35 32, 56, 42, 50 is
A) 34 B) 35 C) 35.5 D) 36
11. The median of 24, 29, 34, 38, x is 34 then the value of x is
A) x  34 B) x ! 34 C) x 34 D) B & C
12. The median of first 10 natural numbers
A) 5 B) 5.5 C) 4.5 D) 6.5
13. The measure of central tendency used to select the favourite actor is
A) mean B) median C) mode D) range
14. The measure of central tendency which is helpful to an invigilator to bring
sufficient number of additional sheets to the examination hall is
A) mean B) median C) mode D) none

:: 190 ::
15. In a frequency distribution with the classes 0-10, 10-20, 20-30,............. the
observation 30 belongs to ______ class.
A) 20-30 B) 30-40 C) 10-20 D) A & B
16. The class mark of a class is 40 and its lower boundary is 25 then its upper
boundary is
A) 35 B) 45 C) 55 D) 65
17. In a frequency distribution with the classes 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, the
value 20.5 belongs to ______ class.
A) 11-20 B) 21-30 C) 31-40 D) A & B
18. In a histogram _____ of the bars equal.
A) lengths B) widths C) frequencies D) none
19. _____ are there in a histogram (or) histogram consists ______
A) squares B) rectangles C) circles D) triangles
20. In a histogram, the lengths of rectangles are in proportional to ______
A) widths B) frequencies C) A & B D) none
21. In a histogram, the widths of rectangles represent
A) frequency B) class interval C) class mark D) range
22. Ogive curve means
A) lessthan cumulative frequency curve
B) greaterthan cumulative frequency curve
C) A & B
D) none
23. The shape of ogive curve is
A) O B) S C) U D) V
24. Which of the following is A cf curve ?
A) B) C) D)

25. Which of the following is gcf curve ?

A) B) C) D)

26. Class mark of a class is 15 and class-interval is 20 then upper boundary is

A) 5 B) 15 C) 25 D) 35

:: 191 ::
27. The upper boundary of a class is 30 and the class-interval is 10 then lower
boundary is
A) 10 B) 20 C) 15 D) 25
28. If the mode of 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3 is p then the value of p is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) none
29. In a pie chart, the sum of the angles made by all sectors at the centre of
the circle is
A) 1800 B) 2700 C) 3600 D) 7200
30. The mean of 20 observations is 15.5, then the sum of observations is
A) 31 B) 155 C) 310 D) 210
31. The mean of a data is 25 and median is 30 then mode is
A) 35 B) 27.5 C) 40 D) 55
32. The mean of 7, 10, 5, x , 6 is 8 then the value of x is
A) 11 B) 12 C) 13 D) 14
33. The measure of central tendency which is found by using lower
boundaries of classes is
A) mean B) median C) mode D) B & C
34. If ¦ xi
= 115, n = 10 then x =
A) 12 B) 11.5 C) 11 D) 10.5
35. The median of 2 x, 10 x, 4 x, 3x, x is
A) 2x B) 3x C) 4x D)
36. The median of a  3, a  1, a  1, a  3 is
A) a B) 2a C) a  1 D) 2(a  1)
37. The class mark (mid-value) of 9.5 - 19.5 is
A) 14 B) 10 C) 10.5 D) 14.5
38. The frequency of 12 in the data 11, 12, 13, 10, 12, 11, 14, 12, 11, 10 is
A) 3 B) 12 C) 36 D) 4
39. The mode of the data 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, ............., 11, 11 is
A) 4 B) 11 C) 44 D) no mode
40. The difference between the median and mode of the data
6, 9, 12, 15, 9, 3, 6, 9, 12, 6, 10, 3, 6, 15, 6 is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
41. The maximum value of a data is 57 and its range is 20 then minimum value
A) 77 B) 57 C) 37 D) 17

:: 192 ::
42. The mean of 20 observations is 18. If 3 is added to every observation
then the mean of new data is
A) 18 B) 6 C) 21 D) 54
43. In 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, ........... the boundaries of the class 11-20 are
A) 11, 20 B) 10.5, 20 C) 11, 20.5 D) 10.5, 20.5
44. The mode of any three consecutive numbers is
A) 3 B) middle number
C) 3 x middle number D) no mode
45. The mean of first 100 even natural numbers is
A) 100 B) 101 C) 102 D) 103
46. The mean of first 50 odd natural numbers is
A) 50 B) 51 C) 100 D) 101
47. Which measure of central tendency can be found from the intersecting
point of lessthan and greaterthan cumulative frequency curves ?
A) mean B) median C) mode D) none
48. In the graph of frequency polygon, ____ will be taken on X-axis.
A) mid-value B) frequency
C) cumulative frequency D) none
49. When the values of x i and fi are considerbly small, then ____ method is
used to find the mean.
A) direct B) deviation C) step-deviation D) none
50. In the construction of frequency curve, ____ will be taken on Y-axis.
A) class-interval B) frequency C) class mark D) none
51. Which of the following cannot be affected by least and highest values.
A) mean B) median C) mode D) range
52. ___________ is constructed by taking classes and their corresponding
frequencies of a frequency distribution table on X and Y-axes respectively.
A) frequency polygon B) histogram
C) frequency curve D) Ogive curve
53. The x - coordinate of the intersecting point of lessthan and greaterthan
cumulative frequency curves represents ______
A) mean B) median C) mode D) range
54. The median of first 10 whole numbers is
A) 5 B) 4 C) 4.5 D) 5.5

:: 193 ::
Level - 2
1. The mean of first 10 whole numbers
A) 5 B) 5.5 C) 4.5 D) 4
2. If the mean of x1, x2, x3,.........., x10 is 20 then the mean of
x1  2, x2  4, x2  6,.........x10  20 is
A) 20 B) 30 C) 25 D) 31
3. The median of 11 different observations is 30. If 5 is added to every four
biggest numbers, then the median of new data is
A) 35 B) 33 C) 31 D) 30
4. Mean of 10 numbers is 7 and the mean of 15 numbers is 12 then the mean
of total data is
A) 25 B) 19 C) 10 D) 20
2 5 1 5 1
5. The mean of , , , , is
5 3 3 6 6
16 17 18 19
A) B) C) D)
25 25 25 25
6. If n observations are arranged in ascending order n is even, then the
median of the data is
n 1 n §n2·
§ n 1·
 ¨ ¸ obs  ¨ ¸ obs. § n·
A) ¨ ¸ obs.B) 2 2 C) © 2 ¹ ©2¹ D) ¨  1¸ obs.
© 2 ¹ 2 2 ©2 ¹
3 1 2 1 7
7. The median of , , , , is
4 2 3 6 12
1 2 1 7
A) B) C) D)
2 3 6 12
x x 2x x
8. The median of , x, , , ( x ! 0) is 10 then x is
2 3 7 4
A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 40
9. The mean of 12 , 22 ,32 ,.............202 is
A) 40 B) 50 C) 60 D) none
10. The modal class of frequency distribution :
Class : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
Frequency : 3 11 17 25 13 7
A) 10-20 B) 20-3.0 C) 30-40 D) 40-50
11. If mean is 2 p  q and median is p  2q then the mode is
A) p  4q B) 4 p  q C) 4q  p D) q  4 p
12. The mean of 3 numbers is 8 and the mean of these 3 numbers and x is 7
then the value of x is
:: 194 ::
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
13. The median of first 5 odd natural numbers is 5. If 6 odd number is added

then the median is

A) 5.5 B) 5 C) 6 D) 6.5
14. The median of 8, 10, x  1 , x  3 , 17, 19 which are arranged in order is 14,
then the value of x is
A) 11 B) 12 C) 13 D) 15
15. The mean of x1 , x2 ,..........x50 is x . If every xi (i 1, 2,........50) is replaced by ,
the mean of resultant data is
x 1 x
A) x B) C) 50 x D)
50 50

16. The mean of x 1 , x 2 is 6 and mean of x1 , x2 , x3 is 7 then x3 =

A) 1 B) 8 C) 9 D) 5
17. The mean of first n odd natural numbers is then n

A) 9 B) 81 C) 1 D) none
18. Mean of 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 4 is m and the mean of 3, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3, p is m-1 and
median is q then the value of p+q is
A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8
19. The mode of a data is 12 more than mean then the mode is _____ more
than median.
A) 4 B) 8 C) 12 D) 18
20. The median of the following data
Observation : 3 6 10 12 7 15
Frequency : 3 A 2 8 13 10
A) 12 B) 10 C) 7 D) 15
21. The mean of 2  a, a, a  2 is
a2 a3 a4
A) a B) C) D)
3 3 3
22. The mean of 10 consecutive numbers starting from x  1 is
A) x  5 B) x  5 C) x  5.5 D) x  5.5
23. The lessthan and greaterthan cumulative frequency curves of a data are
intersected at the point (42.5, 60) then the no.of observations of the data is

:: 195 ::
A) 85 B) 120 C) 30 D) none
24. Mean of 15 observations is 20. If 6 is subtracted from each observation,
then the resultant mean is
A) 17 B) 16 C) 15 D) 14
25. The mean age of m boys is x years, mean age of n girls is y years then
the mean age of all of them is
mx  ny my  nx mx  ny my  nx
A) B) C) D)
mn mn mn mn
1 1 2 3
26. The median of 31 , 32 , 31 , 33 is
2 4 3 4
1 1 23 3
A) 32 B) 33 C) 31 D) 31
3 3 24 4
27. If a, b, c, d, e are the 5 consecutive odd numbers then their mean is
A) a  4 B) a  4 C) 5(a  b  c  d  e) D)
28. The mean marks of a class having 100 students is 30. And the mean marks
of 50 students of another class is 60 then the mean marks of all students
of two classes is
A) 50 B) 40 C) 35 D) 45
29. The mean of two numbers is 6, their range is 4 then the numbers are
A) 10, 6 B) 8, 4 C) 6, 2 D) 9, 5
30. The mean of 1, 2, 3, ............. n is then n =
A) 9 B) 10 C) 11 D) 12
31. The absolute value of the difference of median of 19, 25, 59, 48, 35, 31,
30, 32, 51 and the median of the above date when the observation 25 is
replaced by 52 is
A) -3 B) 3 C) 32 D) 35
32. The mean of a, b, c, d, e is 28 and the mean of a, c, e is 24 then the mean
of b, d is
A) 31 B) 32 C) 33 D) 34
33. The mean of x, x  2, x  4, x  6, x  8 is 11, then the mean of first three
observations is
A) 9 B) 11 C) 13 D) 15
34. Which of the following data has same value for mean, median and mode ?
A) 2,2,2,2,4 B) 1,3,3,3,5 C) 1,1,2,5,6 D) 1,1,1,2,5
35. Which of the following is true to the data 2, 2, 4, 5 and 12 ?

:: 196 ::
A) mean = median B) mean > mode
C) mean < mode D) mode = median
36. If the mean of the following data is 15 then p =
x : 5 10 15 20 25
f : 6 p 6 10 5
A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) 8.5
37. The mean of 13 ,23 ,33 ,...............n3 is
(n  1)3 n(n  1) 2 n( n  1) n 2 ( n  1) 2
A) B) C) D)
4 4 2 2
38. In a bar graph, the length of the bar of 10 cm represents 50 units, then the
length of the bar representing 35 units is ______ cm.

A) 3.5 B) 3.8 C) 7 D) 14
39. The angle of a sector is 1350 in a pie-chart, then it is _____ part of pie-
3 3 3 3
A) B) C) D)
5 7 8 10
40. In a frequency distribution, if h 13, A 65.5 , f 42 , cf 23 , N 102 then
median is
A) 65.5 B) 74.17 C) 66.93 D) 66.43
41. For a uni-modal data, if x 72.5 , z 76.7 then median =
A) 72.9 B) 73.9 C) 74.9 D) 75.9
42. If a, b, c are the numbers so that a  b b  c , then their mean =
A) a B) b C) c D)
43. The mean of 1, 3, 5, 7, ..........,(2n-1), n  N is
n n 2n
A) n B) C) D)
2 3 3
44. In a frequency distribution, if A 29.5 , f1  f0 24 , f1  f 2 20 , h 5 then the
mode =
A) 31.22 B) 32.22 C) 33.22 D) 30.22
45. The mean of first n whole numbers is
n 1 n n 1 n
A) B) C) D) 1
2 2 2 2
46. The median of all integers from -4 to +4 is

A) 4 B) 16 C) 8 D) 0 :: 197 ::
Level - 3
1. The mean temperature of a town in a certain week was 250C. If the mean
temperature of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 230C
and that of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday was 280C, then
temperature on Thursday
A) 230C B) 270C C) 280C D) 290C
2. The mean of n observations is x . If the first observation is increased by 1,
the second by 2, the third by 3 and so on, then the new mean is
n 1 2x  n  1
A) x B) 2x C) x  D)
2 2
x  25
3. If xi i
, ¦ fi xi 20 , ¦ fi 100 then x
A) 20 B) 25 C) 27 D) 45
4. The mean of n terms in the series a, a  d , a  2d ,........... is
A) a  (n  1)d B) a  nd C) 2a  (n  1)d D) a  ( n  1)
5. The mean daily wage earned by 4 labourers is Rs.180. If another labourer
is included in the group, the mean wage goes upto Rs. 185, then the wage
of included labourer is
A) Rs. 200 B) Rs. 205 C) Rs. 195 D) Rs. 204
6. A constant distance from town A to town B is covered by a person at 40
km/h. He rides back to same distance at 30 km/h. Then the average speed
during the whole journey is
A) 34.29 km/h B) 34.39 km/h C) 34.59 km/h D) 34.69 km/h
7. There are 45 students in a class of which 15 are girls. The average weight
15 girls is 45 kg and that of 30 boys is 52 kg. Then the mean weight of the
all students of the class is _______ kg.
A) 44.67 kg B) 45.67 kg C) 49.67 kg D) 51.67 kg
8. A school has four sections in a class having 40, 35, 45 and 42 students.
The mean marks obtained in a test are 50, 60, 55, 45 respectively. Then
the overall average of the marks per student is
A) 52 B) 52.25 C) 52.5 D) 52.75
9. A car runs for t1 hours at v1 km/h, t2 hours at v2 km/h. Then the average
speed of the car for the entire journey is _______ km/h.
v1t1  v2t2 (v1  v2 )t2 v1t1  v2t2 v1  v2
A) t1  t2 B) t1 C) v  v D) t  t
1 2 1 2

:: 198 ::
10. A train runs x km at an average speed of v1 km / h , and y km at an average
speed of v2 km / h , then the average speed of the train for the entire journey
x y xy vv1 2 ( x  y )v1v2 xv1  yv2
A) v  v km / h B) v v km / h C) xv  yv km / h D) v  v km / h
1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2
11. Of three numbers, the first is twice the second and thrice the third. The
average of all the three numbers is 88, then the smallest number is
A) 72 B) 36 C) 48 D) 18
12. 9 men visited a hotel, 8 of them spent Rs. 4 each over their meal and the
9th spent Rs. 2 more than the average of all the nine. Then the total money
spent by them is
A) Rs. 36.25 B) Rs. 37.25 C) Rs. 38.25 D) Rs. 39.25
1 1
13. The mean of x and is k then the mean of x 2 and 2 is
x x
A) 2k B) 2k  1
2 C) 2k  1
2 D) k 2
14. The mean of observations of a data is 12.5. By mistake one observation
-15 is wrongly registered instead of 15. If the mean of resultant data is 14
then the no.of observations in the data is
A) 15 B) 20 C) 25 D) 30
15. The mean of ax1, ax2 ,.............axn is ax then
(ax1  ax)  ( ax2  ax)  ........  (axn  ax)
A) x B) a C) 0 D) x1  x2  ..........  xn
16. If x1, x2 ,........., xn are n values of a variable x such that
¦ ( xi  2) 110 and
i 1
¦ ( xi  5) 20 then n
i 1
A) 20 B) 30 C) 40 D) 65
17. The sum of the deviations of x1, x2 ,...........xn measured from 50 is -10 and
the sum of deviations measured from 46 is 70. Then their mean is
A) 39.5 B) 45.5 C) 49.5 D) 55.5
n 1 n 2
18. If ( x  1) is a factor of the polynomial a0 x  a1x  a2 x  .........  an (a0 z 0)

then the mean of a0 , a1 , a2 , is

A) n B) n  1 C) 1 D) 0
1 1
19. If the mean of x n and n is 1, then the mean of x and is
x x n
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2n D)
20. If ( x  1) is a factor of polynomial
a0 x10  a1 x9  a2 x8  a3 x 7  a4 x 6  a5 x5  a6 x 4  a7 x3  a8 x 2  a9 x  a10 (a z 0) , then
the mean of a0 , a1, a2 ,  a3 , a4 ,  a5 , a6 ,  a7 , a8 ,  a9 , a10 is
A) 10 B) 5 C) 1 D) 0 :: 199 ::
Level - 1 :
1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D
8. C 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. A
15.B 16.C 17. B 18. B 19. B 20. B 21. B
22.C 23.B 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. C
29.C 30.C 31.C 32.B 33. D 34. B 35. B
36. A 37.D 38. A 39.B 40.C 41.C 42. C
43. D 44.D 45. B 46. A 47. B 48. A 49. A
50. B 51.C 52. B 53. B 54.C 55. C

Level - 2 :
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. D
8. C 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. C
15.D 16.C 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. D
22.C 23.B 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. B
29.B 30.C 31.B 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. B
36. B 37.B 38. C 39. C 40. B 41. B 42. B
43. A 44. B 45. B 46. D

Level - 3 :
1. D 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D
8. B 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B
15.C 16.B 17. C 18.D 19. B 20. D

:: 200 ::

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