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“He who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Write your answers CLEARLY and LEGIBLY.
Focus on your own test papers and DO NOT CHEAT.
Good luck.


Select the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write your answer on the blank provided. Use UPPER
CASE LETTER for your answer.

___________1. He is a popular psychologist whose theory of human development and personality

sparked great interest due to biological orientation that focuses on the psychosexual development of an
A. Erik Erikson C. Lawrence Kohlberg
B. Jean Piaget D. Sigmund Freud
___________2. It is a transitional period in human development from puberty to adulthood?
A. adolescence C. childhood
B. adulthood D. infancy
___________3. He defines identity as “an internal, self-constructed, dynamic organization of drives,
abilities, beliefs, and individual history.”
A. Erik Erikson C. Jean Piaget
B. James Marcia D. Sigmund Freud
___________4. It is characterized having good vibes with others. There is a shared understanding, a
feeling of warmth, and bond.
A. Empathy C. Respect
B. Rapport D. Trust
___________5. What is the trait outcome during the latency stage of development?
A. Sexual interest is awakened.
B. The child can become too generous.
C. The child develops closeness with parents.
D. The child starts to recognize what it means to be a boy or a girl with their physical
___________6. For Erik Erikson’s theory, this thing is the most important.
A. education C. satisfaction
B. fixation D. socialization
___________7. It has something to do with deep understanding of experience. You feel the other person,
of understand his/her situation as if it’s your own. And the other person does the same with you.
A. Empathy C. Respect
B. Rapport D. Trust
___________8. It is one of the four statutes of youth wherein they have not experienced identity crisis or
haven’t explored what they want to do or want to become. Thus, they have not made any commitments.
There is no focus or occupational direction yet thus, their personal identity is unclear and no urgency to
discover where they are heading in life at this point.
A. Foreclosed C. Identity diffused
B. Identity achieved D. Moratorium
___________9. It is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human
development, sports, health, clinical, social, behavior and cognitive process.
A. Philosophy C. Physiology
B. Phrenology D. Psychology
__________10. The middle and late adolescence is between what age?
A. 12-14 C. 14-21
B. 14-20 D. 15-21
__________11. Major hallmarks of adolescence are the following except for:
A. establishing meaningful relationships with others
B. become uncertain about yourself or you do not know what to do
C. quest for identity and individuality through assertion of independence
D. exercise of personal decisions in relation to what one wants to be in the future
__________12. It is a crucial period in the development of an individual. It marks the major transition
stage that bridge childhood to adulthood.
A. adolescence C. childhood
B. adulthood D. infancy
__________13. It is of the statutes of youth wherein they are going through identity crisis. They are
currently struggling as they explore areas that will help them know who they are and establish their
authentic personal identity. They are exploring roles and testing their beliefs and perhaps, flexible in their
values. They have not committed yet on a particular endeavor thus, it is tentative.
A. Foreclosed C. Identity diffused
B. Identity achieved D. Moratorium
__________14. It is a crucial skill that you need to develop at this time to be an effective communicator.
It helps you develop your communication skills.
A. Empathy C. Respect
B. Language D. Self-control
__________15. He is a distinguished educator, proposed that there are specific things to do that come
with each stage of development.
A. James Marcia C. Lawrence Kohlberg
B. Jean Piaget D. Robert J. Havighurst
__________16. It is a life goal that includes family and your personal life. It is aimed at improving
yourself essentially, as well as your relationships with others.
A. Educational Goals C. Personal Goals
B. Emotional Goals D. Professional Goals
__________17. It is characterized by attachment to a particular object or activity that may affect
A. equilibrium C. satisfaction
B. fixation D. socialization
__________18. He expanded the psychosexual theory that recognizes the importance of early
experiences in childhood. He shifted his focus from psychosexual to psychosocial development.
A. Erik Erikson C. Martin Buber
B. Immanuel Kant D. Sigmund Freud
__________19. It is part of seeking independence wherein you manage your behaviors and emotions by
being careful with your actions, being aware of your feeling, and being conscious of the consequences of
your behaviour.
A. Communication C. Respect
B. Rapport D. Self-control
__________20. A type of communication that uses written words, symbols, gestures, or body language.
A. Nonverbal Communication C. Two-way Communication
B. One-way Communication D. Verbal Communication
__________21. It is a cognitive skill that enriches your knowledge by improving your vocabulary,
levelling up your comprehension skills, developing your verbal skills, and sharpening your other
cognitive abilities, allowing you to successfully engage in more complex thinking tasks.
A. Brainstorming C. Innovating
B. Imagining D. Reading
__________22. It is the process of achieving balance. It marks a significant development of an individual.
A. Equilibration C. Sensorimotor
B. Generativity D. Stagnation
__________23. What stage in cognitive development when the child begins to be more logical and able to
perform simple operation, begin to understand classifications, and can understand reversibility?
A. ConcreteOperational stage C. Pre-Operational Stage
B. Formal Operational Stage D. Sensorimotor Stage
__________24. He studied how children understand what is right and wrong, and how they develop a
sense of morality.
A. James Marcia C. Lawrence Kohlberg
B. Jean Piaget D. Sigmund Freud
__________25. He considers the active role of an individual as an important factor in human
development. He believes that an individual grows through a dynamic process in which the body’s
internal system interacts with the environment.
A. James Marcia C. Lawrence Kohlberg
B. Jean Piaget D. Sigmund Freud
__________26. It is a very important process in learning. It refers to thinking skills covering important
aspects like acquiring knowledge, solving problems, and making decisions. It involves remembering,
understanding, analyzing, and creating.
A. Communication C. Fixation
B. Cognition D. Satisfaction
__________27. Below are some of the tips to develop you cognitive skills, except for:
A. Learn your own signs and triggers.
B. Be inquisitive. Be an active learner. Ask questions.
C. Keep your mind at work and further develop its capacity by challenging it.
D. Visualize and explore different ways of thinking. Raise your level of awareness.
__________28. It is a major goal during the period of adolescence which should go hand in hand with
becoming more responsible. This is the time when you want to make your choices.
A. adopt a good moral standards C. effective communication
B. adjusting to the academic demands D. establishing independence
__________29. Adolescence is the stage when a person starts to experience crisis such as identity crisis
and changes in almost every aspect of his/her life. Part of it, an adolescent must understand the different
skills and tasks that he/she must acquire to become a responsible adult in the future. Which of the
following will not help him/her to comply with the demands that come with this crucial stage?
A. You must establish a destructive peer relationship.
B. You must adjust with the physical changes that marked your growth.
C. You must learn to control your impulse and exhibit behavioral maturity.

D. You must adjust with your growing intellectual abilities and develop critical thinking
__________30. This is the time of one’s life that is full of excitement and challenges.
A. adolescence C. childhood
B. adulthood D. infancy

Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect, write FALSE.

1. Latency is the stage in psychosexual development wherein the main focus is pleasure through
genitals. FALSE
2. Human development is one of the most stunning processes in life. The hallmark of such process
is change. TRUE
3. Sigmund Freud believed that instinct is the main source of life energy called homogeneous zones
which are sensitive to stimulations. FALSE
4. In Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development, a child experiences guilt because of lack of training
or support. FALSE
5. Fixation is characterized by attachment to a particular object or activity that may affect
development. TRUE
6. Formal Operational Stage starts to emerge between 8 to 11 years. FALSE
7. Jean Piaget considers education as a key element in developing one’s cognitive skills. TRUE
8. Adolescence is a transitional period in human development from puberty to adulthood. It is
marked by adjustments to physiological changes, search for identity, progress in cognitive
abilities, flight of independence, and establishment of meaningful ties with others. TRUE
9. Erik Erikson recognized the role of cognitive ability in developing moral reasoning of children.
10. Preconventional Level is the stage of moral reasoning wherein the child recognizes authority who
gives punishment or reward. TRUE
11. James Marcia defines identity as “an internal, self-constructed, dynamic organization of drives,
abilities, beliefs, and individual history.” TRUE
12. Good communication eliminates conflict between parents and adolescents. FALSE
13. Identity achievement is not a passive activity or readily given to you. You work on it and make
an effort to know yourself. TRUE
14. In Philosophy, self-identity is significantly related to one’s overall self-evaluation and sense of
individuality. FALSE
15. Career exploration is one prominent task that an adolescent should engage in. TRUE
16. Satisfaction refers to thinking skills covering important aspects like acquiring knowledge,
solving problems, and making decisions. FALSE
17. Reading enriches your knowledge. Improve your vocabulary, level up your comprehension
skills, develop your verbal skills, and sharpen your other cognitive abilities, allowing you to
successfully engage in more complex thinking tasks. TRUE
18. Empathy is characterized having good vibes with others. There is a shared understanding, a
feeling of warmth, and bond. FALSE
19. Life goals may be categorized as personal, educational, and emotional. FALSE
20. Empathy has something to do with deep understanding of experience. You feel the other person,
of understand his/her situation as if it’s your own. And the other person does the same with you.

Good job.

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SHS Coordinator Principal

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