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Name : Safira Fereste

Class : 2AD4
Absen/NIM : 20/1941420104
I. The students can tell their names, birthday, address, religion, status, hobby, friendship,
II. The students can tell their educational background, the reason of continuing their study,
interesting subject, final project, informal education, college experience
III. The students can tell their strength, weaknesses, strong point to be successful, weak point
need to improve, work in individual or group, kind of persons who work with
IV. The students can tell the company profile, the reason of applying to this company,
mention the strength of company, the contribution to this company
V. The students can tell the reason of choosing job position, the requirements of job
position, the relationship the job position with their majoring, the relationship between
job position and their job

I would like introduce my self. My name is Safira Fereste, you can call me Fereste. I was
born on 5th October, 2001 an d now I’m 19th years old. My address in Malang. I live on
Prambanan street. My religion is Islam. I am single. My hobby is travelling, I like it because I
can find a beautiful place. I have a lot of friends from my university especially from my
organization. It’s pleasure to meet with them because I can find a variety of personalities. I have
1 brother, there are four members in my family. Now, I live with my mother, my father and my
brother. My father is an entrepreneur. My mother is housewives.
2 years ago, I graduated from major chemical engineering in Polytechnic of Malang. The
reason why I continuing my study is I want to deepen my hard skill in chemical engineering
major. My favorit subject is chemical engineering tools because I can learn and knew variety
tools in industry. My little of minithesis is biodiesel from castor oil . When I was senior high
school I joined a basketball club because I want to hone my talents. My college experience is i
can met with lecturer and friend with different personalities and also I have many experience
from my organization, one of them is I knew how to manage the time.
My personal characteristics, I’m typically person that happy to learn new things because
with that I can be challenged and i have a weakness one of them is I’m typically person forgetful,
so to improve the weakness I make little notes. Stong point to be a successful is how to maintain
my strengths and overcome weaknesses. I like working a team. I like working with people who
have good communication because communication is the most important thing to get a job done.
About the company profil, the company was founded in 1993 as a small company that
engaged in the production of oil used oil but in 2004 this company became the best biodiesel
production company in country. The reason why I interested to apply a job position in this
company because I believe with my strength that I deserve to be in that position. This company
well known as the best production of biodiesel. In this company I can contribute as on of it’s
production processes.
The reason why I want to apply in production processes position because I believe in my
ability to maintain the best production processes in the company. The position required of
chemical engineering graduated because this department is understand and has learned about the
production process. My former job, I was in a position quality engineer. For that I’m sure to
apply in this position because I already have experience regarding production quality.

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