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Poblacion, Agoncillo, Batangas

Tel: (043) 2102228 / (043) 2102905


Quarter 1
Module No. 4
Week 4
In This Module:

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

The learner understands the principles and uses The learner produces an objective assessment
of a reaction paper/ review/ critique. of an event, a person, a place or a thing. Writes
a comprehensive review /reaction paper
• Performance Arts, Play, Dance, Sports,
• Film
• Participation in a religious
• or community Festival
• Art Exhibit critiques designs such as
industrial design objects or craft objects,
furniture, fashion designs based on a set
criteria critiques graphic design
communication materials such as
posters, billboards,
• commercials, digital and other media

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event or a program

Writing is hard, simply because one hopes to write using the best possible words to articulate
the best possible thoughts in the most creative way imaginable. Despite this fact, writing a reaction
paper seems no different from a status message in Facebook. In practice, the reaction paper is an
informed and insightful perspective on art, popular culture, and the world. Think about the millions
of voices clamoring to be heard and read on the internet, and you come to know now how to deal
with the challenge of sounding original and insightful. In the end, the reaction paper is a reasoned
and reasonable response to the world, and the best response can either be intelligent, humorous, wise
or all of the above.

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

• Identify the different kinds a reaction paper




1. What are the importance of reviews and reaction papers?

2. Why should people write a reaction paper?
3. Is reaction paper the same as diary entry? Why or why not?


Before-Reading Activity

Search for a sample reaction paper. In a group of three to four, share your sample of reaction paper
via messenger or gmail, read each other’s texts and define what a reaction paper is based on your texts.
Share your definition to the rest of the class.

Reading Text
"The Reaction Paper: A Measured Response to the World"

Marikit Tara Alto Uychoco

1) The world can be a chaotic place. Often, there seems to be no rhyme or reason in the events that
happen to us. Oftentimes, people despair, and the modern alienation articulated by Henry Thoreau
may be true for many—“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
2) In order to make sense of the world, people write. In order to create a semblance of order and
understanding of one's experiences people write. Often enough, they write a measured response to
what has happened to them. This takes on various forms, but for the purpose of this textbook, the
forms, but for the purpose of this textbook, the forms we will explore are the review and the reaction
3) Of course, some may consider a diary entry to be a reaction paper to the world. However, diary
entries are personal in their significance, while the reaction paper's significance is societal. The
reaction paper is written for the enlightenment pf one's fellow human beings; a diary entry is written
for the enlightenment of the self. Both have their significance, however, only the reaction paper is
considered significantly valuable for the academe.
4) There is also a difference in form: the reaction paper is more formal, more descriptive, and often uses
the rhetorical devices of description and narration in order to prove a point; while the diary entry is
less formal, less descriptive, and does not endeavor to persuade or to make another person
understand; hence, there is no real effort in using rhetorical devices. Oftentimes, the diary entry is a
way to rage against petty insults and grievances.
5) When one reads a reaction paper, one expects to be informed and amused. Reaction papers help us in
our everyday decisions: from what movie we should watch, to the clothing that we should wear, and
the causes that we should believe in. It tells us that we are not alone in experiencing the world, and
that there are others before us who care to tell us what to watch out for, and how to best experience
what we are about to go through.
6) Modern interactions of the reaction paper are the movie, review, gadget review, trip advisor post, and
other travel reviews, restaurant reviews, and essays that discuss a social phenomenon or a common
experience. Many editorials can be considered reaction papers, if not, position papers. Many of them
are written in newspapers, magazines, and weblogs.
7) Although the modern world can be a lonely and alienating place, the reaction paper can reach put and
tell us that we are not alone. It helps to know that the other person is going through the same
experience as well, and that this person has something to tell you about how to survive, what to
avoid, and where to seek pleasure. A reaction paper, when done right, can help us process our own
experience, and help us see things that we weren't able to see on our own.
8) I’m today's multimedia world, this stretches across countries and over territorial borders, where a
housewife from Manila can tell a tourist from Tokyo how to best survive Manila's hot summer. We
reach out to one another, in order to make the world a better place, by mapping the world for others,
and letting them know where beauty and darkness reside.


Comprehension Questions

1. What is the difference between a diary entry and a reaction paper?


2. According to the text, what is the importance of the reaction paper to society? Do you agree?
3. Why does the academe value the reaction paper?
4. What do you think makes a good reaction paper?
5. Did the text change the way you look at reaction papers? Why or why not?


What is a reaction paper?

It is the paper designed so that you’ll consider what you think or feel towards the thing you’ve read or seen

Read or view whatever you've been asked to respond to read or view. While reading or viewing think about
the following questions:

▪ How do you feel about what you are reading (seeing)?

▪ With what do you agree or disagree?
▪ Can you identify with the situation?
▪ What would be the best way to evaluate what you read or see?

Pre-writing for Your Reaction Paper

Keeping your responses to these questions in mind, complete as many statements as possible about what you
read or saw.

1. I think that
2. I see that
3. I feel that
4. Its seems that
5. In my opinion
6. Because
7. A good quote is
8. In addition
9. For example
10. Moreover
11. However
12. Consequently
13. Finally
14. In conclusion

The above statements become your rough draft. Now it needs to be organized. Your paper should have:
• An introduction (no more than two paragraphs),
• A body, and
• A conclusion.

I. Introduction
• Sentence 1 should include pertinent information such as author, title, and publication or presenter,
title, and place.
• Sentence 2, 3, and 4 should give a summary or overview.
• Sentence 5 should be your thesis (i.e., you agree, disagree, identify with, or evaluate)

NOTE: A thesis statement is an assertion, not a statement of fact. A thesis should take a stand, contain
one main point, and be sufficiently specific and narrow.

NON-EXAMPLE: Students write many papers in college courses.

EXAMPLE: Students write papers in college to advance their knowledge of certain subjects.

II. Body
• The body should contain paragraphs that provide support for your thesis.
• Each paragraph should contain one idea.
• The topic sentence of each paragraph should support the thesis.
• The final sentence of each paragraph should lead into the next paragraph. III. Conclusion
The conclusion can be:
• A restatement of what you said in your paper,
• A comment that focuses your overall reaction, or
• A prediction of the effects about your topic.

NOTE: your conclusion should include no new information.

After-Reading Activity

Print or cut out movies from a newspaper. Via messenger create a small group of three to four
members, pick out the best review. Among yourselves, discuss what makes it a well-written review. Create
standards for writing a good review.




Communicate with your classmates via messenger or other platform that you may use, discuss what
makes a good review. Agree on the rubric for evaluating a good review. You may include elements such as a
detailed summary or the analysis of the craftsmanship of the film. Think of other elements that are important
and percentage points for each element.

Publish your class rubric on your Facebook page, and compare your rubric with those from other classes.

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________

Grade Level/Section: _______________________ Module #: ___________________

Subject: ___________________________________ Score: ____________________


What have you learned in this lesson?

I have learned that


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