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The English alphabet.

Letter Sound Letter Sound Letter Sound

a /ei/ j /dzei/ T /ti/

b /bi/ l /el/ u /ju/

c /si/ m /em/ v /vi/

d /di/ n /en/ w /’dʌb.əl.ju/

e /i/ o /ou/ x /eks/

f /ef/ p /pi/ y /wai/

g /dzi/ q /qju/ z /zi/ /zed/

h /eitf/ /heitf/ r /ar/ /a/ k kei

i /ai/ s /es/
Label the pictures. Use the words from the box. Listen a check your answers.
1 2 3 Door 4
door board textbook

pen pencil desk

window eraser textbook
6 7 8
dictionary chart 5
desk pen

Dictionary 9

window Eraser
10 Chart
Practice spelling the classroom words.

door board textbook

pen pencil desk

How do you spell …… ?

window eraser

dictionary chart

Laura Lucia

Activities and interests.
Everyday activities.

1. Studying
2. Watching
3. exercising
4. Listening
5. Talking
6. Eating
7. Drinking
8. Waiting
He is watching TV at home.

We are listening music.

Make more sentences using

those words.
What are you doing ?

Wh / questions Yes/No questions

What are you doing ?↘ Are you shopping for a phone ? ↗

I’m talking on the phone. Yes, I am.

Who are you talking to ?↘ Well, this cell phone is on sale.

My Friend, Bill It’s on sale ? ↗

Yes, it’s 10 percent off.

Useful expressions

Greeting people and asking how they are.

Positive Negative

A: Hi,___________.How are you doing ?

B: Fine./OK./All right./Not bad. How about you ? A: Hi,___________.How are you doing ?
A: I´m fine. B: So-so./ Not so good.
A: Yeah? What´s wrong?
B: I’m waiting for the bus. It’s late.

Ask someone in your class how they are doing today.

A: Hi,___________.How _______? A: Hi,___________.How _______?

B: _______ good B: Fine. How _______ ?
A: Yeah? ______ ? A: All ____.
B: I´m studying for a test. It’s hard. B: What ? (Free question)
A:. _____________ (Free answer)

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