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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade X


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Note significant details;

b. skim the main idea; and
c. explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular
literary selection.


A. Topic: Module 4: Lesson 1

Excerpt: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery
B. Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, pp. 411-414
C. Materials: Popsicle sticks & worksheet




1. Goal Setting

This morning you are expected to note

significant details, skim the gist of the
excerpt “The Little Prince”, and explain how
the elements specific to a genre contribute
to the theme of a particular literary

2. Review

Who can recall what has been transpired

last meeting?
Last meeting we had an activity. We
answered the worksheets you provided
and able to know some facts about Saint-
Exupery the author of “The Little Prince”.
Very Good! Is there anyone from you wants
to share what he/she can remember about
Antoine de Saint-Exupery?
 He is the author of the “The Little
 His full name is Antoine Marie
Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-
 He was a French writer and
 He was born in Lyon and finished
his studies at University of
 He rejoined the French Air Force
in 1921 and became a commercial
pilot in 1926.
 The Little Prince is his famous
work and most influential tale of all
Very good! It is good that you can still recall
some facts about Saint-Exupery.

3. Presentation

This morning we will now be reading the

excerpt of Antoine de Saint-Exupery but
before that kindly pass first your
assignment. (Students pass their assignment)

4. Motive Question

Now, I want you to ponder on this question

“Can you stand alone without having
anyone in your life despite the differences
that you possess?” This question will be
answered later.

In reading the excerpt, we are going to
adapt “The Popsicle stick reading”

I have here a can containing popsicle sticks

and in each popsicle stick your name is
written. I will read first the text and I’ll just
pick here to identify who will be the next
reader from that I can assess whether
you’re reading also or not.

Kindly take down the following guide

questions and this will be answered after
reading the story.
1. How important is the rite of taming
in the friendship of the Little Prince
and the Fox?
2. Do you think you have tamed
another and have been tamed as

Now, let’s start reading the excerpt. Students read the excerpt.


1. Comprehension Check

Let us go back to the guide questions that I

gave awhile back.

How important is the rite or ritual of taming

in the friendship of little prince and the fox? The rite of taming friendship of the little
prince and the fox is essential because it
establishes a tie between them. Once the
prince tamed the fox, they will need each
other, and each will be unique and special
to the other. Through the rite or ritual you
can assess someone if he/she is eager to
be friends with you.

Very good! In the rite or ritual we are still

building a bridge if you can connect to this
person or is this person trustworthy? Will
this person stay beside me even though he
will know my flaws? And that makes a ritual
or a rite essential in taming friendship.

By the way, from where is the little prince? Asteroid/planet

Now, what do you think is the reason why

the little prince went to earth? He went to earth because he is looking for
men and there he met the fox.

Did the fox immediately become a friend of

the little prince? No, the fox did not immediately become a
friend of the little prince rather he asked
the little prince to tame him first.

What learning does the little prince get from The little prince learned the value of
the fox? friendship and love. That taming someone
takes time and all of us are unique in our
ways and let others love us even though
we have a lot of flaws and still accept us
despite our differences.

What do you think is the reason why the fox

cried at the end of the story? The fox cried because the little prince will
go back to his planet. Of course, who will
be happy if your friend will leave you?
Unless he/she is not your true friend.

Do you think you have tamed another and

have been tamed as well, How? Yes, since taming in the story is to
establish ties. I firmly believe that I am
able to establish ties with others and they
are my friends now. I treasure them a lot
because they are essential to me and I
value them as well despite their

Excellent! You must always value your

friends and show that you care for them. In
addition, love them for who they are
because we are all unique and special.

“It is only with the heart that one can see

rightly; what is essential is invisible to the
eye.” What does the line mean? The line means that what is seen by the
eye is important however what is felt by
the heart is more important.

Very good! What is being felt by heart is

more important than to seen by eyes. The
message that the line wants to convey to us
is that the most important thing to consider
first is the attitude not the physical attribute
because some of you if you find the look of
someone not interesting you sometimes
disregard it in your friend list. Just like in
your Facebook account, before confirming
the friend request what you always do is to
stalk him/her first to check whether he/she
is handsome/pretty, then if you find her
pretty you will accept it without considering
the attitude that he/she has. You have to
always remember that character is the best
than the physical attribute.

2. Valuing
Class, after reading the excerpt what
learning can you extract from it? In establishing ties, it take time because in
here we look into it patiently if this person
is worth it, can this person keep all your
secrets from others and help you to
overcome the adversities in life. We
should also value our friends and accept
who they are for they are unique and

Brilliant! Of course you should always

acknowledge their presence. Never
compare your current friends with your old
friends because this might hurt them and
think that their value to you is nothing. We
must accept and love who they are
because we are all different since we have
our own experiences in life, we have our
own stories, we came from different
families, and we have our own ways on
how to handle problems in life. Therefore,
love and respect your friends.

3. Answering the motive question

Let’s go back to the motive question that I
asked you awhile back.

Can you stand alone without having anyone

in your life despite the differences that you
possess? As we say, No man is an island. All of us
need a companion in this world despite
our differences. Friends are those who
help us when we are in trouble. They are
the ones who choose to stay with us even
how difficult the problem is.

Very good! A person will always need a

companion even how rich you re you still
need the help of others.



Direction: Arrange the order of events in

the excerpt The Little Prince. Label it from
A-H and write your answer beside the
number. B
_____ The little prince asked the G
fox to play. A
_____ They become good friends. C
_____ The fox appeared under the E
apple tree. F
_____ The fox said that he is not H
tamed. D
_____ The little prince tamed the
_____ The little prince left.
_____ The little prince returns.
_____ The fox asked for the prince
to tame him.

9-10. Complete the secret given by

the fox to the prince.

“It is only with the _____ that one can Heart; invisible
see rightly; what is essential is_____ to
the eye.”


A. Follow Up

Reflect on the things that were transpired in the lesson. Write your reflection on a ½ crosswise.
(5pts) Content-3; Grammar & Neatness- 2

B. Advance

The class will be clustered into five groups and each group will have a task to do. To be
performed next meeting.

GROUP 1: Make a poster depicting friendship to be placed on a ¼ illustration board.

GROUP 2: Create a big greeting card with a message promoting respect for differences to be
placed on ½ cartolina and design it creatively.

GROUP 3: Act out three favourite scenarios in the excerpt “The Little Prince”.

GROUP 4: Make a three stanza poem with four verses in each stanza and it must be about
respecting the differences.

GROUP 5: Perform a tableau depicting love to a friend and respecting differences..

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