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NAME: Kyle David O. Amora
SECTION/SCHEDULE: Monday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
DATE: August 23, 2021

TOPIC: Introduction to Teaching – Teaching and learning process


Main ideas, key details, and important Your thoughts, questions, and
facts connections
 Teaching as a process – Process of For me it is really essential to know the
dispensing knowledge to an empty vessel process of teaching and know the branches
- it is imparting knowledge and skills its process. To be able to teach properly or
required to master a subject matter like as student to report in front my
- its showing, telling, giving instruction, classmates it is good to know that this kind
making someone understand in order to of things are more likely to be applied.
 Teacher – controls learning, dispenser of Upon learning the teaching and learning
knowledge, an ultimate authority and a process, I was able to compare the teachers
director of learning. that apply this kind of teaching styles/
 Teaching – perceived as stimulating, Strategies in my previous years, I would
directing, guiding the learner and evaluating have never thought that those kind of things
the learning outcomes of teaching. where thought to them and they needed to
- Teacher is the decision maker in teaching; study the psychological ways of the
planned, implemented and etc. by teacher. students. Also, I do believe that teaching is
- Essential for imparting of knowledge, complex and hard to do. I then realized that
learning is the responsibility of the I was so pathetic student before because I
students. wasn’t able to see the part of the teacher
- Teacher’s checks emotional capacity, struggles and other boundaries that occur to
mental capacity, they check if the students their life. I was amazed on like how this
are ready and checks if learner is in priority kind of things made me realized that
of learning. teachers really do think about the students
that they are handling.
3 phases/Steps of teaching as a process
Planning Also based my own understanding and
Considers the following application, setting goals are more likely
 Learning efficient as a student to be productive and
- If the student is a new will not left behind from the activities and
student/transferee/repeater if the strategies the topics. It’s not just on teachers or other
to use will be the same or changed. things but we should all be setting priorities
 Availability of materials and objectives in our lives in order satisfy
- If students may able to access the materials our selves and be able to reach the goal
 Time requirement for each activity which is the success in the forms of our own
- enough to craft/make the activity mind. I do agree on what you say sir
about Learning is the responsibility of the
 Strategy needed to achieve the need
students and teaching is the responsibility
- what strategy to use in so that learning will
of the teacher or in other words the
be efficient. teachers are like the water filling up the
 Teacher container (students).
- if the teacher is ready with confidence.
- Emotionally, physically and emotionally. Base on your discussion sir, we could really
Includes the following: assess that we learned or just giving our
 Needs of the learner attention if we have feedback like asking
- If it is needed to meet f2f, to use meet or question on how, why and what. It is also
just PDF form essential to do the activities related to the
 Achievable goals and objectives to meet discussion, also the students should also
the needs. have ample time to do the task so that they
- The needed to achieve from the learning won’t feel the pressure that they are
materials. experiencing, during this new normal
 Selection of content to be taught education most of the students mental health
- Selected topic, are really affected, some of us needed
- If needed to be emphasize or just a part of friends to motivate us and also some needed
it, discuss the important topics. time to unwind things to freshen our minds.
 Motivation to carry out the goal Base on my observation in this new normal
- What motivates you to learn and keep situation most of the activities we’re like
doing something is important. piled up or we students were like
 Strategies most fir to carry out the goals bombarded with so much task that we could
- consider that each learners are different not help our family in our house, or maybe
types of learning. the student if more likely pressured because
of the activity that’s why he/she can’t help
 Evaluation process to measure learning
do the house chores.
- How to evaluate the learning of the
Motivation is really needed to enhance the
way we think in our life or to have positive
- How to evaluate the effectiveness of the
mind set to reach the goal in order to satisfy
ourselves. In learning we needed this to
have motivation in order to reach the goal
and to meet the expectations that we really
 Based on the objective
needed to. In life also we need to evaluate
 Implementation means putting your plans to the things that are happening to us, we
action. should also keep in mind that in every
 Interaction of the teacher and learner is action we made there are always be an
important. effect or outcome that would happen or in
 Use the different teaching style and strategy other words what we do now will give us
the future according to the present thing we
Evaluation do it is either we become productive or we
 Match of objective with the learning become lazy.
- look back if the expectation are met. So overall teaching requires standards of
 Answer the question if the plans and ways to do in order to give a great impact or
implementation have been successfully better impact to the students, also learning is
achieve. the responsibility of oneself that needed
- If the plans are met. knowledge to a certain things that would
 A continuous process of feedback and help him/her reach the goal he wanted to.
reflection is made in this three phases of
teaching. In life I do agree that experience is the best
 Feedback includes the critic, comments of teacher and would give us wisdom to be
the things that you do. able to continue the life we ask.
 Reflection is the process embedded in
teaching where the teacher inquiries into his
action and provides deep critical thinking.
Basic assumptions can be made based on the
 Teaching is goal oriented with the change
of behavior
- Learning outcome which is goal of
changing the view point, actions or
behavior, and mentality
 That teachers are the ones who shape
actively their own action
- Accept a critic either positive or negative,
how to react to certain things
- In every action there is equivalent reaction.
 Teaching is a rational and a reflective
- Logic and strategy, reflect if things are
effective and efficient.
 Teacher actions influences the learners to
change their own thinking or desired
- The teachers plant motivation to a student,
and student believe in every word of the

Good teaching is…

 One that is well planned & where
activities are interrelated to each
- It is according and related to the topic.
 One that provide learning experiences
or situation that will ensure
understanding, application and
critical thinking
- To ensure that the students apply and
learned the things that are thought.
- Experience is the best teacher.
- In order to learn we need to experience
and apply the knowledge that are
 Based on the theory of learning
- This learning are product of years of
generation in learning.
- Based on the past related teaching and
learning, with series of research.
 One where the learner is stimulated
to think and reason.
- To make the student to think deeper
and to think rational in certain situation.
- To ask how, why and what.
 Utilizes prior learning and its
application to new situation
- To be able to apply the learnings in
every situation.
 Governed by democratic principles
- With freedom to teach and to learn
 Embeds a sound evaluation process
- This is important matter so that you
would know if it effective or not
- It must be righteous not disrespected
way getting evaluated.

 Defined as a change in an individual’s
behavior caused by experiences or self-
 Implies that learning can only happen
through the individuals activity or his
own doing
- Learning is the responsibility of the
students or the learning, this is the main
point of going to school
- Best way to learn is to experience.
 Can be intentional or unintentional
- Intentional – means learning it according
to your own curiosity, allow yourself to
know the things you wanted to learn.
- Unintentional – means not expected to
learn, we don’t know what to happened next

2 Types of learning
Behavioral Learning theories
 Emphasizes observable behavior such as
new skills, knowledge, or attitudes which
can be demonstrated
 Observable and measurable
 If the individual has changed behavior, he
has learned
Cognitive Learning theories
 Human learning in which unobservable
mental processes are used to learn and
remember new information or acquired skill
 Related to concept of meaningful learning
through Cognitive models


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