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Term: 2 Class: 1E
Inspired by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, our theme this year at Saint David’s is ‘Never see a need without doing
something about it’. We are exploring the many different ways we can follow in Mary’s footsteps by reaching out and
helping those in need. We encourage all families to continue this theme at home.


Our main documents for planning formal teaching and learning is Crossways for Religious Education and the Australian
Curriculum for the other key learning areas. Information about the Australian Curriculum can be accessed at: https://

Term 2 Overview

Religious Education

The students will explore the themes of ‘Choices we Make’ as well as ‘Our Relationship with God’. They will Identify right
and wrong choices and understand that we are forgiven when we make a wrong choice. Students will develop their
understanding of how to show forgiveness to others. Forgiving another person is part of making things right again and
sometimes this is challenging; God helps people to do this. Through the use of picture books they will recognise that
God is a loving source and forgives all.


The students will continue to develop their phonemic awareness skills e.g. rhyme and syllable division. We will
also revise our knowledge of graphemes/ phonemes, vowels and consonants, morphology, irregular words, letter
formation, academic vocabulary and grammar. The students will develop their reading comprehension and fluency
skills. They will participate in oral presentations and listen to our class novel, Gibblewort, the Goblin. They will also
learn to record dictated sentences. The students will focus on developing their spelling skills through the use of our
Spelling Mastery Book B. Students will continue to learn how to construct and repair sentences in their writing.


Students will continue to recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to 100. They will measure different lengths
using uniform informal units. Students will learn units of time including o’clock and half past times using analogue and
digital clocks. They will continue to build their knowledge of patterns and number facts by exploring with Numicon
shapes. Students will identify odd and even numbers and be able to locate numbers on number lines. They will solve
simple subtraction equations and identify the features and values of the Australian coins.

HaSS (History focus)

Students will compare the past and present, focusing on the differences and similarities in our daily lives. They will
recognise what has changed overtime with a particular focus on past and present school life.

Science and Design Technologies

Students will explore that sound is made by vibrations that travel in waves through to our ears. They will identify objects
that make sounds as well as recognising high and low pitch sounds. Students will design and produce a prototype for
a new school bell.

Students will identify what ‘safe’ means through the Keeping Safe Child Protection curriculum. They will listen to stories
about safety and recognise safe places within our community. Students will learn about online safety. They will also
focus on warning signs, risks and emergencies.


Students will use different materials to create line art. Their inspiration will generate form the observations and ideas
found in Indigenous art pieces. Students will use different mediums and colours to express their emotions through the
line art they create.

Specialist Lessons


Students will practise how to write a simple message for Mother’s Day. They will say ‘thank you’, ‘you’re welcome’,
‘please’ and ‘I’m sorry’ in Italian. Students will learn to say and write the names of family members in Italian and how
to give simple descriptions of their appearance.


Students will be working with Graphic Scores (signs and symbols used to represent music). They will focus on dynamics,
pitch, tempo, and call and response. Students will then create and record their own graphic scores.

Physical Education

Students will be learning about ball control skills such as bouncing, throwing, catching and kicking, with a specific fo-
cus on throwing and catching games. They will then explore the skills involved in AFL, specifically targeting handball-
ing, kicking and marking. Students will finish the term with soccer focussing on passing, trapping, dribbling and shoot-
ing. They will practice these skills in activities and games which will also incorporate fundamental movements such as
running, jumping, balancing and throwing.

Important Information
The following events are occurring this term:
• Mother’s Day Event - Friday 7 May Week 2

• Class Liturgy - Tuesday 11 May Week 3 at 8.50am. This celebration will be in the Library.
Due to COVID restrictions only 1 adult per student is permitted to attend.
• SciWorld See! Hear! Light and Sound! Incursion - Wednesday 19 May Week 4

• Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum Excursion - Thursday 3 June Week 6

• Year One Team Learning Expo - Wednesday Week 10

The home and school relationships is an important part of your child’s learning and wellbeing. If you have any
concerns or questions relating to your child’s school experiences please do not hesitate in making contact with the
teacher by telephone on 8360 6300 or by email to arrange an appointment.

I look forward to working with you throughout this term.

Aishah Elmawey

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