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Keanne Angulo

Why did you choose nursing?

When I was young, I didn’t know what course will I take. Whenever they ask me
what my dream is, I didn’t know what to say because I don’t know what course will
fit me. In high school, my mother said I should take nursing because I will look
good in white uniform. My family wanted to have a medical course in our family.
So I took nursing because my mother wanted me too.

Until in grade 12, we were in hospital doing immersion together with my classmates.
After the immersion, I realized the importance of nursing. I learned the job of nurse,
how they care for patients. In that 2 weeks of immersion I realized that I am fit to
become a nurse. I learned that nurses are true hero and should be admire. Even
though nursing isn’t my first choice, I learned how to love nursing I pray that after
4 years I will become nurse and will continue to help and care for people.

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