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1. Who were the scientists who contributed to the study of genetics? Complete the table

Scientist Contribution to Genetics

Aristotle Suggested that the physical

characteristics of organisms are stored in
the male semen that interacts with the
female menstrual blood to form a new
organism with fixed essence.

William Harvey He was the first to explain how our

pumping hearts circulate blood. Harvey
came to understand that menstrual blood
did not contribute to the formation of a
fetus, putting Aristotle's idea to rest.
Harvey also questioned the direct role of
semen in reproduction. He suggested that
an egg found inside a female became
fertilized by means of a kind of infection
set in motion by the sexual act.

Charles Darwin Describe the units of inheritance between

parents and offspring and the processes
by which those units control the
development in offspring. Complements
his Theory of Evolution via natural
selection – suggested that all parts of the
parents could contribute to the evolution
and development of the offspring.

Gregor Mendel Findings of Gregor Mendel are the

foundations of modern-day genetics
(except for genetic linkage and
intermediate dominance); pioneered the
genetic trend in biology and established
the global pursuit to map and better
understand life’s diversity through its
genome, the totality of genes.
2. What are the highlights in the history of genetics that you think have led to the birth of

Cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes and their role in heredity. I think that
all the scientists that have undergone continuous studies just to analyze and understand
the history of genetics are very important. These includes the contributions from
Hippocrates, Aristotle, Charles Darwin and others. Hippocrates theory was somehow
similar to Charles Darwin’s ideas on pangenesis. Aristotle’s suggestion that the physical
characteristics of organisms are stored in the male semen that interacts with the female
menstrual blood to form a new organism with fixed essence; Theory of Epigenesis
wherein the structures and organs of an organism only develop in the course of
individual development. Theory of Preformation wherein the entire organism is
performed in the sperm or in the and only had to unfold and grow; and the discovery of
Gregor Mendel on his study on pea plants gave birth to the development of the study in
genetics and was considered as the Father of Genetics.

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