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Types of Teeth

I. Incisors
A. Location: Front of the mouth
1. Four incisors on the top, another four on the bottom
B. Shape: Tiny chisels with flat ends that are sharp
1. Suitable for cutting and chopping food
a. They can help bite into foods such as cookies.

II. Canine Teeth

A. Location: Either side of the incisors
1. Two canine teeth on the top, another two on the bottom
B. Shape: Pointed and sharp
1. Suitable for tearing down food
a. They can help tear down foods such as pizza and bread.

III. Premolars
A. Location: Next to the canine teeth
1. Four premolars on the top, another four on the bottom
B. Shape: Bigger, stronger and have ridges
1. Suitable for crushing and grinding food
a. They can help grind up foods such as pizza and sandwiches.

IV. Molars
A. Location: At the back of the mouth
1. Four molars on the top, another four on the bottom
B. Shape: Wider, stronger and have more ridges compared to premolars
1. Work closely with the tongue to help swallow food
a. Molars grind the chewed food swept to the back by the tongue
until it is mashed up and ready to be swallowed.
C. Wisdom Teeth
1. Location: Each corner of the back of the mouth
2. Growth Period: When a person reaches age twenty (20)
3. Used to be necessary to humans many years ago
a. Past: They helped people chew tough plants - which were
important parts of the human diet.
b. Present: These teeth are pulled out by dentists to prevent tooth

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