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Assessment task 1-1


Comparative Analysis: Write the name of the eight philosophers, state their concept of the self and write an analysis
based on their definitions.

Name of Philosopher Meaning of the Self Analysis

1. Socrates “An unexamined life is not You should developed yourself
worth living” and do your best to have a good
2. Plato “The Essence of knowledge is We have to know ourselves for
self-knowledge” us to understand others.
3. Thomas Aquinas “We don’t encounter ourselves Ourselves is formed by our
as isolated minds or selves, but experiences in our
rather always as agents environment.
interacting with our
4. Rene Decartes “It is not enough to have a good Everyone has a talent that he
talent; the main thing is apply it can mine to support himself and
well.” to succeed in life.
5. David Hume “All knowledge degenerates Probability was nothing if you
into probability.” have the knowledge to
6. Immanuel Kant “Thoughts without content are We have to be a thoughtful and
empty, intuitions without wise thinker all the time.
concepts are blind”
7. John Locke “Personal identity depends on The true personality of one self
consciousness not on is depends on his behavior not
substance.” on his physical appearance.
8. St. Augustine “For what is the self- A person that was really proud
complacent man but a slave to of himself it is a sign of pride.
his self-praise.”

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