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Henry's Homework Folder

Henry's Homework Folder

by ReadWorks

Henry has a problem. He keeps forgetting his red homework folder.

Sometimes he leaves it in the classroom. Sometimes he leaves it at

His teacher Mr. Lopez is not happy. Henry has forgotten the red
folder three times this week.

Henry looks at his big blue binder and gets an idea. He asks his
father for the hole puncher. His father helps him punch three holes
in the side of the red folder. Henry puts the red folder in his blue

He always has his blue binder with him. Now he will always have
his red homework folder too. · © 2013 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.

ReadWorks Vocabulary


definition: A binder is something that is used to hold loose papers together. It has two hard covers
that are held together like a book. Inside the covers, there is a device that actually holds
the papers inside the binder.

Spanish: carpeta

definition: A folder is a thick and strong piece of paper that is folded at the center. A folder is used
to hold and protect other papers.

Spanish: carpeta, legajo

definition: When there is a problem, something is not right or good. When we have a problem, we
can't do something that we need to do or we can't have something the way we want it.
Problems make life difficult. If there is too much noise in your house and you can't study,
it is a problem for you. If your mom or dad is very sick, it is a big problem for your family.
We have a problem with our dog. He barks at night and wakes us up.
Tim's dad had a problem getting to work this morning because his car wouldn't start.
Darryl's teacher says he's having a problem with spelling.
Spanish: problema · © 2020 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.

Definitions and sample sentences within definitions are provided by Wordsmyth. © 2015 Wordsmyth. All rights reserved.
Henry's Homework Folder - Comprehension Questions

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

1. What is Henry's problem?

A. He keeps forgetting his homework folder.
B. He needs a hole puncher.
C. He doesn't like his teacher.

2. Who is the main character in this passage?

A. Henry
B. Mr. Lopez
C. Henry's father

3. Now, Henry will always have his red homework folder.

Which information from the passage shows this is true?
A. Henry asks his father for the hole puncher.
B. Henry puts his homework folder in a binder that he
always has with him.
C. Henry gets an idea when he looks at his big blue
binder. · © 2020 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.

Henry's Homework Folder - Comprehension Questions

4. What is "Henry's Homework Folder" mostly about?

A. why Mr. Lopez is not happy
B. the different folders and binders Henry has
C. how Henry figures out a way to not forget his
homework folder

5. Henry solves his problem by putting his red homework

folder in which place? · © 2020 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.

Henry's Homework Folder - Comprehension Questions

6. What did you learn from "Henry's Homework Folder"?

7. Class Discussion Question: Explain how looking at

his big blue binder helps Henry solve his problem.

8. Draw a picture of Henry solving his homework folder

problem. · © 2020 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.

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