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Simbolon, Verawati R. 2020.

Analyzing Students’ Errors in Writing

Composition. A Thesis. Teachers Training and Education Faculty. Catholic
University of Saint Thomas.


The purpose of this research was to find out the errors made by the eleventh grade
students of SMA Swasta Santu Petrus Sidikalang in writing composition in the
academic year of 2020/2021. Errors were analyzed based on linguistic category
taxonomy. Linguistic category taxonomy consists of morphology and syntax. The
population of this research is 262 students and 56 is randomly taken as a sample.
Based on the result of the data analysis, there are 169 errors made by the students
in writing compositions. Morphological errors is 85 (50,29%) and syntactical
errors is 84 (49,69%). Morphological errors that students made in morphology of
linguistic category are definite aricle incorrect 14 (8,29%), possessive case
incorrect 17 (10,05%), third person singular verb incorrect 25 (14,79%), simple
past tense incorrect 28 (16,57%) and comparative adjective/adverb incorrect 1
(0,59%). In syntax there are noun phrase 40 (23,67%), verb phrase 28 (16,57%),
verb-and-verb construction 5 (2,95%), word order 9 (5,32) and some
trafnsformation 2 (1,18%). In conlusion the dominant errors made by the students
is in morphology error.
Keywords: Errors, Writing Composition

First of all, the writer would like to thank God for His blessings to the

writer during the process of accomplishing this thesis. The writer intends to fulfill

one of the requirements for achieving the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at the

English Lnaguage Education Study Program, Teachers Training and Education

Faculty, Catholic University of Saint Thomas.

On this occasion the writer would also like to thanks all of those who have given

help and guidance so that this thesis can be completed. The writer thanks the


1. Prof. Dr. Drs. Sihol Situngkir, MBA as the rector of Catholic University of

Saint Thomas,

2. Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan, S.Pd., M.Pd as the dean of Teachers Training and

Education Faculty of Catholic University of Saint Thomas,

3. Novalina Sembiring, S.Pd., M.Hum as the chairman of English Language

Education Study Program,

4. Drs. Viator Lumban Raja, M.Pd as the consultant and Anna Stasya Prima

Sari S.Pd., M.Pd as the co-consultant, for their advices, support, and

comments during the process of accomplishing this thesis,

5. Karisma E. Tarigan, M.Hum as the first examinr and Fiber Yun Ginting,

S.Pd., M.Pd as the second examiner who have given valuable input and

suggestion for the improvement of this thesis,

6. Her beloved Lecturers at English Language Education Study Program of

Teachers Training and Education Faculty acatholic University of Sint Thomas

Medan for guiding and teaching during academic years.

7. Manotas Situmorang, S.Pd as the headmaster of SMA Swasta Santu Petrus

Sidikalang , who has given chance for the writer to conduct her research at the

school and Donalt Situmorang, S.S as the English teacher who has helped her

in conducting this research, and also the eleventh grade students at SMA

Swasta Santu Petrus Sidikalang for their good cooperation.

8. The biggest thank especially for her wonderful mom Nurlela Limbong as the

very best mom and her brother Harry Robby, who always motivate and

support the writer in accomplishing this research.

9. Her beloved friends, Niawanti, Ezra Hotdiarta Sipayung, for being together

and always help her, and also her friends English Education 2016 for the


10. Her special person, for his support.

11. Last but not least, these who can not be mentioned one by one who have

supported the writer to finish this thesis.

The writer,

Verawati R. Simbolon
Student Number: 160930005

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................iv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................ 1

1.1 The Background of the Study.................................................................. 1

1.2 The Problem of the Study.........................................................................4
1.3 The Objective of the Study.......................................................................4
1.4 The Scope of the Study.............................................................................4
1.5 The Significance of the Study...................................................................5
1.5.1 The Theoretical Significance...........................................................5
1.5.2 The Practical Significance...............................................................5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE............................................ 7

2.1 Writing .................................................................................................... 7

2.2 The Process of Writing ........................................................................... 8
2.3 Writing Composition .............................................................................. 9
2.3.1 The Components of Writing Composition .............................. 10
2.4 Error Analysis ....................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 The Causes of Error .................................................................... 12
2.4.2 The Sources of Error ................................................................... 13
2.4.3 The Classification of Errors ........................................................ 15 The Classification of Error Based on Linguistic Category . 15 The Classification of Error Based on Surface Strategy .......20 The Classification of Error Based on Comparative .............21 The Classification of Error Based on Communicative Effect 21
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................. 22

3.1 Research Design ................................................................................... 22

3.2 Population and Sample ..........................................................................23
3.3 The Instrument of Collecting the Data ................................................. 23
3.4 The Technique of Analyzing the Data .................................................. 23


4.1 Data Analysis .........................................................................................27

4.2 The Dominant Errors on Students’ Writing Compositions ....................47
4.3 Discussion ..............................................................................................47

CHAPTER V CONLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION .............................48

5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................48

5.2 Sugestions ..............................................................................................49

Table 4.1. The Students’ Errors Based on Morphology......................26

Table 4.1.2The Students’ Errors Based on Syntax..............................29

Table 4.1.3 The Types of Students Errors Based on Linguistic

Category Taxonomy............................................................................31

Table 4.1.4 The Students’ Morphological Errors................................32

Table 4.1.5 The Students’ Syntactical Errors......................................39



1.1 The Background of the Study

Writing is one of the language skills that students must have in order to

be qualified in learning English. It is important for students to master English in

writing in order to be able to communicate and socialize with the world’s

community, and to know that writing can help them to think back what they have


Unlike speaking, writing needs a long time and process to be mastered.

In speaking, the focus is what you are talking is understandable despite some

grammatical mistakes. In writing, however, the language used must be

grammatical, clear and well organised. Both writing and speaking are forms of

communication, one in written form and the other in oral form.

Writing skill which students should master is a hard subject. This,

however, requires a lot of things such as grammar, language devices, coherence,

cohesion etc. Students of Senior High School are given this subject such as

descriptive, narrative, expository and argumentative writing. But students still find

this subject is difficult and they make many kinds of error in their writing.

Error is natural and normal thing in learning. Dulay et. al (1982:138)

states, ”People cannot learn language without first sistematically committing

errors”. This is the proof that they are still learning a language. Therefore, it is not

surprising if there are a lot of errors found in the students’ writing due to their

incomplete knowledge of the grammatical rules. It is important to know kinds of

error made by the students in their compositions so that teacher can act what to do

to minimize such errors.

When the writer performed her internship program at the tenth grade IA 2

students of SMA Swasta Santu Petrus Sidikalang in the academic year of

2019/2020, she found out that the students have difficulties in writing their

compositions. Such errors can be seen in the following examples:

1. Yesterday, my family celebrate my birthday.

2. My father attend my sister in school.

3. My God wonderful.

4. i will go to Medan.

In the first sentence the student made error in the usage of tenses, while

in the second one the student made error in the usage of verb agreement, the third

one the student made error in the usage of finite verbs and the last is the student

made error in the usage of capitalization.

The previous research referring to this research was conducted by

Nafi’ah (2018) entitled “Grammatical Error in English Paragraph Writing Written

by First Semester Students of IAIN Tulunggalung in the Academic Year of

2017/2018”. The research showed that there are ten kinds of errors made by the

students. The students made 35 errors in subject-verb agreement (37.2%), 19

errors in singular-plural agreement (20.2%), 7 errors in to-infinitive 97.4%), 6

errors in clause (6.4%), 2 errors in form of adjective (2.2%), 2 errors in passive

voice (2.2%), 9 errors in (9.6%), 3 errors in parallel structure (3.1%), 6
errors in misplaced word (6.4%), and 5 errors in pronoun (5.3%). She said that

after knowing the students’ errors, the teachers have to give explanation and

feedback for their students related to the errors. The second one was conducted by

Sari and Sinaga (2020), entitled Error Analysis Made by the Fifth Semester

Students of English Language education Study Program of Catholic University of

Saint Thomas in Their English Compositions. The research showed that there are

400 grammatical errors altogether (277 morphological errors and 123 syntactical

errors). In morphological errors, the students dominantly made errors in paste

tense, namely 247 errors (89,2%). Next, the students made 14 errors in definite

article (5,0%), 10 errors in third person singular verb (3,62%), 2 errors in

comparative adjective/adverb (0,7%), 1 error in possessive case (0,4%) and 1

error in past participle (0,4%). In syntactical errors, the students dominantly made

errors in transformation, namely 42 errors (34,15%). Next, the students made 30

errors in verb construction (24,39%), 25 errors in word order (20,33%), 24 errors

in verb phrase (19,51%), and 2 errors in noun phrase (1,62%). The dominant

errors made by the fifth semester students of English Language Education Study

Program in their English compositions is morphological error with the percentage


Based on the previous research above, the students still made a lot of

errors in writing English, expecially in writing their compositions. Based on that

case, the writer is interested in analyzing students’ errors in their compositions,

and wants to try to give correction to help them. The writer finally decided to
conduct a research entitled “Analyzing Students’ Errors in Writing


1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study are

formulated as follows:

1. What kinds of error do the students of the eleventh grade students of SMA

Swasta Santu Petrus Sidikalang make in writing their compositions?

2. What errors are the most made by the eleventh grade students of SMA Swasta

Santu Petrus Sidikalang in writing their compositions?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem of the study, the objective of the study are

intended as follows:

1. to find out kinds of error made by the eleventh grade students of SMA Swasta

Santu Petrus Sidikalang in writing their compositions.

2. to find out the most errors made by the eleventh grade students of SMA Swasta

Santu Petrus Sidikalang in writing their compositions.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

The writer focuses this research on analyzing the students’ errors in

writing compositions based on Linguistic Category, they are Morphology and

Syntax (Dulay et al., 1982:146-150).

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this research will have some benefits in studying

English especially in writing skill. There are two kinds of significance in this

study. They are:

1.5.1 The Theoretical Significance

The research finding of the study is theoretically expected to give some

useful information and contribution in English teaching and learning process.

1.5.2 The Practical Significance

The research finding are practically expected to be helpful for the

researcher, the teachers, the students and other researchers.

1. The researcher

This research finding is expected to improve the researcher’s knowledge

in analyzing students’ errors in producing English sentences. This research is also

expected to prepare a qualified teacher in the future, and to train her to be more

patient in conducting something.

2. The teachers

This research finding is expected to be useful for the teacher, to know the

students’ types of errors, and do the next step to minimize the errors. The finding

is also expected as a basis to improve the teaching materials. The teachers should

emphasize this teaching to improve the errors the students usually make in writing

3. The Students

This reserach finding is expected to be useful for the students, to know

their common errors, and minimize them accordingly.

4. Other Researchers

This finding result is expected to be useful as a reference for other

researchers who want to conduct the same research. They can expand their

research to the higher level of students who can write an essay. As such type of

error can be variously found.


2.1 Writing

Writing takes an important role in learning English. Level (2001:3)

states, “Writing is one of the most powerful communication tools you will use

today and for the rest of your life. You will use it to share your thoughts and ideas

with others and even to communicate with yourself.” It means that by writing,

someone’s thoughts and ideas can be shared as long as someone writes them

based on the requirements needed such as clear sentences, simple words, correct

use of writing devices, etc. It should be remembered that writing in a means of

communication in a long distance. That is why it requires clear language which

does not contain ambiguity.

The important thing in writing is that students need to be involved in the

process of learning to affect their skill improvement. However, to reach that skill,

students also need to be creative in writing. Gaffield-Vile (in Harmer 2003:259 )

states, “Creative writing is a journey of self-discovery, which promotes effective

writing.” It means that while students are writing compositions, they are tapping

into their favorite things. This provides powerful motivation to find the right

words to express. The students can produce a creative writing, by considering the

ideas, organizations of the composition, word choice, sentence fluency etc. There

are several forms of writing; that which tells a story is called narration, that which
describes is called description, that which explains is called exposition,

and that which argues is called argumentation (Wishon and Burks, 1980:377-378).

2.2 The Process of Writing

Just as reading is one of the skills in learning a language, writing is too. It

is expected to provide the product of writing through process and time needed. In

the process of writing, the students have to think the proper words to be written,

arrange them by organizing sentences into a paragraph, and joining paragraph to

another paragraphs both semantically and grammatically. By that process, the

students and teacher can provide the product of writing.

Harmer (2003:257) states,

In the teaching of writing, we can focus on the product of that writing or

on the writing process itself. When concencrating on the product we are
only interested in the aim of a task and in the product. Those who
advocate a process approach to writing, however, pay attention to the
various stages that any piece of writing goes through.
Any product including writing product, needs a process which takes time.

It is important to spend much time with students for writing process, with this

process it will be easier for the teacher to know the students’ background

knowledge and provide them with what they have not got.

According to Level (2001:15) there are five stages of writing process:

(1) Prewriting is freely exploring topics. Choosing a topic, and beginning to

gather and organize details before you write.

(2) Drafting is getting your ideas down on paper roughly the format you intend.
(3) Revising is correcting any major errors and improving the writing’s form and


(4) Editing and Proofreading is polishing the writing and fixing errors in

grammar, spelling and mechanics.

(5) Publishing, Presenting and sharing your writing.

Those stages of writing explain that writing is more complex than any

other skills because it will take a long time to be mastered. In order to make a

good writing, the writer should pass some processes. They are prewriting,

drafting, revising, editing and proofreading, and publishing and presenting.

2.3 Writing Composition

Level (2001:39) states, “A composition is a group of paragraphs that all

work together to develop a single focus.” It means that a composition is composed

of paragraphs with shared focus, and presented in a systematic way. Within

composition, each paragraph has a definite function. Whatever organizational

strategy it is, it will have a beginning, a middle and end. In writing composition,

these parts are called the introduction, the body and the conclusion.

Wishon and Burks (1980:370) state,

A paragraph may serve the purpose of introducing, developing and

summarizing. The introductory paragraph states the subject of the whole
composition. The introduction should limit the subject and tell what
aspects of it will be treated. The developing paragraphs are the body, or
main part, of the composition. A composition may consist of as many
developing paragraphs as there are the main topic to discuss. The
summarizing paragraph usually restates in different words the main
points that have been made in developing paragraphs. The summarizing
paragraph does not usually introduce new ideas. It should give the feeling
that the composition is completed and that a conclusion has been
When someone plans a composition, it is important to identify the main

points of the topic sentence that will be used in the paragraphs. Read each one,

and make sure it is relevant to the main idea of the composition. It is natural when

someone deletes sentences which are not in accordance with the main idea. All of

the sentences and paragraphs must be clearly connected to the main idea. There

are several types of writing; that which tells a story is called narration, that which

describes is called description, that which explains is called exposition, and that

which argues is called argumentation (Wishon and Burks, 1980:377-378).

2.3.1 The Components of Writing Composition

Wishon and Burks (1980:368-372) explains that there are three

components of the composition. The components will be explained below:

1) Paragraph

The paragraph is usually a series of sentences that develops one topics. A

paragraph can be as long or as short as necessary to develop the topic. Much as

sentences combine to make up a paragraph, paragraphs combine to form a


2) Outline

An outline is an arrangement of the topics or ideas in the form of a

numbered list. Outlining will help lead to write better compositions, as the subject

of the composition and its purpose are clearly stated. Outlining will tell how many

paragraphthe writer will need to write: a paragraph for the introduction, at least
one paragraph for each main point in the body of the outline, and one paragraph

for the conclusion.

3) Summary

It is often necessary to rewrite lengthly compositions in a condensed

forms. The brief summary must be in different words from those of original and

must accurately state the main idea of the original. A long selection is often

summarized paragraph by paragraph but sometimes several paragraphs or even

the entire selection may be condensed into one paragraph.

2.4 Error Analysis

Errors are the flawed side of learner in speech or writing (Dulay,

1982:138). When students use a foreign language creatively, they produce a lot of

errors. These errors occur naturally in spontanous communication whenever

students are unable to transmit or receive messages in a foreign language to the

same extent and degree that they get in their native language. Errors also happen

when there is something absent in their native language. For example, labio-dental

voiced [v] is absent in their native, so they tend to pronounce [fɛri] instead of

[vɛri] for the word “very”. It is a sign that students are learning a foreign language

because errors cannot be avoided when learning. We use error to refer to any

deviation from a selected norm of language performance, no matter what the

characteristics or causes of the deviation might be.

Strevens (in Richards 1975:4) states that errors should not be viewed as

problem to be overcome, but rather as normal and inevitable features indicating

the strategies that learners use. Learner himself is a generator of the grammar of
his sentences in the new language. This makes a growing terminology for a field

of research dealing with the learner’s attempts to internalize the grammar of the

language he is leaking: The terminology includes: error analysis, idiosyncratic

dialects, interlanguage, approximative systems, transitional competence.

According to James (1998:1), error analysis is the process of determining

the incidence, nature, causes and consequences of unsuccessful language. It means

that by error analysis, we can consider the errors made by the students in writing

English, especially in writing their English compositions. However, error is an

observable phenomenon in learning that has to be accounted. Error analysis has

yieled insights to the second language acquisition process that have stimulated

major changes in teaching practices (Dulay, 1982:138). It means that error

analysis is an important thing to be applied in teaching language. Errors may also

help better understand the process of learning language.

2.4.1 The Causes of Error

According to Harmer (2003:99-100) there are two causes for the errors

which most if not all students make at various stages:

1) First language interference: Students who learn English as a second language

already have a deep knowledge of at least one other language, and where first

language and English come into contact with each other. This often causes

confusions which provoke errors in a learner’s use of English.

2) Developmental errors: Errors in early word use mean that there are mistakes

that students commonly commit when first learning language. This accounts

for mistakes like *She is more nicer than him where the acquisition of more
for comparatives is over-generalised. Errors of this kind are part of a natural

acquisition process.

2.4.2 The Sources of Error

According to Brown (2007:263-266) there are four types sources of error,

they are:

1) Interlingual Transfer

Interlingual transfer is a significant error for all learners. In this early stage,

before the system of the second language is familiar, the native language is

the only previous linguistic system upon which the learner can draw. While it

is not always clear that an error is the result of transfer from the native

language, many such errors are detectable in learner’s speech.

e.g. This book different with my book.

This is clearly interlingual transfer because the native language does not

know the verb be and it is hardly used in sentences. The phrase “different

with” is presicely a transfer from Indonesian “berbeda dengan” but the

preposition “from” goes with adjective “different” not “with”.

2) Intralingual Transfer

One of the major contributions of learners language research has been its

recognition of sources of error that extend beyond interlingual errors in

learning a second language. It is now clear that intralingual transfer (within

the target language itself) is a major factor in second language acquisition.

This kind of error belongs to learning process not that interference of the first

e.g. He buyed a book last week.

This kind of error is a matter of tenses of that langauge. The verb buyed

should change into bought because of the use of tenses, that is simple past


3) Context of Learning

“Context” refers, for example, to the clasroom with its teacher and its

materials in the case of school learning or the social situation in the case of

untutored second language learning. In clasroom context, students make

faulthy hypotheses about the language which can be led by the teacher or the

textbook. Students often make errors because the teacher may provide

incorrect information or because students get misleading explanation and

defenition from the teacher. For the example, when the teacher explains the

material, there is something she forgets about. Then, she explains it but

incorrectly. For the next explanation finally the teacher remembers that

material and explains it again. Finally, it will be simply confusing when the

students recall it.

4) Communication Strategies

Communication strategies is strategic options relating to output, how one

productively expresses meaning, and how one effectively delivers messages

to others. Students clearly use production strategies in order to extend their

message delivery, but this technique can be the source of their errors. By

trying to identify sources of error it will be easier to take the next step to

understand the learner’s cognitive and affective processes relate to the

linguistic system and to formulate an integrated process of second language


2.4.3 The Classification of Errors

Dulay et al. (1982: 146-192) have reviewed the literature in order to

present the most useful and commonly used bases for the descriptive classification

of errors. They are: 1) Linguistic category, 2) Surface starategy, 3) Comparative

analysis, and 4) Communicative effect. The four classifications of error are

elaborated as follows: The Classification of Error Based on Linguistic Category Taxonomy

They state these linguistic category taxonomies classify errors according

to either or both the language component or the particular linguistic constituent

the error affects. Language components include phonology (pronunciation),

syntax and morphology (grammar), semantics and lexicon (meaning and

vocabulary) and discourse (style). While constituents include the elements that

comprise each language component. Many researchers use the linguistic category

taxonomy as a reporting tool which organizes the errors they have collected. In

case of writing analysis, the focus is on morphology and syntax, and those types

of errors are:

a. Morphology

Morphology is the study of the structure of words. It deals with the

understanding of how words are formed. Morphology consists of the explanation

1. Articles incorrect

Articles are the words “a”, “an”, and “the”. There are two types of article: (1)

The definite article (the), (2) The indefinite article (a, an).

Example: a elephant, instead of an elephant.

a umbrella, instead of an umbrella

2. Possessive case incorrect

Possessive is used for showing possession (ownership). The possessive case

applies to nouns, pronouns, and determiners.

Example: I bring my mother bag, instead of I bring my mother’s bag.

3. Third person singular verb incorrect

Ending in third person singular verb is the suffix –es or –s.

Pattern: S + Verb (+s or es)

Example: he break my phone, instead of he breaks my phone.

4. Simple past tense incorrect

Simple past tense is completed action in a time before now.

Pattern: S + Verb 2

Example: I goed to Bali last Sunday, instead of I went to Bali last Sunday.

5. Past participle incorrect

Past participle incorrect usually ends with –ed, -d, -en, or –n.

Pattern: S + have + V3

Example: I have wrote the letter, instead of I have written a letter.

6. Comparative adjective/adverb incorrect

Example: I am more taller than him, instead of I am taller than him.

b. Syntax

Syntax studies the structure of sentences. Syntax is focused on the way

sentences are developed

1. Noun phrase

(a) Determiners

Determiner is a word, phrase or affix that occurs together with a noun/noun

phrase the reference of that noun/noun phrase in the context.


I went to hospital to see my friend → I went to the hospital to see my friend.

A sun rises from the east → The sun rises from the east.

(b) Nominalization

Nominalization is producing a noun from another part of speech.


They helped he carry the heavy box → They helped him carry the heavy box.

(c) Number


She brought two basket of fruit. → She brought two baskets of fruit.

The audiences is listening to the moderator. → The audience is listening to

the moderator.

(d) Use of pronouns

Pronoun is a word that replaces a noun i a sentence.

Personal pronoun : I, you, they, we, she, he, it (as subject)

me, you, them, us, her, him, it (as object)

Possessive pronoun : mine, yours, theirs, ours, hers, his, its

Relative pronoun : who, whom, which, whoever, whomever

Intensive pronoun : myself, yourself, themself, ourself, herself,

himself, itself

Demonstrative pronoun : these, those, this, that.


Is good to be mature → It is good to be mature.

Is daydreaming → He is day dreaming.

Me no like coffe → I do not like coffee.

Him no friend to me → He is not my friend.

She my mother nurse → She is my mother, she is a nurse.

2. Verb Phrase

(a) Ommission of verb


He in to the water → He fell in to the water.

He in the class → He is in the class.

(b) Use of progressive tense

Progressive tense is the action/statement that continuing to happen (still in



He going → He is going.

The children were laugh → The children were laughing.

(c) Agreement of subject and verb


We be friends → We are friends.

I are going to the store → I am going to the store.

They come to my house yesterday → They came to my house yesterday.

3. Verb-and-Verb Construction


The boy came is my cousin → The boy who is coming is my cousin.

I want drink coffee → I want to drink coffee.

He sometimes like coffe → He sometimes likes coffee.

4. Word Order

Word order refers to the way words are arranged in a sentence. The standard

word order in English is: Subject + verb + object.


He reads often books → He often reads books.

Danny rode carefully his bike → Danny rode his bike carefully.

I like your blue beautiful pen → I like your beautiful blue pen.

5. Some Transormations

(a) Negative transformation


My sister not live with my parents → My sister does not live with my parents.

I did not see nothing → I saw nothing

(b) question transformation


He likes coffee? → Does he like coffee?

You come to my house? → Do you come to my house?

You are kidding me, yes? → You are kidding me, aren’t you?

(c) There transformation


There is two mango left → There are two mangoes left.

It was a computer in my room → There was a computer in my room.

(d) Subordinate clause transformation


I submit my assignment for the teacher check it → I submit my assignment so

that the teacher checks it.

The teacher gave no homework for mathematics in order for us to go to the

concert → The teacher gave no homework for mathematics in order that we

went to the concert. The classification of Error Based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy

Surface strategy taxonomy highlights the ways surface structures are

altered: Students may omit necessary items or add unnecessary ones; they may

misform items or misorder them. Analyzing errors from this category perspective

holds much promise for researchers concerned with identifying cognitive process

that underlie the students’ reconstruction of the new language. In this category,
errors can be classified in to four types: omission, addition, misformation, and

misordering. The Classification of Error Based on Comparative Taxonomy

The classification of errors based on this comparative taxonomy is based

on comparison between the structure of second language errors and certain other

types of constructions. Second language errors have most frequently been

compared to errors made by students learning the target language as their first

language and to equivalent phrases or sentences in the learner’s mother tongue. The Classification of Error Based on Communicative Effect


Certain types of errors make a critical differences as to whether or not the

listener or reader comprehends the speaker’s intended message. While the surface

strategy and comparative taxonomies focus on aspects of the errors themselves,

the communicative effect classification deals with errors from the perspective of

their effect on the listener or reader. It focuses on distinguishing between errors

that seem to cause miscommunication and those that don’t. This category consists

of two types, they are: global errors and local errors.

In this research, the writer choose the Linguistic Category Taxonomy

which is divided into morphology and syntax.



3.1 Research Design

The writer conducted this research by using qualitative descriptive

method to find out the errors made by the eleventh grade students of SMA

Swasta Santu Petrus Sidikalang in writing composition. Robert and Knopp,

2006:274 state, ”Descriptive qualitative method is a method to social science

research that emphasizes collecting descriptive data in natural condition, uses

inductive thinking, and emphasizes understanding the subjects’ point of view.”

Burns (1999:22) states, “The aim of qualitative approach is to offer description,

interpretation, and classification of naturalistic social contexts”. It means that this

qualitative descriptive method is appropriate for this research because this

research uses data analysis and basically conducted in a descriptive way that is to

find out what kinds of error made by the students in their compositions. Below is

the chart of this research design:

Composition Error Analysis Result

The chart means that the writer will got the data by instructing the

students to write a composition based on the topics provided by the writer.

English composition is created by the students, the writer analyzed the students’

errors based on their English composition, and then the writer showed
the result of the students’ English compositions. The chart is about the research

design of this study.

3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research is all of the eleventh grade students of

SMA Swasta Santu Petrus Sidikalang in the academic year of 2020/2021. There

are 7 classes in the eleventh grade students at the school. The total population is

262 students. The writer took 21% of the population as a sample for this case. The

writer randomly took 8 students in each class as a sample which amounts to 56

students. In deciding the 8 students form each class the writer took odd and even

number of students’ attendant list in each class.

3.3 The instrument of Collecting the Data

The instrument of collecting data for this research is the composition.

Students freely to choose one of these four topics: My Favorite Movie Star, My

Favorite Teacher, My Hobby and My Frightening Day. The students need to make

their own writing compositions based on the writer’s instruction that the errors on

their writing compositions can be analyzed by the writer.

3.4 The Technique of Analyzing the Data

Students’ errors in writing compositions is analyzed by using Miles’ and

Huberman’s model (1994:10-11). The figure is able to see below:


Figure 3.4 Miles’ and Huberman’s Data Analysis Model

1. Data Collection

The writer collected the data by asking the students of the eleventh grade

students of SMA Swasta Santu Petrus Sidikalang to write their English

composition based on the topics given by the writer.

2. Data Reduction

Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting and transforming the data that appear in written-up field notes or

transcription. The writer did not reduce any data source because the data has

relation to the composition using the topics above.

3. Data display

The next step is data display. A display is organized, compressed assembly of

information that permits conclusion drawing and the action (Miles and Huberman

1994:11). It means that after reducing, the data will be displayed. In this study, the

writer analyzed the errors made by the students and displayed the data related to

the errors of students’ English compositions. The errors made by the is classified

based on Linguistic Category Taxonomy. The data is displayed by following

Table 3.1

The Students’ Errors Based on Morphology

Types of Errors
No Name
Art Poss TPSV SPT PP Comp. Total

Where: Art : Article

Poss : Possessive
TPSV : Third Person Singular Verb
SPT : Simple Past Tense
PP : Past Participle
Comp. Adj/adv : Comparative adjective/adverb

Table 3.2

The Students’ Errors Based on Syntax

Types of Errors
No Name
NP VP V-and-V WO Transf. Total

Where: NP : Noun Phrase

VP : Verb Phrase
V-and-V Const : Verb-and-verb construction
WO : Word Order
Transf : Some transformation
After collecting the data from the students' compositions, dislpay the data

based on Linguistic Category Taxonomy, to obtain the percentage of identifying

students errors in their writing composition the writer will apply the following


P= × 100%

Where: P = Percentage of error

F = Frequency of error made

N = Number of students’ error

4. Cocnlusion Drawing and Verification

The conclusions drawing and verification of this qualitative research will

be the answer of this problem of the study.



4.1 Data Analysis

In this chapter the writer would like to present the result of the students’

errors on their writing compositions. This research was conducted on with 56

participants of 262 students as a sample. The writer gave 50 minutes for the

students to write their writing compositions. Below is the analysis of the students’

errors on their writing composition:

Table 4.1 The Students’ Errors Based on Morphology

Category Number Percentage

Article 14 16,48%
Possessive 17 20%
Thid Person Singular Verb 25 29,41%
Simple Past Tense 28 32,94%
Past Participle 0 0,00%
Comparative djective/Adverb 1 1,17%


Total 85 100%

(1) Articles Incorrect

The errors of article incorrect is the errors made by the students with 14

errors of 56 students. They always miss an indefinite article where it is required

like “I want to be artist.” Another error about indefinite article they use an before
a noun starting with a consonant like “an firm” and article a before a noun starting

with a vowel like “a activity”.

(2) Possessive Case Incorrect

The errors of possessive case incorrect ranks the third of the highest with

17 errors of 56 students. The students use article a, the instead of possessive

adjective like my, his, etc.


1. I also like him because of a serious method.

2. I have a favorite teacher in __ school.

They should use his in the first sentence, and my in the second sentence. They use

subject pronoun instead of possessive, and they drop the genetive ‘s indicative


3. He age is 35 years old

4. The film title is My Dad So Proud of Me.

(3) Third Person Singular Verb

The errors of third person singular verb ranks the second of the highest

with 25 errors of 56 students. The students often use past verb instead of infinitive

verb+s in their sentence.


1. Mr. Arepa also loved his students.

2. He also had a very handsome face.

The students should write loves in the first sentence and has in the second

sentence. The students also use infinitive verb while the subject of the sentence is

the third person singular.

3. She act well.

4. She make me proud of me.

They should write acts in the third sentence and makes in the fourth sentence.

(4) Simple Pat Tense

Of all errors in morphology, the highest errors students made is in simple

past tense ith 28 errors of 56 students. The students explained something

happened by using infinitive verb.


1. He become a zombie.

2. I borrow her book.

In simple past tense, they should write became in the first sentence and borrowed

in the second sentence. The students also drop the auxiliary verb in their


3. Rayn Wijaya__ born on October, 26 1995

4. I __ afraid that the doormitory’s keeper will call our parents.

They should write was in the third and the fourth sentences.

(5) Comparative Adjective/Adverb

This is the least errors made by the students on their writing

compositions. The student use superlative instead of comparative. For the

example, the student writes happiest instead of happier.

Table 4.2 The Students’ Errors Based on Syntax

Category Number Percentage

Noun Phrase 40 47,61%
Verb Phrase 28 33,33%
Verb-and-Verb Construction 5 5,96%
Word Order 9 10,71%
Some Transformation 2 2,39%
Total 84 100%

(1) Noun Phrase

Of all errors in syntax, the students made the highest error in the use of

noun phrase. They always miss the use of pronoun in their sentences.


1. __also read novel.

2. __is calm and romantic.

They should write I in the first sentence and He in the second sentence. The

students also always miss the use of the determinant in their sentences.

3. In__future, I wanna be like them.

4. I feel comfortable when I listen to__ music.

They should write the in the third and in the fourth sentences.

(2) Verb Phrase

Verb phrase ranks the second of the highest errors with 28 errors of 56

students. The students often miss the auxiliary verb that is required in their



1. She__an actrees in Indonesia.

2. He__still young.

They should write is in both of the sentences.

(3) Verb-and-Verb Constructions

In the errors of verb-and-verb constructions, the students often miss the

construction of the verb like at and to.


1. I laugh myself.

2. I want tell my hobby.

They should write at in the first sentence and to in the second sentence.

(4) Word Order

The errors of word order ranks the third of the highest errors with 9 errors

of 56 students. They often translate Indonesian word by word, that the word order

might be error in English.


1. Actor Korea my favorite is Lee-Min Ho. → My favorite Korean actor is Lee-

Min Ho.

2. I have hobby of drawing. → My hobby is drawing.

(5) Some Transformations

The errors of transformation is the lowest errors in syntax made by the

students. They miss the transformation of question transformation and subordinate

clause tranformation in teir sentences.


1. You know who? → Do you know who are they?

2. I will add many stories to the library, so__ I can read them online. → I will add

many stories to the library, so that I can read them online.

Table 4.3 The Types of Students Errors Based on Linguistic Category


Morpholog Category Number Percentage

Articles Incorrect 14 8,29%
Possessive Case Incorrect 17 10,05%
Third Person Singular 25 14,79%
Verb Incorrect
Simple Past Tense 28 16,57%
Past Participle Incorrect 0 0,00%
Comparative Incorrect 1 0,59%
Total 85 50,29%
Syntax Noun Phrase 40 23,67%
Verb Phrase 28 16,57%
Verb-and-Verb 5 2,95%
Word Order 9 5,32%
Some Transformation 2 1,18%
Total 84 49,71%
All Total 169 100%

The table 4.1.3 above shows that morphology has some categories, article

incorrect with 5,61%, possessive case incorrect with 10,11%, third person singular
verb incorrect with 16,86%, simple past tense incorrect with 20,78%, comparative

incorrect with 0,56% and past participle forms are not found. There are also

categories in syntax, noun phrase with 21,34%, verb phrase with 15,17%, verb-

and-verb construction with 2,80%, word order with 5,06% and some

transformation with 1,69.

Table 4.1.4 The Students’ Morphological Errors

No Article Incorrect Correction

1. Everyone has__favorite person. Everyone has a favorite person.
2. Everyone has__idol star. Everyone has an idol star.
3. I have__idol artist like Iwan Fals. I have an idol artist like Iwan Fals.
4. I want to be__artist. I want to be an artist.
5. She gets into the Monster City She gets into the Monster City by

by__accident. an accident.
6. Music in my opinion can Music in my opinion can be an

be__alternative way to stress. alternative way to stress.

7. I have__favorite movie star. I have a favorite movie star.
8. He has an firm nature and He has a firm nature and

humorous. humorous.
9. Hobby is a activity that someone Hobby is an activity that someone

likes. likes.
10. This game is played by__team. This game is played by a team.
11. I have__favorite movie star. I have a favorite movie star.
12. From a Gong Yo I learned that From Gong Yo I learned that

everyone who loves you will do everyone who loves you will do

anything for you, even life. anything for you, even life.
13. I almost feel like__crazy person. I almost feel like a crazy person.
14. For me, drawing is__fun thing. For me, drawing is a fun thing.
Possessive Case Incorrect
1. My favorite movie star is a My favorite movie star is my

Sociology teacher. Sociology teacher.

2. He also provides many useful He also provides many useful
motivations for__students. motivations for his students.
3. I also like him because of a I also like him because of his

serious method. serious method.

4. Iwan Fals__ songs are popular. Iwan Fals’ songs are popular.
5. It has become a daily routine. It has become their daily routine.
6. I have a favorite teacher I have a favorite teacher in my

in__school. school.
7. I only made drawing as a hobby. I only made drawing as my

8. My favorite teacher is a Math My favorite teacher is my Math

teacher. teacher.
9. It’s time to my hobby and may It’s time to my hobby and my

talent to be practiced. talent to be practiced.

10. Me as a student choose the Me as a student choose my

favorite teacher because I really favorite teacher because I really

like the way he teaches. like the way he teaches.

11. My parents support this hobby of My parents support my hobby.

12. That is easier for me to read That is easier for me to read

novels from a mobile phone. novels from my mobile phone.

13. I don’t remember__homework. I don’t remember my homework.
14. The film__ title is My Dad so The film’s title is My Dad so

Proud of Me. Proud of Me.

15. She can motivate her fans to be She can motivate her fans to be

ourself. themselves.
16. He age is 35 years old. His age is 35 years old.
17. I was also taught by the physical I was also taught by my physical

teachher at Junior High School. teachher at Junior High School.

Third Person Singular Verb Incorrect
1. He helps and save people with He helps and saves people with

sicere heart. sicere heart.

2. One of the film starring him is the One of the film he stars is the film
film Train to Busan. Train to Busan.
3. Mr. Arepa also loved his students. Mr. Arepa also loves his students.
4. He also had a very handsome face He also has a very handsome face

5. and had a sweet smile. and has a sweet smile.

6. He also had a very handsome face He also has a very handsome face

7. and had a sweet smile. and has a sweet smile.

8. The film so make me sad and cry. The film so makes me sad and

9. Everyone have their favorite Everyone has their favorite movie.

10. He often solve the case with He often solves the case with

Sherlock. Sherlock.
11. Sherlock need Dr. Waston too. Sherlock needs Dr. Waston too.
12. Sherlock Holmes solve his cases Sherlock Holmes solves his cases

with his intelligence. with his intelligence.

13. She have a sweet smile. She has a sweet smile.
14. She make me fall in love with her. She makes me fall in love with

15. She act well. She acts well.
16. She always have good confidence. She always has good confidence.
17. He always taught students to be He always teaches students to be

disciplined. disciplined.
18. She had a pointed nose. She has a pointed nose.

19. She make me proud of me. She makes me proud of me.

20. She can sing and have a very good She can sing and has a very good

voice. voice.
21. He have a very sweet smile, he He has a very sweet smile, he

always play a good character. always plays a good character.

23. He have a very handsome face. He has a very handsome face.

24. He have a pointed nose. He has a pointed nose.

25. Almost every young girl in Almost every young girl in

Indonesia idolize him. Indonesia idolizes him.

Simple Past Tense

1. I like when Ji-Chang Wook I like when Ji-Chang Wook

play__ drama in action-romantic played drama in action-romantic

genre. genre.
2. I like when he play__ drama in I like when he played drama in

action-romantic genre. action-romantic genre.

3. He managed to save the pregnant He managed to saved the pregnant

mother as well as his own child. mother as well as his own child.
4. He becomes a zombie. He became a zombie.

5. Gong Yo sacrifices his life for his Gong Yo sacrificed his life for his

loved one. loved one.

6. Jefri__born on January 15, 1999. Jefri was born on January 15,

7. Rayn Wijaya__born on October Rayn Wijaya was born on October

26, 1995. 26, 1995.

8. This hobby got started when I am This hobby got started when I was

was a little girl. a little girl.

9. Singing is my hobby since I__kid. Singing is my hobby since I was

10. I follow the competition when I followed the competition when I

I__SMP. was SMP.


12. The judge ask me. The judge asked me.

13. I can sing well. I could sing well.

14. I__afraid to know the result of the I was afraid to know the result of

competition. the competition.

15. And I won the singing And I won the singing

competition, become the first competition, became the first

winner. winner.
16. I am so happy. I was so happy.

17. I wake up late and my alarm I woke up late and my alarm

is broken. was broken.


19. I run as fast as I can. I run as fast as I could.

20. I realize that I I realized that I

do not use my shoes. did not use my shoes.
22. I don’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to do.

23. That is my frightening day. That was my frightening day.

24. I feel nobody loves me. I felt nobody loves me.

25. My friends celebrate my birthday. My friends celebrated my

26. I__afraid that the doormitory’s I was afraid that the doormitory’s

keeper will call our parents. keeper will call our parents.
27. I have been written, when I__in I have been written, when I was in

elementary school. elementary school.

28. I borrow her book. I borrowed her book.

Past Participle Incorrect/Not Found

Comparative Adjective/Adverb

1. The thing that made me happiest The thing that made me happier is

is after her troubles, she finally after her troubles, she finally got

got back home. back home.

Table 4.1.5 The Students’ Syntactical Errors.

No Noun Phrase Correction

1. Not all people who like Not all people who like volleyball

volleyball can play__well. can play it well.

2. Volleyball is a game __played Volleyball is a game that is played

by two teams. by two teams.

3. In__drama he always be a kind In the drama he always be a kind

person. person.
4. Learning cultural arts with his Learning cultural arts with him is

is fun. fun.
5. The music her performs The music he performs dominantly

dominantly brings music with brings music with the theme of a

the theme of a nation. nation.

6. Well, thats what it means. Well, thats what I means.
7. __is calm and romantic. He is calm and romantic.
8. __is always ambitious with the He is always ambitious with the

goals he wants to achieve. goals he wants to achieve.

9. And__activity or hobby that I And the activity or hobby that I like

like is cooking. is cooking.

10. __also read novel. I also read novel.
11. __say thank you. I say thank you.
12. One of films her starred was a One of film he starred was a cinema

cinema film entitled “Dear film entitled “Dear Nathan”.

13. We can learn how to carry out We can learn how to carry out the

the planned mission, such as planned missions, such as the

the formations used, strategies formations used, strategies applied,

applied, etc. etc.

14. Especially if__done with Especially if it done with friends, it

friends, it certainly even more certainly even more fun.

15. My parents often buy childs’ My parents often buy children’

magazines. magazines.
16. All female student in my All female students in my school like

school like him. him.

17. I want to be like him I want to be like him in the future.

18. I can express thing in my mind. I can express things in my mind.
19. There are so many happy. There are so many happiness.
20. That__is an effective way to That it is an effective way to relax.

21. In__future I wanna be like In the future I wanna be like them.

22. I do it when I have free time. I do them when I have free time.
23. My hobby is listening My hobby is listening to the Kpop

to__Kpop music. music.

24. I indirectly feel comfortable I indirectly feel comfortable when I

when I listen to__music. listen to the music.

25. __is easy to understand. It is easy to understand.
26. His best friends is Dr. Waston. His best friend is Dr. Waston.
27. What maks me like it is when What maks me like him is when he is

he is teaching. teaching.
28. __shared extensive and deep He shared extensive and deep

knowledge about scout. knowledge about scout.

29. I wish her career to be higher. I wish his career to be higher.
30. I like it when he teaches. I like him when he teaches.
31. But that’s why I like__history But that’s why I like the history

teachers. teachers.
32. Because a swimming pool with Because the swimming pool with lost

lost of games is relatively more of games is relatively more

expensive. expensive.
33. I love it because by sing I can I love it because by singing I can

express myself with a song. express myself with a song.

34. There are many new things that There are many new things that I

I discover after reading, like discover after reading, like

vocabulary or terms. vocabularies or terms.

35. She is a best role model of my She is the best role model of my life.

36. My hobby is__badminton. My hobby is playing badminton.
37. But in__drama they always But in the drama they always play a

play a good character. good character.

38. They are actor__ in South They are actors in South Korea.

39. I don’t know about the genre I don’t know about the genre of the

of__music. music.
40. I feel comfortable when I listen I feel comfortable when I listen to

to__music. the music.

Verb Phrase
1. This game should be played by This game should be played by 12

12 people with a team__of 6 people with a team consists of 6

people. people.
2. But sometimes he is funny when But sometimes he is funny when he

he__shock. is shock.
3. Lee-Jong Suk__cool and funny Lee-Jong Suk is cool and funny boy

boy too. too.

4. I can reading on offline. I can read on offline.
5. It will be difficult if he finds the It will be difficult if he finds the

teacher__unattractive. teacher is unattractive.

6. Mr. Arepa was the teacher I Mr. Arepa is the teacher I like or I

7. liked or I loved in my beloved love in my beloved school.

8. school.
9. I wish Iwan Fals I wish Iwan Fals always be success

always__success in the world of in the world of music.

10. I saw a smart and good I saw a smart and good mother was

mother__cooking. cooking.
11. That I like to cook_fried rice. That I like to cook is fried rice.
12. It was very easy and fun. It is very easy and fun.
13. Before the corona virus Before the corona virus pandemic I

pandemic I usually go to the usually went to the swimming pool.

swimming pool.
14. I have a terrible day yesterday. I have a terrible day yesterday.
15. She__an actrees in Indonesia.
16. He is nice and__good mindset. He is nic and has good mindset.
17. I was proud to be able to I am proud to be able to participate.

18. The musical instruments that I The musical instruments that I often

often play is the guitar, drum, play are the guitar, drum, bass

bass guitar and piano. guitar and piano.

19. I always wanted to know how to I always want to know how to cook

cook a meal. a meal.

20. My grades in My grades in school is decreased.

21. So, I don’t insecure right now. So, I am not insecure right now.
22. He_so famous in Indonesia He is so famous in Indonesia
23. A team consist of 5 players. A team consists of 5 players.
24. I always singing a song with my I always sing a song with my guitar.

25. He__still young. He is still young.
26. He__Mr. Arepa. He is Mr. Arepa.
27. He will__my favorite teacher He will be my favorite teacher

forever. forever.
28. He__very kind. He is very kind.
Verb Constructions
1. I laugh__myself because I hear I laugh at myself because I hear my

my own voice. own voice.

2. I often listening__music. I often listening to the music.
3. I want__tell my hobby. I want to tell my hobby.
4. I really like to listen__the music. I really like to listen to the music.
5. I forget_study. I forget to study.
Word Order
1. I have a hobby of playing My hobby is playing volleyball.

2. The fun of this game can really The fun of this game is can be

be enjoyed by every player. really enjoyed by every player.

3. Actor korea my favorite is Lee My favorite korean actor is Lee

Min-Ho. Min-Ho.
4. I have a hobby drawing. My hobby is drawing.
5. There were so many things that There were so many funny things

were funny I laughed all the that I laughed all the time.
6. I have a hobby of watching My hobby is watching horror

horror movies. movies.

7. I have a hobby, reading books. My hobby is reading books.
8. I have a hobby of listening to the My hobby is listening to the music.

9. I self taught. I taught myself.

1. You know who? Do you know who are they?

2. I will add many stories to the I will add many stories to the

library, so__I can read them library, so that I can read them

offline. offline.

4.2 The Dominant Errors on Students’ Writing Compositions

Based on the table 4.1.3 above, the writer concluded that the dominant

errors on the students’ writing compositions is morphology with the number 85 or


Diagram1. The Dominant Errors Percentage

morphology syntax
4.3 Discussion

Based on the data analysis, it was found that the eleventh grade students

of SMA Swasta Santu Petrus Sidikalang made 169 errors altogether with 85 errors

in morphology and 84 errors in syntax. Morphology consists of article incorrect

with 13 items or 8,29%, possessive case incorrect with 17 items or 10,05%, third

person singular verb incorrect with 25 items or 14,79%, simple past tense

incorrect with 28 items or 16,57% , and comparative incorrect with 1 item or

0,59%. Syntax consists of noun phrase with 40 items or 23,67%, verb phrase with

28 items or 16,57%, verb-and-verb construction with 5 items or 2,95%, word

order with 9 items or 5,32% and some transformation with 2 items or 1,18% . It

can be seen that the writer found that the students still makes errors on their

writing compositions.


5.1 Conclusion

After conducting the research, analyzing the data and presenting the

result of the research, the writer also presented the suggestion and the conclusion

of this research as follows:

1. There are 85 total errors on the students’ writing composition based on

Morphological errors is 85 (50,29%) and syntactical errors is 84 (49,71%). The

types of errors that students made on their writing composition are article

incorrect with 13 items or 8,29%, possessive case incorrect with 17 items or

10,05%, third person singular verb incorrect with 25 items or 14,79%, simple

past tense incorrect with 28 items or 16,57% , and comparative incorrect with 1

item or 0,59%.

2. There are 84 total errors on the students’ writing composition based on syntax

consists of noun phrase with 40 items or 23,67%, verb phrase with 28 items or
16,57%, verb-and-verb construction with 5 items or 2,95%, word order with 9

items or 5,32% and some transformation with 2 items or 1,18% .

3. The dominant errors in linguistic category taxonomy is morphological error

with 85 errors item (50,29%).

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the result of the study, the writer would like to offer some

suggestions to the English teachers, the students and also the other researchers as


1. To the English Teachers

English learning teaching is related to the grammar, the teacher should

give more easily understood explanation in order to make the students more

interested in learning English, that the students can remember and apply the use of

grammar in English.

2. To the Students

The students should learn and practice theirself to be able and good in

English. They should face the difficulties in learning English, that they can

minimize their errors if they can payy attention to their writing product.

3. To the Other Researchers

The writer expects that the other researchers can give their best to do the

same similar research. The writer is sure that there are many topics that the other

researcher can found in analyzing errors.


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