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Submitted to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Trainin States Islamic

University of North Sumatera Medan as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Degree of

(S-1) Sarjana Pendidikan


Anita Hanum







Submitted to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training States Islamic

University of North Sumatera Medan as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for
the Degree of

(S-1) Sarjana Pendidikan


Anita Hanum


Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, S.Ag., M.Hum Maryati Salmiah, M.Hum

NIP : 197506222003122002 NIP:198205012009012012

Head of English Departement

Yani Lubis, S.Ag, M.Hum

NIP: 197006062000031006





TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1
A. BACKGROUND...................................................................................................1
B. The Identification of the Study...............................................................................4
C. Limitation of the Study..........................................................................................4
D. Research Problem.................................................................................................4
E. The Objective of the Study.....................................................................................4
F. Significant of the Study..........................................................................................5
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE......................................................................6
A. Theoritical Framework...........................................................................................6
B. Relevant Research..................................................................................................9
C. Conceptual framework.........................................................................................10
D. Actional Hypothesis.............................................................................................11
CHAPTER III Research Methodology................................................................................12
A. Research Design...................................................................................................12
B. Research Setting...................................................................................................12
C. Research Method..................................................................................................12
D. Procedure of Collecting Data...............................................................................13
E. Technique of Collecting Data...............................................................................15
F. Technique of Analyzing Data...............................................................................16



A. Background

Language is very important in human life. It is used by people to

communicate with one another. With language, they are able to express their
feelings, thought, opinion, and ideas. Brown defines language is a system
arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbols that enable
members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another.1

Alexander LG said that all of four basic language skill are listening, speaking,
reading and writing. In his book he also said the most important of all basic
language skill are speaking and writing. “ speaking and writing are most
important of these skills, since to some extent they pressuposse the other two”.2

Writing is one of language skills. It has taught from primary school to senior
high school. Morever, it has also been taught at play group students,although they
only study to write and to pronounce a single words. It shows this aspect is very
fundamental,where the students start writing words and then arrange them into
sentences and the last making paragraphs. Surely, writing is not easy as the
students think, because they should use corect dictions, chronologies, and
speeling word.

Writing is communication competence between the writer and the readers.

The writer has to express his/her ideas with a good writing to reach a goal of
writing. To write well or to get a good writing, the writer has to anticipate the
reaction of reader. Therefore, in writing the students can devote some ideas in
their mind on a piece o f paper.

H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching,(4th Ed),(New York:
Prentice Halls Inc,1994),p.5
Alexander LG. Practic and Progress. (London: Longman Group Ltd.1975).p.vii

Writing is one of the important to be mastered by students. It is because
nowdays people, who take technology as their means of communication, seem
to be impossible to be separated from the activity of writing, from the simpelst
like sending short message through mobile phones and to the more complex
like making bussiness letter via e-mail. The importance of writing is also seen
from the fact that skill has become a need for people to compete in global era.
Students need to prepare themselves for their future. They need to be able to
write an application letter when applying for a job and many others kinds of
written texts when doing their job later. In addition, writing is a means of
expressing ideas or communicating with others.

According Raimes,” writing is as skill in which we express ideas,

feelings, and thingking which are arranged in words, sentence, and paragraph
by using eyes,brain,and hand.3 They use it to communicate to each other, as
means of ideas and emotional expression, because when the write their idea,
emotion, and creativity, they are communicating on paper in their very best
way and purpose.

As well as Harmer (2004) consider punctuation as one of important feature of

writing and using punctuation correctly is an important skill many people judge
the quality of what is written not just on the content language, but also on the use
of punctuation, if capital letters, commas,full stop, sentence and paragraph
boundaries, etc.4

So writing is the expression of language in the form of letter, word sentence,

and paragraph on the based of structure and some other related to one another.
Regardless of the language, writing many rules including grammar,spelling and
punctuation. Writing is a piece of writen text about the topic in a context, and it is
very important to use a mean of communicator people, especially for the students.

Punctuation marks are essential when you are writing. They show the reader
where sentences start and finish and if they are used properly they make your
Ann Raimes,Technique in Teaching Writiing, (London:Oxford University Press,1983),p.3
Jeremy Harmer,How to Teach Writing,(London: Longman,2004), p. 49

writing easy to understand. Punctuation does have others uses, however, because
much writing is never meant to be read aloud. Punctuation used to organize the
structure of written words, to separate parts of a sentence such as conversation,
direct quotes and lists. As with all other aspects of English, punctuation has it
rules and exceptions. There are even situations in which correct answer could be,
“it depends on what you mean”.

Most people realize the importance of accurate punctuation. In order to

communicate effectively through the medium of print (whether on the page or
screen), it is essential that the rudiments of punctuation are understood and
applied-routinely and consistently. Unfortunately, too many people lack
confidence in their ability to punctuate precisely and with clarity.

Recount text is one of the text genres that students learn. This is text is writen
with the purpose to inform the readers or people about something that happens in
the past. It can be expriences and events. Many students do not understand how to
write this correctly, especially to using punctuation mark.

Based on researcher exprience, the most difficult skill to be learned is writting

with correct punctuation marks. The reseracher has done observation about it
during Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) activity at SMPN 1 Pakantan,
Mandailing Natal. There are some difficults faced by class VIII students in the
second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 in writing recount text. Because
many of them are low using punctuation marks. They forgot to fullstop at the end
of sentence or didn’t use comma in separate a phrase , and to connect the words or
parts of the words. It caused them to no pay attention to the punctuation marks,
which can change the understanding the meaning in a sentence. Certainly this can
make the reader fail in reading and very important understanding the meaning of
this text. This shows that punctuation marks and very important in constructing a

The problem in learning writing above make me intersted in conducting this
study entitled” An Analysis of Students Ability Using Punctuation Marks In
Writing Recount Text At The VIII SMPN 1 Panyabungan”.

B. The Identification of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem that can be identified
follows :
1. The students abillity using punctuation marks in writing recount text
still low.
2. The students were lest pay attention in using punctuation marks in
writing recount text.

C. Limitation of the Study

Based on identification of study above, there are some factors that can
influence the students ability in using puctuation marks in recount writing
text. In this case, researcher will focus on analyzing kinds of punctuation
marks (capital letter, comma, fullstop, aposthrope, exlamination mark, and
colon) that used in writing recount text at the VIII grade SMPN 1 Pakantan.

D. Research Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher problem of

this study is

1. How is the students ability in using punctuation marks in writing

recount text at the VIII grade SMPN 1 Pakantan?
2. What is the most common mistake made by students at the VIII grade
SMPN 1 Pakantan?

E. The Objective of the Study

1. The objective of this study is to know the students ability in using

punctuation marks in writing recount text.

2. To find the most common mistake made by students at the VIII grade
SMPN 1 Pakantan when using punctuation marks in writing recount

F. Significant of the Study

1. Theoritically, to give information to the students in using puntuation,

with expectation that the students can increase their ability in using
punctuation in their writing.
2. Practically, to give information about the students ability in using
punctuation in writing recount text.



A. Theoritical Framework

To support a research there are some theories are needed to explain some
concept and terms applied in the research concerned. This study also uses some
concern and terms need to the theoritical expalined. The theoritical elaboration on
the concepts and termsused will be presented in the following part.

1. Ability
There are two terms definition of ability in this research which related to
the context. Jhon M. Echols and Hasan Shadly in an English-Indonesia
dictionary, ability is, kecakapan, bakat dan kemampuan. 5 It explain that
ability is talent, interst and power to do something. And according to
Robert N.Singer,ability is general and enduring or others qualities that are
needed in order to do something.6
2. Punctuation Marks

The use punctuation marks can be very complex. Each punctuation mark
can be used many ways. Here are punctuation marks that are most commonly
used when writing and the most typical ways they are used. The punctuation
consist of7

a. Full stop (.) which used : at the end of a sentence (statement) and for
the abreviation.
b. Comma (,) which used: between three or more series items in a list.
Afte r adverb phrase or adverb clause that come before the main
clause. Before coordinate conjuction to combine two independent
clause in compound sentence, before and after transition. Separrates

Jhon M.Echols and Hasan Sadily, kamus Inggris Indonesia,( Jakarta : PT Gramedia,1996). p.2
Robert and Singer,Motor Learning and Behaviors, New York : The Florida States University,
1980). p.31
Dewi, Utami, 2012, How to Write, Medan Latansa Press,p.102

extra (non-restrictive) words,phrase or clause frm the rest of sentences.
Separates an introductory clause with the quotation in direct speech.
Separates a take question from the statement, and separates a mild
interjection (well, yes, no, why).
c. Semicolon (;) which used between closely related independent clauses
which not joined by coordnating conjuction, between independent
clauses joined by conjuction adverb. And separates items in a list when
at least of the item contains a comma.
d. Colon (:) which used : to introduce an additional explanation.
Between hour and minutes, and after saluatation of a formal latter.
e. Apostrophe (‘) which indicates: the lace in a contraction where letter
or letters have have been commited possession.
f. Quatation marks (“”) which used : to enclose the exact words of
speaker or writer (direct quotation), and the slang words or special
words reffered as term.
g. Hypen (-) which used : to arange the compound word, and to arange
the compound word separated by preposition.
h. Bracket ( ), which used to enclose the additional information (word,
phrase and clauses) in sentence.
i. Question mark (?), which used at the end of exclamatory sentence, and
to express sense of urgency or very strong emotion to end imperative
sentences and statements with an exclamatory mark.

3. Definition of Writing

Writing is one of basic language skill. Writing is one way of

making meaning from exprience for ourselves and other. according
Hyland, writing is a way to share personal meaning. 8 According to Jack
C.Richards and Willy A. Renandya, writing is the most difficult skill for

Ken Hyland. (2004). Genre and Second Languae Writing. Ann Arbor : Univesity of Michigan
press. p.9

second language to master.9 According Harmer, writing is a way to
produce language and expert ideas, feeling and opinions.10
It Writing is expression of language in the form of letter,symbols or
words. The writing process includes prewriting, composing, revising,
editing and publishing. There are many kinds of writing such as
expository, narrative, descriptive, and persuasive. Regardless of the
language, writing has many rules including grammar, spelling, and

Based on the expert we above, it can be concluded that writing is a way of

communication to express and share opinions, fellings and think of the writers

4. Recount text
a. Definition of Recount Text

According Hyland, recount is a kind of genre that tell what happened in the
past. 12 It means that recount is a kind genre to tell the exprience in the past.

According to Andreson, recount is a piece of text retell past events, usually in

the order in which they happened. It has a purpose in which it gives the audience a
description of what occured and when it occured. 13 It means that recount text
retell about past events.

Knapp and Watkins, recount text basically it is a written out to make report
about a exprience of a seriesof related events.14 It means a recount is written out
to inform an event or to entertain people.

So, recount text is a text to retell exprience in the past that used to inform an
event and entertain people.

Jack C.Richards and Willy A. Renanya, Methodology in Language Teaching : An Anthology of
Current Practice,( Cambridge University Press, 2002),p.303
Jeremy Harmer,(2004). How to Teach Writing. New York : Longman Limited. p.3
Utami Dewi.2013. How to Write.Medan :La-Tansa press.p.2
Ken HyLand.(2009). Teaching and Researching Writing. London :Pearson Education Limited.
Mark Andreson, op.cit. p.49
Peter Knapp and Megan and Watkins,(2005), Genre Text Grammar : Technologies for Teaching
and Assessing Writing, Sidney : University of New South Wales Press Ltd,p.223

b. Generic Structure of Recount Text.
According Anderson generic structure of recount text are:
 Orientation : the first paragraph that gives background information about
who, what,where and when.
 Sequence of events: a series paragraph that retell events in the other which
they happened.
 Reorientation : a concluding paragraph.

Additionaly generic structure of recount text according Barwick are :

 Orientation : provides all the necessary background information to enable

the reader to make sense of the text include time, place and situation.
 Series of events: events should be selected carefully to add the readers
understanding of the topic.
 Re-oritantion : this final section concludes the recounts by summarizing
outcomes or results, evaluating the topics importance or offering personal
comments or opinion.15
Based on the explanation above, it can concluded that generic
structure of recount text divided into three. They are orientation,
events and re-orientation.

B. Relevant Research

The relevant researches of this research are follow:

1. Anggi Arini Mora Sofyana, Aan Erlyana Fardhani, Sugeng Ariyanto was
conducted a journal researcher entitle a study of the Eighth Years Students
Ability of Using Capitalization and Punctuation in Recount Text. the
subject of this study was the students the eight year at MTS at Thohiriyah
jember. Based on the theorist, the findings, and the analysis, the results of
the study reveal that eight year students ability of using capitalization and
punctuation in writing recount text was categorized as good. Meanwhile,

Anderson, Mark .op.cit.49

they still had difficultes in the indicators of capitalizating the first letter in
sentence and using comma since the total score of eight year students of
thosse indicators were the lowest among the other indicators. The total of
eighth year students of MTS At-Thohiriya Jember in the 2013/2014
academic year in indicator of capitalizing the first letter in sentences was
the lowest among all the indicator of capitalization, the total score was
71.9 but it still in the category good. The total in indicator of using comma
was the lowest among all indicator of punctuation. It was 55.8 or in the
category of fair.
2. Anna Faradilla was conducted a journal research entitle “ The students
Ability in Using Punctuation Marks in Paragraph Writing, a case study at
the second grade students of SMP 2 Kediri in Academic 2016/2017.
Based on the theorist, the findings, and the analysis, the results of the
study reveal that the students mean score in using punctuation marks is
70.84. it can be said the majority of the students 68% are capable in using
punctuation marks in paragraph writing. And it can be into “good” level of
students ability in using punctuation marks in paragraph writing at the
second grade students of SMPN 2 Kediri.
3. Fiber Yun Ginting was conducted a journal research entitle “ An analysis
of Students Ability in Using Punctuation Marks in Descriptive Paragraph
Writing”. Based on the theorist, the findings, and the analysis, the results
of the study reveal that the students ability in using punctuation mark in
descriptive writing was categaorized into low, since the mean of the
studets was 55.47. It was because most of the students were unable to
know the function of punctuation mar in writing paragraph. It can
classfied that 1 or 2 % was categorized into excellent who get score 80
from the total students were 53 students. And 10 students were categorized
into good. 17 students or 32% were categorized into fair. And 13 students
or 24.5% were categorized into low, and 12 or 22.5% were categorized
into failed.

C. Conceptual framework

Writing is very important, because it is one of the language skill to be
mastered. It is because nowdays people, who take technology as their means of
communication, seem to be impossible to be separated from the activity of
writing, from the simpelst like sending short message through mobile phones and
to the more complex like making bussiness letter via e-mail. The importance of
writing is also seen from the fact that skill has become a need for people to
compete in global era. Students need to prepare themselves for their future. They
need to be able to write an application letter when applying for a job and many
others kinds of written texts when doing their job later. And using punctuation
correctly is important, because it make the students writing good and they can be
a good writer.

In this study was intending to investigate line with the problem of the study,
this research, the researcher will analyze the writing ability and difficulties of
students in writing recount text. The researcher will focus on analysing
punctuation mark.

D. Actional Hypothesis

Based on the formulation above pronlems and theoritical, the hypothesis of

this research is using punctuation mark the students be able to good their writing
ability at VIII grade of SMPN 1 Pakantan.


Research Methodology

A. Research Design
This research used a descriptive quantitative method, the researcher
describe students ability in using punctuation marks in writing recount text
based on the students test results. The technique of collecting data used in this
research is test and interview, to know students ability in using punctuation
mark in writing recount text. In this research do the case in SMPN 1 Pakantan,
Mandailing Natal.

B. Research Setting
1. Research Place

This research will conduct SMPN 1 Pakantan, Mandailing Natal.

This research willl be focus in students of junior high school especially
VIII grade at 2021 academic year. Students is the reason for choosing this
school because the researcher found the students are lack able to writing
recount text. The reason of choosing this location are

1) Many of students are low using punctuation marks in writing

recount text because no pay attention .
2) The school location near from the researcher.
3) The place of the object is accessible to the researcher.
2. Research Time
This research will conduct two months from April until May 2021.
This research is still caried out in school. Even though it is still a
pandemic covid-19 but school are open and sometimes students study
at school. So the researcher will conduct this research in school.
3. Research Participant
The subject of this research is of students of SMPN 1 Pakantan,
Mandailing Natal. The sample of this research is eight grade that
consist 25 students. 13 female and 12 male.

C. Research Method

This research used a test and interview as instrument to collecting

the significant data for this research, and used recount text. The researcher
gave the test to the students to put some punctuation marks in the
paragraph then interview related to the find out what the problem of using
punctuation marks in writing paragraph recount text.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

Actually the procedure of collecting data were performed by
administrating for four meetings, for two cycle. The first cycle consist of
two meetings. The second cycle consist of two meetings too. In the first
cycle contained four step, they are planning, Action, Observation, and
Reflection. There is pre test before conducting the cycle in order to get
background situation of the teaching learning in class and information of
students ability in writing. And there was also post-test in the end of cycle.
In every meeting the writer also will conduct a test to see the students
increasing in writing. Before conducting the cycle, the writer will
interview the students and English of the class in order to get the general
information of students difficulties in writing.
1. First Cycle
The writer is conducting based on problems that were found in pre test. In
the pre-test, it is find that students ability in using punctuation marks in
writing recount text. First cycle will be conducted from meeting 1 unit
meeting 2.
a. Planning
Planning is the arrangement for doing something. In planning , it is
considered everything that will be need teaching and learning process.
Any activities were done planning they are : preparing the topic for the
test, prepare the facilities, prepare the instrument for collection data,
such as observation sheet and interview sheet.
b. Action

Action means the process of activity that was done. Action is the
implementation of planning. On order hand, action is guided by
planning that has been formerly. There are some activities in action,
they are: The researcher as a teacher expalain material, and ask the
test to the students to put some punctuation marks in writing recount
c. Reflecting
This step is analyzing the whole action that has been done. Based on
the data that had been collected, teacher and researcher discuss and
make evaluation to determine the next cycle.
2. Second Cycle
a. Planning
Planning is the arrangeme nt for doing something. In planning , it is
considered everything that will be need teaching and learning process.
Any activities were done planning they are : preparing the topic for the
test, prepare the facilities, prepare the instrument for collection data,
such as observation sheet and interview sheet.
b. Action
Action means the process of activity that was done. Action is the
implementation of planning. On order hand, action is guided by
planning that has been formerly. There are some activities in action,
they are: The researcher as a teacher expalain material, and ask the
test to the students to put some punctuation marks in writing recount
c. Observation
Observation is aimed at finding out the information that is used to be
evaluated and was basic reflection. Therefore, doing the observation
must be carefully. In observation, the research was record every action,
comment, feeling and certain behavior the apear during in writing
recount text. The atitudes of the students while doing their writing
procedure text.
d. Reflecting

This step is analyzing the whole action that has been done. Based on
the data that had been collected, the researcher makes an evaluation
based on the activities before. The researcher analyzes the result of all
tests and compares the whole reslt of the students achievement. As a
results, researcher can make coclusion in cnducting classroom action

E. Technique of Collecting Data

1. Test

Test is set of question,excersise or other instruments which are used

to measure skill, knowledge, inttelligence, and attitude of students. In
this case, the researcher that is given is written the story of recount text
which this story not using punctuation mark. The test was conducted
during 60 minutes and it is given to one class that consist of 25 students.
Test is used to collect data about the ability of VIII grade students in
SMPN 1 Pakantan to use punctuation mark.

2. Interview

The second technic in collecting data used interview. Interview is the

most technic to collect primary data. Interview here has function to
answer the problem that cannot answer from the observation. The
research interview the students before during and after. The interview
used by using personal contact with students to know of students writing

3. Observation

Observation directly what happens in the learning process.

Observation can be usedby checklist or free writing. The reseracher was
observation by watching and learning activities in the classroom during
the class done. How students res ponse was came th object of the

4. Documentation

A documentation study in anything written that contains
information serving as proof. Document study includes some media
such as photo, video wich related to research focusing. In this
research, the research only use photo as the documentation. The
researcher took while learning process and around the school.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting data from doing the test, the writer analyzed the
students errors by focusing on their grammatical error in using punctuation
mark in writing recount text from the students answer sheet. The
researcher use formula to analysis the percentage of the data. The
percentage of the error will be presented based on the term of descriptive
analysis technique. The writer applied the following formula calclate of
students grammatical errors of punctuation mark. The formula is :

p(% )= x 100 %

p = percentage

f = requency errors

n = number of sample which is observed

After the writer having frequency and percentage of diffuclty, the writer will
calculate the average mark by using formula in below

p= x 100 %
N xn

P = Percentage

f = frequency

N = number of students

n = number of item test

Alexander LG. Practic and Progress. (London: Longman Group Ltd.1975).
Andreson Mark .(2003). Text Types English I and II. Sount Yarra : Machmillan
Education Australia.
Brown, H. D. (1994). Principle of Languae Learning and Teaching. New York:
Prentice Halls inc.
Dewi, Utami. 2012. How to Write.Medan : La-Tansa press.
Dewi, Utami. 2013. How to Write.Medan : La-Tansa press.
Harmer, Jeremy. (2004). How to Teach Writing. New York : Longman Limited
Hyland, Ken. (2004). Genre and Second Writing. Ann Arbor :University of
Michigan Press
Hyland, Ken. (2009) Teaching and Researching Writing. London : Longman :
Pearson Education Limited.
Jhon M.Echolas and Hasan Shadily. kamus Inggris Indonesia, Jakarta:PT
Knapp and Petter and Megan Watkins. (2005). Genre Text Grammar :
Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing. Sidney :University of New
South Wales Press Ltd.
Raimes,Ann. 1983. Technique in Teaching Writing. London : Oxford University
Richards, jack C. and Willy A.Renandya.(2002). Methdology in Language
Teaching : An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge University Press.
Robert and Design, Motor and Behaviors, New York : The Florida States


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