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January 17, 2016

 in Personal Development by MERCURY

17 Insights On What Makes A

Person Unique

Everyone is unique in their own way. Some people try to blend in with the majority, but
they are still unique. Some people take their uniqueness, stand out as different, and use
their unique persona to create and experience the life they want. If you are ready to
stand out from the crowd, then you first need to embrace what makes you unique. You
need to accept who you are without needing to fit into a label of who you should be. Just
know that you will stand out once you embrace everything that makes you different, but
you will also be in complete control of your life and your happiness.

So, what makes a person unique? Following are 17 different aspects of a person’s life
and themselves that makes them unique. While just one of the following things can
make someone unique, if you combine them all together, you can see just how unique
we all are.
1. Experiences

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No one has had the same experiences in life. Not one person. Everyone experiences
variations in their day, even when they are working at the same place or spending time

For instance, I spent some time with my best friend in a small cabin located in a remote
harbor. We spent two weeks together and, for the most part, did pretty much the same
things. But we experienced the time there a little differently. We had two unique
experiences that affected us in different ways.

Your experiences throughout your entire life, as well as your day to day experiences,
are what make you the unique person you are today.
2. Perception

© Hongqi Zhang (aka Michael Zhang)  | Dreamstime Stock Photos

The way you view life is not going to match up with anyone else. Sure, you may have
some moments where you and your friend perceive the exact same thing, but for the
most part you will see things slightly differently than others. Perception accounts for how
we experience things as well as how we think and feel, so it plays a huge part in what
makes a person unique.

For instance, the other night I had a conversation with a friend over text. A family
member thought that I had offended my friend while I thought nothing of it. I knew my
friend and what I could or could not say to him, but the family member insisted that what
I had said would make him upset. We had a different perception of such a simple thing,
and it was based on our own experiences in life and influenced how we felt about the
3. Beliefs

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Your experiences and perceptions in life create your beliefs. What you believe is what
you perceive to be true based on what you have experienced in life. Your beliefs about
yourself, other people, the world, what’s right and wrong, and everything else is never –
in a million years – going to match up to someone else’s beliefs perfectly.

Moreover, beliefs can change over time based from future experiences and perceptions,
which means that even if you have the same belief as someone right now, you may not
in the future.
4. Creativity

© Mirko Vitali  | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Everyone is creative in some way, but there are many different creative talents that we
can have. Some of us are good at improvising, some of us are good at inventing, some
of us are good at creating, and some of us are good at envisioning things.

According to Lynne Levesque, Ed. D. there are 8 different creative talents to pull from,
including the adventurer, the navigator, the pilot, the inventor, the explorer, the diplomat,
the poet, and the visionary. Within these groups, we each branch out in different ways,
which is what makes us unique from the next person.
5. Genetics

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Even our bodies are different on a genetic level. Research has shown that we are
somewhere between 90-99% different thanks to our genes and the number of copies of
our genes. A change in one thing can change how our genes are used or even
expressed. Without getting too technical, it is apparent that no one is alike in their
6. Body

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Everyone’s body is unique! Surprise! Everyone carries their weight differently and
comes in different shapes and sizes. While this is glaringly apparent when you look
around, we all seem to think that we are supposed to look exactly alike, which is
absolutely ridiculous!

People who celebrate their unique bodies often stand out the most to people. Thin, fat,
short, tall, and everything in between can really make us take notice of how different
someone seems to be.
7. Relationships

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Relationships have a big influence over our lives. They influence how we think about
ourselves and how we interact with the world around us. Not one person can say that
they have the same relationships as anyone else. Even if two people are friends solely
with the same people, the relationships they have with them are going to differ on some

Some people connect more than others. Some people share certain beliefs that bind
them in a different way. Some people clash with each other on little things, and that
affects their relationship. The point is that we all have different relationships in our lives,
which is a big contribution to what makes a person unique.
8. Hobbies

© Hongqi Zhang (aka Michael Zhang)  | Dreamstime Stock Photos

We all have different hobbies, and even if we do have the same hobby as someone
else, we often approach it in a slightly different way. I think one of the best ways to
showcase this is to get on YouTube and watch all the vloggers who are focused on
planners and organization. While they all enjoying using planners, agendas, and
calendars, no two vloggers do things exactly the same! Each one of them is unique and
adds something new to the planning/organization niche. This is why there are so many
different bloggers on the same topics. They all have a unique way of approaching the
things they enjoy and that is where things get uniquely interesting.
9. Intelligence

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It’s a matter of fact – we are all different when it comes to intelligence. Intelligence
stems from many things, including our beliefs, social aptitude, emotional awareness,
experiences, and the health of our brain. No two people are riding on the same
wavelength of intelligence, which is why it is necessary for people to come together
during problem solving. What one person understands or can figure out can help the
other person increase their awareness as well.
10. Sensing The World

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We all have five dominant senses, and they play a huge part in making us unique. First,
we all see different things, which affects how the other senses are used. Moreover, we
all hear things differently, which affects how the other senses are used.

For instance, when I was with my friend in the harbor, she couldn’t smell the ocean as
strongly as I could. Because I wasn’t used to being around the ocean as much as she
was, I was more focused on the ocean than she was, while she was more focused on
what was happening directly in and around the cabin. That strongly affected what we
heard, smelled, saw, and even tasted while we were there. Just another reason we
experienced the whole trip so differently.
Another example is how we hear music. Some people love heavy metal while others
enjoy classical. Often the reasons we prefer one genre over another has everything to
do with our perception on life and what we have experienced and believe. One person
may have grown up listening to heavy metal with their best friends while another person
enjoyed classical music with their favorite grandmother.

11. Taste

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This is part of sensing the world around us, but it’s important to note that we really do
taste things differently. First, what we grow up on we tend to favor because we have
grown accustomed to the tastes in those foods. But it also turns out that it has
something to do with the number of taste buds we have, the sensory capacities those
taste buds have, and the response the brain has from the signals it gets from the taste
buds and the nerve endings.
In other words, everyone experiences flavor differently! Some people, with a lot of taste
buds and high sensory capacities, are able to pull apart a meal and taste each
individual flavor, while others with fewer taste buds, may taste something less flavorful.

12. Personality

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What makes up a person’s personality? Their temperament, attitude, thoughts, beliefs,

behavior, and character. Your personality is very unique, and it is what other people see
when they interact with you. Often people will describe people based on their
personality, which shows how unique it is. For instance, you will hear people describe
others as bubbly, quiet, thoughtful, agreeable, annoying, or rude.
13. Communication Habits

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No two people communicate in the same way. The way people communicate reflects
their thoughts, beliefs, and personality. Some people are loud and say what is on their
mind, while others are more withdrawn and like to keep personal things to themselves.
Some people are excellent at reading body language (and using their body language to
communicate) while others don’t see anything past the words coming out (and don’t
understated how their body language is affecting a conversation).
14. Humor

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We don’t see the ‘funny’ in the same things. For instance, I don’t find Andrew Dice Clay
funny, but there are plenty of people who relate to him, and that is what humor is all
about. What we find humorous often relates to what we have experienced and how we
perceive life. And while some comedians have the ability to touch on everyday things
that most of us can relate to, they still are not found funny by everyone.
15. Goals

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We all have different desires in life. Even if we have the same type of goal, we often
want something slightly different than the next person.

For instance, if you have a goal to create a successful business, there can be many
different variations from someone else. You may want to make a certain amount of
money, or you may just want to influence other people in a positive way rather than
make a fortune.
16. Intuition

©  Antonio Guillem |  Dreamstime Stock Photos

Some people have a high level of intuition that helps them decide what they want to do
in life, while others need to reason things out before they can make a conclusion. While
there are different factors that play a part in how intuitive someone is, the brain is
definitely one of the big ones.

People who have a stronger right brain more seem to be more intuitive because they
have the ability to make a connection between things easier. The right brain is visual
and processes inflammation in an intuitive way, while the left brain processes things in
an analytical way.

While the neuroscience community doesn’t believe that we operate from solely the left-
brain or right-brain, there is no doubt that our experiences in life, as well as how we
have been taught to approach life, determine how much we focus and strengthen one
side over the other.

17. Willingness To Be Yourself

© Mirko Vitali  | Dreamstime Stock Photos

What makes a person unique? Their willingness to be who they are and stand out from
the crowd. This is a very unique trait, because most people are not comfortable
embracing their differences and approaching life based on their preferences. Moreover,
most people are not willing to show off their true personality and how they interact with
the world.

I’ve seen this time and time again. One person will agree with someone else simply for
the sake of fitting in. And it can be in the smallest form too. For instance, one person
may buy vanilla ice cream, even though they want to buy chocolate ice cream, just so
they can fit in. But, it’s obvious – even in that little choice – that they are not happy or in
a state of flow that comes with being honest with yourself and others.

The most unique people in the world are the people who fully embrace who they are
and are willing to live life according to everything that makes up who they are. Celebrate
these people when you meet them because they are a true testament to what living a
passionate and satisfying life is all about.

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