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Group No.:

Schedule: TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY(9:00 A.M-12:00 P.M) Date Submitted: September 10,2021

Experiment No.03


The changes that substance undergo can be classified as physical, chemical or nuclear. During
physical changes, a substance changes its physical appearance but not its composition. All changes of
state are physical changes.

In chemical changes (also called chemical reactions), a substance is transformed into a chemically
different substance.

In nuclear changes, a large nucleus disintegrates into two or more smaller nuclei unite to form a big


1.To identify the of change that a substance will undergo.


2 test tubes sugar (sucrose)

evaporating dish concentrated sulfuric acid
stirring rod hydrochloric acid
beaker sodium bicarbonate powder
watch glass salt (sodium chloride)
graduated cylinder (10 ml) water
test tube brush ice
Bunsen burner


1. In a clean test tube, place 2ml of water. Heat to boiling. What substance is evolved?
- Compound substance

What type of change is involved?

- Physical change
2. Place 5 ml of water in an evaporating dish. Add a small amount of sodium chloride and stir. Heat
the solution until the liquid has evaporated. What is the substance left on the evaporating dish?
- Sodium chloride
What type change is involved?
- Chemical change
3. Place a pinch of sugar on a watch glass. Add a few drops of sulfuric acid. What happens?
- The color of sugar changed to yellowish at first and it changes to brown/red color.

What type of change is involved?

- Chemical change
4. In a clean test tube, place 2 ml of hydrochloric acid. Add a small amount of sodium bicarbonate.
What happens?
- Bubbles of a colorless gas are evolved.

What type of change is involved?

- Physical change
5. Place some crushed ice in a small beaker. Add 5 ml of water then stir. Leave it for 10 minutes.
What forms on the outside of the beaker?
- Moist

Where did it come from?

- From the ice that is mixed with water

What type of change is involved?

- Physical change


1. What is the relationship between change in matter and change in energy?

- Energy is always involved in changes of state. Matter either loses or absorbs energy when it
changes from one state to another. For example, when matter changes from a liquid to a
solid, it loses energy. The opposite happens when matter changes from a solid to a liquid.
2. Differentiate rusting from corrosion.
- Corrosion impacts a wide range of objects, while rust only impacts iron and its alloys, such
as steel. Therefore, rust is a form of corrosion, although it specifically refers to oxidation of
metals containing iron. Corrosion requires surface exposure to air or chemicals. Rusting
requires surface exposure to both air and moisture.
3. An aluminum sign was nailed to a wooden house with iron nails. After a while, the sign fell off.
Which metal is corroded?
- Iron nails was the one corroded with the aluminum sign.

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