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Scientific Inquiry and Review (SIR)

Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2018

ISSN (P): 2521-2427, ISSN (E): 2521-2435
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Article: Modified Dust-Lower-Hybrid Waves in Quantum Plasma

Author(s): Abdul Rauf

Israr Zeb
Muhammad Saqlain

Online Published: April 2018

Article DOI:

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To cite this article: Rauf A, Zeb I, Saqlain M. Modified dust-lower-hybrid waves in quantum
plasma. Sci Inquiry Rev. 2018;2(2):12–21. DOI:

A publication of the
School of Science
University of Management and Technology
Modified Dust-Lower-Hybrid Waves In Quantum Plasma

Modified Dust-Lower-Hybrid Waves In Quantum Plasma

Abdul Rauf 1 , I. Zeba 2 , Muhammad Saqlain 3
Department of Physics, LGU, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Physics, LCW University Lahore-54000, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan
Dust-lower-hybrid waves in quantum plasma have been studied. The dispersion
relation of the dust-lower-hybrid wave has been examined using the quantum
hydrodynamic model of plasma in an ultra-cold Fermi dusty plasma in the
presence of a uniform external magnetic field. Graphical analysis shows that
the electron Fermi temperature effect and the quantum corrections give rise to
significant effects on the dust-lower-hybrid wave of the magnetized quantum
dusty plasma.
Keywords: Magneto plasma, wavelength, microecectronics, hydrodynamics,
quantum mechanics

1. Introduction
Quantum mechanical effects in some specific areas of plasma physics have great
significance. When plasma is cooled to an extremely low temperature, the de
Broglie wavelengths of the plasma particles are comparable to the dimensions
of the system. In such plasmas, the ultra-cold dense plasma would behave as a
Fermi gas and quantum mechanical effects might play a vital role in the
behaviour of the charge carriers of plasmas under these conditions. In
microelectronics [1,2] and very large integrated circuit fabrications, the system
may develop contaminants due to etching, implantations etc. which may lead to
new properties. The laser produced plasmas [3] and plasmas in high density
astrophysical objects [4-6] may also be contaminated by various reasons. Thus,
these ultra-cold plasma systems may behave as dusty plasmas where quantum
mechanical effects could unveil the properties of these systems. This research
aims to present the quantum effects on dust-lower-hybrid waves, where dust
dynamic plays a vital role. Within the ambit of a symmetrical external magnetic
field, the modification of the dust-lower-hybrid wave in quantum plasma can be
achieved by following the standard techniques [7-10].
2. Material and Method
The equations in the quantum hydrodynamic model for electrons and ions of
ሬԦ଴ are
dusty plasma in presence of a dust-lower-hybrid perturbation and ‫ܤ‬
൅ ࢔࢐࢕ ൫સǤ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൯ ൌ ૙
ሬሬሬԦ ‫܄‬ (1)
݊௝ଵ ൌ perturb particle density of jth species
݊௝௢ ൌ equilibrium particle density of jth species
ሬԦ௝ଵ ൌ perturb velocity of jth species
The equation of motion for electron and ions of dusty plasma in the presence
of perturbation and ‫ܤ‬ሬԦ଴ is

Abdul Rauf et al.

ࣔࢂ࢐૚ ሬԦ
࢓࢐ ࢔࢐࢕ ሬԦ૚ ൅ ࢂ
ൌ ࢔࢐࢕ ࢗ࢐ ൫ࡱ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࡮
ሬሬԦ࢕ ൯ (2)
݉௝ ൌ mass of jth species
‫ݍ‬௝ ൌ charge of jth species
‫ܧ‬ሬԦଵ ൌ electric field intensity in the presence of a DLH perturbation
‫ܤ‬ሬԦ଴ ൌ equilibrium/uniform magnetic field.

ሬԦ૚ ൌ െસ
ሬࡱ ሬԦ࣐૚ 
߮ଵ ൌ perturb electrostatic potential
ࢗ࢐ ሬ࡮
ൌ࣓ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ 
So equation (2) becomes

 ‫܄‬ሬԦ࢐૚ ൌ െ ࢗ࢐ સሬԦ࣐૚ ൅ ‫܄‬ ሬԦ࢐૚  ൈ ࣓
ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ (3)
࢚ࣔ ࢓࢐
Dielectric susceptibility of plasma can be obtained by solving the equations
(1) and (3)
according to Fourier Laplace transformation

ൌ െ࢏࣓ࢇ࢔ࢊસ ሬԦ  ൌ ࢏࢑ ሬԦ
ሬԦ࢐૚ ൌ ࢂ
ࢂ ሬԦୄ ൅ ࢂ ሬԦ‫ צ‬
ሬԦ ൌ ࢑
࢑ ሬԦୄ ൅ ࢑ ሬԦ‫ צ‬
From equation (3)
࢏ࢗ ࣐ ൣ൫࢑ ሬԦ ൈ ࣓ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ െ ࢏࢑ ሬԦୄ ࣓൧
ሬԦୄ ൌ ࢐ ૚ ୄ
࢓࢐ ൫࣓૛ െ ࣓૛ࢉ࢐ ൯
ࢗ࢐ ࣐૚࢑ሬԦ‫צ‬
ሬԦ‫ צ‬ൌ
From equation (1)
࢔࢐૚ ൌ ൣ࢑ሬԦ Ǥ ࢂ
ሬԦ ൅ ࢑ ሬԦ‫ צ‬Ǥ ࢂ
ሬԦ‫ צ‬൧
࣓ ୄ ୄ
࢔࢐࢕ ࢑૛఼ ࣓ࢗ࢐ ࣐૚ ࢑૛‫࣐ ࢐ࢗ צ‬૚
࢔࢐૚ ൌ ቈ ൅ ቉ (4)
࣓ ࢓࢐ ቀ࣓૛ ି࣓૛ࢉ࢐ ቁ ࣓࢓࢐
࣑࢐ ࢑૛ ࣐૚
࢔࢐૚ ൌ െ  (5)
From equations (4) and (5)
࢑૛ୄ  ૝࣊࢔࢐࢕ ࢗ૛࢐ ࢑૛‫צ‬ ૝࣊࢔࢐࢕ ࢗ૛࢐
࣑࢐ ൌ ૛  ൈ  െ  ൈ  
࢑ ࢓࢐ ൫࣓૛ െ ࣓૛ࢉ࢐ ൯ ࢑૛ ࣓૛ ࢓࢐
૝࣊࢔࢐࢕ ࢗ૛࢐
࣓૛࢖࢐ ൌ (6)

Modified Dust-Lower-Hybrid Waves In Quantum Plasma

࢑૛఼  ࣓૛࢖࢐ ࢑૛‫צ‬ ࣓૛࢖࢐
࣑࢐ ൌ ૛ ൈ െ ૛ൈ (7)
࢑ ቀ࣓૛ࢉ࢐ ି࣓૛ ቁ ࢑ ࣓૛
For un-magnetized dust
࣓ࢉࢊ ൌ ૙
࢑૛఼  ࣓૛ ࢑૛ ࣓૛
࣑ࢊ ൌ െ ૛  ൈ ࢖ࢊ െ ‫צ‬૛  ൈ  ࢖ࢊ
࢑ ࣓૛ ࢑ ࣓૛
So, the susceptibility for the unmagnetized and cold dust particle is
࣑ࢊ ൌ െ (8)
The dispersion relation is
ࢿ൫࣓ǡ ࢑ሬԦ൯ ൌ ࢿ ൌ ૚ ൅  ࣑ࢋ ൅ ࣑࢏ ൅ ࣑ࢊ ൌ ૙ (9)
૛ ૛ ૛ ૛
࢑ୄ  ࣓࢖ࢋ ࢑‫צ‬ ࣓࢖ࢋ
૚൅ቆ ૛ ൈ ૛ െ ૛  ൈ  ૛ ቇ
࢑ ሺ࣓ࢉࢋ െ ࣓ ሻ ࢑૛ ࣓

࢑ୄ  ࣓࢖࢏ ૛
࢑૛‫צ‬ ࣓૛࢖࢏ ࣓૛࢖ࢊ
൅ቆ ૛ ൈ ૛ െ  ൈ  ቇ ൅ ቆെ ቇൌ૙
࢑ ൫࣓ࢉ࢏ െ ࣓૛ ൯ ࢑૛ ࣓૛ ࣓૛
࣓૛ࢉࢋ ‫࣓ ب‬૛ ࣓ܽ݊݀૛ࢉ࢏ ‫࣓ ب‬૛ 
࣓࢖ࢋ ‫ ࢏࢖࣓ ب‬
࣓૛࢖࢏ ൎ ૙
࣓૛࢖࢏ ‫࣓ ب‬૛ࢉ࢏

࢑૛ୄ  ࣓૛࢖ࢊ ࣓૛ࢉ࢏ ࢑૛‫࣓ צ‬૛࢖ࢋ
࣓ ൌ ૛  ൈ ቆ૚ ൅ ૛ ૛ ቇ
࢑ ࣓૛࢖࢏ ࢑ ࣓࢖ࢊ
As, ࢑૛ ൌ ࢑૛ୄ ൅ ࢑૛‫צ‬ if ࢑૛ୄ ‫࢑ ب‬૛‫צ‬ then, ࢑૛ ൌ ࢑૛ୄ or ൌ૚
࣓૛࢖ࢊ ࣓૛ࢉ࢏ ࢑૛‫࣓ צ‬૛࢖ࢋ
࣓૛ ൌ ቆ૚ ൅ ቇ
࣓૛࢖࢏ ࢑૛ ࣓૛࢖ࢊ
࢑૛‫࣓ צ‬૛࢖ࢋ
࣓૛ ൌ ࣓૛ࢊ࢒ࢎ ൬૚ ൅ ൰ (10)
࢑૛ ࣓૛࢖ࢊ
is the dispersion relation for DLH wave.
Now, equation (2) with quantum effect becomes
ࣔࢂ ૛ ሬሬሬԦ
સ൫સ ૛ ࢔
࢓࢐ ࢔࢐࢕ ሬሬԦ૚ ൅ ࢂ
ൌ ࢔࢐࢕ ࢗ࢐ ൫ࡱ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࡮ ሬԦࡼ࢐૚ ൅ ԰
ሬሬԦ࢕ ൯ െ સ ࢐૚ ൯
࢚ࣔ ૝࢓࢐
԰మ ‫׏‬
ሬሬሬԦ൫‫׏‬మ ௡ ೕభ ൯
ൌ Bohm Potential term
ሬԦܲ௝ଵ  ൌ Fermi pressure term
ሬԦ࢐૚ ࢗ࢐
ࣔࢂ સሬԦࡼ࢐૚ ሬሬሬԦ൫સ ૛ ࢔࢐૚ ൯
԰૛ સ
ൌ ሬԦ ሬԦ ሬሬԦ
൫െસ࣐૚ ൅ ࢂ࢐૚ ൈ ࡮࢕ ൯ െ ൅ 
࢚ࣔ ࢓࢐ ࢓࢐ ࢔࢐࢕ ૝࢓૛࢐ ࢔࢐࢕
ࡼ࢐૚ ൌ ૛࢔࢐૚ ࢑࡮ ࢀࡲ࢐
ƒ by assuming that electron and ions possess significant quantum mechanical

Abdul Rauf et al.

ƒ by neglecting the quantum effects on dusty particles (because of high mass

which gives to an insignificant de Broglie wavelength).


ൌ െ࢏࣓ܽ݊݀સ
 ሬԦ  ൌ ࢏࢑ ሬԦǢસ ૛  ൌ ሺ࢏࢑ሻ૛ ൌ െ࢑૛ 
ࢗ ࢗ ሬԦ൫૛࢔࢐૚ ࢑࡮ ࢀࡲ࢐ ൯
ሬԦ࢐૚ ൌ െ ࢐ ࢏࢑
െ࢏࣓ࢂ ሬԦ࣐૚ ൅ ࢐ ൫ࢂ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࡮ሬሬԦ࢕ ൯ െ
࢓࢐ ࢓࢐ ࢓࢐ ࢔࢐࢕
૛ ሬԦ ૛
԰ ൫࢏࢑൯൫െ࢑ ࢔࢐૚ ൯

૝࢓૛࢐ ࢔࢐࢕
ࢗ ࢗ ૛࢑ሬԦ ࢑࡮ ࢀࡲ࢐ ሬԦ൯ሺ࢑૛ ሻ
԰૛ ൫࢑
ሬԦ࢐૚ ൌ ࢐ ࢑
࣓ࢂ ሬԦ࣐૚ ൅ ࢏ ࢐ ൫ࢂ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࡮
ሬሬԦ࢕ ൯ ൅ ቆ ቇ ࢔࢐૚ ൅ ࢔࢐૚
࢓࢐ ࢓࢐ ࢔࢐࢕ ࢓࢐ ૝࢓૛࢐ ࢔࢐࢕
ࢗ࢐ ࢗ࢐ ሬԦࢂ૛ࡲ࢐

࣓ࢂ࢐૚ ൌ ሬԦ
࢑࣐૚ ൅ ࢏ ሬԦ ሬ
൫ࢂ ൈ ࡮࢕ ൯ ൅ሬԦ ൫૚ ൅ ࢽ࢐ ൯࢔࢐૚ 
࢓࢐ ࢓࢐ ࢐૚ ࢔࢐࢕

૛࢑࡮ ࢀࡲ࢐ ૛
ࢂࡲ࢐ ൌ ቆ ቇ ࢇ࢔ࢊࢽ࢐
԰૛ ሺ࢑૛ ሻ
ൌ ሺܳ‫݊݋݅ݐܿ݁ݎݎ݋ܿ݉ݑݐ݊ܽݑ‬ሻ
ૡ࢓࢐ ࢑࡮ ࢀࡲ࢐
ሬԦ ૛
ࢗ࢐ ࢑ࢂᇱࡲ࢐
ሬԦ࢐૚ ൌ
࣓ࢂ ሬԦ࣐૚ ൅ ࢏൫ࢂ
࢑ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࣓
ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൅ ࢔࢐૚ (12)
࢓࢐ ࢔࢐࢕
ࢂԢ૛ࡲ࢐ ൌ ࢂ૛ࡲ࢐ ൫૚ ൅ ࢽ࢐ ൯
From equation (1)
െ࢏࣓࢔࢐૚ ൅ ࢔࢐࢕ ൫࢏࢑ ሬԦǤ ࢂ
ሬԦ࢐૚ ൯ ൌ ૙
െ࣓࢔࢐૚ ൅ ࢔࢐࢕ ൫࢑ ሬԦǤ ࢂ
ሬԦ࢐૚ ൯ ൌ ૙
࢔࢐૚ ൌ ࢑ሬሬሬԦǤ ࢂ
ሬԦ࢐૚  (13)

So equation (12) becomes
ࢗ ሬ࢑ԦࢂԢ૛ࡲ࢐ ࢔࢐࢕
࣓ࢂ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൌ ࢐ ࢑ ሬԦ࣐૚ ൅ ࢏൫ࢂ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࣓ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൅ ൬ ࢑ ሬሬሬԦǤ ࢂ
ሬԦ࢐૚ ൰
࢓࢐ ࢔࢐࢕ ࣓
ࢗ ࢑૛ ࢂԢ૛ࡲ࢐
࣓ࢂሬԦ࢐૚ ൌ ࢐ ࢑ ሬԦ࣐૚ ൅ ࢏൫ࢂ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࣓ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൅ ൫ࢂ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൯
࢓࢐ ࣓
࢑૛ ࢂԢ૛ࡲ࢐ ࢗ
࣓ ቆ૚ െ ቇ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൌ ࢐ ࢑
ࢂ ሬԦ࣐૚ ൅ ࢏൫ࢂ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࣓ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯
࣓૛ ࢓࢐
࢑૛ ࢂԢ૛ࡲ࢐
ࡲԢ࢐ ൌ ૚ െ 
ሬԦ࢐૚ ൯ ൌ ࢑
࣓ࡲԢ࢐ ൫ࢂ ሬԦ࣐૚ ൅ ࢏൫ࢂ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൈ ࣓ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ (14)

Modified Dust-Lower-Hybrid Waves In Quantum Plasma

Taking perpendicular ሺ٣ሻcomponent of equation (14)

ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൯ ൌ ࢗ࢐ ࢑
࣓ࡲԢ࢐ ൫ࢂ ሬԦୄ ࣐૚ ൅ ࢏൫ࢂ
ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൈ ࣓
ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ (15)
Multiply this equation by࣓ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ , we get
ࢗ࢐ ࣐૚
ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൈ ࣓
࣓ࡲԢ࢐ ൫ࢂ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൌ ሬԦୄ ൈ ࣓
൫࢑ ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൈ ࣓
ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൅ ࢏൫ࢂ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൈ ࣓
࢏ࢗ࢐ ሬ࢑Ԧ఼ ࣐૚ ࢗ࢐ ࣐૚
ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൅
െ࢏࣓ࡲᇱ ࢐ ൬െ࢏࣓ࡲᇱ ࢐ ࢂ ൰ ൌ െ࢏ ሬԦୄ ൈ ࣓
൫࢑ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൅
࢓࢐ ࢓࢐
ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൈ ࣓
൫ࢂ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൈ ࣓
ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ (16)
ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൈ ࣓
൫ࢂ ሬԦ࢐ୄ 
ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൌ െ࣓૛ࢉ࢐ ࢂ
ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൯ ൈ ࣓
So last equation becomes
ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ି࢏࣓ࡲ ࢐ ࢑఼ ൧ ᇲ ሬԦ
ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൌ ࢏ࢗ࢐࣐૚ ൣ࢑఼ൈ࣓
ࢂ (17)
૛ ૛ ૛
࢓࢐ ቂ࣓ ࡲᇱ࢐ ି࣓ࢉ࢐ ቃ
ሬԦ࢐‫ צ‬ൈ ࣓
Taking parallel ሺ‫צ‬ሻcomponent of equation (14), and putting ࢂ ሬሬሬԦࢉ࢐ ൌ ૙

ሬԦ‫࣐ צ‬૚
ࢗ࢐ ࢑
ሬԦ࢐‫ צ‬ൌ
࣓ࡲԢ࢐ ࢂ ൅ ૙

ሬԦ‫࣐ צ‬૚
ࢗ࢐ ࢑
ሬԦ࢐‫ צ‬ൌ
ࢂ (18)
࣓ࡲᇱ࢐ ࢓࢐
From equation (1),
ൌ െ࢔࢐࢕ ൫સǤ ሬԦ࢐૚ ൯
ሬሬሬԦ ‫܄‬
െ࢏࣓࢔࢐૚ ൌ െ࢔࢐࢕ ࢏൫࢑ ሬԦ‫ צ‬൅ ࢑ ሬԦୄ ൯൫ࢂሬԦ࢐‫ צ‬Ǥࢂ
ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൯
࢔࢐૚ ൌ  ൫࢑ሬԦ‫ צ‬Ǥ ࢂ
ሬԦ࢐‫ צ‬൅ ࢑ ሬԦୄ Ǥࢂ
ሬԦ࢐ୄ ൯

ሬԦ࢐ୄ andࢂ
Putting the values of ࢂ ሬሬሬԦ࢐‫ צ‬, we get
࢑૛఼ ࣓૛࢖࢐ ࡲᇱ࢐ ࢑૛‫צ‬ ࣓૛࢖࢐
࣑࢐ ൌ ૛ െ ૛ (19)
࢑ ቀ࣓૛ࢉ࢐ ି࣓૛ ࡲᇱ૛࢐ ቁ ࢑ ࡲᇱ࢐ ࣓૛
Let us consider a super-cooled magnetized Fermi dusty plasma where
ƒ Electrons are considered hot at Fermi temperature and quantum
ƒ Ions are cold and non-quantum
ƒ Dust particles are cold and non-quantum

࢑૛఼ ࣓૛ ࡲᇱࢋ ࢑૛‫צ‬ ࣓૛࢖ࢋ
࣑ࢋ ൌ  ൫ି࣓࢖ࢋ૛ െ 
࢑૛ ࡲᇱ૛ࢋ ൯ ࢑૛ ࡲᇱࢋ ࣓૛
࢑૛ୄ ࣓૛࢖ࢋ  ࢑૛‫࣓ צ‬૛࢖ࢋ
ൌ െ ૛  െ ૛
࢑ ࡲԢࢋ ࢑ ࡲԢࢋ ࣓૛
൫࢑ୄ ൅ ࢑‫ צ‬൯ ࣓૛࢖ࢋ
૛ ૛
࢑૛ ࡲԢࢋ ࣓૛

Abdul Rauf et al.

Since ࢑૛ୄ ൅ ࢑૛‫ צ‬ൌ ࢑૛

࣑ࢋ ൌ െ 
ࡲԢࢋ ࣓૛
࢑૛ ࢂᇱ૛ࡲࢋ
Since ࡲԢࢋ ൌ ૚ െ
࣑ࢋ ൌ െ ૛ ࢂԢ૛

࢑ ࡲࢋ
࣓૛ ቆ૚ െ ቇ
૛ ࢑૛ ࢂᇱ૛ࡲࢋ
Assume ࣓૛ ‫࢑ ا‬૛ ࢂᇱ ࡲࢋ ǡ and ࡲԢࢋ ൌ െ then,
࣑ࢋ ൌ െ 
࢑૛ ࢂᇱ ૛ࡲࢋ
࣓૛ ቆെ ቇ
࢑૛ ࢂԢ૛ࡲࢋ
Since ࣅԢ૛ࡲࢋ ൌ
ࣅԢࡲࢋ ൌDebye length of electrons at Fermi temperature
ࢂԢࡲࢋ ൌ Fermi speed of electrons
࣓࢖ࢋ  ൌ electron plasma frequency

So, ૏ࢋ ൌ (20)
࢑૛ ࣅᇲ૛
Now for࣑࢏  , ࡲԢ࢏ ൌ ૚
ࡷ૛఼ ࣓૛࢖࢏ ࡷ૛‫࢏࢖࣓ צ‬

૏࢏ ൌ ૛ െ
ࡷ૛ ࣓૛ࢉ࢏ ି࣓ ࡷ૛ ࣓૛
by using ࣓૛ࢉ࢏ ‫࣓ب‬ ૛
૛ ૛
ࡷ૛఼ ࣓࢖࢏ ࡷ૛‫࢏࢖࣓ צ‬
૏࢏ ൌ െ (21)
ࡷ૛ ࣓૛ࢉ࢏ ࡷ ૛ ࣓૛
Similarly for࣑ࢊ  , ࡲԢࢊ ൌ ૚ and ࣓ࢉࢊ ൌ ૙
So, the susceptibility for the un-magnetized and cold dust particles is obtained
૏ࢊ ൌ െ ࢖ࢊ (22)
The dispersion relation for DLH wave in Quantum plasma will be
૚ ࢑૛఼ ࣓૛࢖࢏ ૛
࢑૛‫࢏࢖࣓ צ‬ ࣓૛࢖ࢊ
ሬሬሬԦ൯ ൌ ૚ ൅
ࢿ൫࣓ǡ ࡷ ൅ െ െ ൌ૙
࢑૛ ࣅᇲ૛
ࡲࢋ ࢑૛ ࣓૛ࢉ࢏ ࢑૛ ࣓૛ ࣓૛
࣓૛࢖࢏ ૚
For ‫ب‬ ‫ب‬૚
࣓૛ࢉ࢏ ࣓૛ ࣅᇱ૛ࡲࢋ

ࡷ૛ ࣓࢖࢏
࣓૛ࢊ࢒ࢎ ൭૚ା ‫צ‬૛ ૛ ൱
ࡷ ࣓
࣓૛ ൌ ૛
࢑఼ ࣓ࢉ࢏ ૛ (23)

ቆ Ǥ ૛ ା૚ቇ
࢑૛ ࡯ᇲ ૛ ࢑఼

Modified Dust-Lower-Hybrid Waves In Quantum Plasma

࣓૛࢖ࢊ ࣓૛ࢉ࢏ ૛ ૛ ࡯ᇱ૛

࣓૛ࢊ࢒ࢎ ൌ ǡ࡯ᇱ ࡲ࢙ ൌ ࣅᇱ ࡲࢋ ࣓૛࢖࢏ ƒ†࣋ᇱ૛
ࡲ࢙ ൌ 
࣓૛࢖࢏ ࣓૛ࢉ࢏
૛ ૛
ࡷ ࣓࢖࢏
࣓૛ࢊ࢒ࢎ ൭૚ା ૛‫ צ‬૛ ൱
ࡷ ࣓
So ࣓૛ ൌ (24)
఼ ൭ ૚ Ǥ ૚ ା૚൱
࢑૛ ࢑૛ ૛
఼ ࣋ᇲ ࡲ࢙
࢑૛ୄ ‫࢑ ب‬૛‫צ‬
࢑૛ୄ ൅ ࢑૛‫ צ‬ൌ ࢑૛
࢑૛ୄ ‫࢑ ׽‬૛  ฺ  ൌ૚

ࡷ૛‫࢏࢖࣓ צ‬ ૚ ି૚
࣓૛ ൌ ࣓૛ࢊ࢒ࢎ ൬૚ ൅ ൰ ൈ ቀ૚ ൅ ቁ
ࡷ૛ ࣓૛࢖ࢊ ࡷ૛఼ ࣋ᇲ૛

ࡷ૛‫࢏࢖࣓ צ‬ ૚
Or ࣓૛ ൌ ࣓૛ࢊ࢒ࢎ ൬૚ ൅ ૛ ൰ ൈ ቀ૚ െ ቁ (25)

ࡷ ࣓࢖ࢊ ࡷ૛఼ ࣋ᇲ૛
is the dispersion relation of the DLH wave in the cold Fermi dusty magneto
ࢂ૛ࡲࢋ ሺ૚ାࢽࢋ ሻ
As ࣅᇱ૛
ࡲࢋ ൌ ࣓૛࢖ࢋ
So, the relation for ࡯ᇱ૛
ࡲ࢙  is
ࡲ࢙ ൌ ࢂ૛࢖ࢋ ሺ૚ ൅ ࢽࢋ ሻ
࣓૛࢖࢏ ૛ࡷ࡮ ࢀࡲࢋ ԰૛ ࡷ૛
ࡲ࢙ ൌ Ǥ ቆ૚ ൅ ቇ
࣓૛࢖ࢋ ࢓ࢋ ૡ࢓ࢋ ࡷ࡮ ࢀࡲࢋ
૛ࡷ࡮ ࢀࡲࢋ ԰૛ ࡷ૛
ࡲ࢙ ൌ ቆ૚ ൅ ቇ
࢓࢏ ૡ࢓ࢋ ࡷ࡮ ࢀࡲࢋ
3. Results and Discussion
ƒ ࣋ᇱࡲ࢙ is the ion gyro radius at the electron Fermi temperature with quantum
correction as
԰૛ ࢑૛
ࢽࢋ ൌ
ૡ࢓ࢋ ࢑࡮ ࢀࡲࢋ
ƒ The DLH wave is seen to be significantly modified by the quantum effect.
ƒ In this case electrons at the Fermi temperature drive the wave.
ƒ If the electrons and ions within the plasma have different temperatures such
as ࢀࢋ ‫ ࢏ࢀ ب‬then there is a sort of hybrid wave that depends upon the ion mass

Abdul Rauf et al.

݉௜ and Fermi temperature of electronࢀࡲࢋ .

Figure 1. Variation of ߱as a function of wave number k

Figure 1 shows that frequency of the quantum dust-lower-hybrid wave
increases with the increase of k.

Figure 2. Variation of ߱as a function of propagation angleߠ

Figure 2 shows that frequency of the quantum dust-lower-hybrid wave
increases at small angle of propagation.

Modified Dust-Lower-Hybrid Waves In Quantum Plasma

Figure 3. Variation of ߱as a function of external magnetic field‫ܤ‬଴

and figure 3 shows that frequency of the quantum dust-lower-hybrid wave
increases with the increase of magnetic field‫ܤ‬଴ .
4. Conclusion
Equation (25) is the dispersion relation of the DLH wave in an ultra-cold and
uniformly magnetized Fermi dusty plasma employing the quantum hydrodynamic
model of a plasma with quantum and thermal corrections.
This relation is significantly affected by the quantum correction. This will find
applications in diagnosing the charged dust impurities in microelectronics and
wave particle interactions in the dusty quantum magnetoplasma. Bohm potential
term shows how the concept of quantum potential leads to the notion of an
“unbroken wholeness of entire universe”.


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