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(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga


The Relationship between Learning style and Academic performance of Grade 12 STEM student at

Rationale : The learning style refers as the student own unique way of learning in order to them to gain
new ideas and hone their own skills. Therefore the learning style of the student may also influence the
student academic performance level. In this study, aims to find out the Relationship between the
learning style and academic performance of Grade 12 STEM student of USANT.

General Problem:

This study aims to identify what are the Relationship between Learning style and Academic performance
of Grade 12 STEM student at USANT.

3 Specific Questions:

1. How does learning style influence the academic performance of Grade 12 STEM student at
2. What are the effects of learning style on the level of performance of Grade 12 STEM student at
3. Does the learning style of the student have significant effects on academic performance?

(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga


The Impact of “New Normal” learning to the grade 12 students of USANT


The global COVID-19 pandemic has had huge disruptive effects on normal life, difficult as it already was
in many countries. For schools, students and parents, the impact of closed schools and children stuck at
home with little or no access to learning, the effect has been devastating. Experts estimate that a whole
year of learning could be lost, meaning a whole cohort of students could be permanently lagging behind
in their learning. This study focuses on the impacts of the new normal learning to both students and

General Problem:

Due to the global pandemic, education nowadays is crucial for both students and teachers who are less
privileged. Some students find it difficult to cope up with the studies due to several complications that
the students encounter while participating online classes.

3 Specific Questions:

1. How does “new normal” learning affects your time doing chores?

2. How effective was "new normal" learning been for you?

3. How do you feel overall about distance education?


(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga


A Quantitative Study about the Impact of the New Normal Learning System to the Academic
Performances of Grade 12 stem student at USANT


As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, institutions have been forced to stop face-to-face classrooms,
resulting in a fundamental change toward virtual learning. In order to continue providing education in
the middle of the crisis, unconventional learning strategies were pushed. The introduction of alternate
learning modalities into a new regular classroom environment has become a major topic in the learning
institution. The purpose of this study is to find out how students in Grade 12 feel about using
synchronous and asynchronous distance learning resources.

General problem:

Students are affected by the impact of organizational difficulties related to unexpected changes.

3 Specific Questions:

1. How does the use of social media has influenced the academic performance of higher

2. What are the challenges of the students towards the New Normal Learning System?

3. What is the perception of the students regarding to the New Normal Learning System?

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