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Designed for: Designed by: Date: Version:

Lean Canvas

Problem Solution Unique Value Proposition Unfair Advantage Customer Segments

Issues on food security and Provide stream of produce amid Community and environment
safety crisis advocating foodies looking to
Lack of space for would-be Provide jobs and employment Stability of the Price support their local growers
urban farmers A role to play in making sure Low cost supply farming system Sellers at the local supermarket
there is enough safe and healthy Solar-powered greenhouse Convenience Stores
food for every Filipino family. Pesticide Free Busy professionals who value
Reliable stream of produce local and sustainably grown
Predictive Maintenance produce
Dining Services

Existing Alternatives Key Metrics High-Level Concept Channels Early Adopters

Target recurring revenue The technology behind the A door to door service to deliver

Neos Chronos Lean Canvas Template product. our products to restaurants and
convenience stores
Direct to consumer: school and
workplace delivery

Cost Structure Revenue Structure

Material Infrastructure Cost Planning and Designing
Production and Maintenance Cost Construction
Energy Cost Workshops
Labor Cost Service Charge (providing of technical assistance)
Transportation Cost Custom outfitting
List your fixed and variable costs. List your sources of revenue.
Customer acquisition costs Revenue Model
Distribution costs Life Time Value
Hosting Revenue
People Gross Margin

Lean Canvas is adapted from The Business Model Canvas ( Word implementation by: Neos Chronos Limited ( License: CC BY-SA 3.0

Designed for: Designed by: Date: Version:

Lean Canvas

Problem Solution Unique Value Proposition Unfair Advantage Customer Segments

Neos Chronos Lean Canvas Template

Existing Alternatives Key Metrics High-Level Concept Channels Early Adopters

Cost Structure Revenue Structure

Neos Chronos Lean Canvas Template

Lean Canvas is adapted from The Business Model Canvas ( Word implementation by: Neos Chronos Limited ( License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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