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Application Form for Teacher Training Program


Name : Tun Lin Aung

Gender :Male Age :21

Date of Birth :28-5-1997 Ethnicity :Myanmar

Email Phone :09960545280

National ID number: 11/PaTaNa(N)063186


Are you currently teaching? If YES, Please choose : How long have you been

10 months

In which organization/school are

you teaching?

George English Training Center


Qualification BE-d (final)
Major Subject Math-Chem-Bio

Education Institution Yangon University of Education

Please tick the appropriate box as it applies to you.

English Elementary Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Advanced


Listening *

Reading *

Writing *

Speaking *


TTT provides three branches of parallel teacher trainings, which one are you interested
o Teaching Adult Learners
Are you interested to do 2-month Internship Program after attending the teacher training?

o YES*
o NO
Have you applied the teacher training of TTT before?

o YES*
o NO
Have you attended the teacher training of TTT before?

o YES *(please specify which class ---------teaching young

o NO

What are your expectations from the teacher training program and how do you expect to use the skills
you will attain in future?

As an English language teacher teaching at GETC and as a prospective in-service training teacher,
grabbing such opportunity will be a great decision for me. Since I attended young learner class, I felt a
touch of interest in this program very well. Because of getting the chance with qualified instructors and
exposing with a variety of teaching methods, I got greater insight into teaching and I am still expecting
more from this program as well. Plus, feeling a touch of child's psychology from this program added me
to be a good instructor to build a friendly bond with students. Networking with peers and making
brainstorming given from this program will bridge to the future career to create good atmosphere in the
classroom. Not only the teaching methods but also the interpersonal skills will be inevitably needed to
build an astonished framework through the teaching career.

Motivation for applying TTT Teacher Training Program (Why do you want to
attend this training?)

As I mentioned above, every single training concerned with teaching, child psychology, broader
networking and social interaction is supposed to be my necessity that I might bring with me through the
whole life. I personally believe that teaching is very artistic and really tough to expose the children with
a bundle of practical knowledge connect with real world. On the other side, we need to understand their
feelings and indulge their desire to make creativity. So I hope this training has a tendency to give all
assistances from different perspectives. Additionally, the experiences from this training will be my
stepping-stone to climb one more step that are close to our children's lives to be meaningful in our

Please return COMPLETE Application to

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