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Internal structure of human heart

Aim- to study the internal structure of the human heart

Materials required: A model or chart of the system


1. The Heart is protected by a muscular membrane called the pericardium. It is a

double walled membrane containing the pericardial fluid.

2. It has four chambers. The upper two chambers are called atria and two lower
chambers are called ventricles. The muscular walls of ventricles are thicker than the

3. There is a septum between the auricles and ventricles called atrio ventricular

4. The auricles and ventricles of the same side are connected and the openings are
guarded by the valves- the tricuspid and bicuspid valves.

5. Various blood vessels bring blood towards heart and also carries blood away from
the heart.

6.There is a band of muscles called SAN near the opening of the vena cava.

7.Bundle of HIS is present in atrioventricular septum and branches into Purkinje


Human blood smear

Aim : To identify different types of blood cells in the human blood smear when
observed under the microscope.

Materials required: Microscope, permanent blood smear slide.


1. Erythrocytes: They are biconcave disc like, lack nucleus and carry respiratory
gases. They contain haemoglobin.

2. Leucocytes: They are irregular in shape and have nucleus. They are of different
types-granulocytes and agranulocytes.

3. Thrombocytes: They are spherical in shape and initiate blood clotting.


Human Excretory System

Aim: To study the structure of the human urinary system with the help of a chart or

Materials required: Model or chart of the system


1.The urinary system consists of Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary bladder, Urethra .

2. Kidneys are reddish brown coloured,bean shaped structures present on either side
of the vertebral column .Internally the kidney shows the presence of outer cortex
and medulla. Each kidney has millions of microscopic tubules called nephrons.

3. Ureters are a pair of ducts arising from each kidney and ends in a urinary bladder.

4.Urinary bladder is a muscular bag like structure in which urine gets temporarily

5. Urethra –The urinary bladder leads to the urethra which is a narrow tube through
which urine is expelled out.

The Human brain

Aim: to study the human brain

Materials required: A model/chart of the brain


1) The brain is protected by the cranium and the meninges.

2) The cerebrum is the largest portion of the brain and is divided into cerebral
hemispheres joined by the corpus callosum. The cerebrum helps in thinking,
reasoning, memorising.

3) The cerebellum helps in maintaining body balance and coordinates muscular


4) The medulla oblongata is the lowest part of the brain. It continues as the spinal
cord and controls the actions like beating of the heart and respiration.

The Human eye

Aim: to study the structure of the eye

Materials required: Model of the human eye.


1) It consists of three layers –sclera, choroid, retina

2) A biconvex lens helps in focussing the light on the retina.

3) Aqueous chamber filled with aqueous humour is present in front of the lens and
vitreous chamber filled with vitreous humour is present at the back of the lens.

4) The lens is held in place by suspensory ligament joined to the ciliary body

5) Optic nerve arises from the blind spot of the eye and transfers the impulses to the
brain from the eye.

6) The Iris gives colour to the eye. It controls the light entering the eye.

7) Conjunctiva is the transparent protective covering of the eye.


The Human ear.

Aim: To study the structure of internal structure of the ear

Materials required: chart/model of the human ear


1. The human ear is made up of three parts-external ear, middle ear, internal ear

2. The external ear consists of pinna and auditory canal leading to tympanum.

3. Middle ear consists of the ear ossicles-the incus, malleus, stapes. The eustachain
tube connects the middle ear to the throat.

4. The inner ear has a membranous labyrinth with two parts cochlea and
semicircular canal.

5. The organ of corti present in the middle canal of the cochlea is the organ of

6.The semicircular canals are present are at right angles to each other and help in
dynamic balance.The vestibule helps in static balance.

The Endocrine system

Aim: To identify and locate the glands of the endocrine system with the help of the

Materials required: A chart of the system


1.The pituitary gland: is pea sized gland attached to the hypothalamus. It is called
the master gland as it regulates the functioning of other endocrine glands.

2. Adrenals: Present just above the kidney attached as caps and secrete adrenaline
and corticoids.

3. Pancreas:It is present just below the stomach and is an endo-exocrine gland.

4. Thyroid gland: It is bilobed gland present in the neck region below the larynx.

5. Gonads: In females the ovary produces oestrogen and progesterone and in males
the testes produces testosterone.
Expt: 8

Ascent of Sap

Aim: To prove that xylem transports water from roots to other parts of the plants.

Materials required: A plant with a transparent stem (eg. Balsam), Eosin dye,


1. Dissolve some amount of the eosin dye in water taken in a beaker

2. Introduce the plant with roots into the beaker. Make sure that the plant is
supported using the clamp of the stand.
3. Place this set-up in the sunlight for 2-3 hours.
4. Using a sharp blade, a cross-section of the root or stem is made.
5. Observe the cross-section under 10x of a compound microscope.


Certain cells were stained pink when observed under the microscope.


It can be inferred that the cells which are stained pink are the xylem vessels.


This shows that transports water from roots to other parts of the plants.

Aim: To study diffusion in liquids.

Materials required: Beaker, water, potassium permanganate crystals.

Take a beaker half filled with water. Drop a few potassium permanganate crystals.

Potassium permanganate crystals dissolve in water and streaks of purple colour
begin to spread through the water and the water is uniformly purple.

The molecules of potassium permanganate move from a region of its higher
concentration to its lower concentration till the molecules are evenly distributed.
EXPT -10

Aim: To demonstrate the process of osmosis.

Materials required: Beaker, Thistle funnel, water, sugar solution, cellophane


The cellophane paper is tied to the mouth of the thistle funnel. Concentrated sugar
solution is filled in it. The initial level of the sugar solution is marked on the stem of
the thistle funnel. The funnel is introduced into a beaker containing water and is
clamped to a stand. The set-up is left undisturbed for at least 45 minutes.

There is a rise in the level of solution in the thistle funnel.

The rise in the level of the sugar solution in the thistle funnel is due to osmosis.
The solution in the thistle funnel is hypertonic and contains less water molecules.
The solution in the beaker contains more water molecules. The beaker contains
water which is hypotonic. The water from its higher concentration moves to its lower
concentration through a semi permeable membrane.
EXPT -11


Aim: To demonstrate the process of osmosis using a potato osmoscope.

Materials required: A large potato, petri dish, sugar solution.

The stem of the potato is peeled. A portion of the potato is hollowed out to make a
cup shaped cavity. This cavity is filled with concentrated sugar solution. The level of
this solution inside is marked with a pin. The potato is then kept half immersed in a
petri dish containing water. The set up is left undisturbed for a few hours.

The level of solution inside the potato cavity rises.

The rise in the level of solution inside the potato is due to osmosis.
Water molecules move from its region of higher concentration to its region of lower
concentration in the potato cavity when the potato cells are semi permeable.
EXPT -12


AIM: To show that plants carry out transpiration with the help of the leaves.

MATERIALS REQUIRED:Healthy green potted a pot with soil, thread and a

polythene bag.


1. Take a potted plant and introduce a leafy shoot into the polythene bag.

2. Set up the control experiment by introducing a leafless shoot in another polythene


3. Leave this set-up undisturbed for an hour or so.


It is noted that the polythene bag with the shoot shows many water droplets as
compared to the leafless shoot.


The above experiment shows that leaves are the main organs of transpiration.
EXPT -13

Transpiration -II

AIM: To compare the time taken for the upper and lower side of the leaf using
cobalt chloride paper.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: Potted plant, Cobalt chloride paper, glass slides, and
rubber bands.


1. Dry the cobalt chloride paper over a flame so that it turns blue.

2. Take a potted plant. Affix a dry cobalt chloride paper on the upper side of the leaf
and another cobalt chloride paper on the lower side of the leaf using glass slides and
rubber bands.

3. The plant should be kept in the sunlight and should be well watered.

4. Observe the time taken for the change of color of the cobalt chloride paper on the
dorsal and ventral side.

OBSERVATION: The cobalt chloride paper on the lower side changed from blue to
pink faster than the one on the upper side of the leaf.

INFERENCE: The number of stomata on the ventral side of the leaf is more than
the dorsal side therefore there is more transpiration from the ventral side than the
dorsal side.
EXPT -14



To measure the water taken in by the plant due to transpiration with the help of
Ganong’spotometer experiment.


Ganong’spotometer, twig of a plant like coleus, knife, water, beaker,



1. The twig of a plant is taken. It is cut with a sharp knife and fitted at one end of
the capillary tube.

2. The graduated capillary tube is fitted with water. One end of tube is made to dip
in a beaker containing coloured water.

3.An air bubble is introduced into the horizontal graduated capillary by lifting the
bent capillary tube above the coloured water.

Since the capillary tube is graduated , the readings would give an idea about the
volume of water lost.

4. The air bubble can again be bought into the capillary tube of releasing some
water from the reservoir using the stop cork.


As the process of transpiration takes place from the twig the bubble moves forward.

Transpiration takes place from the leaves and results in absorption of water by the
roots. Thus, water then moves up to the leaves through the stems.


EXPT -15

Aim: To show that chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis.

Materials required:

Potted plant having variegated leaves (leaves having green and non green areas),
methylated spirit, beaker, burner, petri dish, iodine solution.


1. Destarch the leaves by keeping the potted plant in a dark room for few days.

2. Expose a healthy potted plant having variegated leaves to sunlight.

2. After 4/5 hours 2 or 3 leaves are plucked.

3. Make its outline on paper and mark the green and non green areas on the outline.

4. Test the leaf for starch by adding iodine solution.


The green parts of the leaf turns bluish showing the presence of starch. The non
green parts are brown in colour.


Glucose produced, due to photosynthesis, is converted into starch. The presence of

starch is confirmed when the leaves turn blue black. This shows that chlorophyll is
required for photosynthesis.

EXPT -16


Aim :

To show that light is necessary for photosynthesis.

Materials required:

Black strips of paper, glass sides, a healthy green plant, rubber band.


1. A healthy green plant is taken.

2. It is destarched by keeping it in darkness for 24 hrs so that glucose made earlier

is used by the plant.

3. The next day one of the leaves is covered in the middle with black strips of paper.

4. The black strips are fixed with glass sides with the help of a rubber band.

5. The plant is exposed to sunlight for a few hours.

6. After a few hours the experimental leaf is removed and tested for starch.


The portion of the leaf which was covered with the black strip of paper turned brown
when dipped in Iodine, whereas rest of the leaf turned blue black.

Photosynthesis did not occur in the portion of the leaf covered with black paper as
sunlight was missing. Therefore starch test is negative. In the other parts of the leaf
that were exposed to sunlight starch was produced therefore those portions turned
blue black.


EXPT -17



To show that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.


Glass bottle, split cork, potassium hydroxide solution, a healthy potted plant with
long green leaves.


1. A healthy green plant with long leaves is taken and the leaves are destarched.

2. The next day, a bottle containing potassium hydroxide is taken and its mouth is
closed with a split cork.

3. One of the leaves of the plant is introduced through the split cork into the bottle.
Only half the leaf is introduced.

4. The plant and the bottle is exposed to sunlight for a few hours.

5. The leaf which was introduced in the bottle is removed and tested for starch.

The portion of the leaf which is inside the bottle turns brown with iodine and the
portion of the leaf which was outside shows blue black colour with iodine.


The portion of the leaf which was inside the bottle having potassium hydroxide did
not get carbon dioxide as it was absorbed by potassium hydroxide. So it could not
make glucose.

EXPT -18


AIM:To show that oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis.


Beaker, glass funnel, hydrilla plant twigs, splinter, match box, test tube and sodium


1. Hydrilla plant twigs are taken in a glass funnel.

2. The funnel is inverted in a beaker containing water.

3. A test tube filled with water is inverted over the stem of the funnel.

4. A pinch of sodium bicarbonate is added in the water contained in the beaker, so

that carbon dioxide is produced.

5. The apparatus is kept in sunlight for a few hours.


Bubbles are seen rising from the stem of the funnel. A glowing splinter introduced
into the test tube burns into flames.


The gas evolved in the test tube is oxygen as it supports combustion.

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