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Physiology Spotters

1. Dilatometer
To demonstrate imbibition.
Dilatometer, water and seeds.
Dilatometer consists of a glass jar with the movable piston to which a pointer is attached. A
pointer slides over the graduated scale.
The dry seeds are taken in the jar and water is poured into the jar to immerse the seeds. The
jar is tightly closed with lid which is attached to the movable piston resting on the
germinating seeds. Weight is placed on the disc of the piston.
The pointer moves down to the graduated scale.
The dry seeds contain colloidal substance which shows specific
affinity towards water. As a result, the seeds imbibe water and swells. This creates a pressure
which is responsible for lifting up of the piston. This in turn pushes the pointer and the
pointer moves downwards on the scale.

2.Tissue tension
To study the tissue tension in plants.
Caladium petiole, beakers, Sugar solution and water
Two petioles of equal length of Caladium are taken. One end of each petiole is cut
longitudinally into four pieces. The cut end of one of the petioles is placed in a beaker
containing water and the other in a beaker containing sugar solution.
The cut ends of the Caladium petiole kept in water stretches outwards and becomes
stiff whereas, the cut ends of the petiole kept in sugar solution becomes soft and the ends
come closer.
The petiole which is placed in water becomes turgid due to endosmosis. So, the cut
ends stretched outwards. But the petiole which is placed in sugar solution becomes flaccid
due to exosmosis and the cut ends come closer.

3.Transpiration Pull
To demonstrate the water lifting(suction) power of transpiration
Transpiration Pull apparatus, a leafy twig, water, mercury, petridish, cork and stand
The transpiration pull apparatus consists of a shoot chamber and a graduated capillary tube.
The apparatus is filled with water and closed with a one holed rubber cork with a fresh
healthy leafy twig in it. The apparatus is made airtight. The end of the capillary tube is
dipped in a petridish containing mercury. The apparatus is fitted to a stand and kept in sun
The rise of mercury through the graduated capillary glass tube is noticed.
This rise of mercury within the capillary glass tube indicates the suction or the transpiration
pull exerted by the leafy twig due to transpiration. This experiment proves that water is
continuously evaporated from the leafy twig; a suction pressure is created which ultimately
cause the mercury in the beaker to rise in the capillary tube.

4.Ganong’s potometer
To measure the rate of transpiration by using Ganong’s Potometer
Ganong’s potometer apparatus, leafy twig, one holed rubber cork, beaker/vial, water,
vaseline, cotton and stand.
Ganong’s potometer consists of graduated capillary tube. The one end of the apparatus is
dilated to form the shoot chamber in which leafy twig is introduced through the one holed
rubber cork and the other end is bent with a small hole through which the air bubble is
introduced. The reservoir is connected to the capillary tube with stop cock.
The apparatus is filled with water without any air bubble. The leafy twig is introduced into
the one holed rubber cork and is fitted with the shoot chamber. An air bubble is introduced
into the capillary tube through the hole and the initial level is marked. The bent tube is
immersed in a small beaker containing water. The apparatus is made air tight by applying
vaseline. The setup is kept in the direct sunlight.
The air bubble moves in the graduated capillary tube.
Due to transpiration a vacuum and suction pressure is developed in the leafy twig. In order to
fill this, water moves in the capillary tube along with the air bubbles. The distance travelled
by the air bubble indicates the rate of transpiration

5. Kuhne’s Fermentation Apparatus

To demonstrate alcoholic fermentation of sugar by microorganisms and anaerobic
Kuhne’s bulb, water, sugar, yeast powder and cover slip /cotton plug
The Kuhne’s bulb is filled with sugar solution without any air bubbles. Thus, anaerobic
condition is provided. Small quantity of the yeast powder is added. The sugar solution is
mixed well. The bulb is closed by the cover slip/ cotton plug.
CO2 gas gets collected in the upright arm the apparatus and there is consequent fall in the
level of solution. A faint alcoholic smell is detected when the cotton plug is removed.
The enzyme zymase present in the yeast cells converts sucrose solution into CO2 and
alcohol. This CO2 gets collected in the upright tube and the level of sucrose solution falls.
6. Anaerobic Respiration

To determine respiration in the absence of O2.
Mercury, small test tube, petridish and socked seed
The test tube is filled with mercury. The seed coat is removed from the soaked seed and
introduced into the tube containing mercury. The petridish is half filled with mercury and
the test tube is inverted over it. Since the seed is lighter in weight, it moves to the top. The
setup is kept undisturbed for some time.
The mercury level in the test tube falls down due to the accumulation of CO2.
When the seed respires, it gives out CO2. This carbon dioxide gets accumulated at the top of
the test tube. CO2 exerts pressure which pushes down the mercury column.

7. Arc Auxanometer
To measure the rate of growth of shoot length of plants
The Arc Auxanometer, a potted plant, and thread.
The Arc Auxanometer consists of a small pulley to the axil of which is attached a long
pointer sliding over a graduated arc.
A thread, is tied to one end of the stem tip and the other end to a weight passes over the
pulley tightly.
As soon as the stem tip increases in length, the pulley moves down , and the pointer slides
over the graduated arc.
As the stem grows in length the weight pulls the thread down. The movement of the needle
is read on the scale of arc. The actual increase in length of the stem is then calculated by
knowing the length of the pointer and the diameter of the pulley.

8. Phototropism
To prove the direction of plant’s growth in relation to a light source.
Phototrophic chamber (a wooden box with a small opening on one side) and a potted
A small young potted plant is taken. It is kept inside a wooden box that is provided with a
small opening on one side. The wooden box is placed near to a light source in such a way
that “opening in box faces light source”.
The shoots bend towards light.
The bending of shoot towards light is due to the uneven distribution of auxin. This is because
greater quantities of auxin are distributed to the side away from the light (shaded side). This
causes the shaded side to elongate more and thus curve the stem toward the light.

9. Clinostat
To show that the negative geotropism of shoot is due to unilateral effect of gravity.
Clinostat, water and a small potted plant.
The Clinostat has a rotating pot like container mounted on an axis rod. A potted plant is
fitted horizontally on the Clinostat and rotated slowly which completely eliminates gravity as
all the sides of the plant are equally stimulated. If the rotation of the Clinostat is stopped for
a considerable period of time, then the tip of the stem is observed to curve and grow
When the clock works ,the plant grows horizontally without producing a geotropic curvature
of the stem tip. But when the clock work is stopped; the stem tip is turned upwards.
This proves that the stem tip is negatively geotropic.

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