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Карбон, Силіцій, Підгрупа Германію

Елементи IV групи (головна підгрупа) або 14 групи

Елемент Електронна конфігурація Електро- Атомний радіус, Температура Температура

негативність нм топлення,. °С кипіння, °С

C ls22s22p2 2,55 0,077 3750 4200

Si [Ne]3s23p23d0 1,90 0,134 1420 3700
Ge [Ar]3d104s24p24d0 2,02 0,139 937 2850
Sn [KrJ4d105s25p25d0 1,96 0,158 231,8 2620
Pb [Xe]5dl06s26p26d0 1,55 0,175 327,4 1745
Fl [Rn]6dl07s27p27d0
Карбон 1772, Antoine Lavoisier



6000oC 6000oC 3500oC 3500oC 3880oC 6000oC

C + F2 = CF4
C + 2S = CS2
CS2 + Hal4 = CHal4 + 2 S
CCl4 + 4 EtI → CI4 + 4 EtCl
СС14 - карбон тетрахлорид
Фреони CF2C12 -30°С

Na2S + CS2 = Na2CS3; 2КОН + CS2 = K2COS2+H2O

CS2 + 2Н2О → СО2 + 2H2S


2CuSO4 + 4KI = 2CuI + I2 + K2SO4

Ag2S + 4 NaCN + H2O → 2 Na[Ag(CN)2] + NaHS + NaOH

• hexacyanides [M(CN)6]3− (M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co), which are octahedral in shape. KCN + Na2S2O3 = KNCS + Na2SO3
• the tetracyanides, [M(CN)4]2− (M = Ni, Pd, Pt), which are square planar in their geometry;
• the dicyanides [M(CN)2]− (M = Cu, Ag, Au), which are linear in geometry. або гідроксикобаламін

KCN + X → KXCN або KNCX X = O, S, Se, Te

NCS- - тіоціанат (роданід)
Co2+ + 4 NCS- → [Co(NCS)4]- - синій (ацетоновий розчин)

Fe3+ + 6 NCS- → [Fe(NCS)6]- - червоний

KCN + Сl2 → KCl + ClCN


(H2NCN)3 меламін

(Cl2NCN)3 гексахлор меламін (дегазатор)

C + O2 → CO2 , ΔH= -393,6 кДж

-78. 5оС

Паризька кліматична
угода (з 2020)

In concentrations up to 1% (10,000 ppm), it will make some people feel drowsy and give the lungs a stuffy
Concentrations of 7% to 10% (70,000 to 100,000 ppm) may cause suffocation, even in the presence of
sufficient oxygen, manifesting as dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness
within a few minutes to an hour.
The physiological effects of acute carbon dioxide exposure are grouped together under the term hypercapnia,
a subset of asphyxiation

K2CO3 + H2O ⇆ KHCO3 + KOH

CO32- + H2O ⇆ HCO3-

2 Al3+ + 3 CO32- + 3H2O → 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 CO2

2 CuSO4 + 2 Na2CO3 + H2O → Cu2(OH)2CO3 + CO2 + 2 Na2SO4

CaCO3 →
CaO + CO2

Активоване вугілля – детоксикація, ентеросорбція, гемосорбція тощо


In 1823, Berzelius

Antoine Lavoisier, in 1787

3SiO2 + 4CaC2 → 3Si + 4CaO + 8CO

400 - 500 oC
Si + 3 HCl → SiHCl3 + H2

3CaSi2 + 2SbCl3 = 6Si + 2Sb + 3CaCl2;

CaSi2 + Cl2 = 2Si + CaCl2.
Добутий силіцій енергійно реагує з
Si + 4Н2О = Si(OH)4 + 2Н2.

Si + 2Hal2 → SiHal4 Hal = F, Cl, Br, I

3SiF4 + 3H2O → 2H2[SiF6] + H2SiO3

SiCl4 + 3H2O → H2SiO3 + 4HCl

Підгрупа Германію


Цинова чума tin disease

Ceremonial giant bronze dirk of the

Plougrescant-Ommerschans type,
Plougrescant, France, 1500–1300 BC.
Підгрупа Германію
Sn + H2SO4 розв = SnSO4 + H2
E + 4H2SO4 конц = E(SO4)2 + 2SO2 + 4H2O E = Ge, Sn
Pb + 3H2SO4 конц = Pb(HSO4)2 + SO2 + 2H2O

Crystalline form of lead(II) sulfate

Підгрупа Германію

Ge Sn Pb
-4, +4 -4, +2, +4 -4, +2, +4
SnCl2 + Сl2 = SnCl4
2ВіСl3 + 3SnCl2 + 18КОН = 2Ві + 3K2[Sn(OH)6] + 12KCl

РbО2 + 4HНаl = РbHal2 + Hal2 + 2Н2О (Hal = Сl, Вr, I)

5РbО2 + 2Mn(NO3)2 + 6HNO3 = 2HMnO4 + 5Pb(NO3)2 + 2H2O

GeО2 SnО2 РbО2
Окиснювальна сила
t t t
PbO2 →Рb О
2 3 → Рb О
3 4 →PbO
Підгрупа Германію
lead colors flame pale blue

E = Ge, Sn

SnS + K2S ≠
Підгрупа Германію
2Mg + E = Mg2E E – Ge, Sn, Pb

Підгрупа Германію
Germanium in the environment has little or no health impact. This is primarily because it usually occurs only as a trace
element in ores and carbonaceous materials, and the various industrial and electronic applications involve very small
quantities that are not likely to be ingested. For similar reasons, end-use germanium has little impact on the environment as
a biohazard. Some reactive intermediate compounds of germanium are poisonous (see precautions, below).
Germanium supplements, made from both organic and inorganic germanium, have been marketed as an alternative
medicine capable of treating leukemia and lung cancer. There is, however, no medical evidence of benefit; some evidence
suggests that such supplements are actively harmful.

Pb has no biological role. but it is abundant in the human body, being one of the most abundant heavy metals that have no
such role. Lead in human bodies comes from the modern environment: food, drinking water, and environment. The rates
vary greatly by country.
Lead is considered a highly poisonous metal (whether inhaled or swallowed), affecting almost every organ and system in
the body. The main target for lead toxicity in humans is the central nervous system. By mimicking calcium, lead can cross
the blood-brain barrier. It subsequently degrades the myelin sheaths of neurons, reduces their numbers, interferes with
neurotransmission routes, and decreases neuronal growth In a child's developing brain, lead interferes
with synapse formation in the cerebral cortex, neurochemical development (including that of neurotransmitters), and the
organization of ion channels
The primary cause of lead's toxicity is its predilection for interfering with the proper functioning of enzymes. It does so by
binding to the sulfhydryl groups found on many enzymes, or mimicking and displacing other metals which act
as cofactors in many enzymatic reactions. Lead salts are thus very quickly and efficiently absorbed by the body,
accumulating in it and leading to both chronic and acute poisoning.
A small amount of ingested lead (1%) will be stored in bones, and the rest will be excreted by an adult through urine and
feces within a few weeks of exposure. Only about a third of lead will be excreted by a child.
Lead also damages nervous connections (especially in young children) and causes blood and brain disorders. Lead
poisoning nowadays typically results from ingestion of food or water contaminated with lead, but may also occur after
accidental ingestion of contaminated soil, dust, or lead-based paint. It is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and is
believed to have adverse effects on the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and the immune
system. In the 20th century, however, the air was commonly contaminated with lead (in the form of TEL from gasoline) and
various observations have led to the hypothesis of a link between lead and crime levels (though the hypothesis is not
universally accepted).
Підгрупа Германію

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