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GE 1212 (16-285)


One time I volunteered to a closer neighbor of ours to scoop their dog’s dirt using a
broomstick and a dustpan. After that doing it, I asked her where I should put the feces. “Should I
put it on the flower pot?”—because I was thinking it will eventually become a fertilizer—or “Should
I throw it on the sack?” However, she chose none of the choices. Instead, she said they’ll just
throw it into the canal, which made me shocked. I never thought having that kind of mindset was
still present after the government’s many environmental advocacies and programs. Either she
never listened, she never attended, or she doesn’t care about the environment.
I reflected after that. There have been issues in Davao City about clogged canals and
floods every time there’s heavy rain. I contemplated that whatever we were doing to our home,
Earth would only come back to us. We suffer because of our own hands.
I would change my lifestyle to lessen my activities’ impact on climate change by being
aware of the environmental issues that my city has. Identifying the problem and tracking down its
root helps us find a solution to our problems and the problems we will face. I would also change
my lifestyle by changing my mindset. I will become a role model, an advocate, and a solution that
all of us need through these ways.
To end this, I believe it is never too late to save our Earth. If only all of us had the heart to
listen and become concerned about our home, starting today, every one of us would contribute a
solution. It doesn’t matter if we don’t have the influence, fame, or power to do it. Just doing the
right thing is already becoming a solution that we need. And it never starts from the government;
it starts from all of us.

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