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MENINGES- It is defined as the covering of brain.
3 layers:
• Duramater
• Arachnoid
• Piamater
• The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain.
• It is made up of outer grey matter and inner white matter
• It contains a cavity called lateral ventricle.
• It is made up of 2 cerebral hemisphere.
• Cerebral cortex is folded into gyri(elevation) which are separated
from each other by sulci (depression).
• It has 3 surfaces:
❑ Superolateral
❑ Medial
❑ Inferior
• It has 4 borders:
❑ Superomedial
❑ Inferolateral
❑ Medial orbital
❑ Medial occipital
Corpus Callosum
The corpus callosum is the largest commissure
of the brain.
It connects the two cerebral hemispheres.
Parts of corpus callosum:
• Rostrum
• genu
• Trunk/body
• splenium
• The diencephlon is the middle structure, which is
largely embedded in the cerebrum and therefore
hidden from the superior view.
• Its cavity forms the greater part of the third ventricle.
• Subdivisions of diencephlon are:
➢ Thalamus
➢ Metathalamus
➢ Epithalamus
➢ Hypothalamus
➢ Subthalamus
Thalamus- Thalamus is the largest mass of grey
matter 4cm each in transverse, vertical and
anteroposterior diameters.
• It is also called mesencephalon
• It is 2cm long and connects the hindbrain with
the forebrain
• Its cavity is called as cerebral aueduct of
• It connects third ventricle with the fourth
Functions of Midbrain
• It controls reflex movements of the neck, head
and trunk in response to visual and auditory
• It controls the reflux movements of the eye
muscles, changes in pupil size and shape of
the eye lens.
❖The pons is also called metencephlon
❖It is 2.5cm long, extends from cranial end of
medulla oblongata to the midbrain.
❖Cranial nerves 5,6,7 & 8 are attached here.
❖It regulate respiration.
❖It relays information between cerebellum and
Medulla Oblongata
• It is the lowest part of brain stem
• It is also called myelencephlon
• It extends from the lowest border of pons to a
plane just above the first cranial nerve where
it is continuous with the spinal cord.
• Rootlets of 9,10, 11 & 12th nerves emerges
from medulla.
Functions of Medulla oblongata
• It controls involuntary actions such as
breathing etc.
• It is a controlling centre for reflexes such as
swallowing, coughing, vomiting etc.
• Cerebellum is the largest part of the hindbrain
and second largest part of the brain.
• Its weight is about 150 gms
• It is situated behind pons and medulla
• It consists of two cerebellar hemispheres.
• Its important functions is for maintaining tone,
posture and equilibrium of the body.
• It enables to make precise and accurate
Brain injuries
Spinal cord injuries
Thanking you

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