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By :
Wahyu Ismi Zakiyah 18030194099
PKU 2018


Table 1


No. Activities Dialog

1. Greeting Teacher : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Hello everybody!!!

Good morning... How are you today?
Dita : Good morning mam, I'm fine mam

Galih : Good morning mam, I’m also good mam

Teacher : That’s good guys, I hope the other also in the
good and health situation! Are you ready to learn today?
Students : Yes mam!
2. Appointing the Teacher : Alright, before we start our lesson today, let's
class leader to pray together and hopefully that our learning today can be
lead the prayer blessed and usefull. Dita can you lead the prayer today

Dita : Yes mam, okay guys let’s pray together first. Pray...
Begins... Finish.
3. Checking Teacher : Thankyou Dita, i will check your attandence
student first. Aulia Pratamadita... Dei Gratia... Galih Putri... M.
attendance Rizki Fadli....Raditya...., alhamdulillah... everyone is
presesnt today.
Students : (absent)
4. Apreception Teacher : Okay, Last week we had been studied about the
peculiarities of the carbon atom and how is the position of
the carbon atom in the carbon chain, right?
Students : Yes, mam
Teacher : We also already know what hydrocarbons are.
Teacher : So guys, can you tell me what is hydrocarbon

No. Activities Dialog

Galih : Hydrocarbons are an organic compound whose
constituent consists of the element carbon (C) and the
element hydrogen (H) atoms.
Teacher : Good Job Galih...
5. Motivate Teacher : Have you ever seen trash bag?
Students : Yes mam, we have
Teacher : Do you know what the material is in it?
Radit : No mam, I don’t know.
Dei : Me mam, it’s plastic mam
Teacher : It wasn’t wrong, but I mean the compound in
trash bag, anyone know?
Fadli : Its a polyethylene mam?
Teacher : Yes, correct Fadli, Thank you. How about LPG,
I think in your kitchen there is LPG right?
Students : Yes mam, we have
Teacher : so what is the compound of LPG?
Dita : Me mam, there are propane and butane mam
Teacher : Very good Dita. Polyethylen, Propane, and
Butane are the examples of hydrocarbon compound in our
daily life. So guys, now we will classify hydrocarbon
compound based on type of bonding and figure out their

No. Activities Dialog

6. Conveys Teacher : Before we go to our lesson, I will inform you

learning the learning objectives :
objectves 1. You can determine the general formulas of alkanes,
alkenes and alkynes based on the analysis of their
structural formulas and molecular formulas

2. You can classify hydrocarbons based on the saturation

of the bonds.

Table 2

Main Activity
No. Activities Dialog
7. Phase 5: Teacher : I will give you student worksheet, you can
application download it in our google classsroom. Do it your self, I
will give you 20 minutes to finish it! Then upload your
worksheet in the link google drive that I share in google
Students : Yes mam.

Table 3
No. Activities Dialog
8. Check Teacher : Oke guys, time its over. I check in google drive,
all of you have done to uplouded. So, to checking your
understanding our lesson today, I will ask to you. To
Radit first, what is alkane?
Radit : Alkanes is Hydrocarbon compounds that just have
single bond
Teacher : Good job Radit, then to Galih, whats is the
general formula of alkynes Galih?
Galih : The General Formula of Alkynes is CnH2n-2.
Teacher : for Dei, give me one example of alkenes.
Dei : Butene mam.

9. Conclussion Teacher : correct Dei. Then, lets coclude it. Dita, what is
the conclussions from we have discuss?
Dita : The conclussions are : based on the type of bond,
hydrocarbon can classify into 2 group. First is saturated
hydrocarbon consist of alkanes, the second is unsaturated
hydrocarbod that consist of alkenes and alkynes.
Teacher : very good Dita, thank you, for the others, can
you adding your friend’s answer?
Fadli : me mam. Alkanes is Hydrocarbon compounds that
just have single bond. Alkenes is Hydrocarbon
compounds that have a double bond. Alkyne is
Hydrocarbon compounds that have a triple bond.
Teacher : Correct Fadli. From what we discuss before we
can say that:
Hydrocarbon can classify into 2 types, there are saturated
hydrocarbon and unsaturated hydrocarbon.
Alkanes is Hydrocarbon compounds that just have single
bond which has general formula of CnH2n+2
Alkenes is Hydrocarbon compounds that have a double
bond which has general formula of CnH2n
Alkyne is Hydrocarbon compounds that have a triple
bond which has general formula of CnH2n-2
10. Greeting Teacher : Okey guys, I think all of you have done
understand the concept that we learn. For the next
material we will discuss about the step to naming
hydrocarbon structure, you can prepare it with read the
others relevant literature or reference.
Student : Oke ma'am

Teacher : Before we close our meeting, any question?

Students : No, mam.
Teacher : If there is no question, I think is enough for
today. Dita, can you lead the prayer?

Dita : Yes mam, okay guys let’s pray together. Pray...

Begins... Finish.
Teacher : Hopefully this lesson will be usefull for you.
Keep spirit and stay healthy. The last I say,
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Student : Waalaikumsalam Wr.Wb.

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