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Understanding the Self

Sexual Problems :

 Premature emission of semen - a male suffers from premature emission of semen if he cannot
delay long enough to induce sexual climax in a sexually normal female reproductive organ with
some at least half the time.
 Erectile impotence - the result of disinterest in the sexual partner, fatigue, distraction, because
of nonsexual worries, intoxication, or other causes-such occasional impotency is common and
requires no therapy.
 Ejaculatory impotence - the inability to emit semen in coitus, is quite rare and is almost of
psychogenic origin.
 Vaginismus - a powerful spasm of the pelvic musculature constricting the female reproductive
organ so that penetration is painful or impossible.
 Dyspareunia - a painful coitus, generally physical rather than psychological.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases:

- are infections transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person through sexual contact.

 Gonorrhea
 Genital herpes
 Human papillomavirus infection
 Chlamydia
 Syphilis

Natural & Artificial Methods of Contraception

Natural Methods:

 Abstinence - involves abstaining from sexual intercourse and is the most effective natural birth
control method with ideally 0% fail rate.
 Calendar method - also called the " rhythm method ".
- involves refraining from coitus during the 8 days that the woman is fertile.
 Basal Body Temperature - the woman's temperature at rest.
 Cervical Mucus Method - the changes in the cervical mucus during ovulation.
 Symptothermal method - a combination of BBT method and Cervical mucus method.
 Ovulation detection - an over-the-counter kit that can predict ovulation through the surge of
luteinizing hormone that happens 12-24 hours before ovulation.
 Coitus interruptus - one of the oldest methods of contraception. The man withdraws the
moment he emit semen and emit it outside of the female reproductive organ.

Artificial Methods :
 Contraceptives - pill; oral contraceptives contain synthetic estrogen and progesterone.
 Transdermal patch - has a combination of both estrogen and progesterone in a form of a patch.
 Vaginal ring - releases a combination of estrogen and progesterone and surrounda the cervix.
 Subdermal plants - are two rod-like implants embedded under the skin of the woman during her
menses or on the 7th day of her menstruation to make sure that she's not pregnant.
 Hormonal injection - consists of medroxyprogesterone, a progesterone, and given once every
12 weeks intramuscularly.
 Intrauterinr device - a small, T-shaped object that is inserted into the uterus via female
reproductive organ. It prevents fertilization by creating a local sterile inflammatory condition to
prevent implantation.
 Chemical Barriers - are used to cause the death of sperms before they can enter the cervix and
also lower the pH level of the female reproductive organ, so it wikl not become conducive for
the sperm.
 Diaphragm - a circular, rubber disk that fits the cervix and should be placed before coitus. It
works by inhibiting the entrance of the sperm into the female reproductive organ.
 Cervical cap - a barrier method that is made lf soft rubber and fitted on the rim of the cervix.
 Male condoms - a latex or synthetic rubber sheat that is placed on the erect male reproductive
organ before penetration in the female reproductive organ to trap the sperm during emission of
 Female condoms - lattex rubber sheats that are specially designed for females and prelubricated
with spermicide.
 Surgical methods - males undergo vasectomy and in women, tubal ligation is performed.

" To buy, or not to buy ", that is the question.

Material self

Components of material self :

 Comstituents
 Feelings and emotions
 Self-seeking and self- preservation

Constituents of self:

 Material self
 Social self
 Spiritual self
 Pure ego

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