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To know God

To be like
To teach
others about

Kingdom Connection Community Church


This brochure serves as a

guide on how we at and as
K.C.C.C will proceed on
convening our services and
gatherings in line with
Government Rule &
Regulations. We take our
health and that of our
congregants, loved ones,
family and friends very Protocols 2020
serious and will strive to do
our part in containing the
spread of the Covid-19
virus and keep everyone Kingdom Connection Community Church
safe as best we can. We is a church with a difference. Our Mission
thank you for your and Vision is to know God, to be like God
understanding, compliance and to teach others about God.
and prayers during this
trying time.

God Bless
What are the symptoms of Covid-19?
 Church premises should be thoroughly cleaned
and sanitized before and after every service and Current symptoms included mild to severe respiratory
sanitization needs to be affected with sanitizers illness with cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or
with at least a 70% alcohol content. fever. The complete clinical picture with regard to
Covid-19 is still not fully clear as some cases ranged
 Every attendee has to complete an attendance from infected people with little to no symptoms whilst
register detailing full names and surnames, other cases showed severe symptoms with severe
physical address and contact information illness and even death.
 Physical contact is strictly prohibited and social
How can you prevent infection?
distancing rules are to be applied as well of no
less than 1.5m away from the next person.
I. Wash your hands regularly with soap and
 No liquid or substance is to be shared between
water for approximately 20 seconds or use an
any 2 people and this includes any material of any alcohol-based sanitizer
kind i.e. Bible or writing materials, II. Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth with
 Pastors preaching as well as Praise and Worship uncleaned hands
III. Avoid close contact with people who are
members ar3e to exercise extra precautionary
measures by extending the social distancing
Procedures on services are as follows: IV. Cover your cough, sneeze into a flexed elbow
quota to 2.5m as opposed to the regulated 1.5m r tissue then discard of it
 Not more than 50 people are permitted to in place. (This is as a direct result that these V. Clean and disinfect frequently touched
attend any of our services. services can-not be rendered whilst wearing a objects and surfaces.
 All our elderly folk from the ages of 55 and protective mask)
above, we urge you to please stay home and  All contact religious rituals are strictly prohibited
"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I
not risk your life by attending services. i.e. personal prayers, laying of hands etc. however will be saved, for you are the one I praise." ~ Jeremiah
 Each and every individual attending is to we believe that our Father is able to touch and 17:14
wear a protective mask. (This is compulsory meet you right at the point of your need.
and non-negotiable)  Church services should not exceed 2 hours (120 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’
 Every believer has to be screened for Covid- minutes) and in the event of multiple services, a declares the LORD" ~ Jeremiah 30:17
19 symptoms and should inform leaders if minimum of a 30-minute intermission needs to
they suffer from body aches, loss of smell or be implemented and enforced
loss of taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or
fatigue. (Please note that anyone displaying What is Covid-19?
these symptoms will not be permitted to Covid-19 is a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
enter the building or isolated if entry was Coronavirus 2’ (SARS-CoV-2)
gained prior to this declaration)
 Sanitization stations and protocols will How is it transmitted?
strictly be adhered to upon entry and exit of
The spread of the disease mainly occurs via respiratory
building including constant sanitization
droplets produced when an infected person coughs or
during the service,
sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory
pathogens spread and been in close proximity to an
infected person

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