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Personal Property of Servitech Institute Asia Inc. Strictly confidential.

Personal Property of Servitech Institute Asia Inc. Strictly confidential.


The purpose of the background of the study is to help the researcher to prove the relevance of his or her
research question and to further develop his or her thesis. The background of the study includes
1. A review of the area being researched,
2. current information surrounding the issue,
3. Previous studies on the issue,
4. relevant history of the issue,
5. effectively set forth the history and background information on the problem.

In writing a background of the study these are some suggested things to be done.

1. Conduct a primary research at the beginning stages of formulating a thesis when many issues are

2. Read the information and develop a research question of thesis statement that will guide your research.

3. Write a thesis statement or research question.

4. Complete your research using your thesis statement and research question as your guide.

5. Create five separate sections that cover the key issues, major findings and controversies surrounding
your thesis as well as sections that provide an evaluation and conclusion.

6. Conclude by identifying and further study what needs to be done in the area or provide possible
solutions to the issue that haven’t been considered before.

7. Revise and edit your background of the study

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