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Topic 1: Study
1. Do you work or study?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
I’m currently a senior student at XXX University, and I’m studying
computer science at the moment.
2. Which university did you go?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
top-level/ called/ proud/ enrollment
The university I attended is …………….XXX University, which is a………….
university in Vietnam. I’m really ……………to be a student there and
honestly, I was so close to being rejected because I thought my grade
for the University Entrance Exam was subpar compared to the
……………..requirement of the previous year.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The university/ called/ which/ in VN/ proud/ close to/ because/ my
grade/ subpar/ enrollment requirement
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Why did you choose your school / university?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
high school/ passionate /undergraduate/ future /parents


Well, when I was a …………..student, I heard my university has a really

good ………………program for Computer Science, which is really what
I’m ………………..about and love to study. Besides, my ……………also
rooted for me to go there as they believe four years of study there
would be a big help for my …………………career.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
When/ I heard/ program/ which/ my parents/ the believe/ a big
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Do you like your school?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
even though/ None /a blast/ awesome
Yes, I do like my school. I mean, …………….. I’m often swamped with all
the assignments and exams, I often have ……….studying there. The
teachers are all nice and cool. …………..of them have ever given me a
hard time. And most importantly, I have some really …………friends at
school who I hang out with all the time.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ even though/ swamp with/ teacher/ none of them/ hard time/
awesome friend/ hang out
4.4 Outline your own answer.


4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. How many hours do you spend on study every week?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Classes/ on my toes/ distracted
I probably spend about ten or twelve hours studying every week. I
have a lot of different……………. and they all have different
assignments, so they keep me………………... I should probably be
studying more, to be honest, but I get ……………pretty easily.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
10 or 12/ a lot of/ so/ on my toes/ I should/ but/ distract/
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. Which part of your school do you like?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Meeting/ closest /new things/ peas
I really like ……………new people. The classes at school are fun because
I’m learning…………….., but it’s great to be able to make friends with
the other students. Some of my ……………friends are people I met in
class; we just happened to hit it off and now we’re as close as
…………………in a pod.


6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Like/ meet/ class/ fun/ new thing/ but/ make friend/ closest friend/
met/ hit it off/ now/ as close as/
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

7. How do you improve your study efficiency?
7.1. Answer the question in your own way.
7.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Distractions/ focus/ turn off/ avoid
When it comes to studying efficiently, I try to make sure there aren’t
any major ………………around me. For example, I …………… phone
and I …………………listening to music. It helps me …………..on my study
so that I stay on track and avoid wasting all my time.
7.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Make sure/ distraction/ turn off/ avoid/ focus/ so that/ on track/
7.4 Outline your own answer.

7.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

8. Which part of your study do you like the most?
8.1. Answer the question in your own way.
8.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Essays/ express/ practice


I like writing the most. Even if it’s just writing………….., I think it’s really
fun to ………………my thoughts through the written word. I’ve always
enjoyed those kinds of classes the most. I think it’s good ……………for
the real world, where you have to be able to express yourself clearly.
8.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Writing/ fun/ thought/ good practice/ real world/ where/ express/
8.4 Outline your own answer.

8.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

9. Which part do you hope your school to change? /Which part of
your school needs an improvement? .
9.1. Answer the question in your own way.
9.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Urgent/ court/ campus
Well, off the top of my head, the most ……………part of my school that
needs to be improved is the gym in our. I mean, the whole place should
be flipped because everything in the gym is literally worn out. The
basketball ………..doesn't even have a hoop. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I
really hope our school can do something about it.
9.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Urgent part/ gym/ the whole place/ flip/ because/ ware out/
basketball court/ hoop/ hope/
9.4 Outline your own answer.

9.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

Topic 2: Work


1. Do you work or study?

1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
I’m currently working ………………as a programmer at xxx; I’ve been
working there for 5 years.
2. Do you like your job?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Happy/ company/ rewarding
Yes, I am really …………….with what I do. Most of the time, it’s very
……………………to be able to help people every day. Besides, it’s a really
good …………………to work for. The pay is good and they even hand out
bonuses twice a year!
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Happy/ rewarding/ good company/ the pay/ bonuses/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. What do you do to improve your productivity?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
focus on/ energy/ works


Whenever I feel like I’ve lost ……………… and started slacking, I

take a 5-minute break and make a cup of instant coffee. It sounds
simple but it …………… a charm for me. After I’ve had some coffee,
I feel pumped up and have more…………….
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Whenever/ lose/ take/ make/ sound/ work/ after/ coffee/ pump up/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. How long do your work every week?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
9-to-5/ overtime/ during/ regular wage
Well, I usually work 40 hours a week because I have a typical
…………….job. But …………a busy business season, I’ll typically be asked
to work ……………like 10 more hours a week. But the rate of pay for
overtime work in my company is one and a half times higher than
the……………... I don't mind working overtime so long as I get paid more.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
40 hours a week/ because/ 9 t0 5 job/ but/ season/ work over time/
but/ the rate of pay/ higher/ don’t mind
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


5. Do you think your company needs to make some changes? Which

part of your working environment needs an improvement?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
As far as/ a uniform /strict/ casual Friday
Well…………… I’m concerned, I really wish my company wasn’t so
……………………about the dress code22. It really bugs me to have to wear
…………… in and day out24. Plus, I have to be really careful keeping
the uniform clean otherwise I might get fined at my workplace. It
would be great if we could have a………………..
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Wish/ so strict/ dress code/ bug me/ wear a uniform/ careful/ clean/
otherwise/ get fined/great/ if/ casual Friday.
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. What do you learn from work?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Valuable/ collaborate/ messed up /teamwork/
Well…The most ……………..lesson I learned from work is how………….. to
with my coworkers. It’s not something that I really understood back in
school. But in a real job, a ton of tasks need good …………….and can’t
be done on your own. For instance, when I coordinated a marketing


event with my colleagues, it was of the essence to make sure everyone

was on the same page, or else we might’ve ……………….the whole thing.
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The most/ lesson/ how to/ not something/ understand/ back school/
but/ need/ teamwork/ for instance/ when/ a marketing event/ make
sure/ on the same page/ or else/ mess up
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

7. Do you enjoy working in different cities? (5-8 )
7.1. Answer the question in your own way.
7.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
in one place/ horizons/ exposes/ beneficial
Yes, I do. Honestly, I don’t like settling……………, so being able to move
around keeps things interesting. Working in different cities
…………… to all kinds of cultures, which I think is really…………. It’s
good to expand your ……………..and see lots of different sights.
7.2 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Set in one place/ move/ different city/ culture/ which/ beneficial/
expand/ see/ sight/
7.4 Outline your own answer.

7.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


8. Is this job a good opportunity? / Is it good for your future

8.1. Answer the question in your own way.
8.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
overtime /wonderful/ resume /career
Yes, it’s a ………………..job. Even though I’m swamped with the tasks at
work sometimes and have to work………………., overall, I believe it’s a
good …………….for me. I’m very passionate about my job and I really
know what to do. Plus, doing this job right now will definitely help me
build my ……………..later, since it requires excellent workmanship.
8.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
A wonderful job/ even though/ swamp with/ have to/ I believe/
good for/ passionate/ build my resume/ since/ require
8.4 Outline your own answer.

8.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

9. Do you want to change your job?
9.1. Answer the question in your own way.
9.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Hop/ pay/ appreciate /comfortable
No, I don't want to ………… job right now. It’s mainly because the
…………….is not bad. I mean, it’s not way higher than others but I’m
pretty …………with it. Plus, it’s not easy to find a proper job in today’s


job market, is it? Sometimes, it’s better to ………………what you have

9.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Don’t want/ because/ pay/ not higher/ but/ not easy/ job market/
better/ appreciate/
9.4 Outline your own answer.

9.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

10. Are nine-to-five jobs good?
10.1. Answer the question in your own way.
10.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Suppose/ kick back/ repetitive/ stable job
I ………………nine-to-five jobs are pretty good! Even though they can
feel pretty ………………..after a while, I think it’s important to have a
………………that pays you well. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees.
Plus, you have the weekends free, which gives you a chance to
…………………and relax.
10.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Pretty good/ even though/ repetitive/ important/ stable job/
money/ on tree/ have weekend/ chance/
10.4 Outline your own answer.

10.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

Topic 3 major


1. What is your major?

1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Studying/ undergraduate/ enrolled
I’m ………………computer science at XXX University. It’s an
…………….major, and it usually takes four years to gain the degree. I feel
happy being…………… in this program, because coding is one thing I’m
passionate about. Plus, I think I have a knack for it since my math is
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Study/ at/ undergraduate major/ 4 year/ degree/ feel happy/ enroll/
because/ have knack for/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you like your major?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Parts/ abstract /theoretical courses
Yes, I do like my major. But you know… there will always be
………… like and parts you don’t like. For example, the field training
is very interesting, but the …………….are about as fun as watching paint
dry because some ………………concepts are quite difficult to


2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Yes/ but/ part/ for example/ field train/ but/ because/ concept/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. What is your plan after finishing your school?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
up in the air / figure /related/
It’s hard to say right now. Everything feels like it’s……………... But after
I graduate from school, I’d like to have a job that’s somehow
……………… my major. You know, it’s cool to apply what you’ve
learned at college in the real world. I’m not sure what kind of job I want
to have, but I’m sure I’ll …………….it out soon.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Hard/ up to the air/ but/ after/ I’d like/ related/ cool/ apply/ in the
real world/ not sure/ but/ figure it out/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Do you like the courses of your major?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.


real /curriculum/ theoretical/

Yes, I do like most courses in my………….., especially the ones related
to programming. Taking one of my favorites, the Java Programming, as
an example, the knowledge I learned in the lectures is not only
……………….but also very practical in ………………
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Like/ especially/ the one/ knowledge/ in the lecture/ not only but
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Why did you choose to study that (major)?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Reasons/ take/ passion
Well, as for the …………why I decided to study computer science, I think
the main one is that I have lots of ……………in that field. I never feel
bored and I always enjoy studying and researching things about it, and
I’ve noticed that since I was still in high school. So, I told myself that if
I went to a college, I would …………….computer science as my major.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
As for/ I think/ lots of passion/ never feel bored/ always enjoy/ so/
tell myself/ if/ take
5.4 Outline your own answer.


5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. Will you continue doing what you’re studying in the future?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Because/ income/ average
Yes, I will. It’s mainly………….. I have a lot of passion for computer
science and Web developing. I don't think I will be bored if I make a
living off of it. Plus, the ……………..level of specialists in this field is also
higher than………………, so I can have a comfortable life by working as a
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Mainly/ passion/ don’t think/ if / the income level/ higher/ so / a
comfortable life/
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 4: Home
1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Currently/ apartment/ university campus/ share/ best friend/ enjoy/
location/ convenient/ own a house/ my dream
I’m ……………. living in an ……………. near my ……………. and ………… with
my ………….. at college. I really ………… living there since the ………….is
pretty …………. for me. But of course, ………. a house is also a ……….of
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Currently/ apartment/ university campus/ share/ best friend/ enjoy/
location/ convenient/ own a house/ my dream
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Where are you living now? / Why do you live there? / Do you like
your living place?
2.1 Answer the question
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Roommate/ dirt cheap/ a stone’s throw away/ the main reason/ jack
I’m living in an apartment in. I have two …………….sharing the same
apartment with me. It’s a nice place to live since the rent is ……………


for a young guy like me. Plus, my workplace is literally …………….from

there, which is ………….. why I’ve been living there for a long time. I
really hit the …………………….finding this place.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Live/ apartment/ roommate/ share/ nice/ rent/ dirt cheap/ a stone’s
throw away/ main reason/ love/ hit the jack pot.
2.4 outline your own answer

2.5 Record.
3. How is the area surrounding your home like? / Are there any good
facilities nearby you home?
3.1. Answer the question
3.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Living place/ liveable /tasty restaurants/ foodie/ giant grocery store/
My ……… in the city’s downtown area. Well, there are several
…………………..around my apartment, which is great for a ……………
me. And we also have a ………………..across the street and a small
park……………. So I have to say it’s a pretty …………
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Living place/ in/ there/ several/ around/ great for/ giant grocery
store/ small park/ liveable place.
3.4. outline your own answer


3.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. What are the changes of surroundings around your living place?
4.1. Answer the question
4.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
it comes to/ high-rise buildings/ denser/ improvement/ where
Well, when …………..the changes to my neighborhood over the past few
years, I think there’ve been more ………..built nearby so the area is
………….than before. Besides, my favorite ……………of this area is the
building of an outdoor gym ………………I work out on ………………
4.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Well when/ changes/ there/ more/denser/ my favorite
improvement/ the building of/ where/ work out
4.4. Outline your own answer.

4.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. What changes do you think your neighborhood/living area need?
5.1. Answer the question
5.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
pretty close to/ better/ subway station/ extending
Um…my neighborhood is ……………..perfect, but it would be ……….if
there was a………. within walking distance of my home. Now the closest
subway station is about 3 kilometers away, I heard the city has a plan
of …………..a subway line to the street next to my home in the next few
years. I hope it’s true.


5.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Pretty close to/ but/ better if/ now/ 3 kilometers/ the city/ plan
5.4 .Outline your own answer.

5.4. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. Do you have friends living nearby? /What do people living nearby
do? Do you know some of them?
6.1 Answer the question
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Coworker/ high rise/ primary school/ neighbor girl
Yes, I do. Actually, I have a………, also a close friend of mine, living in
the same apartment building as me. It’s a ……apartment so I guess
there are a couple hundred people living in it. Honestly, even though
I’ve been living there for a while, I’ve only gotten to know the
………… across the hallway. She is a teacher at a ……….nearby.
6.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ coworker/ same apartment/ high rise building/a couple
hundred people/ know/ a neighbor girl/ teacher
6.4. Outline your own answer.

6.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

7. What are your roommates like?
7.1. Answer the question in your own way.
7.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.


Roommates/ pretty/ glad/ blast/ us

Well, currently, I have two………. sharing the same apartment with me.
They are …………cool. And I’d say I’m ……….to live with them since all
three of ………… playing video games, so we have a lot to talk
about and do together. It’s really a ………….for us having a game night
together every Saturday.
7.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Currently/ two roommates/cool/ three of us/ it’s really a blast for…
7.4. Outline your own answer.

7.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

8. How long have you lived there?
8.1. Answer the question in your own way.
8.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Been/ share/ easy-going/ get along really well
I’ve ………living there for over three years and I love it. Even though I
have to…….. a room with 2 roommates, luckily they’re all ………….and
nice, so we …………………..with each other.
8.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
I’ve been living/ 3 years/ roommate/ luckily/ easy going/ so
Get on well/
8.4. Outline your own answer.

8.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


9. Will you move home in the near future?

9.1 Answer the question in your own way.
9.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
distant /no idea/ moving/ for/ up /comfortable/ affordable
Well, I really have ………if I will be ………….anytime soon. But I hope not.
I’ve been living in an apartment …………..several years. It’s a
………………place to live and the rent is also very………………. But
sometimes it’s not…………. to me, I might need to work at a……………..
place later. Who knows, right?
9.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/childhood dream/do good job or hardwork/buy a huge
house/private rooms for everyone/future
9.4 Outline your own answer.

9.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

10. What is your favorite room?
10.1 Answer the question in your own way.
10.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
stuff /Definitely/ most/ blow off steam /at home/ decorate
My favorite room in my home is …………my bedroom. I think it’s where
I spend ……………of my time. It has all my favorite ……… it, like my
books, and I got to …………… myself. That really makes me feel………–
literally! It’s important to have somewhere you can
…………………………and just relax.


10.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

My favorite room/where/ stuff/ decorate/ feel/ blow off steam
10.4 Outline your own answer.

10.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

11. How do you think your room could be improved?
11.1. Answer the question in your own way.
11.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
floor /Great/ bookshelf/ messy /bookworm/ disaster zone/ from
It might be …………to have a large……………….. You know, I’m
a……………………., but I have no bookcase now…so if you go into my
bedroom, you can see it’s pretty …………..and tons of books are on
the……………... So having a new bookshelf may help me keep the room
……….being a total ……………
11.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
It might be/ have/ a bookworm/but/ no book case/ if you/ it’s
pretty/ tons of/ floor/ keep the room from
11.4 Outline your own answer.

11.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 5: Hometown
1. Where are you from? / Which city are you living in?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary
amazing attractions/ live
I live in my home…………, which is a city in ………. province. I really love
it because there're tons of ……………in the inner-city, and people
………………in Hai Duong are very warm and friendly.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
I live in/which/ love/because/ people
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you like your hometown? / Which part of your hometown
attracts you the most? / Where is the most impressive place in your
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Tour guide /famous for/ cool annual event/ tour guide
Yes, I do. I’m from Hanoi, which is the captial of Vietnam. It’s ……..
Sword lake, which is a really ………………….in my hometown. Tons of
visitors come to my city to see it every year. I love being a …………..and
showing my friends from other cities this ………………...
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Yes/ I’m from/which/ famous for/visitors/ love/ tour guide/

2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. How long have you lived in your hometown?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
social circle/ Since/ thought/ pretty/ broaden
I’ve been living in my hometown ……..I was born. I’ve never
…………about leaving my hometown because my entire …………….is
there and the cost of living is ………….low. However, I also want to work
in a different city for a few years to ……………my horizons.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
I’ve been/ since/ never thought/ leaving/because/ entire social
circle/the cost/ low/want to work/ different city/ broaden
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. How long are you going to stay there?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
costs /have/ depends on/ decent /stick around/ Otherwise
I ……………no idea. It really ………………where I can work. I’ll …………….if I
can find a ………….job after graduation………………….., I won't be able to


stay there and I’ll have to go back to my hometown, since living in

Hanoi practically ………… arm and a leg.
4.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
No idea/ depend on/stick around/ if/ otherwise/go back/ since
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Is your hometown suitable for children to grow up?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Except/ air quality /activities/ threatens/ looming/
Well, I think everything is good ……….the air pollution. There are tons
of parks and museums in my hometown, so children can do tons of
interesting and educational………….. But the………. is not good, I often
see the buildings outside my window ………………in the smog…It really
…………. children’s health.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Good except/ park and museum/children do/ air quality/building
outside/ children health/
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.


6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.

Satisfied/ traffic/ fatal/ follow/ road rage/ accidents
Yes, I suppose so. One thing I’m not ………….about with my hometown
is the……………. there. Lots of drivers don’t ………………the traffic rules
and often have……………., so road ………… my hometown are
common and often……………..
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ not satisfied/ driver/ rule/road accident/ common and
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 6 Smile
1. Do you often smile.
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Actually/ upbeat/ bright side/ wear/
It’s funny to think about it, but I ……………do smile pretty often. I’m a
pretty …………..person. I like looking on the …………..of things. So, that
means I usually have a smile on my face, especially when I’m talking to
friends and family. It’s always best to ………a smile.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Funny/but/smile/upbeat/look on the bright side/that means/ talk/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you smile when people take pictures of you?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Taken/ look/ point /miserable/
Yes, I definitely smile if I’m getting my picture………... It’s always good
to ………….happy in a photo. It makes you look better, to be honest.
Plus, nobody wants to look back at old photos and see someone who
looks …………... So I make a …………..of smiling for pictures.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below


Yes/ if/ always/look better/look back at/ see/ miserable

2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. When do people give fake smiles?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Get/ real/polite/ pose
I think people give fake smiles when they’re ……………their pictures
taken. You know, if they’re having a good time, the smile might
be…………... But a lot of times, you have to smile if someone takes a
picture just because it’s…………….. You might just be …………….. for a
photo and not smiling for real.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below
I think/ when/ picture/ good time/ real/ a lot of times/ polite/pose
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Can you recognize a fake smile?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Hard/natural/ stiff/ awkward
Well, sometimes it’s …… tell. My sister is really good at fake-smiling.
If you didn’t know her well, you would think it was real. But sometimes


you can tell if people aren’t smiling for real. Fake smiles are usually too
big to be …………... They look really ………. and …………………
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below
Well/ hard/ my sister/ good at/fake smiles/ natural/ stiff
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. When do people smile to others?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
in a while/ happy/ greet
I guess people smile at others when they’re ……… see them. For
example, if you have a good friend that you haven’t met up with……….,
you would probably smile when you finally see them. People also smile
when they …………..other people, whether they’re close or not.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below
I guess/ see/ good friend/ met/ greet/
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. When was the last time that you saw many people smile?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
busted a gut /movie theatre/ funny scene


Um… the last time I saw lots of people smile was in a……………. We were
all watching the newest Marvel movie. There was a really……………, and
when I looked around, everyone was smiling and laughing. Personally,
I …………..laughing. It was nice that we could all enjoy the movie
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below
In a movie theatre/watch/ funny scene/ everyone/bust a nut/
6.4. Outline your own answer.

6.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 7: outdoor
1. Where did you play when you were a child?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary
Playing/ forest/ nature/ distance/ explore/ safe
I was younger, I liked………….. outdoors. There was a
……………..practically within spitting …………of my neighborhood that I
would …………….with a couple friends. It wasn’t very big, so it was
…………….for us to check out on our own. I loved being in…………………;
it really set me at ease.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Youngers/ like/ there/ spitting/ big/love/ set
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Did you prefer outdoor play or indoor play when you were young?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary
Breathe /Preferred/ surrounded/ outdoors/ fidgety
I definitely …………… outdoor play. As a kid, I couldn’t get enough of the
…………. It was so great to ………… in fresh air and run around outside. I
would always get really …………. if I had to stay inside. I loved being
………….. by nature. It just made me feel at ease.
2.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


adventure/beach/ learn on multiple levels/ creaive/build sand

castle/climb tree/happier/have lots of friends/active
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Opposite/ unpredictable/ outside / bummer
I think I prefer being indoors. As a kid, it was the total ……………... But
nowadays, I like being inside better. The weather can be really
……………….. when you’re outside. For example, I was working on an
important project………………. But then it started raining. It was totally
a ………………….because I lost all my work.
3.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
playing inside/dance game/play sport/ less dust/learn via
internet/mental advantages
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Is it important for children to play outdoors?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Barely/ benefit/ physically/ indoors


Yes, it’s pretty important for kids to play outside. If they just stay
…………………all the time, they might spend too much time on their
cellphones and video games. You know, a lot of kids nowadays are
glued to86 their screens. They …………. get any fresh air. But when kids
go outside, they’re usually more active and they can get more exercise.
Games that involve running and jumping can definitely ………..
4.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
yes/increase imaginary/not overweight/close to nature/fresh air
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Did you often go over to your friends’ houses when you were
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Spitting/ blast/ particular/ practically
Yeah, I definitely went over to my friends’ houses a lot when I was
little. I lived …………………… within ………………. distance of my best friend
in…………………, so she and I killed lots of time together. We played a lot
of video games in her bedroom. We had a total ……………..with each
5.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
yes/neighbor/play physical games/fun/hunting bugs/climb trees/
play with pet
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 8 Math
1. When did you begin to learn mathematics?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Probably/ stuff/ correctly/ subtraction
It's been ages since I first started learning math. But if memory
serves………………, it was………………… when I started primary school. Of
course, it was just simple math back then. You know, it was mostly
easy …………… addition and……………….. Things got way harders as
I got older.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
compulsory subject/since first grade in primary school/easy and fun
at first/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you like mathematics?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Solution/ definitely / imagination/ literature/ Honestly
……………., I don't really like math. I know lots of people enjoy how
simple it is. After all, there's only one right answer. You can't argue
your way into a ………………… But that's actually why math isn't my cup


of team. Other subjects require your………………………, like art

or……………….. So I …………………like those better.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
harder and harder/still keen on learning Math/nice teacher/good
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Do you think it's difficult to learn mathematics well?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Challenge/ difficult/ marks/ logically/ different
No, I don't think it's too……………….. I'm good at numbers and I often
got good …………….on math exams when I was in high school. But then
againol , everybody has ……………………. learning styles. Some people
might have a hard time with that. It can be a real …………………to
think…………………. But that's a big part of learning math.
3.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
primary school teacher/patience/devoted/spend extra time
tutor/good impression/make progress
3.4. Outline your own answer.

3.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Do you think mathematics is important in our life?


4.1. Answer the question in your own way.

4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Especially/ Admit/ subtracting/ involves
Well, I hate to ……………… because it's not my cup of tea. But I do
think math is really important. Without math, we couldn't keep track
of things in our lives, ……………… It would be super hard to buy
and sell things, since that …………………adding and ……………….
4.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
quite tricky subject/hard to learn/important/use adding and
subtracting everyday/keep track of money
4.4. Outline your own answer.

4.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Do you often use a calculator?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Adding/ calculator/ basic/ double-check
Well, I don’t use a calculator that often. In my everyday life, I don’t do
a lot of math. But whenever do, I use a………………... Even though it's
…………………..math, like …………….. up how much I spent in a month, I
like being able to …………………… if I did the problem right.
5.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
good at math since young/do not need calculator/basic math/use to
double check
5.4. Outline your own answer.

5.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

Topic 9 Reading

1. Do you like reading?

1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Calming/ pick up/ stressed/ mind/ off steam/ that more
Yes, I love reading! It can always set my ………………. at ease. If I'm
feeling ………………… out, I just ………………….a good book and get lost in
the story. I think ………………………. people should read; it can really help
you blow……………….. There's nothing more …………………to me
1.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
deep into reading books/relief stress/slow me down/broaden
1.4. Outline your own answer.

1.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. What kind of books do you read?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
historical fiction/ definitely/ fascinating/ different ways
I like reading………………….... It might sound boring, but the past is
really…………………... So reading stories about it is ……………………….my
cup of tea. It's very cool to see how different authors can tell the same
part of history in………………... Plus, it's very educational, but fun as
2.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Japanese comic/ entertaining/exciting/bring lots of emotion/

culture in Japan/desire to visit
2.4. Outline your own answer.

2.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. Do you read electronic books?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Physical/ habit/ electronic/ convenient/ vacation
Well, I only read ……………….. books from time to time. I don't really
make …………………. of it, because I like paper books way more. I just
like holding something …………… my hands. But e-books are
very………………., especially if you're going on………………. It's such a pain
to have to carry physical books around.
3.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
light/ travel-friendly/ convenience/easy to carry/rarely red e-book/
3.4. Outline your own answer.

3.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. What kind of books do you like to read, an E-book or a real book?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Physical/ irreplaceable/ real books/ lug around/
I definitely like reading ………………………more. It's nice to be able to
turn the pages and hold something ……………………in your hands. E-
books are nice for travelling, since physical books can be a pain


to………………., but I definitely like physical books more. There's

something……………………! about paper copies
4.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
bookworm/prefer paper books/traditional /have a huge number of
4.4. Outline your own answer.

4.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. Do you think reading is for fun or for work?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
just be/ entertained/ blow off/ chore
Well, I believe that reading should ……………… for fun. You don't have
to read a book because you think it'll teach you something. You just
read books………………………... It shouldn't feel like…………….., you
should be able to ………………….. steam by reading a book. So I don't
think it should be work at all.
5.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
fun/habit/relax/bedtime reading/increase lexical resources/nurture
5.4. Outline your own answer.

5.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

Topic 10 Borrowing/lending

1. Have you borrowed books from others?


1.1. Answer the question in your own way.

1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
a book-lover/ cheaper/ actually/ the latest/ shape
Yeah, I've …………………..borrowed a lot of books from my friends. It's
definitely ………………….than buying …………….book I want to read. Plus,
since I'm such………………………, it helps me bond with my friends by
seeing what they like to read. You just have to make sure you return
the book in good ……………….
1.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
yes/sharing is good habit/last summer/during exam/lost
book/anxious/friend generous to lend
1.4. Outline your own answer.

1.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. Have you ever borrowed money from others?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Accidentally/ make a habit/ total bummer/ spilling
I don't want to …………………….of it, but I've borrowed money from
others in the past. For instance, last year I ……………………..ruined my
laptop by ……………… on it. I had to borrow money from my
friends to pay for a new one. It was a …………………………
2.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
yes/usually borrow cooking items from neighbor/not want to make
habit/bought it myself now
2.4. Outline your own answer.


2.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. Would you like to lend your phone to others?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Totally / Situation/ phone call/ borrow/ attached
Well, it depends on the………………... If they need to borrow it to make
a……….., I can ………………….do that for them. But I wouldn't want to let
them …………………….it for a long time. I'm pretty …………… my
phone. I use it all the time, so I would want to keep it to myself.
3.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
use phone a lot/keep it with me/in the case of emergency only/
3.4. Outline your own answer.

3.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Would you like to lend things to others? What would you like to
lend to others?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
borrow /generous/ stuff/ to lend/ letting
I think it's good to be ………………with your things. Everyone likes a
helping hand. So yeah, I'd like …………………..things to others if I have
the chance. I'm fine with ………………….people …………… books or
even my clothes if they want. It's nice to share your …………….with
4.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


borrow and lend is normal/good to share/not lend too

4.4. Outline your own answer.

4.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. Is there anything that you will not lend to others?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
hygiene / Expensive/ stuff/ toothbrush/ lend
I definitely wouldn't …………….anything really ………………….to others.
For example, I wouldn't lend them my laptop or my phone, since they
cost me an arm and a leg!ll. I wouldn't want to lend
…………………….products like my ……………………either. That would really
gross me out. It's best to keep that …………………to yourself.
5.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
precious things/laptop and phone/use everyday/lend for short time/
5.4. Outline your own answer.

5.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Top 11 perfume
1. Do you use perfume?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary
Occasion/ borrow/ stuff /fancy/ stink
I actually don't use perfume very often. If it's a special……………, I might
………………some of my friend's. It's part of dressing up and
being……………. But in general, I don't wear it. I just don't think it's really
necessary. As long as you don't…………….., you don't have to wear
…………….like that.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Use/ if/ borrow/in general/ necessary/ stink/ wear stuff
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. What kind of perfume do you like?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Citrus/ like / light /orchard/ sensitive
I like perfume that smells like…………. You know, if it
smells……………..lemons or oranges, it makes you feel like you're
standing outside in a beautiful………….. Those scents are really………..;
they aren't too strong, so they probably won't bug people as much.
Some people can be very ………to smells.


2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

I like/ smell/ if/ scent/ light/ strong/ so/ bug/ some people/ sensitive
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. Do you give perfume as a gift to others?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Gift/ give/ dating /romantic
To be honest, giving perfume as a …………..isn't that common with
people I know. We tend to enjoy ……………clothes or books instead. But
if I had to give a gift to a person I'm……….., I might consider perfume.
It seems like a …………… for couples.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Common/ enjoy/ clothe/ book/ if/ date/ perfume/ romantic
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. How much money would you like to spend on perfumes?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Tight/ spend/ cost/ scent/ extra
I'm pretty …………with my budget, so I wouldn't want to ………..a ton of
money on perfume. If it was a really nice ………… a famous designer,


I guess I'd be willing to spend a bit………... But in general, I don't want

perfume to ………….me an arm and a leg.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Tight/ budget/want/ money/ if/ nice scent/ designer/ willing/ but/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. What does perfume mean to you?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
taste /way/ mean/ sets/ sophisticated /effort
To me, perfume is a ……..of telling the world that you …………business.
You know, it ………you apart and shows everyone that you put an
…………..into your appearance. I think it makes you seem very…………..
Plus, it helps you put your best foot forward. Someone wearing
perfume usually has good ……
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
A way/ tell/ mean/ set / apart/show/put/ effort/ into/make you/
someone/ wear/ good taste
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 12 Social network

1. How often do you use social networking applications (like
Weibo, Twitter or Facebook)?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Admit/ keeping /waste/ scrolling/
Well, I spend more time on social media than I'd like to……. It's not the
best use of my time, but I can ……..hours just ……..on my phone. I
probably look at fb moments the most. I just like……… up with my
friends and seeing what's going on in their lives.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Spend /time/not the best/but/ scroll/ keep up with/ go on/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. Why do you use social networking apps?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
posts /up to date/ event
I mostly use them to stay………… with what's going on in my friends'
lives. You know, nowadays, everyone ………about what they're doing
online. So if there's an important ………… someone's life, like a
wedding, you can see pictures of it on their social media. It's a cool way
to keep in touch.

2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Mostly/ use/ stay/ everyone/ post/important event/see pictures/
cool way

2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?
3.1 Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
scam /personal /lead to/ strangers /updates/
Well, sometimes social networking apps may ……..privacy leaks. For
example, almost all the social networking apps have your
…….information, like your birthday and email address. Plus, tons of
people post ………….about their lives online, which allows ……….to
know some private information of yours. That might be an easy way
for bad people to …………you.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Apps/ lead to/ have/ information/ post/ allow/ know/ way/ bad
people/ scam
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Do you think you will use more of those social networking
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
hooked on/ thing /connected.
I use a lot of them already, but honestly I'm pretty ……………using social
media. So I think that I'd be open to using more of them. I just like
staying ………………….…with people. And since practically everyone uses


social media nowadays, it wouldn't be the worst ……….to use them a

bit more.
4.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Already/ but/ hook on/ so/ open/ like/ everyone/ use/ wouldn’t /
worst/ a bit more
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. Do you think it is an easy way to make friends through social
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
False/ hard/ in person /profile/
I don't think it's that easy. For one, there's a lot of ……..information on
the internet and it's ………… know if someone's …………on a social
network is real or not. Plus, even though you can learn about their
interests a lot quicker just by looking at what they post, I think it's
easier to get to know someone when you see them………….
5.4. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
There/ false/hard/ profile/ real/ even though/ learn/ interest/
easier/ see/ in person
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 13 Visit relatives

1. How often do you visit your relatives?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
To/ treat /check in with
I don’t visit them as often as I’d like to. But my grandma lives very close
…… She’s practically a hop, skip, and a jump away. So basically I
………….…..her about once a week. She always cooks something special
for me. Getting to visit her is such a……………….
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Don’t/ but/ grandma/ close/ so/ check in with/ cook/ a treat
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. What do you do when visiting relatives?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Nice/ up with/ advice/ hang out/ sharing
I usually just have a ………….chat with them. I’m often caught
……….work, so I don’t have that much time to…………….. But I love
getting to sit down and talk. It’s such a treat to just hear about what’s
going on with them. I also like …………….what’s happening in my life
and getting some…………...
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Have a/ work/ so/ much time/but/ love/ a treat/ hear/ share/ advice
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. When was the last time you visited a relative?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Relative/ so/ have /exams/
It’s been too long. I think the last time I visited a ………….was a month
ago. I’ve been ………..busy with finishing up school. You know, I’ve had
to study for so many……………. But before things got crazy, I visited my
grandma and …………..a nice chat with her. It was a great way to blow
off steam.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The last time/ a month ago/ busy/ finish/ study/ exam/ but/
grandma/ chat/way/ blow off
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Do you prefer visiting your friends or your relatives?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Common/ wrong/ loose


Don’t get me…….., I love my family. But I think I prefer visiting my

friends. We just have more in………... It’s a lot easier to strike up a
conversation with them. And I feel like I can just cut ……….and be
myself around them. It’s just a lot more natural.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Get me wrong/ prefer/ have more/easy/ strike up/ cut loose/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. Why do people visit their relatives?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Stay/ strengthen /neglect/ stuff
I suppose that people visit their relatives as a way to ……………close to
their family. You know, nowadays it’s easy to …………relationships with
your family. There’s lots of other ……..that seems more important, like
work or school. But when you visit with your relatives, you help
…………your bonds with them.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
As a way/ close/ it’s easier/ neglect/other stuff/ strengthen
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 14 Street market

1. What do street markets often sell?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Cheaper/ fresh/ knockoffs
I think that street markets often sell ………..products. It doesn’t
automatically mean they’re lower-quality though. For example, you
can get …………..fruits and vegetables on the cheap. But there are also
………………of designer brands when it comes to stuff like purses and
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Sell/ mean/ lower quality/ fresh fruits/ but/ knockoffs/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. Are there many street markets in Vietnam?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Almost/ famous attractions /least/ massive
Yes, there are tons of street markets in Vietnam. Actually ………..every
Vietnamese city has at ……………one street market. Lots of them are
even ………………for tourists. Taking my hometown as an example, it has
several …………….street markets where you can find thousands of
different snacks and items.


2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Yes/ almost/ Vietnamese city/ attraction/ massive/ where/ find/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. What are the differences between street markets and
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Wider/ vendors/ afford /belong/
Well, supermarkets have a ……………..variety of products, but street
markets are a bit limited in comparison, although they have cheaper
stuff. This is because most street ………………..have to be more selective
about what they sell. In contrast, supermarkets ……………………….to big
companies, so they can ………………….to have tons of different items.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Supermarket/ variety/ products/ street market/ limited/ because/
vendors/ selective/ in contrast/ big company/ afford
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Do you prefer going to a street market or a shopping mall?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.


Atmosphere/ checked /trust/ worth /cost/

I like going to shopping malls better. Street markets are really cool and
have a unique…………………, but I usually………. whatever I get from
shopping malls more. They’re just more likely to be ……………………for
quality. Even if things ………….me extra at a mall, I think it’s …………….it.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Like/ better/street markets/ cool/ unique/ but/ trust/ check/ even
if/ cost/ worth
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. Why do some people prefer street markets to supermarkets?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Unique/ vintage/ boring/ cool/
I guess some people prefer street markets to supermarkets because
there are more ………..products in street markets. For example, you
might find stuff that’s handmade or ………….in a street market. Plus,
there’s just a …………..atmosphere with street markets. There are
usually lots of interesting things to look at. In contrast, supermarkets
are kind of……………….
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
More unique/ find stuff/ handmade/ vintage/cool atmosphere/


5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

6. Would you like to visit street markets when you go to a foreign
country? What would you like to buy?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Explore/ memories /souvenirs
Yeah, I’d love to visit street markets if I go to a foreign country. It’s a
really good way of ……………..another culture. Plus, there are so many
interesting things to see and buy in a street market. You can find lots
of ……………….to take home and keep as ………………..of the trip
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Street market/ way/ explore/ culture/ interesting thing/ souvenir/
keep/ memory/
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 15 Plan/Time management

1. Do you make plans every day?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Organized/ less/ in order/ by ear
I don’t make plans every single day, but I do most of the time. I like
having things …………….and planned out. It makes everything a lot
………….stressful. I don’t really play it ……………..when it comes to my
daily schedule. It’s better to have everything……………..
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Every single day/ most of the time/ organize/ less stressful/ play it
by ear/ it’s better/ in order
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. Are you an organized person?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
track / advance /appointments/ breeze
Yeah, I think I’m a fairly organized person. I keep ………………of all the
tasks I have to do, and I always put my ………….on my calendar
in…………... It might sound like a chore, but it honestly makes life a
……………when you stay on top of things . It’s a lot less stressful that


2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Fairly/ organize/ keep track of/ put my appointment/ calendar/
chore/ breeze/stay/ less stressful
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. Are you good at managing your time?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Distracted/ waste/ skill /how
I think I’m pretty good at managing my time. I can definitely get
……………….from time to time. That means I …………a lot of time doing
unproductive things. But for the most part, I know…………………. to
spend my time well. It makes things easier when you have
that……………... It comes in handy in the long run.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Get distracted/ but/ spend/ easy/ skill/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. What is the hardest part of making a plan/managing your time?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Sticking/ on task /come up/ follow


Well, the hardest part is actually ………… your plan. Whether it’s an
actual plan or just something you want to do with your time, it can be
hard to …………through sometimes. For example, something fun might
……………when you already have plans to do something else. It’s hard
to stay ………..all the time.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The hardest/ stick/ fun/ come up/ hard/ stay on task
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. What is the latest plan you made?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
celebrating /see/ blast/ bond/
I just made plans to ………….a movie with my mom. It’s our way of
……………………Mother’s Day. You know, it’s really important to spend
quality time with your parents. So I think this will be a great way for us
to………….. We can see the movie and even go for dinner after. It’ll be
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
See/ mom/ celebrate/ important/ quality/ way/ bond/dinner/ blast
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 16 Garbage
1. Why do some people throw garbage on the street?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
trash can /laziness/ mess/ respectful/
Honestly, I think it’s just sheer…………... They don’t feel like looking
around for a…………….. But sometimes, even when there’s one right in
front of them, they don’t use it. Some people don’t give two cents
about the environment or being ………………of their surroundings. They
think they can just make a …………….wherever they go.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Sheer laziness/look around/ trash can/ right in front of/ two cent/
environment/ respectful/ mess/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the
street? Do you stop them?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Annoyed/ leave /speak up /gross/ super/
I feel really ………………when I see people throw garbage on the street.
For one, it’s……………….; people have to deal with your garbage if you
…………….it in public. So it’s also ……………..disrespectful to the
environment and people around you. I would definitely ………………if I
saw it happen in front of me.

2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Annoyed/ when/ gross/ deal with/ leave/ disrespectful/
environment/ speak up
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. What do you do with garbage when you see it on the street? Do
you pick up the garbage?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Proper/ pick up/ litter/ irresponsible/
Whenever I see garbage on the street, I do my best to make sure it
goes in the …………………place. For instance, if there’s a garbage can
nearby, I’ll ……………….the trash and put it in. It’s a real pity that in this
day and age, people still…………. It’s totally ……………….and rude to
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Do my best/ proper place/ garbage can/ pick up/ pity/ litter/
irresponsible / rude
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Do you recycle paper and plastic?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
make sure/ take /their part/ conscience


Yes, I do! I do my best to …………….all the paper and plastic I use gets
recycled. You know, everybody has to do …………… help protect the
environment. Generally speaking, recycling is really easy to do. It
doesn’t ……………….much effort, and it works wonders for your
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below
Yes/ make sure/ everyone/ their part/ protect/ easy/ take much
effort/ work wonder/conscience
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. What do you do to protect your city’s environment? Have you
participated in any activities related to environmental protection?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Helpful/ protecting/ fundraisers / public transportation/
I try to be as ……………as I can when it comes to …………….my city’s
environment. I always recycle and I make sure to use
……………………….whenever I can. I’ve also participated in some
……………………..that raise money for the environment. I think it’s
important for everyone to do their share
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Useful/ recycle/ public transportation/ participate/ fundraiser/
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 17 Travel

1. Do you like traveling?

1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
About/ horizons/ no matter/ blast
Yes, I’m crazy …………..traveling. I think it’s so fun, …………..where you
go. It’s all part of expanding your …………….and learning more about
the world. It’s also a …………….when you travel with friends. I love being
able to see and try new things, whether it’s food or a new activity.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Crazy/ fun/ expand/ horizon/ a blast/ friend/ new things/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. What is the best place you have ever visited?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Left/ heart/ especially /local art
Well, New York City definitely ………….the deepest impression on me.
It’s basically the …………….of culture there. Going to see different
musicals and seeing all the ……………was very cool. The buildings are
amazing too, ……………..the famous Empire State Building.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
NYC impression/ heart/ culture/ musical/ local art/ building/


2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. What are the difficulties during a trip?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Navigating/ figuring out /bearings/ barriers /frustrating
Well, the first one I can think of is……………….. When you’re in a new
place, it can be hard to get your……………….. Every place has different
public transportation, and ……………how it works can be very……………….
Plus, language …………….in foreign countries can make getting around
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The first thing/ navigating/ new place/ hard/ public transportation/
figure out/ language berrier/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Do you like jobs that let you travel?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Dream/ stuck /travel writer/ It’s/
Yes, for sure. My ……………..job would be working as a……………. I would
get to go all around the world and constantly see new places. It would


definitely keep things interesting. After all, I don’t like being ……………in
one place. ……………..much cooler to move from place to place.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ dream job/ travel writer/ go around/ see/ struck/ cooler/move
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. What kind of cities do you like to travel to?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
jam-packed/ bound /cultural/
I like travelling to really busy cities, like New York City or Tokyo. Even
though they’re …………….with people, I love seeing the famous tourist
destinations there. Those kinds of places are usually ……………..hubs, so
you’re ………… expand your horizons if you visit.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Busy city/ jam-packed/tourist attraction/ cultural hub/ bound/
expand/ horizon
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.4 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

Topic 18 Weather
1. What’s the weather in your city like? Does it often change?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.


1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.

Stable/ sick/ normal
The weather in my city is pretty…………….. It follows the four seasons,
so it’s not permanently dry or rainy or anything like that. If it was
always snowing or always raining, I’d get pretty …………….of it. So I’d
say the weather in my city is pretty…………….. But honestly, I don’t think
about it that much.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Stable/ 4 seasons/ dry/ rainy/ if/snow/ rain/ sick/ normal/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. Would you move to another city because of weather?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Actually/ heard/ to /chance
Well, I ………………love the rain. So I think it would be fun to move to a
city where it’s always rainy. I’ve ……………..that some places in England
are like that. So if I had the………………., I would definitely move there.
It would be lovely …………….always have that kind of weather.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The rain/ fun/ move/ rainy/ hear/ England/ chance/ move/ fun
2.4 Outline your own answer.


2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Nice/ beat/ at ease/ cozy
I definitely prefer rainy days. Sunny days are …………..because they get
you to go outside. But for me, nothing …………..rainy days. You can just
sit inside, read a good book, and be …………..all day. They’re so nice for
relaxing. Rain just sets my mind ……………..and makes me feel calm.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Rainy days/ sunny days/ nice/ nothing/ sit inside/ relax/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Which one is better for study or work, sunny days or rainy days?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Cozy/ enjoy/ instead /productive/
I think that rainy days are probably better for study or work. After all,
if it’s bright and sunny outside, you’ll be ……………. because you have to
do work …………..of going outside to ……………the weather. But if it’s
rainy, you’ll feel happy and cozy to be inside doing …………..things.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Rainy days/ better/ if/ bright/ sunny/ but/ rainy/ feel


4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. Does a rainy day affect your mood?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Bizarre/ improve/ get rid /cheerful/
It might sound a bit………….., but a rainy day can actually ………….my
mood! I just love the rain so much. It makes me feel happy and calm.
So if I’m having a bad day and it starts to rain, I just feel more
…………….and I can …………..of my bad mood.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Sound/ bizarre/ rainy day/ improve mood/ if/ bad day/ rain/ feel/
cheerful/ get rid of
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 19 Movie stars

1. Who is your favorite movie star?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Among/ comedy /fabulous/ shot/ bust a gut/
Well... I have to say …………..all the Vietnamese actors, the one I like
the most is definitely Jackie Chan. I love Jackie for his
………………movies, especially his action …………….movies. I’ve watched
every single one of his movies, even the old ones he ……………in 1980s.
His movies can always make me ………………..when I watch them.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Among/ like the most/love him for/every single one/ 1980/bust a gut
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. Have you ever met a movie star in real life?
2.1 Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Awesome/ die for/ face-to-face/ household name
Sadly, I’ve never been able to meet a movie star in real life. But it would
be …………..if I could. I would …………..the chance to meet Leonardo
DiCaprio. He’s a …………….all over the world. I loved him in the movie
Titanic. It would be super cool to see him………………...
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Sadly/ never/it would/if I could/ he’s/ super cool/see him
2.4 Outline your own answer.


2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. Do you want to be a superstar?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
cup of tea/ introverted/ burn/ center/ lifestyle/
Um…No, actually I don’t think being a superstar would be my…………….
I’m pretty………………., so I don’t really like being the …………..of
attention. Plus, I guess that being famous would go to my head pretty
quickly. I don’t think it would be a good …………….for me. I’ve heard
that lots of celebrities ……………..out pretty fast.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
No/ think/ center of attention/ lifestyle/ hear/ celebrity/ burn
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Are international film stars popular in your country?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Household/ moon /huge fan/ classic
Yeah, I’d say that international film stars are pretty popular in my
country. A lot of American celebrities are…………….. names. For
instance, I’m a …………..of Tom Hanks. He’s an American film star who’s
been in tons of…………….. movies like Forrest Gump and Toy Story. I’d
be over the ………………if I ever met him.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yeah/ household name/ for instance/ Tom Hanks/ film star/ classic
movies/ if/ met

4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 20 Tea & Coffee

1. Do Vietnamese people like to drink tea or coffee?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
thousand-year/ obvious/ coffee drinkers /beverage/
Well… considering Vietnam has …………………history of tea culture, it’s
pretty ………………..that tea is the most common ……………… Vietnam.
Almost every Vietnamese person drinks tea. As for coffee, it’s really
new to the Vietnamese. Actually most …………………..are young guys,
and many of them just buy a cup of coffee once in a blue moon.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
History/common/almost/ tea/coffee/ new/ young guys/ once in a
blue moon
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. Do you often drink coffee or tea?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
a fresh /both/ mainly/ aroma/ a sip/
Yes, I do. I love …………….. coffee and tea. I like coffee ………………
because of its strong ……………….. Smelling the aromatic coffee while
having ………………. of it is a really nice thing. But honestly, I drink tea


more often. I basically drink it day in and day out. Tea, especially green
tea, is really helpful for me to keep ………….. mind.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Love/ both/ aroma/ smell/ a sip/ nice/ green tea/ fresh mind.
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Awake/ hydrated/ coffee lover/ caffeine
Well, I just drank a cup of tea last night. You know drinking tea is really
helpful to stay…………….. I always drink tea while studying at night. It
also helps me stay…………………. I do like coffee and consider myself a
…………………., but I never drink it at night, or else the……………. will keep
me awake for the whole night.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Last night/ stay awake/ study/ coffee/ caffeine/ awake
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

4. Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.


a niche taste/ to some degree/ cheesy/ guests

Whenever there are …………………at my home, I always cater to them
with my best collection of teas. I often make some fancy green tea for
friends visiting my home. It’s never ……………….to treat your guests with
tea, and in Vietnam, your collection of tea shows your tastes in
life…………………. In contrast, coffee is more likely ………………….in
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Whenever/ guest/ cater/ make/ fancy/ tea/ never/ cheesy/ treat/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. Do Vietnamese people give others coffee or tea as a gift?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Cheesy/ Hospitality/ way/ except/ cost/
Yes, we do. Giving tea to others is really a common ………….to show
your ……………..or gratitude in Vietnam, given most Vietnamese people
like drinking tea. And good tea can really……………… you an arm and a
leg, so it’s not a …………….gift at all. However, not many Vietnamese
people are used to giving others coffee as a gift, ………………..some
young guys.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


A common way/show/ good tea/ cost/ not many vnamese/ give

others/ coffee/ except
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

6. Have you gone out for a tea or coffee recently?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
uncomfortable/cup of tea /for a while/ make myself/
No, I haven’t drunk a cup of tea or coffee outside………………. Honestly,
I usually just ………………tea at home, like a cup of green tea or black
tea. I know a lot of girls in Vietnam like going out for milk tea, but it’s
really not my……………….. Plus, I rarely drink coffee because every time
I drink it, it makes my heart beat very fast and it feels ………………….
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
No/ make/ home/ other girls/ milk tea/ rarely/ coffee/ heart/
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 21 Pet
1. Are there many people keeping pets in VN? What kinds of pets do
people keep?
1.1 Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary
Who/ indoors /easy
Yes, there are definitely lots of people ……….have pets in VN. I think
that in general, people have pets like cats and dogs because they’re
………to keep in apartments or small houses. For instance, my grandpa
has two cats that love staying……………...
1.3. Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ lots/ pets/ cats and dogs/ easy/ keep/ for instance/
1.4. Outline your own answer.

1.5. Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you have any pets? / Have you had a pet when you were
2.1 Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary
avoid /goldfish/ carelessness /unfortunately/
No, I don’t have any now. I had several ……………..when I was very
young. That was the only time I had animals. But…………, they all died
because of my………………. So even though I love animals, I tend to
………………keeping a pet in case I kill it again…


2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Yes/ child/rarely played/ dad agrressive/keep for guarding the
house/bonded/the died/true shock
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Which animals can be good pets? Which ones cannot be?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
walk /great example/ stay /attention/ bark
Personally, I think animals that are easy to take care of make good
pets. A ………… a cat. They don’t need a lot of…………, so you don’t
need to pet them so often, and they can …………indoors all day. But
animals that need a lot of care, like big dogs, might not be great pets.
You have to ………..the dog every day; some dogs even need to be
walked twice a day. And dogs………….. really loudly. So I don't think
dogs are good pets for people like me who like being quiet.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Easy to / good pets/ cat/ need/ attention/ indoors/big dogs/ walk/
everyday/ bark.
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. What pet would you want to keep?


4.1. Answer the question in your own way.

4.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
space /small/ end up/ mellow out /adorable/
Um…I would love to have a ………dog. I think that I’ll ……………….living
in an apartment someday, so I would need an animal that doesn’t need
to have a ton of…………….. Plus, small dogs are…………. They’re so cute
that just looking at them helps me……………...
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Small dog/end up/ live/ need/ space/ adorable/ look/ mellow out
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Which kinds of pets do you dislike?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2. Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
creepy /reptiles/ crawl/ feed /freak out/ gross
I don’t like …………….for pets. They make my skin……………. Snakes,
frogs, and lizards are all super………….. I would never want to hold them
or spend time with them. Feeding them would …………me out as well.
You know, snakes eat mice for food—I would ……………if I had to
…………… pet a mouse.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Reptile/ skin/ crawl/ creepy/ spend time/ feeding/
5.4 Outline your own answer.


5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. Do you think children should have pets? Why?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Important/ how/ feet / form /themselves/
Yes, it’s really ……………to let children keep pets. First of all, it teaches
them ……….to be responsible. By taking care of a pet, they can
eventually learn how to take care of …………….and stand on their own
two…………... Also, keeping a pet can help children
……………….important bonds. They can make friends and sharing time
with their pets.
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Important/ teach/ by/ learn/ stand/
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 22 E-mail
1. How often do you write an email?
1.1 Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Chat/ tend /as/ assignments/
I don’t really write emails that often, to be honest. My friends and I
mostly …………….freely through fb, or we’ll even call each other once in
a blue moon. I get tons of emails ……….a student, but other than asking
teachers about…………., I don’t ………… write them.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
No/ chat/ call/ get/ emails/ student/ other than/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Who do you always write to?
2.1 Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
it’s/ anyone else /make sure/
Whenever I send emails, ……………usually to my teachers. I just email
them so I can ask about assignments and ………….I’m doing them right.
Luckily my teachers are pretty quick with replies so I can get my
homework done on time. I don’t think I really write emails to…………….
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Whenever/ teacher/ ask about/ quick/ anybody else


2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Do you think it’s important to reply to emails quickly?
3.1 Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Waste/ put/ clear out /as soon as/
Yes, I definitely think it’s important to reply to emails quickly. You
don’t want to …………. other people’s time. Some emails need to be
replied to ………………… possible, so it’s best not to …… off. For
another, it helps ……………your inbox.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/if important email/respond/simple mail/leads to discussion/no
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Do you prefer contacting others by text messages or emails?
4.1 Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Check/ formal/ serious/ touch/ point
I definitely prefer text messages. Most of my friends don’t even
…………..their emails that often, so it’s a lot easier to keep in …………with
them over text. Plus, emails are really………….. I feel like texts can get
to the ……….a lot quicker and they don’t have to be……….


4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Prefer/ friends/Check/ easy/ formal/get to the point/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Is there an email that made you happy recently?
5.1 Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
job offer/ notification/ expecting/
Well, talking about an email that I was really happy to receive, the only
one I can think of right now is a ……… that I received. I’d been
…………it from a company for months and I still remember the moment
my phone popped out a ……………of receiving this email. I was over the
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Talk about/ the one/ think/ a job offer email/ expect/ month/
remember/ moment/ pop out/ notification/ over the moon
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 23 Sleep
1. How many hours do you sleep usually?
1.1 Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Tired/ late / schedule /get tied up/ decent
I usually sleep for about eight hours. Sometimes I can ………….with my
studies so I hit the hay pretty……., but I try to go to bed at a ………….time
so I won’t be ………..the next day. It’s better to have a good
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Eight hour/ get tied up/ hit the hay/ decent time/ it’s better
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. How much sleep do you wish to have every day?
2.1 Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Rest/ wonders /health/ enough
In a perfect world, I’d love to have nine or even ten hours of sleep
every day. I think having a good …………can do ………for your mental and
physical……... But since I’m usually pretty busy with school, I don’t
always have ………..time to sleep in and get that many hours in.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Perfect world/love to have/ good rest/ health/ since/ busy/ have

enough time
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young?
/Do you sleep more than you did when you were younger?
3.1 Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Kid/ whole /responsibilities
Well, when I was a………, I didn’t have that many…………………….,
especially during summer vacation, so I could sleep in for as long as I
wanted to. Of course, my parents didn’t want me to sleep the
………… away, but I definitely got more rest than I do now.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
When/ responsibility/ as long as/ parents/ the whole day/but
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Is enough/sufficient sleep important?
4.1 Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
As I mentioned/ buzzkill /do/


Yes, I think it’s really important to get enough sleep……………, it does

wonders for your mental and physical health and makes sure you can
…………..your best during the day. Personally, if I don’t get enough
sleep, I’m a total ……………to the people around me because I’m so
tired. So you definitely need to get lots of rest.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Really important/ wonder/ health/ make sure/ do your best/ if/ a
buzzkill/ because/ tired/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Do you take naps at noon?
productive /confused/ spend /wind up/
No, I actually don’t take naps at noon. Whenever I take a nap, I wake
up really…………….. Sometimes I ……………even more tired than I was
before. I like being ………………..during that time of day, so I don’t think
sleeping is a good way for me to …………….the afternoon.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
No/ whenever/ wake up/ more tired/ I like/ so good way/ spend
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. Do you like to read before bed?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.


6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.

Ease/ get/ screens/ fall /least/ pages/
Yeah, I definitely like reading before bed. If it’s a book that I’m really
enjoying, it can set my mind at ………….and help me …………a better rest.
Plus, I read that it’s best to not look at ………..for at …………….half an
hour before you go to bed. So I often read a few ………….of a book in
bed. That way, I can ………..asleep a lot quicker.
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Like/ if/ enjoy/ set my mind/ better rest/look at screens/ so/ few
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 24 Crowded place

1. What places are often crowded in your city?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
On/ commuting/ barely /stations/
As a person ………… bus and subway ………..a regular basis, I have to
say that public transportation ……………are literally the most crowded
places. Every morning on weekdays, I have to get on a bus or a subway
train. Sometimes, it’s so crowded that I can ………………….breathe.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Public transportation station/ every morning/ bus/ crowed/ barely/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. How do you feel when you are in crowded places? / Do you like
being in crowded places or quiet places?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Stressed/ get/ more of/ instead / give
I feel kind of ……………out when I’m in a crowded place. I’m ……….a shy
person, so I don’t like having tons of strangers around me. Plus, crowds
can …………..pretty noisy, so they tend to ………… a bit of a
headache. I definitely prefer being in quiet places……………….
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
I feel/ when/ shy person/ strangers/ noisy/ headache


2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. In which circumstances do you feel happy being in a crowded
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Like/ favorite bands/ sardines/ venue/ experience/
I generally feel happy in a crowded place when I’m at a fun event
………….a concert. Last year, I went to see one of my ……………….live.
They’re pretty popular so the ……………….was really full; we were
practically packed in like……………….. But I was happy because the
concert …………………..was amazing.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Fell happy/ when/ fun event/ last year/ live/ venue/ full/ packed
like/ happy
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Mall/ last-minute/ season,
The last time I was in a crowded place was when I went to the
………………..during the holidays. I was getting a …………gift for my


mother. In hindsight it wasn’t the greatest idea to go during the busy

…………..but I wanted to get her something special. Luckily I got the gift
in time.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The last time/ when/ mall/ holiday/gift/ mother/ the great idea/
busy season/but something special/ luckily/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Why are metropolitan cities more crowded?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Center/ jobs/ kinds/ tourist attractions/
I think those …………..of cities are more crowded because generally,
they’re the ………………..of business and art. For example, in Vietnam,
Hanoi has tons of people living there because there are so many
different ……………you can have there. Plus, there are lots of museums
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
I think/ because/ center/ Hanoi/ tons of people/ jobs/ plus/
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

Topic 25 Patience
1. Are you a patient person?

1.1. Answer the question in your own way.

1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
disrespectful /takes/ antsy/ crazy/ hate/
Honestly, I don’t think I’m that patient. Whenever a website …………….a
long time to load, I find myself getting ………………or just closing the
website altogether. I especially …………….waiting for people to meet up
with me. It drives me …………….when they’re late. I think it’s
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Honestly/ think/ whenever/ websites/ get antsy/ hate/ wait/ drive
me crazy
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Were you patient when you were young?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Happen/ super /used to/
No, I definitely wasn’t patient when I was young. I always wanted
everything to …………….as fast as possible. I hated waiting for my
friends to come over. I ……………….fidget a lot if I had to wait around for
a while. I think I’ve outgrown that habit, but at the time I was
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


No/ want/ happen/ fast/ hate/ wait/ used to/ outgrown/ habit/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Have you become more patient or less patient compared to
when you were younger?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Compared/ rude /annoyed/ in
Um… I’ve become more patient …………….to when I was younger. For
example, now I understand why people are running late so I’m not as
………….when I have to wait for them. I also had a job …………customer
service last summer, which taught me to be very patient with other
people, even if they were……………..
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
More patient/ understand why/ not annoyed/ job/ customer
service/ teach/ even if
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Do you think patience is important for study and work?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
to keep/ important/ my head/ frustrated/ keep calm


Yeah, patience is ……………..for study and work. Those things take time
to do well, so you have ………………. your cool in order to do your best.
Personally, I can get really in ………………and get ……………….if things
aren’t going well. But being patient helps me ……………….so I can do my
best work.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Patience/ those things/ so/ get really in/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. How do you feel when other people are not patient?
5.1 Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Impatient/ a pain/ a rush/ to behave/ pushing
Even though I’m not that patient myself, it still ticks me off when other
people are…………………. I especially hate it when I’m lined up for a bus
and people start ………………….to get on. It’s such……………... I guess that
people are in …………………..sometimes, but we still have ………………
proper adults.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Even though/ stick me off/when/hate/ line up for/ push/ I guess/ in
a rush/ but/ have to
5.4 Outline your own answer.


5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. Are you less or more patient when you are angry?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
state of mind/ to keep/ patient/ just scream/ lungs
I’m definitely less patient when I’m angry. You know, when I’m in
that……………., it’s really hard ………………my cool. So if someone’s being
a pain in my neck, it’s very hard for me to be …………………All I really
want to do is ………………… the top of my ………………
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Less patient/ angry/ hard/ keep/ if/ pain in my neck/ scream/
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


Topic 26 Public holiday

1. How many public holidays do you have in your country?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Least/ the spring/ the longest/ have holidays
Well… there are a ton of public holidays in Vietnam. Of course,
………………one is ……………… holiday, which lasts two weeks for a lot of
people. Besides that, we also ………………….for Labor Day, mid-autumn
day, National Day and so on. Actually, I think we have at ……………one
holiday each month.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
A ton/ tet holidy/ longest/ last/ Labor Day/ at least/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

2. Which is the most popular holiday in Vietnam?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Reunions/ relatives/ fireworks/ the grandest/ popular
When it comes to the most …………………holiday in Vietnam, it’s
definitely Tet holiday! We all love it because it’s ………………..festival of
the year. Our families have complete…………….. and have a blast doing
a ton of interesting things, like playing visiting relatives or watching


fireworks at new year’s eve. Anyway, it’s a great bonding time for
families in Vietnam.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
When/ Tet holiday/ all love/ grandest/ reunion/play/ bonding time
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

3. Do you like busy days? Do you prefer being busy or being free?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
my mind/ to kick/ hectic/ a free day
I don’t like busy days. I get stressed pretty easily, so when things
are…………….., I feel like I’m going to lose…………... So I definitely prefer
being free. It’s just so much nicer ……………. back and relax. You can do
whatever you want when you have……………...
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Get stressed/ hectic/ lose/ prefer/ free/ relax/ do whatever/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. What’s your favorite way to kill time?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
hanging /favorite/ the breeze/ pressure/ around


I think my ……………way to kill time is by …………….out with friends. You

can do whatever; you can go shopping, you can watch a movie, or you
can just sit ……………..and shoot……………... There’s usually no
……………..when you’re with your friends.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Hang out/go shopping/watch a movie/no pressure/ with friend
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

5. Which holiday is your favorite?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Celebrating/ younger/ beloved/ envelopes/ to pick one/ longest
Honestly I love all the holidays. But if I have………………, I will choose
Spring Festival. It’s not only because it’s the …………… when I
can have a one week break, but also because I enjoy ………………it with
my …………………family. Plus, as a………………..person in my family, I could
get some red…………………. from my elders during Spring Festival.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
All holiday/ bit/ pick one/ tet holiday/longest/ two week break/
celebrate/ red envelope
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

6. How do you usually spend your holidays?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.


6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.

Relationships/ catch up/ exciting/ some of/ spend
I usually …………………my holidays with my family. It’s not that
………………,but I really like the chance to ………………with them and see
how they’re all doing. It helps strengthen the ………………..between us
and keeps us close. It’s also nice having ………………….my mother’s
home-cooked food.
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Spend/ family/ chance/ catch up with/ strengthen/ home-cooked
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

7. Do you think people need more public holidays?
7.1. Answer the question in your own way.
7.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
time off/ relax/ mental health/ benefit/ need/ kick back
Well, if you ask me, I think it would be great if we had more public
holidays. You know, people could ………………..from having
more……………. It would give them the chance to
…………….and………………, which could really help their………………... But I
don’t know if it’s more of a want than a……………….
7.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Great/ if/ benefit/ chance/ help/ health
7.4 Outline your own answer.

7.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary

Topic 27 Taking photos

1. Do you like taking photos?

1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Photography/ a camera/ expert/ capture/ enjoy
Yeah, I really ……………..taking photos. I’m not really an …………… it,
but there’s something very relaxing about …………………It’s so awesome
to …………………the world around you with………………. And then, when I
look back at the photos, I can remember all the cool things I saw.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yeah/ enjoy/ not/ an expert/ but/ something/ relaxing/
photography/ awesome/ capture/ and then/ when/ look back/
remember/ cool thing
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you take photos with a cellphone or with a camera? / Which
device do you usually use to take photos?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Mine/ cellphone/ pity/ a tight/ taking photos
I usually take photos with a…………….. It’s a ……………..but I don’t have a
high-quality camera. If I had the money for it I would buy one, but I
have …………….budget for as long as I’m in school. But cellphones these


days have pretty good cameras, so it’s not that bad ………………..with
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Usually/ don’t have/ if I money/ buy/ but tight budget/ but/
cellphone/ good camera/ so/ not bad/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. What are the differences between cellphones and cameras when
it comes to taking photos?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Convenient/ great/ terms/ as good as/ lenses/ to drag
Nowadays, cellphones have ………………..cameras. So in ……………..of
quality, some cellphones are about ……………………cameras. But if you
ask me, they’re way more ………………….They’re smaller and easy to
carry around with you, whereas cameras usually have ………………and
other pieces of equipment …………………..around. So I prefer
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Cellphone/ camera/ so/ quality/ as good as/ but if/ more
convenient/ smaller/ carry/ camera/ lenses/ equipment/ prefer/
3.4 Outline your own answer.


3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Do you want to learn some photography skills? / Which
photography skill do you want to learn the most?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
to capture/ skills/ a piece of cake/ the effort/ quickly
Yes, I would love to learn some photography…………... To be specific, I
would like to learn how to do sports photography. You know, it’s pretty
hard for an amateur ………………..people moving very………………. I don’t
think it would be ………………… learn something like that, but I
believe it would be worth…………………….
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Lear/ photography skill/ how to/ hard/ amateur/ capture/ people/
move/ quickly/ don’t think/ piece of cake/ but/ worth
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. What do you like to take photos of?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
a few/ rewarding/ a sunrise/ look back
I love taking photos of nature. It’s so ……………… get a great shot of
a sunset or………………….. I also like taking pictures of my friends.


Whenever we go out, I usually snap …………….. photos so that I can

………………….and remember the good times we had together.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Nature/ rewarding/ great shot/ also/ friend/ whenever/ snap/so
that/ look back/ good time
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. What would you use photos for? What would you do after you
took photos?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Keepsakes/ lonely/ comfort/ far away
I like using photos as……………….. For example, I love having photos of
my friends and family. Whenever I’m ……………….from them, looking at
those photos makes me feel right at home. It’s a big………………..,
especially if I’m feeling…………….. Framing photo and putting them in
my room is also great.
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Use photo as/ for example/ photo of my friend/whenever/ look at/
feel/ a big comfort/ especially if/ frame photo/ great
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 28 Share things

1. Do you like sharing? Did you have anything to share with others
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
a historical/ turned out/ put it down/ enjoyed/ at least
I like sharing, …………………..when it comes to books that
I’ve………………... For example, I recently read ………………….novel that I
really loved. I couldn’t…………………..; I basically went through it one
sitting. So I shared it with my friend and it …………………..that she really
liked it as well.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Like/ book/ for example/ historical novel/ couldn’t/ so/ share/
friend/ turn out that
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. What do you like to share with your friends?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Sharing/ lent/ especially/ franchises/ books
I love sharing…………….. and movies with my friends,…………….the
novels and movie………………… that I like. For example, I have all seven
of the Harry Potter books. I’ve………………. them many times to my
friends. I like ………………….those things with friends not only because
it’s a bonding process, but also because that way we have more to talk
about together.

2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Book/ movie/ especially/ for instance/ seven/ see/ many time/
because/ bonding process/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Is there anything you don’t want to share with others? Why?
/What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Hygiene/ the process/ kinds of/ toothbrushes
I don’t really like sharing any ……………….products with other people.
You know, stuff like …………………and razors aren’t really great to share
with others. You can end up sharing all ……………….germs and get other
people sick in………………... So I think you should keep those things to
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Hygiene product/ stuff like/ aren’t great to/ share/ germ/ sick/ so/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Generous/ taught/ polite/ kids/ little


Yes, my parents taught me to share when I was………………. They always

told me that sharing was a way of being ………………to other people. So
they ……………… to share toys with the other ………………..and to
make sure I was always being………………….. I think sharing is one of the
most important lessons you can learn.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ when/ tell/ sharing/ way/generous/ so/ toy/make sure/ polite/
important lesson/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. How do you think about bike sharing?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Transportation/ has solved/ provides/ society/ couple/ dirt-cheap
Well, it’s actually a pretty new system for our……………….., which just
took off in the past………………. of years. Of course, it ………………..a ton
of benefits to urban people. Most importantly, it ……………………the ‘last
mile’ problem for…………………….. Now I can ride a sharing bike
somewhere within a couple kilometers and it’s really ………………
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
New/ for/ take off/ provide/ benefit/ importantly/ solve/ now/ ride/
within/ dirt cheap
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 29 Handwriting
1. Do you like handwriting?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Texting/ a pen/ perspective/ fulfilling/ paper
I really like writing with……………... I guess it’s a little old-school, since
most of my friends just like………………… or calling on the phone. But
from my…………………., I think there’s something very nice and
……………….about writing with a pen and…………….. It’s more personal
that way.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Write/ a pen/ my friend/ texting/ but/ nice/ about/
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Neatly/ understand/ practice/ taken with/ be careful
Yeah, I guess my handwriting is pretty easy for other people to read.
In school, I had to ……………..writing very………………., and that’s a skill
that I’ve ………………….me all the way until now. Actually it’s important
to take your time and ……………….when you write, or else no one will
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Easy/ other/ read/ be careful/ a skill/ important/ or else/

2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Do you like to receive a handwritten letter / card?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Emailing/ definitely/ sweet/ cards/ personal touch
I honestly love getting letters or …………….with hand-written words.
You know, it’s really …………….and it adds a………………... Since
handwriting takes longer than texting or even…………….., it shows that
the person wanted to take the extra time to show you they care about
you. It ………………..makes my day to get something like that.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Love/ with hand- written words/ sweet/ get/ since/ take longer
than/ show/ extra time/ show/ care/ make my day/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Can you tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.

Unorganized/ guess/ personality/ appearances/ handwriting/ judge

Yes, I think you can tell a little bit about someone’s ……………………from
their………………….. For instance, you could …………….. that people with
messy handwriting are kind of……………., but people with neat


handwriting care about …………………..and take their time. Of course,

you can’t………………… a book by it’s cover.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ a but/ for instance/ guess/ messy writing/ unorganized/ but/
neat writing/ care about/ of course/ judge a book
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Do you like writing by hand or typing?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
a pen/ the temptations/ concentrate/ fast/ stuff
I prefer writing by hand over typing. Even though typing is ……………and
convenient on a computer or a cellphone,.……………and paper help me
…………………..more on what I want to write. I feel like I’m always being
distracted by ……………………….of online videos and other fun
………………when I’m writing on a computer.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Writing/ even though/ typing/ pen and paper/ concentrate/
distract/ temptation/ when
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 30 Watch Sky

1. Do you like to watch the sky? How often? Why?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
every so often /balcony /sets my mind/ a ton of/ tied up
Yes, I love watching the sky. It really …………………at ease to just sit on
my apartment………………. and watch the colors change. I don’t have
……………… time since I’m usually ……………..with work and study,
but ……………………I sit outside and enjoy the beautiful view.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Love/ set my mind/ sit/ balcony/ watch/ color change/ free time/
tied up with/ but/ enjoy/ view
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or at night?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Constellations/ takes my breath/ sunrises/ come out
Um…I definitely prefer the sky at night. I think ……………….are gorgeous,
but at night the stars ……………….and you can even pick out………………….
It really ……………………away to see the night sky. It’s just so beautiful to
look at.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Prefer/ night/sunrise/ but/ star/ pick out/ take my breath/ see/

2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
pretty crowded/ cloudy/ an apartment/ chance
Well, I live in the city, so things are…………………. But you know, I live in
………………………with a balcony, so luckily for me I can go out and look
whenever I have the……………….. Sometimes the view isn’t great if
it’s………………., but I can at least see past the buildings.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Live/ city/ so/ but/ apartment/ so/ go out/ look/ chance//
sometimes/ view/ great/ if/ but/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Do you know anything about stars or planets?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
the earth /Astronomy/ nearest/ planets/ physics
Well, I can’t say I know a lot about……………….., but I still remember
some things about the solar system that my ………………teacher taught


me. Like the sun is the ………………star to u s and there are nine
…………… the solar system, including……………………. Back then Pluto
hadn’t been washed out of the solar system.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Can’t say/ physics/ but/ remember/ solar system/ teacher/ the sun/
nearest star/nine planet/ including/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Does your school have courses about stars and planets?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
take one someday/ Astronomy/ for sure/ kind of thing/ interested in
Yes, it does! I think those kinds of courses are super interesting.
…………………is a cool subject………………….. I’ve never taken those
courses, but I have friends who are ……………………..that………………...
They say that the courses are super eye-opening. Who knows, maybe
I’ll …………………..
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ interesting/ astronomy/ cool/ never/ but/ friend/ say/ super
eye- opening/ maybe/take/
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


6. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
wind down/ admiring/ a ton of/ the moon/ looking at
Well, since I live in the city, there’s ………………….light pollution in the
sky. So sometimes that makes it hard to see the stars. But you can
usually see…………………., which is really nice. I love ………………….the
night sky and ………………..the view; it really helps me……………….
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Live/ city/ there/ light pollution/ sky/ sometimes/ hard/ but/
usually/ the moon/ nice/ love looking at/ the view/ help/
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 31 Transportation
1. How do you travel to work or school?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Exhausting/ gotten/ takes me/ commute/ everyday
I usually …………………for school/work by bus. It ……………….half an hour
in the morning but almost an hour in the evening because of the busy
traffic. It was a little………………… travelling by bus so long
………………….but I’ve …………….used to it now, so it’s OK.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Commute/ bus/ take/ half/ morning/ but/ an hour/ evening/
because/ little exhausting/but/ get used to/ ok
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Will you change the way you travel to school?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
by now/ pricy/ on a daily basis/ practical/ license
No I don't think so. I haven’t thought about changing my commute
method……………….., because taking a bus seems like the only
…………………option that I have in recent years. My school is a little far
from where I live and it’s too …………………taking a taxi……………………..
Plus, I haven’t got a driver’s ………………..yet.


2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

No/ think/ change/because/ the only/ my school/ far/ where/ too
pricy/ taxi/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. How did you go to school when you were a child?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
back then/ still remember/ to drive/ motorcycle
When I was young, my dad used …………………me to school by
his………………. I ………………….it like it was yesterday; I always sat on the
back of his bike. I really liked going to school on a motorcycle
……………….because I thought it was pretty cool.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
When/ dad/ by/remember/ like yesterday/ sit on/ like/ motorcycle/
because/ cool
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. What do you like to do during your commute to school?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
off steam/ productive/ the stuff / stressed/ just sets/


I honestly just like listening to music. It’s not the most

………………..thing, but it really helps me blow………………. When I’m on
my way to school, I already feel …………………thinking about all
……………….I have to do. So listening to music ……………… mind at
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Like/ music/not/ productive/ but/ blow off/ when/ feel/think/
stuff/set my mind
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Do you like bike-share programs?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
great idea/ advantage/ the environment/ definitely/ subways
I think bike-share programs are a………………... But I actually don’t take
………………..of them too much. I generally use public transportation,
like buses and……………... But if I had to bike somewhere, I would
………………..use a shared bike It’s helpful for ………………………Plus, biking
is really fun.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
A great idea/but/ don’t take advantage/ use public transport/but if/
bike/ a shared bike/ helpful/ environment/ fun
5.4 Outline your own answer.


5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. When was latest time you took a taxi?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.

take a cab /memory serves/ the train station/ tipped the/ to catch a
Well, if …………………correctly, the last time I took a taxi was about half
year ago when I tried…………………. At the time, I was running late for
check-in, so I had to…………………. And I remember I even
………………………driver 10 bucks for asking him to drive faster
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
If/memory/ last time/ half year/ when/ at the time/ late/ check in/
so/ and/ tip/ 20000 vnd/ask/ drive fast/ train
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

7. Is the traffic in your city bad?
7.1. Answer the question in your own way.
7.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
rush hour/ to be strategic/ a couple/ get pretty/ not as bad


Honestly, it depends on the time of day. During……………, the roads can

…………………..backed up with traffic. Sometimes it can take you hours
just to drive ……………….blocks. But if it’s in the afternoon or on the
weekends, it’s………………. You just have …………………about when you
7.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Depend/ time/ rush hour/back up/ sometimes/ take/ drive/ but if/
afternoon/ weekend/ not bad/ have to/ when
7.4 Outline your own answer.

7.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

8. Can you drive?
8.1. Answer the question in your own way.
8.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
stressed me out/ get my license/ transportation/ get on other/ the
roads/ a ride/ get around
Yes, I can drive! I’ve been driving ever since I was old enough
to…………………. At first, driving really……………...., especially when it got
busy on………………. But now that I’ve been driving for a while, it doesn’t
stress me out at all. Bad drivers get on my nerves though.
No, I can’t drive. Most people my age just take public
…………………to………………. Honestly, the thought of driving really
stresses me out. I think I’d ………………………….drivers’ nerves because I
would be driving too slowly. I’d rather just take a bus or a subway, or
get …………….from my friends.

8.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Yes/ drive/ since/ old/ license/ at first/ stress/ especially/ busy/ but
8.4 Outline your own answer.

8.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

9. Do you drive usually? /Do you often drive?
9.1. Answer the question in your own way.
9.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Transportation/ to avoid/ get way too busy/ work early/ control
Well, to be honest, I try ……………....driving whenever I can. Sometimes
the roads ……………………and it’s not worth it to drive when I can just
take public………………………. But if I want to go to school or………………, I
like driving because I can ………………… fast I go.
9.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Try/ avoid/ sometimes/ busy/ not worth/ when/ take/ but if/ go to
school/ like/ because/ control/
9.4 Outline your own answer.

9.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

10. Do you think people need to learn how to drive?
10.1. Answer the question in your own way.
10.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
heavily populated /it depends/ environment anyways/ go to
someplace/ to drive


Honestly, I think……………….. If people live somewhere that’s very

………………………and has a great public transportation system, then I
don’t think they need to learn how………………. It’s better for the
………………………if people take public transportation instead of driving
their own cars. But if they often need to ……………………..far away, they
should learn how to drive.
10.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Depend/if/live/populated/public transportation system/ don’t
think/it’s better/ environment/ if/ but if/ need to/ far away/ should
10.4 Outline your own answer.

10.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

11. Does your family often travel by car (go on a road trip)?
11.1. Answer the question in your own way.
11.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
always a blast /along the highway/ so picturesque/ blew us away/
seaside town
Yeah, we do. During the summer, we love going on road trips to small
towns…………………. It’s …………………..having a road trip with my
parents. A few months ago, we drove for three hours to a………………...
It ………………….; the scenery really………………….
11.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Summer/ road trip/ small town/ a blast/ parent/ month ago/ drive/
3 hour/ blow us/ scenery/
11.4 Outline your own answer.


11.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

12. What are the advantages of a road trip?
12.1. Answer the question in your own way.
12.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
take a break /total control/ the decisions/ take a train
The advantages of a road trip are that you have ……………………over
where you go, how fast you go, and when you want to……………. If you
……………………or a plane, the stops are already decided for you. But if
you drive yourself, you can make all …………………yourself.
12.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Advantage/ road trip/ total control/ where/how/when/if/ train/
plane/ the stop/but if/ drive/ decision/
12.4 Outline your own answer.

12.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 32 Music/ Instrument

1. Do you like music?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
kinds of music/ engaging rhythms/ chill out/ tired/ sing-along
Yes, I enjoy music very much. Music always helps me ………………when
I’m stressed or……………... I basically listen to all…………………., but my
favorite kinds are the songs that have ………………………and are easy to
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ help/ when/all kind/ but/ engaging rhythms/ easy
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Which kind of music don’t you like?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
A headache / way too intense /too loud/ folk music/ softer music/
stresses me out/
I really don’t like metal. I think it’s ……………….and it always gives me
…………………..when I listen to it. I can never hear what the singers are
saying, so I can’t enjoy the lyrics, and the music is………………... It
actually…………………... I prefer…………….., like pop or………………...
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Metal/ too intense/ a headache/never hear/ lyrics/ too loud/ stress

me out/ prefer
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. When do you listen to music
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
sets my mind/ listening to music/ studying at home/ my favourite
I listen to music whenever I can. Whether I’m on the bus to school or
just………………….., it ……………… ease to have ……………….songs
playing. I think that sometimes, it can also help me focus. So I like
…………………….as much as possible.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Whenever/ on the bus/ set my mind/ focus/ so
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
But then again/ to keep track/ work/ to five hours/ enough time
Well, it’s kind of hard……………….. I listen to music whenever I can, so it
feels like I spend all my time that way………………….., I’m often pretty


caught up with ……………..and study. So I guess I only spend about four

………………….listening to music. It’s hard to find …………………..for that.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Hard/ listen/ I can/ spend/ caught up with/ so/ 4 or 5 hour/ hard
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
my favourites/ in the mood/ calming/ sets my mind/ music genres
I love listening to lots of………………….. But I think ……………….are folk and
pop. You know, folk is just so……………….; it really ……………… ease.
But if I’m …………………..for something more upbeat, I’ll listen to pop.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Music genre/but/ folk and pop/calming/ set my mind/ but if/
upbeat/ pop
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. What kind of instrument can you play?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.


engaging rhythms/ an instrument/ like a guitar/ kind of instrument

Well, I actually can’t play any…………………... But when I
hear………………….., I really wish I’d learned to play ………………….before,
…………………or a piano.
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Can’t play/ but when/ hear/ wish/ before/
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

7. What musical instrument do you want to play in the future?
7.1. Answer the question in your own way.
7.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
one of the most/ a basic instrument/ definitely be/ a knack
I’d love to learn how to play piano. Even though it seems
like……………………, it’s definitely …………………..beautiful ones. I don’t
exactly have …………………..for music though, so it would probably take
me a long time to learn. But I think it’d ……………………worth it.
7.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Piano/ basic instrument/one of the / a knack for/ take me a long
time/ but/worth/
7.4 Outline your own answer.

7.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

8. Do you think it is hard to learn how to play an instrument?


8.1. Answer the question in your own way.

8.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
to spend years /stick to practicing/ an instrument/ a person/ to play
the piano
Yes, I do think it’s difficult to learn………………….. It’s mainly because you
have to …………………..the instrument for years. For example, if
………………….wants to learn…………………….., they need
………………………and years practicing it.
8.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Yes/ difficult/ because/ practice/ for example/ learn/ piano/
8.4 Outline your own answer.

8.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

9. Have you ever been to a concert before?
9.1. Answer the question in your own way.
9.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
the dead/ a blast watching/ a rock concert/ singers/ my friend
Yes, I’ve seen several concerts before. Actually ……………….and I just
watched………………….. It’s literally the most exciting event I’ve ever
been at. Several bands and ……………………I like performed in the
concert and the venue was practically loud enough to wake……………...
We really had ……………………that concert.
9.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Several concert/ rock concert/ band/ singer/ perform/ venue/ loud/

wake/ a blast/
9.4 Outline your own answer.

9.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

10. Would you like to listen to music when you are working or
10.1. Answer the question in your own way.
10.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
in the background /a habit of mine/ on my work / music/
Yes; it becomes …………………… work or study while playing some
music…………………... I prefer listening to light ……………..or jazz that can
help me concentrate………………..
10.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
A habit of mine/ while/ prefer/ help/ concentrate
10.4 Outline your own answer.

10.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

11. Do you think your music taste will change?
11.1. Answer the question in your own way.
11.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Evolve/ to listen/ a world/ my taste


Um…yes, I do think ………………..will change. Honestly, the types of

music I like now are ………………away from what I used ……………
when I was a kid. So I believe my taste will ……………….as I get older.
11.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Taste/ change/the types of music/ way from/ used to/ when/ so/ het
11.4 Outline your own answer.

11.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

12. Do you like to buy CDs or download music?
12.1. Answer the question in your own way.
12.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
stream the music /that popular/ to some songs
Back when MP3 players weren’t…………………., I bought tons of CDs. But
now, whenever I want to listen…………………., I download or
…………………..on my smartphone, which is fast and free.

12.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Back when/ mp3/ popular/ CD/ but now/down load/stream music
12.4 Outline your own answer.

12.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 33 City
1. What kind of city do you like?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
diverse stores /super crowded/ draining/ a metro city
I like cities that aren’t too big, but aren’t too small. I wouldn’t want to
live somewhere …………………..because I think the hustle and bustle of
a big city would be very………………... But I’d want to live in
………………that has ………………….and places to hang out at, which you
can’t find in small cities.
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Too big/ too small/want/ super crowed/ because/ metro city/ hang
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you want to stay in the city?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
walking distance /hang of/ my apartment/ a lot of
I’ve been living in a city(XX) for school, and I’m getting the …………….it,
so I think I could see myself staying here in the future. There are lots
of awesome restaurants within ……………………of…………………. Plus, I’ve


made ……………………friends here, so it would be great to stay close to

2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Live in/ I think/ future/ there/ friend/ great/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. Which city do you want to visit?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
a sightseeing/ is definitely/ enough money/ unique London
Well the city I want to visit the most ………………..London in the UK. I’ve
been told how ………………… for ages. And honestly, if I
have…………………, I will go have ……………………trip in London right away.
A friend who’s been there told me that the Buckingham palace is a
must-see when I go there.
3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The city/ London/unique/ if/ money/ a friend/ Buckingham palace/
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. When was the last time you visit a city?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.


grow on trees/ sightseeing/ a different/ my head

Off the top of………………., the latest trip I took in ……………… was
when I went to Beijing with my friends. It was a really great
………………trip for us and we literally soaked up the culture of Beijing in
the old streets. Plus, it’s awesome that many Beijing landmarks are
free to visit. After all, money doesn’t ……………………..
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Off / head/ latest trip/ when/ Beijing/ great trip/ soak up/ culture/
awesome/ landmark/ free/ money
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Do more Vietnamese people stay in cities or stay in countryside?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Drives/ city residents/ get stuck/ the economy/ used to hear
Well, I …………………….that most of the population in Vietnam was in the
countryside, but now I’d say more Vietnamese people are
becoming………………... I think it’s mainly because ………………
changing, which ………………more people to find a job in cities rather
than staying in their hometown in rural areas. At least, most rural
youth won’t …………………….in the farms willingly.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Used to/ but now/ more VN/ city resident/ because/ change/ find
job/ rather than/ rural area
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

6. Do you like to live in a city or the countryside?
6.1. Answer the question in your own way.
6.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
your health/ accessible/ nature/ appreciate/ seeing trees
Personally, I love living in the countryside more than the city. Even
though things are more ………………… the city, it’s really great to be
close to…………………. I don’t think people ………………….that enough.
There’s something really beautiful about ………………….around, not just
buildings. Plus, the fresh air does wonders for……………….
6.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Countryside/ things/ accessible/ city/ great/ close to/ see tree/ fresh
air/ health
6.4 Outline your own answer.

6.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.


Topic 34 Sports
1. What kind of sport do you like to do in the university?
1.1. Answer the question in your own way.
1.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
playing table tennis/ at the gym/ honestly/ table tennis
Well the sport I played the most at college was……………….,
and…………………, it’s a sport everyone can play. My friends and I all
enjoyed playing it …………………when we were free. Not to blow my own
horn, but I really have a knack for…………………. My friends could barely
defeat me when we played a game
1.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Table tennis/ everyone/ play/ free/ have a knack for/barely/ defeat
1.4 Outline your own answer.

1.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

2. Do you like sports?
2.1. Answer the question in your own way.
2.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
Understanding/ reading books/ athletic person/ probably/ a couch
Personally, I don’t really like sports. It’s ……………….because I’m not the
sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to …………………..all the rules.
And… I’m also not an……………………; honestly, I’m more of……………... I
prefer …………………….or playing board games rather than watching or
playing sports.
2.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.


Don’t like/ because/ understand the rules/ athletic person/a couch

potato/ reading books/
2.4 Outline your own answer.

2.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

3. What kinds of sports are popular in Vietnam?
3.1. Answer the question in your own way.
3.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
without a doubt/ gender barriers/ to learn/ has a culture/ the main
When it comes to a popular sport in Vietnam, football is
……………………number one. I think …………………reason is that football
is very easy ………………..and has no age or……………….., so basically
everyone can play it. Plus, Vietnam ………………….of football, as our
national football team is one of the strongest in Southest Asia.

3.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.

Football/reason/ easy/no age or gender barrier/culture/national
team/ love
3.4 Outline your own answer.

3.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

4. Who is your favorite sportsman? / Who’s the most popular
sportsman in your country?
4.1. Answer the question in your own way.
4.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.


the moon/ best swimmer/ to mind/ a Asiad and Seagames medalist/

a month ago
Speaking of my favorite athlete, the first one that comes ……………….is
Anh Vien. She’s the ………………….in Vietnam and also …………………..
medalist. She swept up 8 gold medals in the Seagames…………………..,
which made fans like me over ……………………as well.
4.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
The first/ Anh Vien/ best swimmer/gold medalist/ swept up/ gold
medal/ make fans/
4.4 Outline your own answer.

4.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary.

5. Do you want to take a part in Olympics? / If you have a chance to
take a part in Olympics, will you want to join it?
5.1. Answer the question in your own way.
5.2 Fill the blanks, change the word form if necessary.
competition /cup of tea/ represent/ athletic
Well, sports really aren’t my………………., so I’m not a very
………………..person. But I really love swimming. So I guess I would join
the Olympics for the swimming ………………….if I ever had the chance. It
would be awesome to ………………….my country.
5.3 Practice speaking using the phrases suggested below.
Sports/ cup of tea/ not/ athletic/love swimming/if/ chance/
it’s/represent/ country
5.4 Outline your own answer.

5.5 Record your own answer more than once if necessary


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