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TASK 1: Fill in the blanks in opposite words.

Name: __Renzo Vargas______________

1. Happy - sad

2. Strong - weak

3. Buy - to sell

4. Expensive - cheap

5. Question - answer

6. Always - never

7. Arrive - go

8. Good - bad

9. Before - after

10. Clean - dirty

11. Open - close

12. Hot - cold

13. Start - finish

14. Fast - slow

15. Full - empty

16. Loud - silent
17. Stand - feel
18. Day - night
19. Thin - thick
20. Early - late
21. Dry - wet
22. Poor - rich
23. Young - old
24. Tall - small
25. Inside - outside
26. Easy - hard
27. Tiny - giant
28. Soft - lasted
29. Light - dark
30. First - latest ____________


sentences with an opposite word.

1. Joe is happy. - joe is sad

2. The tea is hot. - the tea is cold
3. He is tall. - he is short
4. That snail is fast. the snail is slow
5. They always go to the party. - they never go to the party

6. My dog is a good boy. - my dog is a bad boy

7. She is early at work. - she is late at work

8. That car is tiny. - that car is giant

9. Open the door. - close the door

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