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ACTIVITY 1: Change into comparative and superlative and translate the next adjectives.

Adjective comparative superlative translation.

Clean ,cold,cool,full,hard,high,long,poor,rich,short , slow, small,

small,strong,tall,warm,weak,young,bg,fat,hot,sad,angry ,dirty,cloudy,easy,early
looking,popular ,important,intelligent,terrible,wonderful.

Example sentences.

Sandra is a short girl. Adjective.

Sandra is shorter than Camila.comparative. Aquí siempre usamos la expresión THAN después
del comparativo que significa QUE para comparar.

Sandra is the shortest girl in our school. Aquí siempre usamos el articulo THE antes del
superlativo que significa el, la los, las.

Activity 2: Use the most appropriated superlative in these sentences.

1 Ours is the ------------------------building on the block. You cannot hear any noise.

2 Monkeys are the --------------------of all animals in the zoo.

3 Peter is the ------------------------boy in our classroom .he always get good grades.
Activity 3: Translate all the sentences into Spanish after completing them.
Activity 4: Reading and understanding exercise, read, translate and answer the questions.
Prepositions of time.

These prepositions are used to show the time and date when events and situations happen.

In = en o denture de, it is used in the part of the day, months, seasons, specific time of the
year, century, historical period of time.

Example: in the morning, in January, in spring and so on.

At = en, a las, it is used in a particular time in a week, calendar festival, meals, specific time of
the day.

Example: at three o clock, at the start of the day, at Christmas, at breakfast.

On= en, el, los, las it is used in the days of the week, particular time of the day, particular date,
calendar festival.

Example: on Monday, on Friday morning, on 25th July 2020, on New Year’s Eve, on mother’s

Class activity: read and complete the sentences with the prepositions in, at, on. Translate

Read the box and complete the sentences with at, or on.

A. We are going to have arts lessons ___ the morning.

B. The song festival is ___ 9:00 pm ___ Saturday and Sunday.

C. ___ the afternoon, we´re going to go to the river. We’re going to return to the camp ------
6:00 pm.

D____ night, I prefer playing games near the camp fire rather than telling stories.

E We get home on Sunday_____ 7:00pm______ the evening.

F The next school camp trip is going to be _____ June.

G ______ Saturday, we’re going to do activities at the lake, and _____ night we’re to play hide
and seek.

H I was born ____ the 14th day of May _____ 1965.

I Did you do anything special ________your party birthday?

J Our flight to London and New York leaves ______ the second day of December.

K Would you like to join us for dinner _______ Thursday afternoon?

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