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Why Are Enviromental Health Services so Important

What I know :
Kesehatan lingkungan itu berperan sangat penting dalam Kesehatan, jika lingkungan kita
bersih maka kesehatan kita akan terjaga karena di lingkungan yang bersih kuman dan bakteri
tidak bisa hidup dan berkembang, Selain itu Kebersihan merupakan sebagian dari iman di
agama islam. Saya pribadi lebih suka melihat tempat yang bersih dan rapi dibandingkan yang
berantakan. Environmental Health services are Vital to Disease control & Prevention.
Environmental health is very important at role in our health, if our environment is clean so
we will be save because in a clean environment germs and bacteria cannot live and develop.
Besides that, cleanliness is part of the faith in Islam. I personally prefer to see a clean and tidy
place than a messy place. Environmental Health services are Vital to Disease control &

What I want to know :

Terkadang tempat yang bersih belum tentu terbebas dari kuman dan bakteri, bagaimana itu
bisa terjadi ?
Sometimes a clean place is not necessarily free from germs and bacteria, how can that be?

What I learned :
When an outbreaks occurs, epidemiology, laboratory, environmental health is work together
to stop and control the disease. Epidemiology focus on the host, laboratorians focus on the
agent and then environmental health specialist focus on the environment. The disease
causation triad becomes a disease Prevention shield, keeping agents from moving through the
environment to reach the host. Environmental Health Services Answer HOW and WHY a
disease occurs, Recommend actions to STOP outbreaks and PREVENT future ones, Shield
hosts from harmful agents through environmental controls.

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