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Theory of Universal Human Needs

by  Simon Hertnon

January 2005

 The theory
 Nautilus diagram of the theory
 Translations (6)

Even simpler than Abraham Maslow's 5-tier Hierarchy of Needs, and Clayton Alderfer's 3-
part ERG Theory, myTheory of Universal Human Needs has just two types of need: survival
and betterment.

Whenever the four survival needs are met, humans attempt to satisfy their four betterment
needs, which are the needs we must satisfy to improve the quality of our existence. Satisfying
the first two produces transitoryhappiness. Satisfying the last two produces
lastingcontentment for the individual and contributes directly to the 'ongoing survival of the

When perspective and historical context is added to the mix, two important insights come to
light. First, our betterment needs ultimately make us better at surviving. And second, without
recognition of our ultimate goal (to contribute to the ongoing survival of our species), most of
us whose survival needs are met are subsequently left goalless.

Unlike a focused subsistence farmer, appreciative of food eaten and days survived, we wake
up each day unsure of what we should be doing. And our natural motivation for 'better' — so
long as we fail to understand it — is easily manipulated into an insatiable want for 'more',
which leaves us perpetually dissatisfied and frustrated. We wantfame, to be known by many;
we need the love and the respect of a few. So how do most of us spend our time? Climbing
ladders away from our family and friends.

We over-consume to our everyday detriment, each item devaluing the others we already have
so we feel poorand cluttered. And we produce so much unnecessary waste that we are
degrading our own (and only) environment. Unchecked, we will push ourselves back to
subsistence living.

In other words, we (the wealthiest, most privileged humans of all time) are muddling up our
own lives and, increasingly, the lives of others. We have, surely, misread the instructions.

As the Chilean economist Manfred Max-Neef points out, human needs are few, finite, and
classifiable. It is in the infinite ways that we satisfy those needs that the diversity, wastage,
and muddle occurs. But to improve the quality of our 'satisfiers' — the disparate acts we
perform to satisfy our needs — first requires us to understand our universal needs and the
fundamental goal they innately motivate us to achieve: ongoing survival of our truly
incredible species.

  Simon Hertnon's Theory of Universal Human Needs


Individual 1. Physical well-being 5. More respect from others

2. Mental well-being 6. More self-esteem

GOAL Existence Happiness (to feel good about being


Species 3. A safe and healthy environment 7. Appreciation of 'life' and all that you have

4. Reproduction or limiting reproduction 8. Doing good deeds (helping others to

satisfy their unmet needs)

GOAL Survival of the species Contentment (and ongoing survival of

the species)

In each of the four sectors, the first need is a pre-requisite of the second need.
1, 2. Sufficient physical and mental health, food and water, safety and security,
structure and belongingness, love and respect from others, and self-esteem, to
be alive and to want to stay alive.
5, 6. How much 'more' appears to depend on both our individual personalities
and characteristics (nature) and our experiences and environment (nurture).
There are many more relationships between the eight needs and four goals that
are too difficult to portray via a two-dimensional (flat) table. For this reason I
have developed, with the help of graphic designer Jeroen ten Berge, the  nautilus
diagram of the theorywhich I encourage you to read, reflect on, and criticize.

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