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Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Define human flourishing;

2. Explain the pillar of Well-being Theory; and
3. Identify different conception of human flourishing.


The understanding of Science, Technology and Society will be further

understood if we can grasp the nature of human being, his needs, and how to
cater to these needs.


According to Aristotle, man is defined as a rational animal because he can

think and use reason consistently. He is a creature whose destiny is to live in the
spiritual world and physical world. He is made up of a material body and spiritual
soul.(Younkins 2003)

Characteristics of Humans that Evolved Over Time

Human characteristics evolved over time brought about by several factors

like changes in the environment, increased knowledge and culture adaptation.
These characteristics include:

1. Walking upright- the early records of humanity showed that humans

evolved from four- legged species to walking upright individuals. The
changes in the physical characteristics of humans were brought about by
adaptation to the changing environment.

2. Use of different tools- as humans need to survive, their various activities

such as hunting and fishing to provide a wide range of food supply led to
advances in tools and tool-making.

3. Domestication of animals –the early humans who were hunters and

gatherers started domesticating animals. They settled in one place,
learned to tame animals and domesticate them.

4. Changes in Human body- human body changes to helped them survive

in hot and cold climates.

 Short bodies and long guts (6 million years ago) The earliest
human species were small and usually had long arms and
short legs. Since most of the food that human consumed
were plant-based, this required a large digestive tract.
 Tall bodies and short gut (9million years ago) Some humans
adapted to hot climate s, they evolved narrow bodies that
helped them stay cool.
 Compact bodies (400,000 years ago) As humans moved to
colder climates, their bodies needed to adapt to help them
stay warm.
 Bones were smooth and weaker. 50,000 years ago, when
human activities become less physically demanding and diet
5. Complexity of brain –the new challenges that humans faced as the
environment changes contributed to the evolution of the bigger human
bodies, larger and more complex human brains that can process and store
a lot of information.

Flourishing- a state where people experience positive emotions, positive

psychological functioning and positive social functioning, most of the time living
within an optimal range of human functioning.

Human Flourishing- an effort to achieve self- actualization and fulfillment within

the context of a larger community of individuals, each with the right to pursue his
or her own such effort.

Eudaimonia- there is an end to all the actions that we perform which we desire
for ourselves.

Well-Being Theory

Formulated by Martin E. Seligma, stated that human flourishing is not only

focused on the happiness of individuals alone but also in psychological well-
being. Human flourishing rests on five pillars,namely:

1. Positive Emotion- includes pleasure, rapture, ecstasy, warmth, comfort

and other emotions that contribute to the pleasant life. Emotion is an
affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the

like, is experienced as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of


2. Engagement – This is about flow: being one with the music, time stopping
and the loss of self-consciousness during absorbing activity which
contribute to engaged life.

3. Relationships – Human evolution could also be related to the positive

relationship with other people, as other people are also part of the
environment where humans adaptation.

4. Meaning- A meaningful life is based on man’s value or worth.

5. Accomplishment – defined as something that is successful.

Accomplishment is often pursued for its own sake, even when it brings no
positive emotion, no meaning and nothing in the way of positive


Answer the following questions:

1. What do you value most in your life? How does this contribute to
happiness and meaning in your life?

2. What are your indicators of success in life?

3. List down the important things in your life and categorize them based on
your priority.

4. What role do your relationship with others have in the development of

meaning in your life?


What brings meaning and purpose in life?



Record your thoughts on what you have learned in human flourishing and
compose a poem.


Deci, EL and Ryan, R.M.(2008).Hedonia, eudaimonnia, and well-being: An

Intorduction Journal of Happiness Studies 9:1-11

Loyola Marymont University. Educating for intellectual virtues. John

Templon Foundation

Maboloc, C.R. (2010) Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing in Ethics and

Human Dignity.Rex Book store, Manila. Pp15-23

Younkins, Dr. E. (2003) Aristotle, Human Flourishing, and Limited State.

Le Que becois Libre Nov.133(2003)

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