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Cyrie Marie P.

Ocale BEEd-2B

2.2.1 Heredity: Inheritance and Diversification


Directions: Choose one from the activities and accomplish it before proceeding to the
discussions. Your option should complement the available resources you have. For your answer or
output, use a SCRATCH PAPER. Make sure to write your name, year & section, date and unit
number with prelecture activity letter of your option (either A, B, C or D). Output in all activities
should be submitted either at the respective LGU kiosk, or via Facebook messenger group (EEd4)
chat or email, send it to

C. Ask you parent if you have a heritable disease. Trace which family side has this disease.

 My mother says that I have a heritable disease which are a weak heart disease. This disease
came from my mother side.


Answer the following questions which correspond to the activity you had earlier. Write your answer on

For Activity C

1. How did you say that the trait is heritable? Which family side has this blood line?

 I can say that the trait is heritable because my mother inherited this trait from his mother which
her children were also inherited that trait. My mother side has this blood line.

Comprehension Check
What is cell division?

 Cell devision is making new cells. A single cell divides to make two cells and these two cells then
divide to make four cells, and so on. We call this process cell division because new cells are
formed when old cells divide. The ability of cells to divide is unique for living organisms.

Critical Thinking
 How will you relater meiosis to variations of organisms on earth?

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B

 Variation of organism on earth is like meiosis which is there also A

reduction of organism because of its habitat.


DIRECTIONS: Choose one among the application activities below. Your option choose
complement the available learning resources you have. Please use a SCRATCH PAPER for your
task accomplishment. Your may submit your output to your respective kiosk via FB messenger
group chat or send it to my email at

B. Search for pictures of your favorite TV artists and observe closely to their faces. Determine
who among them manifest the Mendelian Human Traits. Be guided by the matrix below in doing
this task.

Note: Just check on the appropriate column. Add names, as many as you want.

Name of your Dimple Cleft chain Free Earlobe Attached Widow's

Idols Earlobe Peak
Kim Chiu  
Nadine Lustre 
Sarah Geronimo  
Maymay Entrata  
Edward Barbers  
Andrea Brillantes  
James Reid   
Liza Soberano 

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B


DIRECTIONS: Do the following assessment tasks/exercises. Use a SCRATCH PAPER for your task
accomplishment. Your may submit your output to your respective kiosk via FB messenger group
chat or send it to my email at

A.Which among the following supports best the Mendelian principles of heredity? Choose as
many as you want. Justify your answer by writing 5-10 sentence.

1. In a test cross, the result will always give you 3:1 ratio.

2. The traits of both parents may coexist thus, the traits are both manifested Eeephenotypically.

3.A trait can either be dominant or recessive.

4.A trait may not be manifested in the offspring in the first generation.

5.The genes of a parent is segregated and assorted independently in the gametes.

6. The traits of parents are never observed in the offspring because it dies the moment it carries
the gene.

 I choose number 1, 3 and 4. Because in mendelian principles of heredity traits were not blended
but remained distinct in subsequent generations.

B. Illustrate the stages of meiosis and give emphasis on the stage(s) which contribute(s) to the
variations of species of plants and animals. For the description of your illustration, please just
put a box below each stage and write there your description.

Stages Description

Interphase Replication of DNA in preparation for meiosis. After replication,

each chromosome becomes a structure comprising 2 identical
Prophase I The chromosomes condense into visible X shaped structures that
can be easily seen under a microscope, and homologous
chromosomes pair up.
Metaphase I Paired chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell.
Anaphase I The pairs of chromosomes separate and move to opposing poles.
Either one of each pair can go to either pole.
Telophase I Nuclear membranes reform. Cell divides and 2 daughter cells are
formed, each with 23 chromosomes.
Prophase II There are now 2 cells. DNA does not replicate again.

Metaphase II Individual chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell.

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B

Anaphase II The chromosome copies (chromatids) separate and move to

opposing poles.

2.2.2 Evolution and Biodiversity


Directions: Choose one from the activities and accomplish it before proceeding to the
discussions. Your option should complement the available resources you have. For your
answer or output, use a SCRATCH PAPER. Make sure to write your name, year & section,
date and unit number with prelecture activity letter of your option (either A, B or C).

A. Go to your backyard or garden or farm and count the number of plants and animals
that your eyes can notice. Make a table where column A contains names and number of
plants while column B contains names and numbers of animals.



Answer the following questions which correspond to the activity you had earlier. Write your
answer on a SCRATCH PAPER.

For Activity A

1. How many plants & animals have you identified?

 I have identified 40 plants and 23 animals.

2. What similarities & differences have you observed? Enumerate.

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B

 Similarities: color, there differences are the size, skin/texture and shape.

3. Explain your observation on their similarities & differences?

 In plants they are the same color in terms of their leaves but they are different in a way of there
size because they are big and small and also the shape. In animals they are different in their
texture because of their hair.


DIRECTIONS: Choose one among the application activities below. Please use a SCRATCH PAPER
for your task accomplishment.

C. List down at most 5 news about destruction of biodiversity, explain the reason for this
happenings and include environmental effects. An example of happening is provided in
number 1. For your activity accomplishment, be guided by the matrix below:

Biodiversity destruction Reason(s) Results (Effects to the

based on news environment)
 The reason is the human  Accelerating
activity, especially clearing Biodiversity Loss
1.Forest Fire in lands for farming.  Climate change
Amazon  Deforestation
 Endangering health
2.Flood  Climate change may also cause  carry soil away from
floods by shifting the pattern valuable farming land.
of the jet stream.  Floods can also
contaminate drinking
water and lead to

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B

3. Climate change  Global warming  endangering the
 Greenhouse effect survival of the Earth’s
flora and fauna,
including human beings.
4.Over exploitation  Overhunting  Soil erosion
 overfishing and ;  put a number of
 over-harvesting threatened and
endangered species at
risk for extinction.
5. Pollution  Burning of fossil fuels  Kills aquatic animals
(releasing dangerous chemicals
into the atmosphere and, in
some cases, depleting ozone

DIRECTIONS: Choose two from the following assessment tasks/exercises. Use a SCRATCH PAPER for
your task accomplishment.

A. True or False: Determine whether the statement is true or false; write T if it is true otherwise,
write false. In addition, justify your answer by providing one sentence for each item.

1. Evolution helps us explain the origin of life on earth.

 T. It is true because evolution is the changes in human generation that can help us where we
came from.

2. Humans evolved from apes.

 F. Because Of the idea of Charles Darwin, who published a book entitled “The Origin of
Species” in 1859, he has given emphasis on the idea of ’descent with modification’ and
not the idea that we came from ape.

3. Natural Selection can either contribute to the development of better species or death of the

 T. It is true because natural selection is not only for the development of better species italso
make some of the species in danger because of the lack of habitat.

4. Sponges and echinoderms are relatives.

 T. They both possess collagenous tissues with adaptable viscoelastic properties.

5. Organisms can be categorized into unicellular or multicellular.

 T. Because all organism has it own kingdom some of them has muticellular. Like ant and some
of them are unicellular

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B

C. List down at most 5 living things that are familiar to you. In addition, describe these living things the
way you know them and categorize them based on the discussions we had earlier. Lastly, follow the
matrix below for your task accomplishment.

Organism Description Category (kingdom)

1. Dog a highly variable domestic Animalia
mammal, closely related to the
gray wolf.
2. Cat a carnivorous mammal long Animalia
domesticated as a pet and for
catching rats and mice
3. Carabao any of various hollow-horned Animalia
ruminant mammals related to
the sheep but of lighter build
and with backwardly arching
horns, a short tail, and usually
straight hair
4. Cow the mature female of cattle Animalia
5. Monkey a nonhuman primate mammal Animalia
with the exception usually of
the lemurs and tarsiers

2.2.3 Ecosystem: Food Chain, Energy Level, and Biological Interactions


Directions: Choose one from the activities and accomplish it before proceeding to the discussions.
Your option should complement the available resources you have. For your answer or output, use a

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B

SCRATCH PAPER. Make sure to write your name, year & section, date and unit number with pre-lecture
activity letter of

A. Identify any interaction among the living and non-living things that you see in your surroundings.
Explain the possible reason that can help you explain why they need to interact with each other.

 The flower and soil which is the flower take vitamins from the soil.


Answer the following questions which correspond to the activity you had earlier. Write your answer on a

For Activity A

1. Based on the interaction you have identified, do you think it benefits or harms the other organism?

 I think it benefits the other organisms like the bee, they can eat flowers.

2. Do these organisms always interact with each other? Why do you think so?

 I think they always interact to each other. In order to survive in there life.

Critical Thinking

Based on the above illustrated ecosystem, list down at most five (5) living things and explain how their
lives are sustained by the abiotic factors.

 Deer, frog, turtle, eagle, Fish.

 Abiotic factor sustained the living organism in a way that they can give the energy like the
sun, it gives them shelter. So that they can survive on there lives.


Choose one among the application activities below. Your option should complement the available
resources. Please use a SCRATCH PAPER for your task accomplishment.

B. Create a matrix of your meal; take note of the food you will be eating. Do this in three (3) days.
Follow the format below:

Day Food in Meal Your nutritive level

Break fast Lunch Snack (if any) Dinner 80%
1 Coffee and Rice and Rice and
bread fish vegetable
2 Rice and egg Rice and Bananaque Rice and 80%

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B

vegetable chicken
Coffee Rice and Rice and 75 %
dried fish fish


DIRICTION: Do the following assessment tasks/exercises. Use a SCRATCH PAPER for your task

A. Refer to Figure 16 in page 66 and identify at most 5 biotic and 5 abiotic factors and
describe their interaction and determine the purpose of their interaction.

Refer to the matrix below for your output:

Biotic Factor Abiotic another biotic factor Description & purpose of

Frog Water and frog The frog needs water Because it
is where they fertilize eggs.
Deer Gas and deer Deer needs gas for the oxygen
so that they can survive.
Turtle Water and turtle Turtle needs water because it is
the primary source of there
Grass Grass and soil The grass needs soil for the
Fish Water and fish The fish needs water because it
serve as there shelter.

B. Supply Test: Complete the statements below by supplying appropriate word(s).

1. An organism may survive in a habitat when it

2. The secondary consumer is the prey of a carnivorous organism whose trophic level is tertiary.

3. If the secondary consumer will be gone, the population of primary consumer will increase.

4. The role of decomposers is to breaking down the dead organisms in a food chain.

5. Symbiosis is a biological interaction of Community.

C. True or False: Determine whether the statement in each item is true or false and justify your
answer by providing 1 or 2 sentences for each.

Cyrie Marie P. Ocale BEEd-2B

1. Living things alone can survive.

 False, Because all living things depend on their environment to supply them with what they
need, including food, water, and shelter..And also species cannot live alone. All life needs other
life to survive.

2. Because gas is not seen by your unaided eye, it does not help you survive.

 False, because gas is the primary needs of livings because without gas we cannot live.

3. Plants are the only kinds of primary producers in the food chain.

 False, because there was also fungi and bacteria as serve primary source

4.Parasitism is the only symbiosis that is designated by +/ — symbols.

 False, because there are also the Predation And hervivory that is designated by +/- symbol.

5. A decomposer is only found at the end of the food chain.

 True. Decomposers like fungi and bacteria complete the food chain. They turn organic wastes,
such as decaying plants, into inorganic materials, such as nutrient-rich soil.


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